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Marriage in Poland (civil ceremony,need advice on documents). Indian girl.

Janice 1986  1 | -  
28 Mar 2010 /  #1
I'm an Indian girl due to be married to my polish Fiance and need advice on documents needed for a civil ceremony in poland....Any help will be much appreciated...Thanks :)
19 Apr 2010 /  #2
Ahh getting married is much simple here (in poland) and its actually good if u get married in poland then in india, coz it much of paper work and registration.

but go to the office in ur city and give ur passport copy, birth certificate and stuff and just register urself as husband and wife, and later get Temorary Residence card for 2 yrs and stay married for 3 yrs, which will get u Permanent residence in poland, so with 6 months apply for citizenship, sounds great simple but let me tell u, its a pain to deal with beurocracy of paper works here, but i guess it sould be much more easier for you.

All the best :)

Janice 1986
Ahh getting married is much simple here (in poland) and its actually good if u get married in poland then in india, coz it much of paper work and registration.

but go to the office in ur city and give ur passport copy, birth certificate and stuff and just register urself as husband and wife, and later get Temorary Residence card for 2 yrs and stay married for 3 yrs, which will get u Permanent residence in poland, so with 6 months apply for citizenship, sounds great simple but let me tell u, its a pain to deal with beurocracy of paper works here, but i guess it sould be much more easier for you.

All the best :)
love_sunil80  14 | 127  
19 Apr 2010 /  #3
Getting married in Poland is not easy as what is told by other people. It is much easier to get married in India then in Poland. As Indian you need a certificate that you are single and free to marry, This certificate Indian embassy doesn't not issue nor does any ministry in India. The only way to get married in Poland is that you need to go to the court in Poland and apply in court that they can allow you to marry without this certificate which can take couple of months and later then get a date for marriage in civil court which can take another couple of months. While in India it is easier go to the civil court with your fiance with passport and another piece of id (eg: driving license) and register the marriage and after a month you can marry. If you need info u can ask me :)
ThePotatoe  2 | 38  
19 Apr 2010 /  #4
indian girl...whatever u do..pls dont ask for gold ornaments to ur husband and kindly dont treat him as a bank account.
i guess almost all indian girls have the above two mentioned qualities
20 Apr 2010 /  #5
ohh wow sunils got some better Point here, Sorry I wasnt aware abt it, may be coz i only registered my marriage in Poland after gettting married in India, but sure what sunil says must be logical coz u never know wth this Polish Burecracy Logics, what Potatoe says heheh Gold ornaments I agree Pleasee dont do that, hope u werent plaining for somethin like that ;)
love_sunil80  14 | 127  
20 Apr 2010 /  #6
Potato just likes to make fun thats all, If I see any reply of him it is never helping anyone. Do some better work please potatoe.
ThePotatoe  2 | 38  
20 Apr 2010 /  #7
man sunil..isnt it not truth?
u r from india...is it not true that indian girls..well almost all..ask for gold ornaments?...its darn truth man..i live in this damned country so i know ahahahaaha

and yes not to mention they put Non Sticky Hair Oil and like to behave with their husbands as if he is a bank account...

No Offence to any indian Witch present here!
love_sunil80  14 | 127  
20 Apr 2010 /  #8
These girls are one of our mother and sister too, so please stop using these statement against them. Woman consider man as bank account is not just in India I guess, It is all over the world. Again depends what kind of woman you are with :) Same can be said about a man who can be with a girl for a money.
ThePotatoe  2 | 38  
20 Apr 2010 /  #9
err...indian women r NOT my sisters...ill prefer to make a zebra my sister but not INDIAN FEMALES.
as far as question of moma goes... she is no exception (to the gold thing)
truth is truth...bitter but truth :)
so sunil that "Love Sunil" nick of yours reminds me of a flop romeo hahahahahahahahah and whats that 80 for? loooooool youre the 80th version yaar? hahahaha
love_sunil80  14 | 127  
20 Apr 2010 /  #10
so sunil that "Love Sunil" nick of yours reminds

Wow you are genius :)
ThePotatoe  2 | 38  
20 Apr 2010 /  #11
yea..same homeland afterall..
so way of thinking will be mostly be the same ;)
love_sunil80  14 | 127  
20 Apr 2010 /  #12
Same homeland but different way of thinking, but doesn't really matters cheers mate :)
TwojPrestige  - | 14  
5 May 2010 /  #14
Janice 1986, look at my web site. You'll find all informations about documents required: wedding-in-poland.com/en/marriage-in-poland.html
Alexrao  - | 1  
11 Aug 2010 /  #15
Hi Sunil,
I have gone through some of your threads and found some information regarding Indian marrying a polish girl. I am working at Germany and i have polish GF. Now we want to get married. Could you please tell us the easiest way to get married!! Please be kind to give us all the information like where it is easy to marry (India or Poland), what documents we need, what are the privileges we could have after getting married. It would be a lot of help from you if you could answer our questions. Thanxs in advance.
1 Sep 2010 /  #16
can u help me becoz i also want to get marriage i am in search of girl
pgtx  29 | 3094  
1 Sep 2010 /  #17
would you like us to help you caring your groceries or opening a beer?
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
1 Sep 2010 /  #18
can u help me becoz i also want to get marriage i am in search of girl

