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How to find an English speaking boyfriend in Poland

MIPK  - | 69  
25 Aug 2010 /  #91
check out this blog, might give you some ideas... paddyinpoland.com
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
25 Aug 2010 /  #93

It is slightly, anyone can learn English regardless of their colour, a black or asian person cannot become white..

You should put on a T-shirt with logo ''no Pollocks allowed.''

preference and discrimination -and they don't mean the same. Maybe it's about the way one describes things, maybe it's about the hate factor or the lack of it.

I haven't seen anyone express any hatered here, only preferences...

I could argue there..

Me, I prefer white girls over most others. Does this mean I discriminate against others? Sure. Does it make me a racist? Nope. Because I don't hate the others, I just don't prefer them. Preference and discrimination without hate.

I also prefer medium height girls over short or tall ones. Does this mean I discriminate against the others? Probably. But I don't hate them either.

And I prefer medium build girls over very skinny or very fat ones, which I discriminate against when I'm on the hunt. But, again, I don't hate the chubs. Only preference with some discrimination.

Finally, I prefer smart girls over dumber ones ...but given the chance I might still score a dumb one if she was hot... Lol... So no hatred here either.

And all this makes me no better and no worse than someone looking for a non-Polish English speaker.
OP greenclover1  1 | 25  
25 Aug 2010 /  #94
Oh my dear trener zolwia.. Do we really need to go over this again? I though we covered it all yesterday...Be happy with your choices. Live in peace. I wish you well. Let's drop it now.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Aug 2010 /  #95
From the thread title, it would appear like you want sb to have a physical relationship with but some of your comments would suggest that you are more interested in being in contact with the English language and just having a chance to hang out. Trust me, there's a big difference when you are an expat. I often hung out with girls in Japan as they tended to like the company of foreigners. I don't blame them as most Japanese guys value the company far ahead of them. I enjoyed their company but it was nothing more than just chatting as I had a GF when I was there.
Captain Scarlet  3 | 34  
25 Aug 2010 /  #96
I'm in Bielsko from Thursday , staying at the President . Pop down there , i never bump into anyone who speaks english there but that's part of the fun .
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
26 Aug 2010 /  #97
Me, I prefer white girls over most others. Does this mean I discriminate against others? Sure

Its called preference..not descrimation..

I prefer spring to summer, Im not descriminating..or am I..oh my goodness, Ive been descriminating all these years and I didnt know it!!! FFS!

And all this makes me no better and no worse

Your above comments make you sound like a bit of a kvnt actually.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
26 Aug 2010 /  #98
bit of a kvnt

Back at the classy lady.

Short and fat, are ya, Amathyst...
OP greenclover1  1 | 25  
26 Aug 2010 /  #99
Seanus: You might be partially right. It might be about hanging out and being in contact with the English language too. But not only that. I think that like attracts like. All of my closest childhood friends have become multilingual successful expats with their careers in different locations in the world- I'm an ex expat myself. To find their equivalents here- I need to speak to the foreigners. And when it comes to my love life- it just happens that native English speakers have certain appeal to me- like blue eyes to some. But to reassure those who questioned my mental health - English is not the only criterion. I look for the whole package. And yes, I date Polish speaking guys too.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
26 Aug 2010 /  #100
Your above comments make you sound like a bit of a kvnt actually.

Back at the classy lady.

Short and fat, are ya, Amathyst...

And he's completely clueless as well.
southern  73 | 7059  
27 Aug 2010 /  #101
And when it comes to my love life- it just happens that native English speakers have certain appeal to me- like blue eyes to some.

It is like polish ass to me.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
27 Aug 2010 /  #102
You date many guys? Hmm....dating, for me, is a bit slack. It's all too experimental and I've never done it.
OP greenclover1  1 | 25  
27 Aug 2010 /  #103
Seanus:No I don't.Dating-as having a cup of coffe from time to time with someone- and try to learn something about them. Pretty harmless...
waelpro  - | 8  
27 Aug 2010 /  #104
so it sound really funny thing going around,
it look like the same to me,cant found some one who speek english
I'm egyption who live in warsaw,speeking well english,it would be nice to have some company,could be for week end going out,have some chat,Drink,what everr

any way wish you have nice day.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
31 Aug 2010 /  #105
Short and fat, are ya, Amathyst...

172cm and a size 10 / 12 so hardly...short or fat, trener zolwia..

And he's completely clueless as well.

It would appear so..It seems to be the standard insult, all English women must be short and fat because they happen to be English :D
31 Aug 2010 /  #106
172cm and a size 10 / 12 so hardly...short or fat, trener zolwia..

pl: 38/40 (M/L)
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
31 Aug 2010 /  #107
If I was about 156cm than I could be considered "large" if I was wearing those sizes, but since Im 172cm (well Im .5 inches above but I thought I'd round it down) it hardly makes me "large" ....Besides Ive been a size 8 and I look mingingly skinny for my height..the size 12 is for my top half because I wasnt exactly left wanting in the bust department...Which cant be said for a lot of women of certain other nationalities :(

Women are meant to have curves and not supposed to look like prepubescent boys...The herion addict look is not what I aspire to
31 Aug 2010 /  #108
Oh, don't explain yourself ;P
9 Jul 2017 /  #109
hi guys
if i have in somehow a cultural question who should i ask about it?
Looker  - | 1129  
9 Jul 2017 /  #110
Try it here.

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