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Problem with a brutal American guy (now I live in Poland)

15 Jan 2012 /  #61
No, since I realised pûrno links with my Polish address are sent to me ( with some photos of strange American women there ), those e-mails are not private any more. I did it, 'cause of the defence.

Yes, this thread and things related with that guy will end up in the court, you are right.
This is only the forum.
f stop  24 | 2493  
15 Jan 2012 /  #62
wow, she does have a jewish agenda, or anti-jewish, or just in desperate need of some attention, agenda. Midas, you might have been right (if that's what you were trying to say).
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
15 Jan 2012 /  #63
F-Stop you do realize that there are Jewish-Americans who do have a hatred of Poland because of the Holocaust Industry. It is highly plausible, if the e-mail posted above is genuine, that the OP's persecutor who claims Palestinians are being taught "lies" that make them hate (as if the truth about their dispossession at the hands of European invaders wasn't enough to generate hatred!) may feel righteous in harrassing a woman who is a member of another "anti-Semitic" nation.
15 Jan 2012 /  #64
I am afraid, I can't talk more about that.
Midas  1 | 571  
15 Jan 2012 /  #65
F-Stop you do realize that there are Jewish-Americans who do have a hatred of Poland because of the Holocaust Industry

And there are Polish people in Poland who think Jedwabne was the best thing since sliced bread.

So what?

I'm not a big fan of "pay me 'cause I'm Jewish".

or anti-jewish

He/she keeps changing the story ( notice the human trafficking bit has been gone for quite some time now after people commented it was ridiculous ) which becomes less and less coherent every time it is repeated until the only thing that is supposed to be left for memory is the "message" ( in this case: "Jews/American Jews are evil ).

Nothing new, really.
15 Jan 2012 /  #66
a comment to your e-mail:

I take it only as a Polish woman: that person to me will do everything what possible to cause devastation & wreak havoc in my life.

This is what I feel.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
15 Jan 2012 /  #67
Either it is one of those threads in which you're supposed to forget everything quickly and just walk away with one bit of information ( in this case that Jewish/Jewish-American guys are pure evil and involved in human trafficking ) or the girl has serious paranoia.

This is a false dichotomy. Circumspect readers will "walk away" with neither a gross anti-Semitic generalization nor a patronizing dismissal of the OP.
16 Jan 2012 /  #68
The problem is that I cry every day -for me it's a stress to go the Police and show those links - I am not his girlfriend and he knows that, I am crying and suffering, his friends know that too. And they will do nothing to ease the pain, he takes joy in torturing me and I was suicidal few times because it's a missile attack to the woman moral integrity.

This is a beast.
I don't wanna get any extra education in West if that creates such monsters, my all plans have ruined because i started to believe I am worse, I am "Polak".

It's human trafficking. If someone looks at the mirror and see a wreck because of someone who is living on the other side of the world and sort of making plan how to torture you on-line or in the real world.

And maybe it sounds like a mess, it doesn't matter.
My mother worked hard and she died because she wanted me to achieve something, she died working for me to get education and some credentials and many people in London gave me great references from the work places, and two years ago he got back into my life and sometimes I feel I only deserve to be shovelled the grave next to her.

this is not my boyfriend.

I am sorry.
I will just continue to believe in people and the world around and find my way to understand why he is doing that.
I am a grown-up woman.
Midas  1 | 571  
16 Jan 2012 /  #69
This is a false dichotomy. Circumspect readers will "walk away" with neither a gross anti-Semitic generalization nor a patronizing dismissal of the OP.

Because you said so, right.

I am a grown-up woman.

Start acting like one. Also see a doctor.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
16 Jan 2012 /  #70
And there are Polish people in Poland who think Jedwabne was the best thing since sliced bread.

Jedwabne is sham !

He/she keeps changing the story

Most likely he/she is either a troll or mental or both.

"American Jews are evil ).

Same are, so what ?
16 Jan 2012 /  #71
The doctor and the Police are the must. No fear.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
16 Jan 2012 /  #72
European invaders

southern  73 | 7059  
16 Jan 2012 /  #73
She sounds like that American girl Allison.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
16 Jan 2012 /  #74

The Ashkenazim who set up the Zionist entity in Palestine are from Europe.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
16 Jan 2012 /  #75
The problem is that I cry every day -for me it's a stress to go the Police and show those links.

I think you are taking this all way out there too..

if you believe someone can torture you online, you need to get some serious help. I would forget going to
the police and see a pschiatrist.. feken a Girl get a grip already.. you are making yourself believe all of this,
we are getting bits and pieces, and cant fully understand the whole mess you have going on there, but
I can tell your putting this on yourself.. you want help, but you dont want help.. then your talking about links
have you ever seen him do something bad?? I get links like that too, I just click on something else,, believe it
or not your polish sites put all that bullcrap on my webrowsing.. anytime you click on something it shows

you need to get a grip, be strong, so what if he is a million miles away, then you dont have to worry right??
I think your creating your own drama,, cause its kinda extreme.. if he is that bad then stay away, WTH
and why do you call yourself a polak you brain wash yourself into all of it.

all that stuff my eyes were crossing.. I mean come on.. either Shyt or get off the pot so to speak <~meaning
do something about it!
southern  73 | 7059  
16 Jan 2012 /  #76
Out is pure phantasy.This US girl Allison who writes a fiction novel wants stuff by getting audience reaction.
FoundBenek  - | 5  
16 Jan 2012 /  #77
I've seen the therapist,
She said that I am normal woman, the problem is that someone betrayed my trust and I suffer from humiliation.
Probably also when I met that man in 2001 and it was my first experience of living abroad, I wanted to stay there, to finish some studies and he got into my way. I am also scared of his influence in my life, specially that he managed to find me 10 years later in London, for nothing. For fun. I trusted again and he betrayed me.

