markskibniewski 3 | 200
14 Jan 2012 / #181
I think that's the great fallacy here - that getting married makes you more moral.
Not exactly what I said .. I said that marriage is a positive thing.
It wouldn't changed anything if they suddenly married. Whoever thinks otherwise is delusional.
To think that kids are not given a more stable environment in a relationship between a married man and women vs. an unmarried couple is dillusional.
You can honestly say that if/when you have children you would not want them to get married and have your grandkids. Take religion out of the equation. You would want your kids to just shack up with someone and have a couple of bastards out of wedlock. That is ridiculous.
This is a staggering statement. The problem is that who are you to decide whether my relationship with my partner is any more or less moral than anyone else's?
Where did you get this from??? I merely stated that marriage is a positive thing.
If you are referring to my second statement. I would think that this would be common sense. I don't go around killing everyone I have a problem with. Morrally wrong. I don't go around stealing from anyone. Morally wrong. I don't go around banging my neighbors wife. Morally wrong. (not criminal but it should be)