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Where to meet a foreign guy in Poland outside a club/disco

broomstick  1 | 1  
7 Aug 2012 /  #1
Hi guys,
maybe you could give me some advice on where would it be possible to befriend a foreign guy in any place BUT a club. I'm not really a disco-goer (bad experience) and most girls I know met their foreign boyfriends at disco so it seems like a place where guys go when they want to pick up a polish chick :) Where those of you who hate clubbing atmosphere go to meet a lady :) ????
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Aug 2012 /  #2
My advice - try registering on [couchsurfing.org] plenty and plenty of foreigners on there in Krakow) and also - [facebook.com/groups/138265834118/] - Language Exchange Club Krakow.
MoOli  9 | 479  
8 Aug 2012 /  #3
lol! try going to romance chats or just smile to chicks on the street/bar who make eye contact with you and try to start up a convo:)

My advice - try registering on

Couchsurfing clearly says that its not a dating service..so gets your facts str8!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Aug 2012 /  #4
Couchsurfing clearly says that its not a dating service..so gets your facts str8!


And obviously foreign guys on there living in Krakow would never use it as a way to meet Polish girls...

Heck, one of the top guys in Poland is infamous for using it for casual sex encounters.
MoOli  9 | 479  
8 Aug 2012 /  #5
Heck, one of the top guys in Poland is infamous for using it for casual sex encounters

lol you mean that crook restaurant owner? he defrauded me as well:))FYI a brit got him good when he advertised he will pay cab from hotel to restaurant and a cup of tea free in Warsw in pocket magazine...the bugger came from poznan by a cab..and got his money from courts i heard finally after a year.lol was that you by anychance?
OP broomstick  1 | 1  
8 Aug 2012 /  #6
lol! try going to romance chats or just smile to chicks on the street/bar who make eye contact with you and try to start up a convo:)

You see, I'm a girl so chatting guys up on the streets is rather a no-no and if you make an eye contact and smile at a guy at a disco there is a big change that he will come up and talk to you but if you look and smile at a guy on the street he will think I'm wierd/acting provocatively

delphiandomine - thanks for advice but I was actually thinking about meeting someone in 'real life environment' :)
phtoa  9 | 236  
8 Aug 2012 /  #7
You see, I'm a girl so chatting guys up on the streets is rather a no-no and if you make an eye contact and smile at a guy at a disco there is a big change that he will come up and talk to you but if you look and smile at a guy on the street he will think I'm wierd/acting provocatively

I disagree, nothing more seductive than a girl smiling/flirting on the streets. Unfortunately it always ends up being a one time smile in the crowd, and then you never see her again.

The clubbing scene is indeed annoying, so why don't you just go to some cozy bars and chat up some foreign guys?
With that being said, I don't really understand why you'd want a Foreign guy when you could have a Polish gentlemen, but that's all up to you :-)
lusia  - | 17  
8 Aug 2012 /  #8
You didn't say what nationality foreign guy you are looking for, or just the idea of having sex with someone from abroad is exciting you?
8 Aug 2012 /  #9
It's quite amazing how many curry house owners had problems with Deepak.

To the OP, in Warsaw check the Facebook group 'Professionals in Warsaw', lots of English speaking men at their meetings.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Aug 2012 /  #10
To be fair Harry, that certain Indian restaurant owner is one that many people have had issues with!

Broomstick - both of those sites - CS and LEC both have real world events. I can vouch for the LEC events as being run by good people!
8 Aug 2012 /  #11
Yes Delph, some people have had. But everybody here who has heard of Deepak had made him as a scammer, which partly explains why all his ventures here (telecoms, staffing, vehicle import & sale, hotels, subleasing) have all failed.

You ever been to any professionals in Warsaw meetings?
Buggsy  8 | 98  
8 Aug 2012 /  #12
Broomstick that should be easy for you living in Kraków!
I'm sure from your experience and what you say on here you can easily notice foreign guys in Kraków.
Supermarkets are the easiest especially Tesco.
Walk up to a guy whose holding a basket in the aisles and talk to him about what he is buying.
A lady once said to me " looking for some healthy stuff, are you?"
Ended up chatting and Lord knows what it could have led to- she was very nice!

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