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'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland

A J  4 | 1075  
26 Nov 2010 /  #361
Is that a hint that you want me to e-mail you pictures?

No, I think it might help you to overcome your frustrations.

I've honest with women to a fault. That should be evident. Of course in my extended circle of friends and acquaintances people already know how forthright I am

Easy to say with a screenname like Zimmy. No one has seen a real picture of you. No one has seen your real name. I wonder how forthright you are with women in real life, seeing how many women you manage to p¡ss off here. (And most of them aren't even Feminists!)

Maybe this woman can:

I'm not even going to read it, but let me tell you this much: She's just one woman with an opinion. She doesn't speak on behalf of womanity. (Not that I necessarily disagree with her, but it just proves my whole point why you shouldn't use that condescending tone with women all the time.)

Havok  10 | 902  
26 Nov 2010 /  #362
No, you're naive because of your crude posts and inability to articulate an argument. Oh, and because you write when you're drunk - but then it seems that Aphrodisiac and perhaps some others like that dubious 'quality' in you.

People don't like you because you're a pompous as$. Like i said i stand by my drunken words. lol

Is my old friend Camile Paglia still teaching there?

Why would i lie dude? i have nothing to prove to you.

Shakespeare again? ...perhaps in one of his sonnets?

did you study Shakespeare at University of Pennsylvania, wth is wrong with you kid? I spend some years in teh military, sorry if i'm being too rough on you, pus$ycat.

all Texans are like this 'good old boy'

I love Texas, but i'm not from here. I can tell that you know nothing about TX so better stfu. Go beat up your imaginary girlfriend and then tell her to cook you a meal.

I would rip you face apart with my bare hands and then sh1t down your throat while you desperately gasp for air

i write my best stuff when i'm drunk. I love this quote. LMAO
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
26 Nov 2010 /  #363
I would not rip your face open and **** down your through. That was wrong thing to say.

Are you drinking too much to notice any contradiction with the above quote with the one below?

I would rip you face apart with my bare hands and then sh1t down your throat while you desperately gasp for air"........
i write my best stuff when i'm drunk. I love this quote. LMAO

Aprhodisiac must be swooning at your um, inconsistency. Birds of a feather eh?

your frustrations.

You seem to be a remarkable study in 'projections'.

Easy to say with a screenname like Zimmy. No one has seen a real picture of you.

Did you want one of my face or my pen!s, since you've previously shown interest in both.

I'm not even going to read it,

That's exactly what I've noted to posters who asked about "linkage". Here it is; the inability to even look at something that differs from their beliefs. It's that FEAR thing. If you didn't want to read from an enlightened woman's point of view, perhaps you'll take a gander at a mans'.

fredoneverything.net/HookingUp.shtml or is that too fearful for you too?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
26 Nov 2010 /  #364
Zimmy, I also agreed to THAT:

:D. Do you care to comment Zimmy? Havoc has a sense of humour, which I like:)
A J  4 | 1075  
26 Nov 2010 /  #365
You seem to be a remarkable study in 'projections'.

Just giving you a taste of your own cookie, since this is exactly how you seem to project some of your bad memories on virtually every woman you encounter on the internet.

Did you want one of my face or my pen!s, since you've previously shown interest in both.

You know what I mean. You're so upfront and forthright, but of course that's easy to say when you're King Anonymous.

That's exactly what I've noted to posters who asked about "linkage". Here it is; the inability to even look at something that differs from their beliefs.

Projection? Who said anything differs from my beliefs?

It's that FEAR thing.

No, it's boredom. Can't you have an opinion of your own, without feeling the need to justify your views through the articles of other people? Just say what's on *your* mind, if you're mature enough to do that.


:D. Do you care to comment Zimmy? Havoc has a sense of humour, which I like:)

And you're supposed to be sleepy.

Havok  10 | 902  
26 Nov 2010 /  #366
Are you drinking too much to notice any contradiction with the above quote with the one below?

