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Why can't a guy from a foreign country marry a girl from Poland ?

javed221  4 | 16  
14 Aug 2012 /  #1
I mean i am not blaming people to think like that but just wonder about why cant a guy from another foreign country cant marry a girl from your country ( Poland ) if he really love someone and wants to be with her for rest of his life. People look at such case as an attempt to enter EU . i know there are some false practice been carried out in name of such marriages but what about which are genuine situation?
p3undone  7 | 1098  
14 Aug 2012 /  #2
Javed,221,I was only curious;because you don't need to go to Poland to convert to Christianity.I don't think.thing there is anything wrong with you wanting to live in Poland with the woman you love.I didn't think you were just trying to enter the EU.Now.I know that if you just wanted to come to the EU;another way would have made sense more sense than trying to use conversion as a pretext
Midas  1 | 571  
14 Aug 2012 /  #3
Who says you can't marry?

You can marry and many people do, it is just that some countries in the more civilized parts of Europe ( Poland's not there yet ) are sick to their gills with people from Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Somalia or other third world countries coming over, abusing our welfare system and not contributing much to our societies in general. I mean you know things are bad when the Swedes in Malmo start complaining, lol.

Fake marriage is one of the tricks people from such places use to obtain permanent residency, there are numerous others, but that's the very reason why people are "wary" of such marriages.

So we're making it a bit more difficult for you boys to come over for your cousin's wedding and stay for a bloody eternity or fall in love the moment your student visa is about to expire, that's all.

But don't be alarmed, Poland is still a good 10 years behind and Polish women value an EU citizenship around a thousand bob, or so I heard, so you're not in a hopeless spot.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
14 Aug 2012 /  #4
When you went on holiday and cancelled the milk and papers you forgot to tell the newsagent to send the lad when you got back. In 2004.
Midas  1 | 571  
15 Aug 2012 /  #5
I'm sorry that I don't follow the current trends regarding how much our dear Polish guests charge 3rd world immigrants for the right to stay in EU indefinitely these days :-)

It indeed seems that the current UK rate is somewhere in the vicinity of 2000+:


I'd like to see some numbers from Poland pertaining to that, I'm pretty sure Polish ladies in Poland charge 1/2 of what "Puchalska" charged in UK.
LordFab  - | 16  
15 Aug 2012 /  #6
It would be interested to see how much English women charge for that. I am sure cheaper than the polish ones. Unfortunately we are not going to see the rates or a single article in that toilet paper you call newspaper ( Daily Mail ). One of the most infamous and racist newspaper in UK basically a shame for the entire British Press, where almost everyday you can read something against Polish or foreigners and how bad they are for the already collapsed and poor English society constantly short of money.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
15 Aug 2012 /  #7
5000 minimum LordFab, FYI, u cheeky fecker.
Midas  1 | 571  
15 Aug 2012 /  #8
Who died and made you the expert on who charges how much?

Your confidence in the mater holds little merit here.

One of the most infamous and racist newspaper in UK basically a shame for the entire British Press

Sure, if the newspaper points out Polish women sell what amounts to UK permanent residency for a few thousand bob the best course of action is to call it racist.

Love how you missed out on the fact that Poles and Anglo Saxons are classified as one race btw.

But carry on mate, don't let logic get in the way of your "IT'S RACIST!" blabber.
LordFab  - | 16  
15 Aug 2012 /  #9
Re: I bet you meant Zloty

The same story can be told everyday for an English woman however for some reason the paper always shoots in the front page these sort of news when a foreigner is involved even better if the person is from East-Europe. Is this credible for you ?

The Daily Mail has always been a shame for the entire British Press system . Its positions against foreigners and the anti-european campaigns are widely known. The toilet paper you probably read and call newspaper is not reliable at all.

It is enough to read it every day to understand what I meant in my post. If you disagree with what I say you really must be incapable to read and understand the content or probably the extreme right positions of the paper (toilet ) collide with yours. If that the case I am really sorry for you.

