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Getting married in Poland (papers stating we are eligible to get married?) Certificate of no impediment.

William22  1 | 2  
17 Feb 2012 /  #1
Ok so my fiance and I are going to be getting married in June and the plan is to have the wedding in Poland. I am a US citizen and she is a Mongolian citizen who has been living in Poland for quite some time now. If anyone could provide us with the details we need and the process we must go through to be able to get married in Poland that would be great.

So far I understand that we will both need a paper stating that we are both eligible to get married. What exactly is the name of this document and how would we go about obtaining one? From what I have read I can't get one in the US, which is where I will be until a week before the wedding.

Please any details would be greatly appreciated. I have been told that it can take up to 3 months for the Polish government to make a decision on whether or not we can get married so naturally I am starting to get a little worried seeing as the wedding is in about 4 months and we have just started looking into all this.

Thank you so much for any help!
noreenb  7 | 548  
17 Feb 2012 /  #2
You just have to go or to call to "Urząd Stanu Cywilnego" in Warsaw (I think it will be the best place) and ask for details.

As for Church wedding, I don't know.
17 Feb 2012 /  #3
So far I understand that we will both need a paper stating that we are both eligible to get married.

You need a certificate of no impediment. Your problem is that the US embassy will not give you one. Instead you have to go to the family court, which can mean waiting for up to xx weeks for an appointment. Once you get a date, you swear an oath ...


There is info on your embassy's website. It starts off "Getting married in Poland requires considerable time and can be complicated." Good luck.
Jacus Aucamp  - | 12  
17 Feb 2012 /  #4
I am a south african married to a polish women and we just went to the court filling in some paperwork and showing them our full birth cert from both sides and just basically we stated under outh that its all true etc etc and then went to the register office asking them if we can get married, 2 weeks later we had a meeting with them and they said yes, no problem and then we went to the churh, made a date asap and did it
StanleyUK  - | 5  
17 Feb 2012 /  #5
Hi William,
Congratulations on your forthcoming nuptuals.

Getting married in Poland isn't the easiest thing to do, and there are lots of documents that you will have to provide. As a US citizen, these documents will also need to be translated into Polish by a legally recognised translator. Your wife-to-be will have to do the same, unless she has Polish Birth certificate etc already.

As a previous poster mentioned, start by obtaining your certificate of no impediment. As you are planning on a June wedding, you should be fine obtaining this now, as it has to be no older than 6 months before the date of your wedding.

I got married in Poland 2 months ago, and the best piece of advise I can offer you is to get a wedding planner,who will be able to check things on your behalf, and advise on processes. Are you planning a party for the wedding, too? Polish wedding parties are something else! If so, which city are you getting married in?

Best regards
teflcat  5 | 1024  
17 Feb 2012 /  #6
Someone I know is getting married next June. She's just booked a band for the reception. 4500PLN. This is in a small town and is about the going rate, apparently. How does that compare with other places?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Feb 2012 /  #7
Part of the problem is that people don't negotiate when it comes to a wedding - if she told them to get real, they'd soon cut the price. But the problem in Poland is that there's a lot of "look at me, I paid 4.5k for a band". Same nonsense is seen with a lot of other stuff.

As a previous poster mentioned, start by obtaining your certificate of no impediment.

Did you read the previous posts properly?

He can't obtain such a thing - the US Embassy won't issue one.

Seems to me that getting married as a US citizen when you don't reside in Poland is going to be an exceptionally tricky process.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
17 Feb 2012 /  #8
But the problem in Poland is that there's a lot of "look at me, I paid 4.5k for a band".

It's not like that in this case. These are normal folk, and the price is about average. You can get a band for 2000 but it's likely to be a guy with a keyboard and his pal helping out. In the wedding season the bands are fully booked, and often work Friday-Sunday, so I'm told it's a good idea to get married on a Friday so the musicians are fresh!

