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Korean guy wondering about girls and life in Poland

30 Jul 2010 /  #1
So Im a Korean guy born and bred in the US of A.
Im currently in Korea and have now been bit by the travel bug.

Dating korena girls is fun but am getting bored of seeing
the same look. Im contemplating teaching english in poland
but wanted to know about polish girls.

To describe myself, I am good looking( have no problems dating/confidence),
6'1 , outgoing. I am a Korean man , proud of it, but now want to sample
the wares of Poland and im not talking about hookers.

I do a lot
of damage here and have no problem lining up at least a date a week
in Korea and wondered how well I'd do in Poland. Ive heard that Polish women
are religious, so iwas wondering if that makes it tougher to date them than girls
in non- religious countroies I know that most perceptions of asian guys in the west
are not positive but I am one of those guys that are exception to the rule.
I am also not the "standard" size as I am in the gym often and I like to stay
looking good for the ladies.

Also, can anyone compare the beauty of Polish women to the beauty of Czech women?
which is sexier/prettier? as a korean guy, i know i would stick out like a sore thumb,
but would it be ina good way? are girls more liable to approach me or would i have
higher success rate in some places as a result of looking different from most guys?
30 Jul 2010 /  #2
Daewoo, was one of the biggest investors in Poland in the nineties, there are many Korean families that decided to stay on in Poland after Daewoo went belly up. So you will not stick out in Poland there are many Vietmanese and Chinese, so the asian angle is out of the window.

Sorry to let you down, buddy;
shekofte  6 | 30  
8 Aug 2010 /  #3
Ive heard that Polish women
are religious

i heard it too
negai  - | 3  
10 Aug 2010 /  #4
LOL Korean who is interested in Polish girls? O.o

there's not many of Korean who is interested in Polish.

I just wanna talk about that because it's really interesting
most Korean I know like French or just American girls but still marriage Asian girl :)

my mail negai4
shewolf  5 | 1077  
10 Aug 2010 /  #5
Also, can anyone compare the beauty of Polish women to the beauty of Czech women?
which is sexier/prettier?

Wrong question for a Polish Forum.

Can you compare the sexiness of Korean men to the sexiness of Japanese men? Which is sexier?
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Aug 2010 /  #6
Also, can anyone compare the beauty of Polish women to the beauty of Czech women?
which is sexier/prettier?

Czesch women look more germanic.They have also much more variabilty than polish women.There is typical czech face but typical polish face covers a much larger proportion of the national population.
negai  - | 3  
16 Aug 2010 /  #7
hey I'm not MAN and if any "MISS" write to me U won't know what I will do!!!!

PS U are not Korean so don't write to me and try find a man around U

stupid girls
wildrover  98 | 4431  
17 Aug 2010 /  #8
I do a lot
of damage here and have no problem lining up at least a date a week
in Korea and wondered how well I'd do in Poland

So... any Polish girls here that want to get damaged...?
southern  73 | 7059  
17 Aug 2010 /  #9
In Korea they have particularly small demands.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
17 Aug 2010 /  #10
I've been to Korea. There are some really interesting people to talk to there. Being Asian, the girls are a fair bit more delicate than here, on average.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Aug 2010 /  #11
Im contemplating teaching english in poland

The first rule of teaching English in Poland is that you're able to use the language correctly.
OP sexykoreanguy  
17 Aug 2010 /  #12
Its always the small white guys insecure about their own junk
that feel the need to talk about asian guys in that way.
You werent even provoked dude... really?? wow...
all i gotta say is...ur a hater. get over your own "shortcomings"
and stop bashing on others. yeah?

Oh and for the other d-bag, i didnt know this was an english forum.
thanks though. apparently, hooked on phonics didnt work for me.

nasty asses....
Bolle  1 | 144  
17 Aug 2010 /  #13
Although foreign men are not as popular as they once were in poland, they are still quite desired by polish women simply because they are perceived as being more financially capable than polish men.

There are many dead-beat men here in poland (like anywhere else) but foreigners are mostly successful individuals here so polish women quite often perceive foreign men as being better (until of course they go abroad and realise that people are the same everywhere).

I don`t think asian men are popular among polish ladies but you can try to change that.
CacyUlcia  2 | 46  
17 Aug 2010 /  #14
king polkakamon  - | 542  
17 Aug 2010 /  #15
they are still quite desired by polish women simply because they are perceived as being more financially capable than polish men.

I agree with this statement.It is the perceived value of the foreigner.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
17 Aug 2010 /  #16
I do a lot
of damage here and have no problem lining up at least a date a week
in Korea

No offence , but we get lots of guys on here bragging about how great they are at sex , which causes a bit of a mystery...like , if they are so great at sex , what are they doing begging for it on this forum....?

If you really have been having sex with a different girl ever week , which none of us here are going to believe , then no decent girl is going to want to have your infected parts near her parts...

Your sexual cv is not going to impress anyone , in fact i guess most , like me are laughing at it...

Cut out the macho sh1te , and you might actually get a date to brag about...
king polkakamon  - | 542  
17 Aug 2010 /  #17
Asian girls are shy and very different from european ones.For european men asian girls are very easy because they are smart and listen.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
17 Aug 2010 /  #18
anyone who puts 'sexy' in their nickname is everything but. you sound like an arrogant pr*ck and some girls dig that, but you're no catch. someone with such a vivid sexual imagination is nothing new on this forum, nevertheless entertaining and laughable!

ps. no chance in hell you're 6'1 ha ha
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
17 Aug 2010 /  #20
so is sexy and Greek, i think greasy goes better with Greek
king polkakamon  - | 542  
17 Aug 2010 /  #21
When you write Greek you can omit sexy as a granted.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
17 Aug 2010 /  #22
Must get the eyes tested. I thought the OP's name was sexykoranguy...
pgtx  29 | 3094  
17 Aug 2010 /  #24
Must get the eyes tested. I thought the OP's name was sexykoranguy...

when you read it fast, it says "sexikangury"...
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
17 Aug 2010 /  #25
This died 1400 years ago.

I went to the funeral;)
king polkakamon  - | 542  
17 Aug 2010 /  #26

This is Aussie Stella.

I went to the funeral;)

I missed it because my camel had diarrhoea.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
17 Aug 2010 /  #27
wise words...

I missed it because my camel had diarrhoea.

Well..thats a quote that should go in a book somewhere....!

southern  73 | 7059  
18 Aug 2010 /  #28
Sexykoreanguy will return to Korea full of kielbasa.
George8600  10 | 630  
20 Aug 2010 /  #29
are girls more liable to approach me or would i have
higher success rate in some places as a result of looking different from most guys?

Personally I think you don't deserve a Polish girl. You speak of them like trading cards, comparing their religion, genetic features, and labelled stereotyped personalities. If anything, some romanticism is needed, which by the sounds of your thread sounds like you lack.

Anyway, there aren't many asians in Poland, but that doesn't mean your discriminated. There aren't many foreigners in general. 98.4% of Poland is Polish.... the rest are mostly ukrainians and Germans....
27 Sep 2010 /  #30
as a polish girl I know for sure that asian guys arent popular among polish girls, still i'm an exception. koreans turn me on. 안녕!

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