She prefers english speakers than others. Discrimination is normal. I discriminate ugly girls and prefer sexy. One day I may wake up and say to myself - "damn, Now I want to meet only greek/italian girls. And This is absolutely NORMAL".
The other guy though openly decried a group of people.
No he didn't. He expressed (or suggested, rather) a preference.
If you follow your philosophy - when you choose strawberry ice cream - you discriminate against vanilla.
Sort of. Let me see if I can explain it better this way...
Suppose you came here and stated that you wanted an English speaking American or Brit, etc. but you further stated that you didn't care for Indians, Muslims or blacks.
This would be fine. It would be your preference and you are entitled to it. It's your heart and your body and you are free to share it with anyone -or not- for any reason you so please. PC be damned. There is no "racism" here at all, only preference.
However, the problem -the hypocritical PC double standard- comes when were some else to intone that they prefer or dislike particular groups of people, for whatever reason, and you jump them for it, as you did.
As Jeden pointed out, you DO discriminated with your preferences (against the Polish, against the Russian speakers, the ugly, females, midgets, platypuses...) and that's fine. We all do it. But you can't then turn around and say someone else's preferences/ discrimination is wrong and yours right.
PC is inherently loaded with such hypocritical double standards and society has been brainwashed into hypersensitivity over it. That's why it is utter crap. You saw the word "white" and knee-jerked. Forgetting for the moment that you yourself were indeed discriminating too.
One person expressing a preference for English speakers is no better or worse than another expressing a preference for whites.