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Foreigners: would you have moved to Poland if it was full of fat/ugly women?

PWEI  3 | 612  
27 Sep 2011 /  #1
Shamelessly inspired by the question of another poster, but, well, would you?

Personally, the only Polish women I had ever met before I moved here (the cook of a good friend's family, one of the matrons at school and my cleaner at university) were all fat and ugly (and fairly old) but were also very pleasant ladies.

Which I suppose leads onto a second question: would you have stayed in Poland if it was full of fat/ugly women?
pip  10 | 1658  
27 Sep 2011 /  #2
I suppose it depends on how much money there was to be made. But I suppose that the question would be about fat ugly men since I am not gay and I am a woman.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
27 Sep 2011 /  #3
the PF assumption being, Pip, that people are men, and women are 'other'..
you caught them out!
gumishu  15 | 6228  
27 Sep 2011 /  #4
it just grows on you in Poland rozumiemnic - don't blame them on that too much - after all 'człowiek' is masculine in Poland - and there is also this thing said to be proven in practice - Try shouting 'Człowieku' to someone on an empty street or a street with just a couple of people - presumably no woman will turn around ;P

ok I just realised the English language is actually equally sexist - after all 'człowiek' is 'a man' in English - looks like a woman is not man ;) neither belongs to the mankind ;) - thanks God for the humankind
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438  
27 Sep 2011 /  #5
I suppose it's because the vast majority of these expats/immigrants are men :) Maybe we should ask the lesbians :)
OP PWEI  3 | 612  
27 Sep 2011 /  #6
the PF assumption being, Pip, that people are men, and women are 'other'.

No, the PF assumption being that foreign men are more likely to come to Poland and are far far more likely to stay here for more than a couple of years. In fact, now that I think about it, in the 15+ years I've been here, I have never met a foreign woman who had been here more than a couple of years and was not married to a long-term expat or a Pole.
pip  10 | 1658  
27 Sep 2011 /  #7
I have never met a foreign woman who had been here more than a couple of years and was not married to a long-term expat or a Pole.

yes, that is me.

So if I was single, no kids- would I go to Poland if it was full of fat ugly men? depends on the money. Many people travel to foreign countries to make a buck or two and don't even have a social life. example, I have a friend from Canada who is as white as they come- and he is a ginger with very fair skin. He moved to Algeria for two years to do a contract. He did his time and got paid good money. He had no life- pretty much lived on a guarded compound and then went to work.

His next posting was Kazakstan. (too many jokes there) He actually had a better life and ended up marrying a gorgeous Kazakstani lady and now they live in Calgary. Sometimes you have to go through the garbage to get where you want to be.

So, yes, I would. But then again- I don't always judge people based on their looks- I like to make a judgement on a person after I get to know them. There are some beautiful Polish ladies here who are complete and total b*tches with no personality- are there some people that are so shallow that would marry somebody only based on looks? That to me is more sad than all the money in the world
OP PWEI  3 | 612  
27 Sep 2011 /  #8
yes, that is me.

a) I thought you came here with your husband when he got a job here (didn't you?).
b) I have never actually met you (so you could technically be a 400 pound teenager who lives in Des Moines).
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
27 Sep 2011 /  #9
At the time I would have because I had no idea what it was like here in that regard when I first decided to live in Poland.
pip  10 | 1658  
27 Sep 2011 /  #10
yes, that is me.
a) I thought you came here with your husband when he got a job here (didn't you?).
b) I have never actually met you (so you could technically be a 400 pound teenager who lives in Des Moines).

My husband is Polish- I am the foreigner. We initially came over before we were married to work. Then back to Canada for three years and now back to Poland- total of 9 years. Both times he was hired from Canada as a repatriated Pole. Maybe I read your statement wrong.

Des Moines- nah, I am from Ottawa.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
27 Sep 2011 /  #11
Poland is full of fat and ugly women and I'm still here.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Sep 2011 /  #12
What peterweg said :) :)

I would have moved to see the country anyway, yes. Life is about experience and I've never been one for chasing tail, never. For me, the women are a small part of the overall picture here. For example, I didn't see many young hotties in Kraków but I saw plenty of sweathogs.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
27 Sep 2011 /  #13
I saw plenty of sweathogs.

