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Spanish guy trying to get a Polish girl - her parents prefer guys form Poland?

31 Aug 2006 /  #1
Whats good peeps. I have a question for ya'll.

Hi. I'm a spanish guy, and I'm tryna get at this polish girl. We like eachother, and all that good stuff. But her cousin has told me that her parents prefer polish guys to get with them. So idk what to do. Like imagine if i ever meet them and they act like assholes Lol, cuz i know me and her are gonna have something serious going on. So what would be the best thing to do? should i just be her friend? or get with her? But I can't be her friend cuz i like her so much and she does too. So idk im freaking confused. I dont want her family to be looking at me all weird and shit if yall know what i mean, cuz i dont like being under a racist athmosphere while socializing with people. Any advice or feedback would be apreciated.

krysia  23 | 3058  
1 Sep 2006 /  #2
dont like being under a racist athmosphere

maybe this isn't the best place for you?

If you guys tryna be together and love each other, then who cares what others are saying and tryna do. Go for it, man. Life is too short. Tryna to let others tell you what to do. it's your life not theirs.
OP WarLord  
1 Sep 2006 /  #3
maybe this isn't the best place for you?

What do you mean by that? like around her fam? Well I mean, I know there gonna be a bit racist or w/e or probably they wont show it, but it wouldnt bother me at all, Cuz all I care about is her. Yeah, I said I wouldnt like being under a racist athmosphere Cuz family is important to me, and that would probably be future family? Thanks for your advice tho Krysia, it helped me a lot.
krysia  23 | 3058  
1 Sep 2006 /  #4

maybe this isn't the best place for you?

I meant this forum, Warlord. As a joke. Don't take it personally.

I have some Mexican friends, Tony and Elizabeth, 4 children. Very nice people.
My friends in California adopted two children from Mexico.
It's not where you're from, but who you are.
But you have to understand, that the older generation is not used to this. You will have to convince them that you love their daughter and that she will be happy with you.

Because they worry.
2 Sep 2006 /  #5
hey, warlord who gives a flying f@@## what her parents think/if you like her go for it,like kyrisa said if you show her love affection thats all that counts, Yadadameeeeeeennnnnn......
polaca  1 | 76  
4 Sep 2006 /  #6
warlord I think her parents should meet u and see that u realy love their daughter.
U know...in poland spanish men havent good opinion....for parents.
For polish people spanish man is a nice, good-looking guy who change girlfriends VERY often.
Maybe thats the problem.
OP WarLord  
8 Sep 2006 /  #7
Thanks for your advice Polaca. Yeah I know what your saying about changin girlfriends etc..But I'm taking this girl serious, maybe even marrie her in the future. :) :)..
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
8 Sep 2006 /  #8

Your age, background and willingness to meet her parents might help. If they meet you and like you then things will be easier. Her mum and dad will be thinking of her education and a secure future. It's up to you to show that you really care.
OP WarLord  
8 Sep 2006 /  #9
Yeah, true. I mean I do care a lot about her like a lot man shes everything to me etc. But how can I show her parents that I care about her if I ever meet them? Although the only obstacle that I see right now Is her parents. I hope they like me cuz Im spanish.
opts  10 | 260  
8 Sep 2006 /  #10
Ok WarLord.

This is what you do. Because you are Spanish, and you want your girlfriend’s Polish parents to like you.

1. Buy your girlfriend an engagement ring, spend at least $2000, so her parents will know that you have money, and Poles like round figures.
2. Set a wedding date.
3. Buy your future mother-in-law a bouquet of roses.
4. Buy your future father-in-law nice horse, Polish men like horses.
5. Put on your best 3-piece suit.
6. Arrive at your girlfriend’s parent’s house on the horse, dressed in a nice suit, with the engagement ring and the bouquet of roses, face your girlfriend’s parents and announce your intentions to them.

7. Good luck. : P

May the force be with you.
8 Sep 2006 /  #11
1. Buy your girlfriend an engagement ring, spend at least $2000, so her parents will know that you have money, and Poles like round figures.

Lol. I would add:

1a. Buy an engagement ring, but spend $300 :).
krysia  23 | 3058  
8 Sep 2006 /  #12
Arrive at your girlfriend’s parent’s house on the horse

But make sure it's a fast horse when her parents start chasing you with a frying pan!
opts  10 | 260  
8 Sep 2006 /  #13
OP WarLord  
9 Sep 2006 /  #14
Lmfaoo. Ya'll funny. I whon't have to do all that. Thats prety dumb.(no ofense) Ill find a way to handle the situation.
opts  10 | 260  
9 Sep 2006 /  #15
I am not offended. That’s the Polish way. :)
9 Sep 2006 /  #16
opts, i guess youre ok.
zikus  1 | 3  
22 Feb 2010 /  #17
he cant buy ring with 3OoO because spain has big economic problem
now zapatero dont have 3000 heheheheheh
Ogien  5 | 237  
24 Feb 2010 /  #18
WarLord, do you mean you're Latin?

Ethnic Spanish people are white people from Spain...

If you're not white, please stay away from white girls.
24 Feb 2010 /  #19
Spanish guy trying to get a Polish girl...

I just wonder what's wrong with Spanish girls?

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