He also seems to her incredibly selfish - playing with women' lives the way "he likes it". It's against our culture in here but also it can be the personality, that hurt me.

Some people are more sensitive, some less and have "thick skin".

I don't come from a violent background, he probably does.

The links are disgusting. she suggested not to get to the court or the police - the level of abuse with my name and address is so high that any meeting with that person can be harmful for now.

it's the unfortunate event, very bad coincidence - but nothing wrong with me.

she said that her daughter wfter seeing anything like that, would probably cry and couldn't sleep. becuase he is causing distress more than anything else. I am normal.

I feel injustice but she has also explained to me that
e may have problems himself, addictions or others that I don't know. America is not the same as central Poland.

I feel better, gained some respect. I think that's what it is. The therapist was just a normal woman, seeing things as they are. She didn;t offend me, I am capable to work, drive the car, have my own life, apparently I am quite intelligent and it's better to seperate from such people, not even try to understand them. it's pointless. it can be, more than anything, just the awful character, as people have such sometimes. I don;t know what's going over there, on the other side of the globe.

it was pragmatic and made sense what she said.

thanx anyone who decided not to be indiffirent to that, compromitising to me, case.

I am sorry about the comparison between america or poland - I didn;t mean to offend anyone, the way I was explained the situation was that the cultural componenet how people see the way you live, just can be very different.

there can be more freedom with saying what you mean, very straightforward, without any hesitation, which is not the component of sort of still controlled Poland.

I don't understand anyway but rather have a good therapist and deal with grieving after my mother's lost and others than discussing with you,

I am also getting the first task done for the next week before I contact Police - to get the t-shirt done with the written sign "I don't mind getting humiliated" :-)

I think this is ok :-)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
16 Jan 2012 /  #78
check narcissism. The guy seems to have all the traits.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
16 Jan 2012 /  #79
I am also getting the first task done for the next week before I contact Police

you write this.. but before this you wrote.

[quote=FoundBenek]she suggested not to get to the court or the police - the level of abuse with my name and address is so high that any meeting with that person can be harmful for now.

then you wrote:

I feel better, gained some respect. I think that's what it is.

after this you write:

to get the t-shirt done with the written sign "I don't mind getting humiliated" :-)
I think this is ok :-)


a spin off of the other story.
FoundBenek  - | 5  
17 Jan 2012 /  #80
With the t-shirt - it was a sarcasm, because what else I can say ??? After being labelled, in a such fabricated way - that was the way I made the joke to feel not too devastaed, if it makes some sense.

p.s.I am going to post some the links he has been sending to me, in regards of the "Jewish pogroms" on the Polish land, I would like to ask if they looks strange to anyone, can that person be dangerous ( because of his anger ) towards me ? ( as I was receiving them, not the Ministry of Foreign Affair or anyone who could really debate with him on historical events ).

I am afraid of him and the way he acts towards me.

I am thinking about what kind of progress it is to think about Poland that way ?

Could I be in danger by knowing him and his "hate" towards a woman from Poland ? As I said, he doesn't see me as a normal "woman", I am somehow "catogorised" in his eyes and deserve harrassment, which is right in his eyes, maybe ?

it is just a criminal with many problems who is thinking that my life is useless or worth less ?



merciless, ruthless - disaster ... he should be controlled, it's harmful what he does.
f stop  24 | 2493  
17 Jan 2012 /  #81

good grief, woman. This is where you get your Polish/Jewish history from? School essays for sale?
I'm beginning to think that you harass him more than he harasses you.
Midas  1 | 571  
17 Jan 2012 /  #82
And again Jews mysteriously slither their way into the author's incoherent ramblings.

I'll repeat myself - this is all just a bunch of BS and the message that is supposed to stay in the head of the readers is "Jews/American Jews are baaaaaaad".
Ironside  50 | 12333  
17 Jan 2012 /  #83
this is all just a bunch of BS and the message that is supposed to stay in the head of the readers is "Jews/American Jews are baaaaaaad".

And I will repeat myself it is all trolling and you by participating here simply enhance said troll's pleasure.
But then you have your own obsessions to deal with!
FoundBenek  - | 5  
17 Jan 2012 /  #84
Let's get back to the principles.
My truth is a lie.
f stop  24 | 2493  
17 Jan 2012 /  #85
I'm actually embarrassed that I contributed to this thread. I'm out.
FoundBenek  - | 5  
17 Jan 2012 /  #86
Only the sentiment to 2001, but nothing more to connect to nowadays.

'm actually embarrassed that I contributed to this thread. I'm out.

I am the one who got the main compromitation.

I've already known it's very low, so no-one needs to remind me of it, but needed to know for sure. Very, very, very, very unpleasant & horrible experience.

I don't know what it is, that's why I came in here and ask.

I am sorry if that's rubbish, it's not my fault !

Would you all stop commenting my posts, please ?
For many, very unpleasant reason, that particular person - don't know - cut me to the quick.
The e-mails or links I pasted were not written by my hand, thanks God.
But I won't lift anymore.
As bad, as it sounds.
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Jan 2012 /  #87
I wrote to you it is the American girl Allison who tries to write a novel about a Jewish Pole and had a relationship with a Jew who was not benefited to gain access to private rooms.She is about 20 years old now likely at college and uses school essays and for feedback for the novel.
FoundBenek  - | 5  
20 Jan 2012 /  #88
Yep, that could have been you,
the same cynical ( strange and unknown to me ) tone of reply, which only lowers the class of that clown who shown what the shade of despair looks like.

I said - I can see it's very bad. You don't need to point out that cruel experience to me any more.

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