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English girl moving to Poland with my Polish boyfriend for the first time

esSMJay14  - | 3  
26 Mar 2013 /  #61
I spend a couple hours on Rosetta Stone everyday and listen dilligently to my boyfriend and his family speak to master the diction and pronounciation.

I have been struggling in my search to find work. My initial motive to join this site was to post a listing searching for work but I quickly realized that several others followed a similar intention and they all recieved the same type of responses. I wouldn't mind tutoring students striving to perfect their english but I can't find anyone willing to take advantage of me as a resource.

It's frustrating because every since I was 14, I have worked and made my own income. (I am 20 now.) In the states, I ran a very small business, performed as a freelance personal assistant, a costume design assistant, worked at high volume retail stores and several other jobs I have had no luck landing here in Poland. 8\

I do look forward to the spring for I heard it's beautiful and very green. 8)

I also have a few roadtrips planned to explore the rest of Poland when the weather is more accomodating.

I am looking forward to my future endeavors in Poland and am hoping I find work soon!

THANKS for your welcome!!


Yes, I know of the permit requirements. As of now, my boyfriend's family is willing to register me as an employee of theirs until I can find work in other terms. Although, I still have to get an apartment under my name and health insurance before I am eligible to submit the paperwork.

Thanks for your reminder, though!
26 Mar 2013 /  #62
I still have to get an apartment under my name

Firstly you don't really have to do that (can your boyfriend's parents not register you as living at their address), and secondly that will be expensive and tricky (a lot of landlords will simply refuse to register you as living at their apartment because they don't want the tax man to find out that they are renting out their apartment and/or the don't actually have the legal right to rent out their apartment and/or they are worried that you being registered there will give you legal rights over their apartment).

my boyfriend's family is willing to register me as an employee of theirs until I can find work in other terms.

That could be a bit of a pain in the arse for them (they'll need to jump through all the hoops of getting you a work permit: they can't just decide to give you a job, they will first need to advertise the vacancy with the local labour office and then after they have received no applications for the permission they can ask for permission to hire a foreigner). It might be easier if they can just agree (formally) that they will support you while you are in Poland. Or perhaps somebody in the USA can commit to that?
esSMJay14  - | 3  
26 Mar 2013 /  #63
Wow, is that an option? For them to agree to support me while I am here?

According to the sites I have used for my research, I must have residency established under my own name UNLESS I am married or otherwise related to a Polish Citizen..
26 Mar 2013 /  #64
You still establish residency under your own name, you just do it on the basis that you will be supported by another person rather than supporting yourself. However, you might want to check the tax implications of that option.
Maybe  12 | 409  
26 Mar 2013 /  #65
(a lot of landlords will simply refuse to register you as living at their apartment because they don't want the tax man to find out that they are renting out their apartment and/or the don't actually have the legal right to rent out their apartment and/or they are worried that you being registered there will give you legal rights over their apartment).

Shhh....for Christ sake Harry...ssshhh

(they'll need to jump through all the hoops of getting you a work permit: they can't just decide to give you a job, they will first need to advertise the vacancy with the local labour office and then after they have received no applications for the permission they can ask for permission to hire a foreigner).

Well depends who the family know.
welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
26 Mar 2013 /  #66
So for around 10 hours a week you can earn 1400zlt amonth after tax. What is an ok wage.

I dont know where in Poland you live but 1400 is not even an OK wage. Here in Trojmiasto you'd struggle to live on that, which I suspect is the same in all of the other major cities.
11 Apr 2013 /  #67
I am looking forward to my future endeavors in Poland and am hoping I find work soon!

esSMJay14, try visiting this place [lamama.eu] you will normally find many mixed couples and people from the Polish African community who may be able to point you in the right direction. The owners name is Arinze he has been in Poland for many years playing in the Ekstraklasa.
primrose  - | 1  
16 Apr 2013 /  #68
I dont know where in Poland you live but 1400 is not even an OK wage. Here in Trojmiasto you'd struggle to live on that, which I suspect is the same in all of the other major cities.

He meant that a a WEEKLY salary
OP bizzilizzi12  1 | 4  
2 Mar 2014 /  #69
As I read this thread more and more I got to like this Bizzilizzi she has balls and I don,t think she will put up with any old rubbish they throw at her

Why thank you :)

We're engaged to be married next June now and have a house in the process of being built so everything is going well.
I believe our future is in Poland and if it isn't, it's not the end of the world!

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