Aprhodisiac must be swooning at your um, inconsistency. Birds of a feather eh?

your um ... Yeah it was the wrong thing to say but in retrospect it was funny as hell. That’s why I like it. Again, try to concentrate more on the whole message instead of individual fragments.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
27 Nov 2010 /  #367
Did you want one of my face or my pen!s,

well they both prob look the same, shaved , small and round with a hole in the middle of it..

your ex told me that. :)

seeing how many women you manage to p¡ss off here. (And most of them aren't even Feminists!)

he knows what hes doing, we all told him we werent, but he keeps on doing his pc warrior

and yes Zimmy, you generalize, theres nothing to comprehend there, its out there, in alot
of posts.. thats what bothers me, you include all women, which is really feked up
so I guess you daughter is a fem too, cause you dont say some, or certain groups of
women, it would make more sense to say that, but you dont, and we keep telling you
but your pig head women bashing keeps on happening, so I do hope someone shuts you
up, I suspect you act like this all the time, its only a matter of time before someone
actually does kick your arse for you fowl mouth.. theres no debate there.
A J  4 | 1075  
27 Nov 2010 /  #368
he knows what hes doing, we all told him we werent, but he keeps on doing his pc warrior thing...

I know a few girls here have some feminist views, and I think that's a good thing. It's not like they're rabid man-haters. They just want to be able to have it their way, without having to listen to a guy all the time. And if Zimmy's honest, he wouldn't like to listen to a girl all the time either. I think both men and women need some space from time to time, so I really don't think we differ *that* much.

I don't like those traditional role-patterns either, and I probably have some issues with the mindset of some girls, but then again, you can't fight nature, and I suspect some girls have some issues with my mindset aswell. The simple truth is; We can make as many problems out of that as we would like to, but we could also look at ourselves in a more realistic way, and just accept a few things, in all fairness.

I think our media is the biggest b¡tch of all. I mean, all these perfect images of perfect people and their perfect lives really screw with the minds of young people, both guys and girls, and such unrealistic expectations will only lead to disappointment. I think that's the real problem we're facing today. So many demands to live up to, not enough time!

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
27 Nov 2010 /  #369
I know a few girls here have some feminist views, and I think that's a good thing. It's not like they're rabid man-haters. They just want to be able to have it their way, without having to listen to a guy all the time

good way to look at it. same can be applied to men , and them not wanting to listen to a
woman all the time.

but we have to stop and listen at some point or we will find ourselfs lonely, not everything
in life is perfect.

I think our media is the biggest b¡tch of all. I mean, all these perfect images of perfect people and their perfect lives really screw with the minds of young people, both guys and girls, and such unrealistic expectations will only lead to disappointment. I think that's the real problem we're facing today. So many demands to live up to, not enough time!

so true, you see perfection, you expect it, so many good hearted people get passed by
cause they look for eye candy.. you have to click and you know it.

and if you click with that person, then dont let them get away.. :)
George8600  10 | 630  
27 Nov 2010 /  #370
They call Poland an overtly conservative country, but women easily overpower men...lol.

Anyway, I think it's erotic and kinky, I'll get beaten by a hot Polish girl anyday. ;-)

without having to listen to a guy all the time

You sure it's not the other way around? lol
A J  4 | 1075  
27 Nov 2010 /  #371
good way to look at it. same can be applied to men , and them not wanting to listen to a woman all the time.

Of course. If you let a woman be a woman, and a man be a man, then your relationships will be so much better than they are now. Sure, it's give and take, and you have to be willing to compromise all the time, but in my opinion there's no room for claiming your partner. In a healthy relationship, there should be enough trust and care not to demand or bark orders. I have self-respect, and so do you. (I hope!)

but we have to stop and listen at some point or we will find ourselfs lonely, not everything in life is perfect.

I will stop and listen when I hear something of value.

so true, you see perfection, you expect it, so many good hearted people get passed by cause they look for eye candy..

Well, if I listen to a lot of young people these days, most of them seem to be under the impression that money is God, and that you don't have the right to exist without it, and the sad part is; The older generation made it that way. Don't get me wrong, I'm not pointing my finger at mom and dad who couldn't have done anymore about it than I could, but I *am* pointing my finger at mom and dad who keep going with the herd and who are happy to force feed this ultra-materialistic rubbish to their offspring. Why? Because you oughta know better than that. No excuse. Period.

you have to click and you know it. and if you click with that person, then dont let them get away.. :)

We'll see.

You sure it's not the other way around? lol

Why do you think women are protesting half-naked in the Ukraine? Why do you think there are campaigns against women-trafficking all over the globe? Why do you think so many women wish they could be financially independent? Why do you think some girls are so obsessed with financial aswell as social security? Why are there so many single mothers in the beneficial system? No offense to anyone, but just think it through..