What an image you conjure up, you old romantic! Polish women are no better looking, nor no worse looking than other Europeans, but their daughters are going to be in trouble if the current trend of fast food continues.
OP PWEI  3 | 612  
27 Sep 2011 /  #14
For example, I didn't see many young hotties in Kraków but I saw plenty of sweathogs.

I believe the correct term for those is not 'sweathogs' but actually 'British tourists'.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Sep 2011 /  #15
Teflcat, LOL. Your average Pole is still a good bit prettier than your average European IMHO. Still, fast food is unquestionably taking its toll. More phones, more calls made, more commitments, more rushing around like a headless chicken and more fast food as a result. I had Subway and a McD's chicken burger on the weekend for the first in a long time. I could actually feel myself getting bigger. Not my thing!

PWEI, LOL. Yeah, and the Americans adding extra oomph behind them ;)

Thread question already answered.
PWEl  - | 6  
27 Sep 2011 /  #16
Well, being slim or fat is not everything - e.g. I consider Poles having rather inferior hair to southeners or nordics.
rt3d  10 | 46  
27 Sep 2011 /  #17
don't leave out the fat/ugly men..
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
27 Sep 2011 /  #18
I could actually feel myself getting bigger. Not my thing!

whoa! are you talking about your "thing" not getting bi...oh, wait- reading comprehension fail on my end:/
BBman  - | 343  
27 Sep 2011 /  #19
No, i think most people go where the jobs/money are.

Personally, the only Polish women I had ever met before I moved here (the cook of a good friend's family, one of the matrons at school and my cleaner at university) were all fat and ugly (and fairly old) but were also very pleasant ladies.

Well generally speaking Polish women lose their good looks rather quickly. This observation has been raised on this forum in the past. Just think, how many MILFs and cougars do you see in Poland? Very, very, very few.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
27 Sep 2011 /  #20
MILFs and cougars do you see in Poland?

Please explain. What is a MILF? Is it different from a Cougar?
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
27 Sep 2011 /  #21
A milf is not necessarily on the prowl, a cougar most definitely is.

IMO, the term "milf" is rather an obnoxious one and I wish it'd go away.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
27 Sep 2011 /  #22
teflcat..milf =
Like to

Apparently all mums are MILFs these days...;)
teflcat  5 | 1024  
27 Sep 2011 /  #23
Apparently all mums are MILFs these days...;)

Not my mum.
So it's a more vulgar form of the British "Yummy Mummy".
Teffle  22 | 1318  
27 Sep 2011 /  #24
My main objection to the term Milf (and Gilf for that matter) is that they sound so asexual and wimpy.

I don't like cougar for the opposite reason - a bit too obvious and crass.

I want a new word.

Yummy Mummy

Definitely NOT that one though!

; )
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
27 Sep 2011 /  #25
well all mums under 50 that is..;)
yes indeed, milf has overtaken the yummy mummy.
Wedle  15 | 490  
27 Sep 2011 /  #26
There are some beautiful Polish ladies here who are complete and total b*tches with no personality- are there some people that are so shallow that would marry somebody only based on looks?

There is also a lot of expats here with no personality, who are just here for the money and are not prepared to contribute and give something back. Once you get outside the big cities, there are some not so nice examples of the Polish female. Enough to make your mouth go , hmmmm !

I want a new word.

What about Bobfoc it is quite popular now in England.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Sep 2011 /  #27
Not prepared to contribute and give sth back? What do you mean? They teach, isn't that enough? I don't criticise Polish people for sending their money home from the UK as they likely pay taxes and make their contribution in the UK by developing the cause of industry.

How about commenting on the lack of a contribution from some locals, Wedle? I see many aimlessly wandering around and the only thing they appear to contribute is noise pollution in the shops. Hopefully not air pollution too ;)
OP PWEI  3 | 612  
27 Sep 2011 /  #28
I had Subway and a McD's chicken burger on the weekend for the first in a long time. I could actually feel myself getting bigger.

What's wrong with Subway? Pick the right options and you can easily eat three meals a day there and consume less than 1400 calories per day.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
27 Sep 2011 /  #29
There is also a lot of expats here with no personality, who are just here for the money

That's the first time I've ever heard people being accused of coming to Poland "just for the money".
OP PWEI  3 | 612  
27 Sep 2011 /  #30
I've met more than a few who were just here for the money, I even know some who still come for the money (although admittedly now the cushy expat packages are generally a thing of the past, much of that money is the money that they will be earning after being promoted when they return home and are promoted).

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