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'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
14 Oct 2010 /  #241
on a polish forum?

The social virus like the bubonic plague has infested Poland.
(one can onlyl imagine the uproar if an all male political party was formed)

shouldnt you be marching down main street or something?

I prefer alleyways, sideways, byways. and of course "the road less traveled".

f your a speaker, show us some proof of your work

Who said I'm a speaker? You women always seem to make things up out of nothing.

who are these feminists?

A small sample of influencial feminist leaders and some of their statements;

"I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." -- Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor.

“Feminism, Socialism, and Communism are one in the same, and Socialist/Communist government is the goal of feminism.” ...............All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman." - Catharine A. MacKinnon. Big time lecturer at feminist gatherings and university professor.

"All men are rapists and that's all they are" -- Marilyn French, Authoress; (later, advisoress to Al Gore's Presidential Campaign.)

"Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience."
Catherine Comin, Vassar College. Assistant Dean of Students.

"The institution of sexual intercourse is anti-feminist".
Ti-Grace Atkinson, Amazon Odyssey.

I won't bother to quote Mary Daly although she frequently spoke against men but it is interesting that when she was a professor at Boston College she would not admit males into her classes (and because of "PC" she got away with it). Imagine the opposite happening?


I hope the above educated and influential feminists have given you an idea of what the leadership of this socialist cult is about. I have many more ridiculous anti male statements from other feminist leaders if you request it. There is no denying this misandry.

he will prob yell at the female fish

I threw the female fish back because they smelled so fishy.
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
14 Oct 2010 /  #242
You asked proof of cultural and societal bias against men and I provided you with several examples in post #186 and in a couple of previous posts as well. You have not commented on them. That's the crux of the general discussion but you prefer to play with 'words' (typical lawyer) thus obfuscating the premise.

Great argument. I have responded to what you've said though. You've post the titles of some laws with a bit of your own commentary, to which I then said:

"I further repeat – unless you provide me with concrete proof that your family/DV laws are biased I don’t believe you. You can so easily vindicate your position by providing a link to the relevant sections of the law. You won’t though because you’ve probably never actually seen them."

and rather than doing what I've requested and vindicating your position your above post infers that you do not understand that I CANNOT COMMENT ON A PIECE OF LAW WITHOUT YOU PROVIDING ME WITH A LINK SO THAT I CAN ACTUALLY READ IT.

You merely saying something is not proof of something. You continuing to hand wring and not provide me with the links tells me you really don't know what you're on about and got those laws and comments from a blog.

The amount of false assumptions on your part are too many to count. I almost feel embarrassed for you.

Another awesome argument Zimmy. I call you out as not actually having any genuine experience with the law in respect of the topic and instead of commenting on that with what your experiences were you say I have made false assumptions - prove they're false.

The deflections are all yours with your 'word' games instead of addressing the issue. You have no idea how distasteful your mediocre attempts at lawyering sound here.

Oh no you don't mister. You started all this when at the very beginning you were losing the argument and called me a "liberal" to obfuscate, then distilled the way in which we were discussing the actual topic down to your arguments being better because they weren't 'liberal'. Just face it mate - you started it when you couldn't challenge my comments and chose to try to attack the way in which you perceived my comments were made - and you lost. Take it like a man and move on ;)

No argument there; attempting to parcel definitions until they have no meaning only humiliates you. It's such a phony tactic and it doesn't work here.

See my preceding post.

You seem to either not know the definition of the word or are once again attempting to be relative with it. If you had really studied the hundreds of Fiebert studies you would realize that several thousand accredited individual professionals interviewing hundreds of thousands of individuals using diverse methodology (most did not know each other) is by definition not

You're correct in assuming that I didn't review all the studies, but forgive me the fact that I do have a life. I did however do you the courtesy of reading a dozen or so. Did you read Kennon? If so, what is your take on the way DV is treated in property settlements?