Don't forget that these guys are expected to perform for over eight hours. So it's not such a big payday if three musicians work all night.
StanleyUK  - | 5  
17 Feb 2012 /  #9
Did you read the previous posts properly?

I can read very well, thank you. I am blessed to have been educated with all the skills required to note simple information given in posts, and moreover raised to treat others with the courtesy, whether they are right or wrong, unlike you with your rather harsh criticism of my attempt at helping others (where as you offered nothing to the discussion).

Just because a single post says he has been unable to obtain what is required, does not mean it is unobtainable in one form or another.

The USA does not specifically issue a Letter of No Impediment, as required by Polish authorities, but it is possible (and indeed neccesary) to request a letter from the US authorities, which can be used to support your request to marry. This can be applied for from the US Consulate, either in the States, or from the US Mission in Poland (Warsaw). Upon receipt, such documents (in addition to other supporting evidence) are then lodged in the local court to where you wish to marry (in Poland). This is a lengthy process, and as mentioned earlier, a wedding planner would be perfectly placed to assist with such formailities.

This is not a simple process, and takes many weeks (and I am sure the application for the initial document / letter in USA will be equally time-consuming). In addition to this, as previously mentioned, all your documents will then have to be translated to Polish for approval.

If the marriage is for all family to gather togetehr in Poland for the celebration, a recomentation would maybe to do the wedding formality (actually get married) in secret in another country, and then arrange a symbolic ceremony within Poland, and use this as the marriage celebration. The paperwork required for this is far less cumbersome, but the party is equally enjoyable!

Good luck, William. I'm sure you and your fiancee will have an amazing day whereever you wed,
teflcat  5 | 1024  
17 Feb 2012 /  #10
get married) in secret

Not really a Polish thing.
OP William22  1 | 2  
18 Feb 2012 /  #11
OK, so we both need to get a certificate of no impediment from our respective countries. She has told me that she will have no issue getting hers from her country. Getting one from the US seems to be a little bit more tricky, can someone please give me a link to a place where I can get such a certificate? Or at least a link to a place to find more instructions, numbers to call or people to contact?

Beyond obtaining these forms, we will need to present them before the court IN POLAND and state (personally, as in I will have to travel there) that we are both eligible to be married and that we want to get married to each other. Then later we go back and get a decision from the court. Is this correct? Do we need other documents to present to the court? Is it necessary to hire a lawyer for it? That just sounds like overkill to get married...

We plan on getting married in Zakopane, or at least that is where the ceremony will be, it will not be a catholic ceremony so there is nothing there that we need to worry about.

I really just need to know what I should get started on right now seeing as time will very quickly become an issue. Thank you so much for all the replies!
StanleyUK  - | 5  
18 Feb 2012 /  #12
Hi William,

Try these two for starters (add the usual prefix to these sites. I can't post links yet).

And for assistance with the Zakopane wedding, I really recommend:

Not really a Polish thing.

Teflcat, it may not be Polish, but neither the bride nor groom are either. This is a much more simple route to having a wedding ceremony (as I have found personally), and still affords them the chance to put on a celebration for friends and family in Zakopane. It's an option for them, nothing more. These forums are about offering assistance, advice, and experience. What a reader does with this information is up to them. A private wedding in UK allowed me and my bride the most amazing symbolic wedding ceremony in Bazylika Mariacki in Krakow, and subsequent party afterwards.

Good luck William, and please take a look at Wedding In Poland for guidance / assistance. The rates are very reasonable, and the assistance you will get is incredible.

Best regards
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Feb 2012 /  #13
Just because a single post says he has been unable to obtain what is required, does not mean it is unobtainable in one form or another.

What is known as a 'certificate of no impediment' - as you reference here -

start by obtaining your certificate of no impediment

- isn't available for US citizens. It has a very precise meaning in Polish law, and it is simply unobtainable for them.

Trying to cover up your error by claiming that it is "obtainable in a different form" is - frankly - rubbish.

This is a lengthy process, and as mentioned earlier, a wedding planner would be perfectly placed to assist with such formailities.

