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Poland's virginity market

szczecinianin  4 | 317  
6 Jan 2014 /  #1
An article about young women selling their virginity over the internet.

"Why did you decide to sell your virginity? I'm twenty-one year's old and I live in Poland. I study at weekends and work in a shopping center. I earn one-and-a-half thousand PLN a month (400 EUR). It isn't easy for me to support myself in a big city. And it's not as if I'm going to get any money from my parents."


Is this common? Are the people concerned telling the truth? Is this something to be discouraged or should everyone simply be free to do as they please with their own bodies including selling them to the highest bidder?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 Jan 2014 /  #2
Is this common in Poland?

Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 Jan 2014 /  #4
I observe the market and haven't come across.
OP szczecinianin  4 | 317  
6 Jan 2014 /  #5
The virginity market in Poland?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 Jan 2014 /  #6
general market
6 Jan 2014 /  #7
An article about young women selling their virginity over the internet. Is this common?

Only Jewish women sell their viriginity like this.
Barney  19 | 1763  
6 Jan 2014 /  #8
Christ on a horse, are you scraping the bottom of the barrel for every story.

Jesus, english (as foreign) language papers are generally trash but that takes some beating. Are there no stories about how no one speaks English in the town hall or how things are better back home?
6 Jan 2014 /  #9
Interesting that the article is based on a piece in Poland's premier newspaper, but for some reason Barney ignores that fact and tries to yet again have a pop at the English.....
Paulina  19 | 4558  
6 Jan 2014 /  #10
Only Jewish women sell their viriginity like this.



Interesting that the article is based on a piece in Poland's premier newspaper, but for some reason Barney ignores that fact and tries to yet again have a pop at the English.....

Harry, I think it's more about szczecinianin's recent choice of stories.
He probably wants to stir up, just like Polonius3 did.
That's why I think I'm going to stay away from his threads from now on. Don't feed the troll, people.
McDouche  6 | 282  
6 Jan 2014 /  #11
Only Jewish women sell their viriginity like this.

Nope. The overwhelming majority of young Jewish women nowadays are highly educated and have careers. They have no need to sell their virginity to help support themselves.
jon357  72 | 23706  
6 Jan 2014 /  #12
Interesting that the article is based on a piece in Poland's premier newspaper,


People do this stuff round the world. Poland's appallingly named 'sponsoring' (a misunderstanding of the real meaning of the word) does however mean that this happens there.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
6 Jan 2014 /  #13
Nowhere does it say that the girls interviewed are Jews. So, where do you get that idea from?

Must also admit, I have never previously heard of this site that carries the story. I assume it's a local blog of some kind: sz-n.com/2014/01/polish-virginity-for-sale/

I could not find the GW article about Polish women, but I think I did stumble upon a story about women doing it from at least one other country. It may or may not be true, but I suppose probability suggests it does happen.
OP szczecinianin  4 | 317  
6 Jan 2014 /  #14
Jesus, english (as foreign) language papers are generally trash but that takes some beating. Are there no stories about how no one speaks English in the town hall or how things are better back home?

Do you speak Polish, Barney, or only English?

Harry is right, the story was taken from Poland's leading (liberal) newspaper.

I could link to this for your benefit, but you don't understand Polish, do you.

So, basically, Barney, you are following the far-right narrative of the likes of Ironside, that there is a Jewish/Communist elite dominating the media, intent on crushing Polish patriots.

Just like with the Panorama programme.

I have an easy, free and daily translation service, you also assume that the only papers that pick up local stories are niche market expat ones like your own, that is not true.

In that case, get your 'free translation service' to explain this article to you.

I'm looking for a man who wants to experience love for the first time with me. Price 50 thousand PLN" - on online portals you will find hundreds of similar items. Why do young girls want to sell a virginity?
"20-year-old girl from Warsaw sell well maintained man up to 40 her virginity. Appearance: green-eyed blonde slim 168 cm, 52 kg weight. Attractive, slim.

Everything you say about the expat papers must also logically be true of Gazeta Wyborcza and their readership. (It was their most read article over the New Year).

Your problem, Barney, as both myself and Harry have observed, is not with 'content', but rather with the nationality of those providing the content. Would it change your perceptions were you to learn that the writers were Polish and Norwegian rather than English?

SZ you are obsessed with my Nationality (you called another a thick mick) I speak English and rightly criticise the woeful standards of expat papers. It doesnt follow that my criticism of your publication can also be applied to the source paper as explained above.

If an article in a Polish language and English language publication are practically identical, then you can either criticise both or neither.

If you (illogically) choose to have a go at one, but not the other, then you can be accused of prejudice.

You criticise 'expats' writing news in English, when all they are doing is making Polish news accessible to individuals such as yourself who can't speak Polish.

It looks very much like a case of 'shooting the messenger', doesn't it.
Vincent  8 | 801  
6 Jan 2014 /  #15
szczecinianin, I think it would be a good idea, when posting a link to your blog/newspaper, to also provide a link to the media source where the original article came from. Please do this in your first post when starting a new thread.
OP szczecinianin  4 | 317  
6 Jan 2014 /  #16
I'll make a few points about the article.

Obviously, we're on the lookout for things in the Polish media that are attracting attention, but are not accessible to English-speaking readers.

This happened to be the 'most read' in Poland over the new year.

The article is not 'anti-Polish' as it was written originally by a Pole, and published in a Polish newspaper. Therefore, to claim this, you would have to imagine that the author, the newspaper and its readership were, for some reason or other, anti-themselves.

It is just a 'human interest' story (the same thing happens in other countries, no-one is claiming it's an exclusively Polish phenomenon).

And about linking to our blog.

If people don't like the stories, then don't click on them and ignore the thread.

If the mods don't like me doing this, then I'll stop doing it.

But I don't see the harm in it. It gives us traffic, as well as providing content for Polish Forums.

I'd suggest it's a lot better than many of the threads discussing 'the Joos', Asians looking for Polish girls, and 'strange' Serbian nationalist threads by Crow.
Vincent  8 | 801  
6 Jan 2014 /  #17
The article is not 'anti-Polish' as it was written originally by a Pole, and published in a Polish newspaper

It shouldn't be too much trouble to add a link then, after all you are translating it into English.

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