In any event, my proposition that that evidence is anecdotal still stands and you haven't displaced it. Good one though in arguing again that they cannot be because of their volume.

I'll use that style of argument next time I'm in court and want to lose - "Your Honour, this statistical evidence is not anecdotal because there are hundreds if not thousands of people who say vampires exist and these stats show that. It doesn't matter that that cannot be tested because I haven't provided any sworn affidavits, or subpoenaed witnesses for cross examination - the volume in and of itself speaks as to the veracity of there being vampires".

This'll test you - have I myself used anecdotal evidence? If so, where specifically, and is my form of anecdotal evidence sufficient if I've used it?

As to the question of child custody and the law, the fact that women receive custody about 90% of the time speaks for itself.

Sheer brilliance - rather than giving me links to judgments or the law to sway your argument toward a semblance of plausibility, you merely say it is so because you say it is so - pure, unadulterated, anecdotal gold!

It's always a pleasure instructing you.

Unless you're my client, which you aren't, you are not instructing me. You are, in this context, 'advising' me.

Nice blog too, but I'm not really interested. Good to see that yet again you haven't answered as to whether or not non-payment of child support irks you or given any genuine material backing up your contentions.

You don't seem to be worth much money since you seem to be a mediocre lawyer who likes to play word games instead of addressing the issue I brought up.

Oh Zimmy, that's just silly games now - what do you think I earn? Have a guess mate. My missus looks after the household finances. Amongst myriad other things, women are just so much better than men at organising finances, but you wouldn't know that, would you ;). Go on chief, call me a mangina - it'll make you feel better.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
14 Oct 2010 /  #243
You women always seem to make things up out of nothing.

typical statement coming from you, I wont blame the whole population tho

not my style.

I threw the female fish back because they smelled so fishy.

Well Zimmy i would think you prefer to eat female over male.. but lol whatever
floats your boat.

have given you an idea of what the leadership of this socialist cult is about

I see what your talkin about, but theres no way in heck anyone in here is like that
so the point your getting across , these people are hard core..
Im not going to read this crap, cause its crap, why would i let some of these so called
men haters even influence me..

and you see how they sound?? its the same way you sound towards women......

just because women respond the same way, doesnt mean they are all feminists
ready to ax any man that might walk into their home.. come on.

men talk about women, women talk about men..
hey there, thats a country song,, wanna here it ??? LOL
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
14 Oct 2010 /  #244
I threw the female fish back because they smelled so fishy.

Well Zimmy i would think you prefer to eat female over male.. but lol whatever
floats your boat.

I throw female fish (and crabs, yabbies etc) back because females produce more fish and that needs to be respected and cherished to sustain the marine ecology. Male fish are expendable if you're after a feed. Germaine Greer taught me that.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
14 Oct 2010 /  #245
lol you guys are so serious.. ok ok, all joking over, here I try to catch a grin.

yeah, makes sense.. I dont like fish.. so count me out of the fish eating period.

I ate it as a kid, but, had big jug beer with a bad can of tuna one night and
I was sick for three days with some type of bacteria vomiting and such with high
fever.. so yep, boycott big time.. lol

the beer gave me the munchies.. cause It was a three day ordeal almost went to
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
14 Oct 2010 /  #246
lol you guys are so serious.. ok ok, all joking over, here I try to catch a grin.

Bugger it! I was trying to have a light hearted dig at Zimmy and be funny too. Germaine Greer is an Aussie feminist. She was reviled for her comment that Steve Urwin deserved to be stung and killed by that sting ray. I couldn't resist raising the connection between feminism and fishing but it was obviously lost. Oh well ;)

big jug beer with a bad can of tuna one night and
I was sick for three days

Tfui! What possessed you to mix the two Pat? Can't think of a worse combination.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
14 Oct 2010 /  #247
I throw female fish (and crabs, yabbies etc) back because females produce more fish and that needs to be respected and cherished to sustain the marine ecology. Male fish are expendable if you're after a feed. Germaine Greer taught me that.

ha, ha, post of the day:)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
14 Oct 2010 /  #248
Tfui! What possessed you to mix the two Pat? Can't think of a worse combination.