A wedding planner? Why bother, when the process is laid out in law and is very clear as to what you need to do?

Not really a Polish thing.

Not at all, though if she's not Polish, it probably doesn't matter.

That just sounds like overkill to get married...

Not really - Poland is very keen on paper trails, which is why identity theft doesn't exist here. If you don't like it, there are plenty of other countries to get married in.


Steer clear. It doesn't appear to be a registered business (any credible business will have their NIP listed on the website) - which is highly suspicious.

The advice given on the website is also wrong, and shouldn't be relied on. Also -

We do not reveal the details of the companies that we working with until we sign the contract with you.


The costings that she gives are also on the high side - 1,000zl for a bus is an utter scam, for instance - you can easily get this for 500zl.

Beyond obtaining these forms, we will need to present them before the court IN POLAND and state (personally, as in I will have to travel there) that we are both eligible to be married and that we want to get married to each other.

What Harry says is the definitive answer. Unfortunately, you will have to attend court here.
StanleyUK  - | 5  
18 Feb 2012 /  #14
Delphian, you are clearly an intelligent guy, so I don't see why you have to be so hostile to new posters, and the information we all try to give.

William came here looking for assistance, and a number of us have contributed, which hopefully points him in the right direction and presents other avenues to follow.

Someone comes looking for help, we try to help. That's what these forums are all about. Sharing our own research or experiences. Let's all be friends.

Certificate of no Impediment, Certificate of Freedom to Marry, Affidavit of Eligibility to Marry..... Whatever legal term used, this document is needed. Let's try to help rather than try to criique. It's one thing in my country, something else in another. A rose by any other name and all that. The regional court appears to accept this letter from US Authorities in lieu of the CoNI. Just one of the many hoops required to be jumped through to get to marry in such a beautiful country as Poland (worth the effort though, William). But, as Delphian and others rightfully point out, it is a very tricky process.

And Delph, please be careful by dismissing businesses from a cursory glance at their website. Not only are you incorrect in your assumption, but comments like this can harm the trade of that business. The website is the english language version website of the company Twoj Prestige (NIP 678-183-61-49). If you are not based in Poland, or indeed are busy with other things, I believe a wedding planner provides a great service to tie everything together, from paperwork to paper napkins. Again, just my own opinion, and readers of this can act with their own free will.

Now, let's all raise a beer to William on his forthcoming marriage, wish him well in the mammoth task ahead in getting everything together, and enjoy the weekend.

18 Feb 2012 /  #15
A family court are not going to be impressed by anybody who presents them with a certificate of no impediment: they'll probably be annoyed to have their time wasted. There is no need to go to the family court if one has certificate of no impediment. One needs to go there only of one doesn't have such certificate. This is why the names of documents are so important.

To the original poster: your wife would be well advised to get the certificate from her embassy and not sent from Mongolia.
OP William22  1 | 2  
20 Feb 2012 /  #16
I'm still trying to figure out the steps. I have got a decent idea now of what needs to be done, I just still don't have any idea on how to go about doing it... Slightly more broken down processes would be greatly appreciated. At this point I have accepted the fact that I will have to pay for an extra flight to poland and back before the wedding. I just need to decide on when I will do it, and what needs to be done with the courts before I go there. Ideally I would like to stay for about a week but cannot stay longer than 2 do to work. Thanks again for any help!
20 Feb 2012 /  #17
Slightly more broken down processes would be greatly appreciated.

For you it is like this:
1. Contact family court at regional court (assume it’ll be the one nearest where your girlfriend lives) and make a booking there.
2. Wait anything from a couple of weeks to a couple of months.
3. While waiting, contact US embassy to arrange letter from them regarding their inability to issue certificate of no impediment. Ask their advice with regard to the whole process.

4. Also while waiting, have your birth certificate translated by a sworn translator: you’ll be needing that.
5. Go to family court and swear an oath that you aren’t married and that you are unable to get a certificate of no impediment from your government.

