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Why can't a guy from a foreign country marry a girl from Poland ?

Bieganski  17 | 888  
29 Jul 2017 /  #31
The world will lose no sleep over that factoid.

Of course you won't. Whites are a minority on the plant and other races like yours make no apology for preserving and multiplying their own kind.

In fact most non-whites are extremely pro-life. Just look at this recent video of a black South African pro-life campaigner handing a PC BBC propagandist her smug progressive ass over the issue of abortion and contraception:


The same pro-life attitude pervades the Middle East and Asia where women proudly have multiple children. Unlike white women they do not feel the need to compete with men for jobs nor are they terrified of getting stretch marks.

Bringing them into the EU will not change their attitudes either.

So, since you are so eager for African, Middle Eastern and Asian economic migrants to flood into Poland, then what do have to say about the grim outlook of pro-choice and pro-LGBTQIA policies ever taking hold in Poland?

You think you have it bad now, think again! LOL!

Thankfully though due to your orientation and lifestyle you are the end of the line as well. And this fact further explains your indifference towards whites who built the societies you have had the opportunity to enjoy while contributing nothing in return. A very locust mentality indeed.
jon357  72 | 23516  
29 Jul 2017 /  #32

A green one?

Unlike white women they do not feel the need to compete with men for jobs nor are they terrified of getting stretch marks.

Haven't been there, have you.

pro-choice and pro-LGBTQIA policies ever taking hold in Poland

Or there either...
nothanks  - | 626  
29 Jul 2017 /  #33
Very well put Bieganski

If I am a conservative ethnic then I know this is just a waiting game. The left doesn't have children so their degenerate values will eventually die off. Unfortunately they might just eliminate what's left of our race in the process.

Jon's multi-raced great grandchildren will be marching in the streets of London against the very policies and historical politicians that allowed their race into the continent in the first place.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
29 Jul 2017 /  #34
Unfortunately they might just eliminate what's left of our race in the process.

Oh, a lot of damage has been done. Deliberately so. The leftist media and Marxist academics and cuckold politicians are squarely to blame. Not only for opening the floodgates to unnecessary third world economic migrants (and screaming racism at anyone who expresses genuine concern about any of it) but also for instituting affirmative action like quotas in schools, government and businesses whether laws are in place for them or not. It's all done under the Sirens call of "diversity" and the social pressure of political correctness. But in reality it is done to economically undercut or make unemployed the indigenous white population and thus disincentivize them into having more children if any at all. Throw on top of that toxic feminism; easy but extremely costly divorce (financially and emotionally); along with nations being flooded with drugs resulting in entire generations being addicted then the declining birth rates in Europe and North America are easily explained.

Jon's multi-raced great grandchildren will be marching in the streets of London against the very policies and historical politicians that allowed their race into the continent in the first place.

When one stops to take into account how uncivilized, violent and clannish most of the world truly is (and has always been and will always be) then bringing millions if not billions of them into Europe and North America will not end racism or inequality around the world at all. Disparities will always exist. Resentment will always arise. When they don't have whites around to blame they will still turn on each other.
jon357  72 | 23516  
29 Jul 2017 /  #35
What's that rant got to do with the poster's question about marriage paperwork?
Bieganski  17 | 888  
30 Jul 2017 /  #36
Why is a British-born, pro-Islamic, Turkish nationalist, flaming homosexual like yourself concerned about marriage paperwork being sought by a non-EU economic migrant who is looking to settle in Europe by using an unsuspecting Polish woman as a bride?
jon357  72 | 23516  
30 Jul 2017 /  #37
Still can't stay on topic, can you...
Bieganski  17 | 888  
30 Jul 2017 /  #38
It's entirely on topic and it's a topic which has been covered ad nauseam on here in numerous threads.

You are not Polish and yet you use PF all the time to encourage non-EU foreign migration into Poland especially when third world opportunists are abusing marriage (a state recognized legal contract with rights and entitlements after all) to scam their way to get better job prospects or more often to access state benefits and handouts they never paid into.

Your leftist rhetoric only benefits non-EU economic migrants while feeding your hate towards Poles and fetish for non-whites.

Indeed, you boast all the time of working and traveling outside of Poland (obviously you lack talent which would benefit any Polish businesses and have visa issues yourself). And as a homosexual you won't be having children of your own (nor legally adopting any in Poland either). With this reality and the fact of your advanced age you know you won't ever have to deal with the long-term negative affects foreign migration into Poland would have. Even if you manage to live beyond your expiration date being a single homosexual with money stashed abroad you can always pick up and move again while leaving Poles behind to deal with the mess you helped create.

You are clearly not invested in Poland. Not with the views you espouse which come at no cost to you.
jon357  72 | 23516  
30 Jul 2017 /  #39
It's entirely on topic

No, it's off topic and entirely irrelevant to the poster's question.

Evidently you just can't help yourself...
Wulkan  - | 3136  
30 Jul 2017 /  #40
Evidently you just can't help yourself

But unlike you he can help the op
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Jul 2017 /  #41
You are clearly not invested in Poland. Not with the views you espouse which come at no cost to you

So what about the Poles who for 100 years have earned good money abroad through their hard graft and sacrifice, to build a better live for their families back in Poland? By the same token jon is free to move his capital where he pleases?
nothanks  - | 626  
30 Jul 2017 /  #42
It's all done under the Sirens call of "diversity"

I recently spent the day on a community college campus in Southern California. Banners on the light posts proclaimed "Diversity is our strength"

That's it? Being different (and most likely divided) is the foundation of the school?

Sidenote: the University of Missouri had racial protests 3 years ago led by the African-American club on campus. In the past 2 years freshmen enrollment is down a staggering 35%. 7 dormitories have been closed and many campus jobs eliminated.
Joker  2 | 2449  
30 Jul 2017 /  #43
homosexual with money stashed abroad you can always pick up and move again while leaving Poles behind to deal with the mess you helped create.

Youre right, He is like a Locust!

He doesn't care about Poland. The only thing that matters to him is pushing his morally corrupt lefty agenda upon your society and then move on to the next victim.

Southern California. Banners on the light posts proclaimed "Diversity is our strength"

Until the coddled safe zone millennial students aren't pampered enough, then they get drunk, riot and burn the place down.

foreign country cant marry a girl from your country ( Poland

Its been 5 years, what happened?
nothanks  - | 626  
30 Jul 2017 /  #44
Only 50 years ago blacks were fighting for civil rights. Today "Dutch"-Palestinian directors parade white women around like an ejaculation rag. My goodness how the mighty fall

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