I dont know lol, I learned from it though.. ;)

Bugger it! I was trying to have a light hearted dig at Zimmy and be funny too. Germaine Greer is an Aussie feminist

ahhhhh now i get it.. I guess I should have read further , lol

I am sure Zimmy will start looking up links about her now..

ha, ha, post of the day:)

lol excellent post of the day.. :)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
15 Oct 2010 /  #249
There isn't enough space to chase all the 'what ifs' you (Ozi Dan) constantly engage in and I'm not a man who goes on wild goose chases so I'll make this as easy and simple as possible. Western culture lives in a feminized society where much law and culture discriminates in favor of women. Before addressing additional examples which I will provide, let us stick to those you've already ignored.

* Executive Order 11126, which established a committee and council on the status of women. Please note that no corresponding committee or council on the status of men exists.


* Executive Order 13506, which established a White House Council on Women and Girls. Please note that no corresponding White House Council on Men and Boys exists.


* The Selective Act, which forces men to register for the draft, or they will be fined and imprisoned. Women do not need to register.

* The Violence Against Women Act,(VAWA) which only protects women from domestic violence and leaves men with no where to turn if they are stuck in an abusive relationship.

* Rape Shield Acts, which only protect the identities of female rape victims. There has been an epidemic of false accusations by women in recent years and many times even then their identity has been protected. Some women are serial false rape accusers yet feminists demand that their past cannot be used against them.

mediaradar.org (Lots of information here, dare to read some of it).

* The so-called neutral laws are not enforced when women deny visitation rights yet men often go to jail for not paying child support. I suggest that a father in a child's life is more important than money.

The above is only the tip of the misandrist legal iceberg and after you comment specifically on these I'll be delighted to move on and add several more examples. I have dozens.

The fact that there are laws that exist for women only is de facto proof of inequality. Privilege is not equality.
In the next segment we'll move on to such areas as lower standards for women in the military, more money spent on womens' health issues as well as the many additional social services for women only.

Here's a quick freebie from Australia; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airline_sex_discrimination_policy_controversy

Innocent men are considered guilty even when they are traveling.

Well Zimmy i would think you prefer to eat female over male..

Not if they smell fishy.

why would i let some of these so called
men haters even influence me..

You miss the point yet again. They may not influence you although your defensive replies and lack of addressing the issue specifically belies that. Besides. these feminists write books, lecture in academic classrooms, hold gatherings, etc, so they do influence lots of naive women.

men talk about women, women talk about men..

So you don't know the difference between people merely talking about each other and those who have an agenda supported by law and culture?

When an editor of a womens' magazine writes that " 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act" lots of mushy minded young women take her seriously. When an assistant dean of students says, "men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience" then this person in power has a big influence with her students. When a celebrated professor bars males from her classes (for 20 years), what does that say about academia? No male teacher would even be allowed to be that 'sexist', yet Ms Mary Daly got away with it because of the feminization of academia, etc, etc. Do you understand the difference?

Germaine Greer taught me that.

I understood your reference (as you knew I would). Here's something else the infamous Ms Greer said; "The idea of the ideal man is a woman with a d!ck" Is that why you like her?

Yet, look how influential these mad women have been.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
15 Oct 2010 /  #250
So you don't know the difference between people merely talking about each other and those who have an agenda supported by law and culture?

zimmy for someone who claims he gets layed all the time, you sure are uptight.

cause that was supposed to be a joke and you turned it into a lecture.

ahh well.

You miss the point yet again.

no you did, because I said, I dont listen to this stuff, so I dont care of others do
cause Im not their mother..and I am not on a mission to stop it or encourage it.