Or was all of the above too mature for you?
George8600  10 | 630  
28 Nov 2010 /  #372
I was making a comment on general relationships, not being immature or ignorant. I didn't need a feminist manifesto, and I ma very clear about all those issue. I simply wonder why you never post it in any of the countless threads about guys complaining about their polish "girlfriends". Also there are social factors in general to be addressed rather than just gender ones. Ukraine has tons of social problems which can have prostitution as an indirect aftereffect of the matter. Also financial security or social security aren't necessarily sexist in terms of how they apply to an individual.
A J  4 | 1075  
28 Nov 2010 /  #373
I was making a comment on general relationships, not being immature or ignorant.

I know, but what I post in italics usually has nothing to do with the posters I reply to, but are funny jabs towards any readers. (I like flaming people into reactions!)

I didn't need a feminist manifesto, and I ma very clear about all those issue.

I didn't post a feminist manifesto, and if you look closely, you'll see that I also had something to say on behalf of the guys.

I simply wonder why you never post it in any of the countless threads about guys complaining about their polish "girlfriends".

Simply because most of those threads aren't real, and most of those threads aren't exactly discussions either.

Also there are social factors in general to be addressed rather than just gender ones.

A lot of social factors are based on traditional role-patterns of both men and women, which is something which obviously needs a few adjustments.

Ukraine has tons of social problems which can have prostitution as an indirect aftereffect of the matter.


Also financial security or social security aren't necessarily sexist in terms of how they apply to an individual.

I know, but what strikes me as odd is that mostly women suffer from financial insecurity when they fail to find a partner. Men usually don't. (I'm leaving all the reasons in the middle, if you don't mind!)


I also meant to joke about the fact I usually post childish sh¡t!
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
30 Dec 2010 /  #374
Ms Lorena Bobbitt Gallo was asked by a female CNN reporter if she could now laugh about what she did. Didn't make much news because male bashing is the norm in the liberal media (among many other 'politically correct' aspects). Of course if a male reporter asked a real rapist who sliced up a woman if he could laugh about it then it would be headline news for a week. That's a big no-no; how crudely insensitive. I dare say that reporter would be immediately fired......but

our culture has become so pro female centric that this goes almost unnoticed.

Typical "equal" justice in a feminized America.


From the link: "McVey says she accidentally slashed Davenport with a knife that she got from the kitchen." (Accidental slashings like these are all too common and could be prevented if manufacturers would stop making these defectively sharp kitchen knives.) Ultimatelyneither party was charged..."

A woman slashes a man so no one was charged. Imagine the reverse; and this typically won't be in the domestic violence stats provoked by women.

Slowly, but surely, there have been articles about inappropriate behavior from women. Many, many excuses have been made for women (they're "victims") but the ugly truth is everywhere. Here is just one of many....
pgtx  29 | 3094  
30 Jun 2011 /  #375
Slowly, but surely, there have been articles about inappropriate behavior from men. Many, many excuses have been made for men (they're "victims") but the ugly truth is everywhere. Here is just one of many....
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
30 Jun 2011 /  #377
Slowly, but surely, there have been articles about inappropriate behavior from men.

I've long understood the unfortunate fact that you don't get it. You seem to 'feel' that you are arguing from some objective position. You are not.

There is no comparison between the amount of negative articles about men and women. The past several decades have heaved much misandry on males and in all sorts of ways. Examples include domestic violence stories. Reading them from assorted sources, one would think that only men commit DV. That's been a very successful strategy from the abuse industries which were feminized about 3 decades ago. As you know, I've previously given sources and links which show that women commit DV as often as men.

Men, however, do not report DV in anywhere near the numbers that women do. The many Fiebert studies have proved both those important points.

Since you have shown an interest in 'balancing' something then I suggest that you also correspond with the many feminist organizations that continue to produce their one-sided, anti-male articles. That should keep you busy for years.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
30 Jun 2011 /  #378
I've long understood the unfortunate fact that you don't get it. You seem to 'feel' that you are arguing from some objective position. You are not.


There is no comparison between the amount of negative articles about men and women.

You're right there, a woman in general is branded a "sl*t" or something worse if she dares to go against the norm.

Examples include domestic violence stories. Reading them from assorted sources,

Its a mans speciality - men afterall are the stronger breed.

I know what your gripe is here Zim and Ive been on a few sites since reading this topic, but unfortunatley men will not report a woman for absuse because they are ashamed (Im sure this has been covered in this topic) and until more men come forward the stats will always be in a womans favour and I would say even when men come forward it will aways be in a womans favour...men are more agressive by nature and are more controlling by nature (in a violent way, women have more subtle ways!)..I do think the balance has been tipped because women's roles in society have changed and certain men dont like it..There will always be men with that "hunter gather" mentality who feel threatened by a women who are more powerful and therein lies the problem..