In conclusion yes I am confident when I know exactly what I am talking about.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
15 Aug 2012 /  #10
good grief the going rate for passport marriage to a UK passport holder was 3 grand (pounds sterling) 20 years ago.
How times have changed.
sa11y  5 | 331  
15 Aug 2012 /  #11

Jeez - he sounds like a South African...
Midas  1 | 571  
15 Aug 2012 /  #12

Sure you are confident you know it all, as with most people who don't know **** ;-)

Care to expand how you came up with the conclusion that a newspaper in a ( still predominantly Caucasian ) country is supposedly "racist" when it points out some Caucasians are engaging in sham marriages?
TommyG  1 | 359  
15 Aug 2012 /  #13
Oh, come on! Give the guy (LordFab) a break!

He's one of the few people to actually call a spade a spade.

Most British tabloids take a xenophobic (if you don't like the term 'racist') stance. They frequently contain 'horror stories' about people from other nationalities ruining Britain.

Other than hearing about Rooney sleeping with prostitutes and something equally boring about Simon Cowell, The Daily Mail, The Sun, and every other tabloid runs the following 4 stories on a regular basis;

1) Muslims (read 'terrorists') taking over local communities, Sharia law, blah, blah, blah...
2) Eastern Europeans (read 'Polish') taking all our jobs, speaking in their own language at school or work, blah, blah, blah
3) The EU (read 'Germany') taking away our laws, EU superstate, etc, blah, blah, blah
4) The single currency destroying another European countrys' economy (read 'Greece'), 'save the pound' rubbish, blah, blah, blah

That's why most people just look at page 3, then turn to the back to read up on the football results...
I personally don't read those sorts of papers.

And how often does some British idiot link these stupid stories about Polish individuals and communities living in Britain to incite racial tensions on this forum!?!

As for the sham-marriage thing, it's right that it's illegal. The price is irrelevant, I would imagine that's decided among the individuals rather than than a passport having a going rate. However, just maybe its better to be honest, explain the situation, and pay someone rather than con them into a very unhappy marriage with a passport being the only desired outcome. Which also does occur in Britain amongst other countries...

Basically, I think the point LordFab was trying to make was that because the lady was Polish it got tabloid coverage. If she was English the story would not have even made the papers... and that amounts to discrimintaion (ie racism). And I think most normal (non-xenophobic) people would agree with this opinion.

As for the original post. Who told you, and on what grounds, that you cannot marry a Polish lady?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
15 Aug 2012 /  #14
People look at such case as an attempt to enter EU .

Amaze me here, kid. Are you planning on relocating to Europe or shall you be inviting your Polish Princess to live with you in India?

You are marrying her for love, right? Not a visa.......
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
15 Aug 2012 /  #15
It would be interested to see how much English women charge for that. I am sure cheaper than the polish ones.

I love Polak hypocrasy...
* Mwah,anti Polish racism....mwah, racism is bad,mwah mwah....but, quick, I get dig about english women being cheap in,much funny,yes.......*
fek off Lordnob.
Any validity you had slagging off the daily fail was lost the minute you wrote that b!tchy bit of passive aggressive abuse about english women.

God, why are so many Polish men,well, women?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
16 Aug 2012 /  #17
You are NOT one of them Ironsides,dont worry.
No, its a certain style of argument/debate used by a lot of Polish men that frankly is more a style used by women . Not actually coming out and saying what you want to say directly but hiding the **********. Example, more or less calling someone a retard ,insulting them but then adding an " I feel sorry for you " bit in mock concern....
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
16 Aug 2012 /  #18
( Daily Mail ). One of the most infamous and racist newspaper in UK basically a shame for the entire British Press,

the ingrained sexism in the Daily Fail actually worries me at least as much as the 'racism', if not more, but I doubt you see the problem....

b!tchy bit of passive aggressive abuse about english women.


.but, quick, I get dig about english women being cheap in,much funny,yes.......*

yeh hilarious innit?
Midas  1 | 571  
16 Aug 2012 /  #19
Amaze me here, kid. Are you planning on relocating to Europe or shall you be inviting your Polish Princess to live with you in India?

I think it might be a fairly safe bet that once the honeymoon ends he will be catching that Ryanair to UK with his bride or without her.