They may not influence you although your defensive replies and lack of addressing the issue specifically belies that. Besides. these feminists write books, lecture in academic classrooms, hold gatherings, etc, so they do influence lots of naive women.

so what do you want me to do?? join in a rally to fight against it?

like I said, if your gung ho, then go do it. what good is it going to do on PF
you keep repeating over and over. and frankly, your message cant gain followers unless
you actually participate. pgtx said your a internet warrior and that is the gods honest

No male teacher would even be allowed to be that 'sexist', yet Ms Mary Daly got away with it because of the feminization of academia, etc, etc. Do you understand the difference?

Are u kidding me? so your saying men dont get away with being sexists?

ha hah hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

the commercials for that stupid new mop the swifer or whatever, has a song in it
whos that lady and its showing the old mop all sad because the new mop has taken over
and so the old mop is crying love stinks.. and stalking the woman of the house
practically in the commercial.. so that isnt sexist? why wouldnt they use a man in the
commercial? cause they associate mops with women?? or swifers with women??

the tv is plasterd with it, I hear it all the time, one comment was at work, we are all
bringing in something for a potluck, so we ask a new guy what he is bringin, he said
I will bring cookies,.. and then we said oh you know how to cook, he said no
I have a wife!!

lol did he get a razzin, but guess who made the cookies..lol

you have a headache, yeah I have a wife.

you have a housekeeper, yeah I have a wife

on and on and on.. sexist jokes, sexist remarks.. its all the time.

and its even worse with certain countries.. the lack of respect for women is sickening.

so really, what ever your into, I dont care, I dont care what other people do, if they
like that stuff, Im not going to stop them.. maybe they were scorned like you.
maybe they just dont want any more abuse, that is prob the case in some of these
so called hard core fems.. I dont really take interest in it.
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
15 Oct 2010 /  #251
so really, what ever your into, I dont care, I dont care what other people do, if they
like that stuff, Im not going to stop them.. maybe they were scorned like you.
maybe they just dont want any more abuse, that is prob the case in some of these
so called hard core fems.. I dont really take interest in it.

I think I'm with you here Pat. I'm really not interested anymore in continuing the debate.

Sorry, Zimmy. I enjoyed our fairly robust discussions but I really don't see any point in perpetuating our debate. I'll respect your POV, though I disagree with it, and I trust you'll reciprocate - hopefully that'll be the one thing we can agree on as a baseline.

In parting, I again appreciate the fact that you've given me food for thought and for what it's worth, you've made me think deeply, particularly about the nuances of subjectivity/objectivity. If you're ever in Oz and need a mediocre lawyer, let me know and I'll gladly help you. Unfortunately I don't do office visits so you'd have to attend my office, and no, I wouldn't kick you out ;)

I hope you achieve what you're after, however you measure that benchmark. If I can offer some constructive criticism though, it's this - practicing law, if nothing else, has taught me one thing - be your own devil's advocate - after doing that, argue your point with finesse: bullshit delivered in a vat of honey will, 9/10, be taken over a diamond wedged between someone's arse cheeks (metaphorically of course).

And I really can't stand Ms Greer either - I was just having a lend of you. Catch you round mate.
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Oct 2010 /  #252
I understood your reference (as you knew I would). Here's something else the infamous Ms Greer said; "The idea of the ideal man is a woman with a d!ck" Is that why you like her?

At least the d1ck remained.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
15 Oct 2010 /  #253
zimmy for someone who claims he gets layed all the time, you sure are uptight.

You must be confusing me with Southern.

that was supposed to be a joke

Better work on your humor.

I dont listen to this stuff, so I dont care of others do

You have been influenced by it nevertheless; it shows in your reticence to acknowledge that which is presented in front of you. But many other women buy into feminist hate and unfortunately that counts.

Are u kidding me? so your saying men dont get away with being sexists?