6. Wait a couple of weeks for the court to make its ruling.
7. Go back to court and get the waiver of need for of a certificate of no impediment. I’m not sure if you’d need to do this in person or not. If you don’t want to do it, you’d need to make that clear at the first hearing.

8. Contact Urzad Stanu Cywilnego (registry office), check the court paperwork is good with them. Ask what other documentation they will want to see and the forms thereof.

9. Go to Urzad Stanu Cywilnego (registry office), present your documentation, check they will accept all of it, book a date to get married.
10. Go to Gmina offices to get a maldunek (just in case you get a registrar who wants to confirm that you are completely legal in Poland).

11. Go to registry office and get married (check in advance what documents they will want you to bring on the day).

For your girlfriend this is the harder way:
1. Get a certificate of no impediment sent from Mongolia.
2. Have a sworn translator translate it.
3. Contact USC to make sure that the translation of that document will be acceptable and ask what other documentation will be acceptable.
4. Have her birth certificate translated by a sworn translator: if she already has one done, check with the USC that they will accept it (it may have expired, I once had a translation of my birth certificate rejected because the translation was done more than a year ago). Ask what other documentation they will want to see and the forms thereof.

5. As above for step nine for you.

And the easier way is this:
1. Get certificate of no impediment from the Mongolian embassy (assuming they will issue one), in Polish if possible.
2. Check with the USC that they will accept it (wording, stamps etc). Ask what other documentation they will want to see and the forms thereof.

3. As above for step nine for you.

Oh and the above assumes that neither of you have ever been divorced. If you have, that divorce will have to be recognised by the Polish court, and that is where things get complicated.

Still so sure you want to get married in Poland? I hear Denmark is a quick and easy place to get married; once you are legally hitched there, you can just come here for the ceremonial part.
thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
20 Feb 2012 /  #18
Got married to a Polish girl in Lodz in 2008. Harry has covered it off quite well to be fair.

It was difficult for us as we are living in Ireland (though soon to emigrate to Lodz) and there was a hell of alot of getting official documents etc translated but it was largely ok aside from the incredible amounts of red tape Polish authorities seem to enjoy so much.

Probably the most difficult for us was the confusion caused by the different standards applied in Ireland to naming conventions (it's William on my Birth Cert but Billy on my passport and tax records as that's the name I go by, and is recognised as such by most English speakers) . There was no problems in Ireland with this as it's common practice but (understandably) it caused huge problems when in Poland. Eventually had to get my original passport cancelled and replaced with new version with both William and Billy on it. Irish passport office had a good laugh at that one apparently.

Anyway with regards notification of no impediment, that's not just a Polish requirement - it's generally required in most countries to avoid bigamy. it may not be known by the same name but would be surprised if the embassy could provide nothing at all.

Best of luck with marriage anyway. Polish weddings are great craic! But like someone has mentioned, need to negotiate when setting it up!
rm4405  1 | 3  
21 Jan 2013 /  #19
As a previous poster mentioned, start by obtaining your certificate of no impediment.

Apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but I am in the process of arranging a marriage in Poland. We have been told by the registry office that the certificate of no impediment from the UK (i.e. a certificate with no validity period explicitly stated) is valid for 3 months, but when challenged are unable to provide any reference to this in legislation. Do you know if it is definitely 6 months, and if so, where we can find evidence of this? We have heard conflicting stories from other people, but obviously we are hoping it is 6 months, as this gives us a bit more flexibility. Any help would be appreciated as the lady in the Lublin registry office is quite difficult to deal with...
StanleyUK  - | 5  
21 Jan 2013 /  #20
Hi rm4405,

In my own experience, the certificate was only valid for the 3 months prior to the wedding. I got marriage ceremony at Bazylika Mariacki in Krakow, and the priest there would only accept a certificate with 3 month validity.

Having gone through the process, we found it easier to marry in UK at a registry office, and then have a ceremonial service in Krakow. The hoops you needed to jump through were just a step too far.