Sure we can, we all know Polish girls desperate to marry idiots :D
grubas  12 | 1382  
1 Sep 2010 /  #19
I can help you bro.Will cost you euros 6k (upfront)plus your travel expenses.PM me.
Ju77  - | 4  
13 Jan 2012 /  #20
Hello Sunil,
Im Polish livig in the UK and my Bf lives in the US and he is Indian. He has an Indian passport.We want to get married in the easiest way. Can you give me the advice?
love_sunil80  14 | 127  
13 Jan 2012 /  #21
Sure I will be more then happy to help you. Please do let me know where you guys planning to get married. You can send me pm or email too.
Ju77  - | 4  
13 Jan 2012 /  #22
Thanks Sunil for your reply. Well, Ideally would be for me Poland...but it can be New York or UK if one of those countries is easier than my home country. I think in India we would like to make a reception only after we married. I have no idea what we should start with..What documents he needs to have and what visa he should come on to. I am trying to ask around. :)
love_sunil80  14 | 127  
13 Jan 2012 /  #23
You can marry either in Poland or in India. In Poland it can be bit difficult because there are lot of paper work involved. Polish marriage office need a document stating that he is single and not married in India but this document is not issued by the Indian marriage office, so he needs to get document from Sąd rejonowy that he can get married without this document (This is long time consuming procedure1-3 months). He would need visa to enter Poland so you need to get zaproszenie for him and the visa. I would recommend you guys to get married in India which will take 1 month from the date of application for marriage. The documents are very simple for example passport and any other id proof which means 2 pieces of ID proof, Photographs, 3 witness and that all. After marriage is done there is long way to go to make all documents and for him to get residence card. Once you choose where you want get married I will give you detail info about the procedures for the particular country.

Ju77  - | 4  
14 Jan 2012 /  #24
Thank you Sunil. So it seems that getting married in India is easier. Is it also one wedding? iN church and then the registred marriage is not necessary? OR still it is?

Also, as far as I understood that Polish Sad Rejonowy can give him the paper stating that he does not need the document that he is single (is it called Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage?). Can I ask for more :) - what documents does he need to bring to Sad Rejonowy?

I am going to research but asking anyway cos any info can be helpful...
love_sunil80  14 | 127  
14 Jan 2012 /  #25
There is lot of process involved in it. Let me brief you for the same.
1) First he needs to go to Indian embassy and request in writing that he needs a certificate that he is single and not married. In return Indian embassy will give in written stating that this certificate cant be issued from the embassy as In India we don't issue such certificate.

2) Once you get this from Indian embassy you need to get it translated in Polish and arrange for a lawyer and apply for they can exempt him from this document and he can get married in Urzad Stanu ciwilnego without this document. You guys will have an Interview before they can give you this document, I guess he doesnt speak polish so you need to arrange for a Polish-English Interpreter for the interview with Urzad. Hopefully they will issue this document and letter you guys can go with this to Urzad and apply for civil marriage, I guess rest you know how to go about :) Remeber you guys gonna pay for all these procedures and it can take from 1-3 months minimum.

Best of luck
Ju77  - | 4  
19 Jan 2012 /  #26
Thank you Sunil!
7 Apr 2012 /  #27
Hey Sunil,

You seem a very frank and knowledged guy. I need your help for a simple purpose, me n my gf are going to get married in India soon after that I want to know whats the procedure to apply for a temporary residence permit to Poland and how long does it take after application ?
7 Apr 2012 /  #28
I recommend that you start learning Polish at least just the basics you know like thanking people for coming to the wedding etc.
comberti  - | 4  
24 Jan 2013 /  #29
Hey Guys I like to marry my Polish girlfriend in Poland I am from India, we both live and work in Germany. I like to know list of documents I need to prepare. I called to Indian Embassy In Warsaw but no helpful information. I also get to know I need to get Cer­tifi­cate of No Impediment (Bachelor status). but Indian Embassy in Warsaw don't provide such certificate.

I gone through post Love_sunil80

There is lot of process involved in it. Let me brief you for the same.
1) First he needs to go to Indian embassy and request in writing that he needs a certificate that he is single and not married. In return Indian embassy will give in written stating that this certificate cant be issued from the embassy as In India we don't issue such certificate.

I called Indian Embassy Warsaw they just refused to issue such certificate.

Any suggestion will be really helpful.
primaverka84  - | 5  
24 Jan 2013 /  #30
As for this Cer­tifi­cate of No Impediment - they refused it coz its not their role. U should issue it from ur country indeed (eg. u could ask ur parents to do it for u n then send it eg. via DHL).

Anyways, its not a point to contact with embassy, but rather with a appropriate office with regards to city where u would like to get married. As someone already wrote on this forum but not in this thread - "ask them exactly what documentation they will want to see. It is quite common in Poland for different offices, and even different people in the same office, to interpret regulations in different way."

The requirements of getting married to a Polish National as a foreigner here in Poland are only three documents:
1.ID card / passport
2.Birthcertificate ( translated into the Polish language by a sworn translator)
3.Cer­tifi­cate of No Impediment (however some countries like eg. USA, Pakistan dont give such one, - then there is a need to process it sth like a 3 months before wedding, coz its related with visiting court, waiting for decission that is formality, but u r expected to wait, n once this point is done, u r expected to wait 21 days untill it will validate)

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