Not when it comes to law. Men get sued, companies get sued. I gave you a specific example, one of many which would not be tolerated if the sexes were reversed. You don't seem to grasp the big picture.

stalking the woman of the house practically in the commercial.. so that isnt sexist?

Two things; first, almost all commercials which show someone who is stupid or needs instruction will show a male. That's because our feminized culture dare not insult women in this era of political correctness. The women are inevitably the smart ones often making faces at their stupid male partners. As to the mop commercial, it's a male mop stalking a female who is wise enough to change products and she shakes her head at the dumb male mop.

I enjoyed our fairly robust discussions but I really don't see any point in perpetuating our debate.

I understand, so I'll put my artillery of anti male laws and customs aside. They are difficult to argue against.

I again appreciate the fact that you've given me food for thought and for what it's worth, you've made me think deeply, particularly about the nuances of subjectivity/objectivity.

Well, I do spike my "food for thought" with lots of salt, pepper and garlic. I'm just a spicy kinda guy. I was interested, however, in your take on the guy who flew Quantas airlines and was asked to move because a young boy was in a seat next to him.

And I really can't stand Ms Greer either

Can you believe this ultra feminist posed nude? Years ago I was shown several pictures of her in 'all her glory' and after seeing them I didn't want to have sex for a month.
15 Oct 2010 /  #254
Can you believe this ultra feminist posed nude? Years ago I was shown several pictures of her in 'all her glory' and after seeing them I didn't want to have sex for a month.

laughs for real!

have you heard what she is saying in the UK these days???? Thant males suspects of rape should be named online...
My first thought was...who is going to name the spiteful girls who make false rape accusations?
I like reading your posts Zimmy, but don't you think you're a bit of a "one trick pony"?
all the best xx
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
15 Oct 2010 /  #255
who is going to name the spiteful girls who make false rape accusations?

Feminist organizations fight tooth and nail protecting women, even those who make false accusations. Remember that quote from the dean of students?

I like reading your posts Zimmy,

Aw shucks, thank you.

one trick pony

No, because feminist thought and philosophy has ingrained itself in almost all aspects of life; academia, law, special programs, shelters, advertising, sit-coms, etc. Even movies show 90 lb women beating up 250 lb men, all for the sake of equality of course.

This should help answer your question on rape accusations. Real equality would protect the accused but as it is now even the false accuser is protected while the innocent accused is not.

Even in sports women get paid the same for performing worse than men. In Chicago, we just had a marathon and the female winner received the same amount of money as the fastest male despite finishing behind many male runners. So much for 'real equality'.
Barney  19 | 1783  
15 Oct 2010 /  #256
Even movies show 90 lb women beating up 250 lb men, all for the sake of equality of course.

Or titillation, which it cant be of course as it would make a mockery of your theory.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
15 Oct 2010 /  #257
It's not theory; the stuff is there for you and all to see. As for titillation, evidently I get mine from other means instead of watching fictional skinny women beating up men twice their size.
Barney  19 | 1783  
15 Oct 2010 /  #258
As for titillation, evidently I get mine from other means instead of watching fictional skinny women beating up men twice their size.

These scenes are meant for the Dads and nothing to do with demeaning Men.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
16 Oct 2010 /  #259
These scenes are meant for the Dads

I hardly know what to say. What an unusual reply.

By the way Southern, do not take my comment in thread #265 as an insult. You really do crack me up sometimes.
Barney  19 | 1783  
17 Oct 2010 /  #260
What an unusual reply

You have never seen a movie review?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
18 Oct 2010 /  #261
So let me get this straight. Movies that show thin 100 lb women beating up 200+ lb men are made for "dads" as you put it and these "dads" are titillated by movie reviews.

""It ain't true, is it, Joe?"..................(comment from a little boy on Shoeless Joe Jackson allegedly accepting bribes during the White Sox World Series in 1919)

Warning, adult content for the faint of heart.


