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Why marriage ring on the right hand finger in Poland?

calcedonia  4 | 67  
2 Feb 2012 /  #1
Soviet countries use right hand fingers, western european coutntries left hand fingers, Usa use left hand fingers . Why in poland use right hand fingers and which other countries use right hand for marriage ring in EU?
pip  10 | 1658  
2 Feb 2012 /  #2
hmm....I have often wondered this too. I know Jews also wear on the right.
3 Feb 2012 /  #3
Nah. During the ceremony, the groom places the ring on his lady's right hand. Afterwards, she wears it on whatever hand is customary to where she's from, usually the left.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
3 Feb 2012 /  #4
Soviet countries use right hand fingers, western european coutntries left hand fingers

lol what are "Soviet countries"? :)) Since when Norway is a Soviet country?

In Latin "sinister" is "left" and "dexter" is "right". Here is whence a tradition to use right hand fingers came. Right hand is more associated with positive things in some countries and in Orthodox faith.

Left hand is less used, that's where I see the reason to wear wedding rings on left hand fingers.

western european coutntries left hand fingers

Not all of them. E.g. Greece, Germany, Spain, part of Netherlands, Austria etc.


Jason's right.
pip  10 | 1658  
3 Feb 2012 /  #5
the groom places the ring on his lady's right hand.

ah ok- perhaps I am thinking of those that came over during the war- which would make sense.
porzeczka  - | 102  
5 Feb 2012 /  #6
According to Polish tradition wedding ring on left hand means that a person is a widow/widower.
Tony Johansen  2 | 14  
21 Feb 2012 /  #7
I wonder if the wearing of the wedding ring on the left hand stems from British practice because the the left hand tradition seems to be strongest in the former British world - US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc while the right hand tradition seems to more usual on the Continent of Europe and its former colonies.

I was always told that the left hand is reserved for the wedding ring because it is on the same side as the heart while wearing a ring on the right hand 'wedding finger' denotes friendship type love. Is it a Polish custom to wear a friendship ring on the left hand?
sa11y  5 | 331  
21 Feb 2012 /  #8
I heard once that this is because you extend your right hand when you welcome somebody - ring on right hand is more visible than on left hand, so the other person has no doubts if you are married.
noreenb  7 | 548  
24 Feb 2012 /  #9
Why some of you wear it on left hand?
It's an accustom.
To go into finding a reason can be an exciting adventure.
3 Feb 2019 /  #10

A golden ring on the right hand. Does it mean married

A Polish guy I know has a squared, thick golden ring on his fourth finger on the right hand. Does it mean he is married? It doesnt look like a typical wedding ring.
LeaYork  - | 2  
23 Feb 2019 /  #11
I'm engaged to a German, I'm English, my rings on my right hand to

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