* Mwah,anti Polish racism....mwah, racism is bad,mwah mwah....but, quick, I get dig about english women being cheap in,much funny,yes.......*
fek off Lordnob.

I didn't even comment on it, since that's almost normal in most conversations with Polish people. You mention Polish women participating in fake marriages or just generally whoring out for a rent-free London stay and the first usual response is about those wicked English slags with no decency and morals.

It is likely that if we start discussing these blokes from Poland who just killed an old geezer because he kept too much money in the house then the Polish will complain about Jack the Ripper.
LordFab  - | 16  
16 Aug 2012 /  #20

I am sorry to disappoint you but I am not Polish !!!!
Also my comment was just an opinion as well the other one which stated that polish women are cheaper then English women.
I do not understand why is ok to say that polish women are cheaper than English women ???? Where are you from Iran ???
3 Jun 2013 /  #21
am really seeking some good friends around the globe who are very good and kind:
longchi  - | 1  
29 Jul 2017 /  #22

can i marry someone from Poland since am not from Poland.

can someone from outside Poland marry a lady from or a man from Poland?
jon357  72 | 23516  
29 Jul 2017 /  #23
Yes, they can.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
29 Jul 2017 /  #24
@jon, you seem to be better informed about such matters than I. If a foreign national marries a Polish national, does the foreign national necessarily forfeit their citizenship? Never quite clear about that, because I do know that citizenship issues vary from country to country, for instance, if someone from an EU nation marries someone from a non-EU state.
jon357  72 | 23516  
29 Jul 2017 /  #25
does the foreign national necessarily forfeit their citizenship?

Lyzko  45 | 9751  
29 Jul 2017 /  #26
nothanks  - | 626  
29 Jul 2017 /  #27
i know there are some false practice been carried out in name of such marriages but what about which are genuine situation?

Because such cases are rather rare in Poland, I will share my experience in the USA

It is common to start at a new job and be well received up until the individual puts pictures up on their desk of their interracial family. Then the co workers become distant. Just like people have the freedom to choose whom they are romantically involved with - others have the freedom to react accordingly.

Why are people hesitant about IR relationships? Because they are obviously complicated. But recently we are being instructed by govenments/media that our birth rates are low (so we must import ethnics) and that we must financially support the 3rd World and it's skyrocketing birth rates. Meanwhile our own people find it financially difficult to have a household larger than 4 or even 3.

People feel duped. That the same organizations that are preaching for us to be more open-minded [and frankly how amazing and necessary diversity is] - are also the same organizations preaching for us to share our resources, space and even heritage to help support their skyrocketing birth rates.

When I see an ethnic mother with 3+ young children and she is obviously struggling financially - this frustrates me. When I see a white male/female dating out of race I wonder if that is the end of a long birth line.

Ultimately, if these shifts in demographics were occurring naturally then oh well. But it is propaganda pushed. I.E black males in every other commercial/advertisement in America. Why is 7% of the population so prominently featured? And if you pay close attention they are usually featured alongside a white female. I can firmly say F-U-C-K T-H-A-T. Trying to brainwash us into thinking this is something normal or even something to be sought out/celebrated.
jon357  72 | 23516  
29 Jul 2017 /  #28
It is common to start at a new job and be well received up until the individual puts pictures up on their desk of their interracial family. Then the co workers become distant

That's a sweeping generalisation. Few people care. And very few (of any colour) have family photos on their desk in this age of smartphones.

I wonder if that is the end of a long birth line.

Or a continuation.
nothanks  - | 626  
29 Jul 2017 /  #29
Few people care

Care enough to publicly voice their feelings and face dismissal (or worse) - certainly. But in a private setting they voice their true feelings.

Or a continuation

Of something Non-White so of lesser importance to me. And in darker view: another mouth that will take away from my people. Score one for the enemy
jon357  72 | 23516  
29 Jul 2017 /  #30
But in a private setting they voice their true feelings.

What do you imagine people say about you when they 'voice their true feelings' in a 'private setting'? Do you even care?

something Non-White so of lesser importance to me

The world will lose no sleep over that factoid.

Score one for the enemy

I bet you're used to saying that.

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