See what some married men have to go through.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
9 Nov 2010 /  #262
See what some married men have to go through.

all of them? ah, poor you, guys... maybe all of you should move to Arctica and stay there in seclusion, eat dead fish and be happy... i'll buy you a ticket, zimmy...
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
9 Nov 2010 /  #263
maybe all of you should move to Arctica and stay there in seclusion,

Nah, there is no running away - just changing the system is the way to go. Of course some people are content with their societal advantages and stories like this one disturb them.

eat dead fish

I don't eat the live ones, do you?

i'll buy you a ticket

Next time the Rolling Stones are in Chicago (possibly in late 2011) you can buy me a ticket to the concert. Haven't been around them since the early 80's.

As to the article, it's okay to show that side of reality isn't it?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
9 Nov 2010 /  #264
Of course some people are content with their societal advantages and stories like this one disturb them.

As to the article, it's okay to show that side of reality isn't it?

that's life, zimmy... men beat up women, women beat up men, children are involved, learn this ugly behavior and carry it through their lives... nobody is saying it's alright... but it ALL has to change or stop... every coin has to sides and every action like that should be punished...

I don't eat the live ones, do you?

you mean raw? yes, with sushi... delicious, i love it...

Next time the Rolling Stones are in Chicago (possibly in late 2011) you can buy me a ticket to the concert. Haven't been around them since the early 80's.

there is no room for negotiation, zimmy... Arctica or nothing... you can take a little rock to your pocket with you...
Havok  10 | 902  
9 Nov 2010 /  #265
I just stumbled upon this subject.

Try to work this out with your spouse first. Let him/her know what the boundaries are, if this doesn't seem to make any difference and you can't deal with it anymore follow the steps below.

step 1) document the evidence
step 2) get a legal advice, if you have money hire a lawyer
step 3) ask for a restraining order
step 4) get a divorce

That's what normal people do. Also I’m not quite sure why this is tagged as a taboo topic.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
10 Nov 2010 /  #266
men beat up women,

Yes, everyone knows that. After all, there have been only a zillion articles in newspapers, womens magazines, tv programs and everywhere else on this subject. "Men are bad, women are victims". Just ask feminist leaders.

women beat up men,

Aha, now we get to the meat of the matter. Glad you (finally) recognize that. Even after the massive amount of past evidence I've presented that women initiate domestic violence as often as men, some women here still don't want to know this fact. That's because the above mentioned medias with few exceptions have not acknowledged

this fact (thanks to the feminist media onslaughts). In fact, feminist organizations virtually deny that women can commit domestic violence. That is the rub - and my main point.

children are involved, learn this ugly behavior and carry it through their lives.

Particularly kids growing up in single parent households who have it rougher than those growing up in two parent families (women initiate 75% of all divorces)

I just stumbled upon this subject.

Well, pick yourself up and you'll fall down again after reading some of these eye opening articles: mediaradar.org

I'm not quite sure why this is tagged as a taboo topic.

Until recently, the subject of men as victims and women as batterers has been very taboo.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
10 Nov 2010 /  #267
Glad you (finally) recognize that.

i have always recognized that... i know the reality very well...
i was only pointing out that you like to whine, that's all...
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
10 Nov 2010 /  #268
I'm sure you have written many many letters to all those feminist organizations that "whine" all the time.........right? Or perhaps like so many women you are selective in your criticisms.

Pointing out how one-sided and anti male this topic has been these past few decades is appropriate. Men have been hit with a snow avalanche of feminist lies and distortions. Throwing a snowball back seems to be too much for you, but then, many women have this sort of perception problem.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
10 Nov 2010 /  #269

Just wondering? But do you get any?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
10 Nov 2010 /  #270
Pointing out how one-sided and anti male this topic has been these past few decades is appropriate. Men have been hit with a snow avalanche of feminist lies and distortions. Throwing a snowball back seems to be too much for you, but then, many women have this sort of perception problem.

see, zimmy? you started bleeting again...

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