But Im sure Zim had an answer and its womens fault..boo hoo..
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
30 Jun 2011 /  #379


You're right there, a woman in general is branded a "sl*t" or something worse if she dares to go against the norm.

You know better than that. It's been a "you go girl" society for decades now. Women are "empowered". Women are "entitled". Women are the smart ones in television ads; men are the dummies. There are several womens cable networks; many dozens of magazines; several thousand books about the 'strong' woman, etc, etc. When shown the real facts, both men and women are shocked to learn that domestic violence is equal between men and women. That's because there has up until now been only a feminist agenda and propaganda in this and many other issues.

unfortunatley men will not report a woman for absuse because they are ashamed (Im sure this has been covered in this topic) and until more men come forward the stats will always be in a womans favour

You are right about that. I would only add that there is one other aspect here. The false figures that feminist organizations put out also contribute strongly to many false perceptions. For example, do you really believe that 1 in 4 women on college campuses are raped? That's the kind of anti male nonsense feminists foist on society in general. Too many liberal reporters write about that kind of stuff without questioning their fellow traveler feminists. It's "politically incorrect" to do so.

..I do think the balance has been tipped because women's roles in society have changed and certain men dont like it.

Many women don't like it either. Recent polls suggest that women are unhappier than ever. Part of that is because men are more reluctant to marry. They have seen their fathers, brothers, cousins, uncles get screwed by the judicial system and even many women have begun to acknowledge this.

Im sure Zim had an answer and its womens fault..boo hoo..

Don't cry; I blame men for much of this as well. Those queezy manginas that call themselves men are disgusting, not to mention weak in all manner of manhood. How women can stand those types of men is beyond me.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
1 Jul 2011 /  #380
You know better than that. It's been a "you go girl" society for decades now. Women are "empowered". Women are "entitled"

Goodgrief if you believe that crap then you are more stupid than you come across, we all know women will never have the same power.

For example, do you really believe that 1 in 4 women on college campuses are raped?

No, its proabably more, but most dont report it!.

Part of that is because men are more reluctant to marry.

Thats because they cant find anyone to marry :)

Yawn..why do you contine
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Jul 2011 /  #381
'Battered husbands'

even a young strong 6-foot 5-inch 220-pound former football player isn't safe video:
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
1 Jul 2011 /  #382
Goodgrief if you believe that crap then you are more stupid than you come across,

...and yet that "crap" is everywhere isn't it? It obviously sells and it's women who buy it.

For example, do you really believe that 1 in 4 women on college campuses are raped?

No, its proabably more, but most dont report it!.

So is it 1 out of 3 ? Is it 1 out of 2 ?; perhaps it's 4 out of 3? You would think that on-its-face logical thinking people could see how false that is. Wouldn't parents start a revolt; wouldn't colleges shut down if that nonsense was factual?

As to not reporting rape it seems that feminists now describe it as being almost anything. ... with lots of false rape charges thrown in.

Thats because they cant find anyone to marry :)

Lol; logic always confuses you doesn't it? Not just in polite society, but lots of guys in these forums can tell you how adverse they are to the 'modern' western woman when it comes to marriage. The marriage rate has been cut in half in only one generation. Those men who actually do want to get married are going for foreign brides hoping that these women haven't been infused with the feminist virus of male hate.

Yawn..why do you contine

Lol again; why do you respond? duh
f stop  24 | 2493  
1 Jul 2011 /  #383
Quote from PennBoy's artlicle: "Most of the time you have a homicide similar to this and typically the woman is the victim," said Officer Jason Willingham, spokesman for the Tulsa Police. "I don't recall any situation that is similar in recent history, for sure."
George8600  10 | 630  
1 Jul 2011 /  #384
Battered women are for tears and care, while battered husbands are for laughs... :-D
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
1 Jul 2011 /  #385
Was that French monetary frog really guilty? .... or was he set up?

Havok  10 | 902  
5 Jul 2011 /  #386
even a young strong 6-foot 5-inch 220-pound former football player isn't safe video:

Yup, a sad story, his boyfriend 6'6" 350- lbs linebacker says it was a tragic accident.I'm not sure who to believe now. I guess time will tell.

People who feel the opposite sex is abusing them have a victim mentality.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
23 Jul 2011 /  #387
This guy has an extreme way of presenting himself but much 'food for thought' gentlemen (and good women).

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