The certificate was still required and validity checked, but not as many other requirements.

Maybe others on here can offer specific advice for an actual official wedding in Poland. If still possible, I really recommend a UK wedding and a Poland blessing!

rm4405  1 | 3  
22 Jan 2013 /  #21
Hi Stanley,

Thanks for the help. We do know a couple who managed to convince their registry office that it was valid for 6 months, so maybe we'll just need to keep working on ours (or try a registry office in a nearby town!)

I'm fine with all the paperwork requirements etc, my worry is that by the time we have got everything translated and come over to book in at the registry office, the date we want will be fully booked, leaving us with a wedding reception but no wedding ceremony! Fingers crossed we will get lucky and that date won't be popuar...!

Thanks, Rob
29 Jun 2013 /  #22
Hi Catherine here. I'm in a pickle. Wedding dte is 13July. We were not informed of the CNI. So heres what i attempted. I'm from Scotland i have the paper a letter from the registers office that they have checked my registry that i've never been married. From 1986 to 2013. They also stated that as i don't live in scotland they cant issue the CNI as i dont live there, i live in spain. I have that paper just now in england a my mums address.. f fly there on monday to collect it. The fly to poland on tuesday. The polish office said they wont accept this paper.. So on not accepting it, i lied and said i lived in scotland so the papers went o the office on friday, we have to waite the 15 days for it to pass.. That time pass will take us to the 13th july. ame day as wedding.. Poland still wont accept it.. We cant have the paper on the same day as it is picked up the glasgow office althouh i will try everything to fax it to poland.. Im needing a court judge i think to give us a few days of pardon.. I just hope we can do it, got folks from all over world going to poland in wolsztyn. A smaall town with no high courts...

Anyone got any ideas on how i can make this wedding happen.. my partner is polish thats why we are marrying in his home town for his family.

HELP... Tahnks
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Jun 2013 /  #23
We were not informed of the CNI.

It is mentioned quite prominently on the British Embassy website. In fact, last time I checked, there was even a special section about it.

Anyone got any ideas on how i can make this wedding happen

Whatever you do, it's going to be expensive.

But first things first - send a family member to meet the director of the local USC and get him to have a chat about what is possible and what isn't possible. They may be able to come to an agreement - but it is crucial that you meet the director, not the muppets that the public normally get to meet. That agreement might be expensive, but it's your only hope if your paperwork isn't in order. You'll be asking them to break the law by marrying you.

I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but I think your wedding probably won't happen.
9 Sep 2013 /  #24
Some months have passed now and i think apt to give an update on progress or lack of it. I am not afraid of government officials in pumped up buisness attire.

Firstly thank you for your reply, but here goes what we did and are currently struggling with
we went to Poland and although we had the all paperes translated with a sworn translator were unable to have the registry papers for wedding. We contacted the head bishop in Poznan got an appointmet at his office, wrote a letter of plea to allow us to marry on the 13 july. He gave us a pardon that we signed we would get the registry papers after the church ceremony. So luckily all went ahead and that was only 2 days before so i was cut very fine.

This is now September, and the registry lady is still being pompus about time limits. She requires us in person to go 1 month in advance which is now to apply for a date, then after that month we go back again to get the paper. All requiring a legal translator with us.

We can't do this now as she didn't inform us of the 1 month time scale, and my certificate of non imped expires october after the 1 month period.

I have a letter in the justice system waiting for a judge to give us a paper that we can marry without the COI. When we get the date we need to fly for the appointment to judge hearing. Then fly back again to register the paper, then again to have the registry date, and take the papers to finally accompany the church papers.

My advice get registry civil papers done where ever you are, and then church part in Poland if you deffinatly want to have a fabulous wedding in Poland.

Will add again when im finnished being jet lagged and poor with all the officials you have to pay.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / Getting married in Poland (papers stating we are eligible to get married?) Certificate of no impediment.Archived