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'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland

22 Nov 2010 /  #331
do you appease someone swinging a bottle at you for example? and unless the police are standing beside you, they won't be much use either.

you simply walk away
Teffle  22 | 1318  
22 Nov 2010 /  #332
You mean back away maybe? Ducking & avoiding, all the way home or until your assailant gets tired or bored?

And the next time? No way to live your life IMO.
22 Nov 2010 /  #333
No just walk away if your assailant persists I am sure you can go quicker, unless you want to "mouth-off" which will only exacerbate the situation, and lead to further confrontation.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
22 Nov 2010 /  #334
unless you want to "mouth-off"


Am I in some alternate universe where opposites apply?

Let's be clear - someone is attacking me, could possibly kill me, and according to pgtx if they are a woman and I strike them I am being macho or something and according to you I need to be careful that I don't 'mouth off' as it will only make things worse?!

Worse than being scarred for life or potential DEATH ?
22 Nov 2010 /  #335
Worse than being scarred for life or potential DEATH ?

I think that you are over analysing , potential death suggests that you are aware of the situation that is pending, and therefore fully aware of the consequenses of your actions.
Havok  10 | 902  
22 Nov 2010 /  #336
You mean back away maybe?

be a better person or more mature and just walk away

And the next time?.

If you keep finding yourself in the same situation over and over again, than I would conclude:
a) You enjoy being abused
b) You’re of very low economic status
c) You’re in a cult and you can’t quit
d) You don’t want to give up on that person yet
e) All of the above
In any case, it’s about personal choices, there are laws addressing this issue and I believe they are adequate atm, it’s not a taboo subject here and in Poland.

No way to live your life IMO.

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

Bush Jr.

What our ex-president was trying to say is that you should learn from experiences and improve your logic for the next time.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
22 Nov 2010 /  #337
OK - just FYI by the way - I have never hit a woman and have no intention of doing so, in fact have hardly ever hit anyone, at least not since school, and neither am I in any sort of abusive relationship.

Just throwing the scenario out there.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
22 Nov 2010 /  #338
I'm already in a better mood after reading your responses Zimmy.

I'm better than a prescription drug.

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic and this would be your silly attempt at making a gay joke

No gay jokes; I don't care who people love romantically but I do tire of repeating myself on issues I've more than explained these past 21 months here.

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic

Only about 33 1/3 percent of the time.

What do you do up there in Chicago that makes you so manly?

Now if only you had asked me politely I might possibly tell you but your question has a dubious air about it. Besides, the answer is in these (past) forums so I won't repeat myself. In your case, you are on a need to know basis.

are you a lawyer fighting for battered husband rights?

Nah, I don't have much respect for lawyers although there are exceptions as in everything else. I have met Chicago's premium father's rights lawyer many years ago; nice guy.

you need to see a shrink Zimmy

Shrinks come to see me.

Zimmy is that you?

No, that was not me. I was trying to give you more credit than this but you're making it difficult with you substandard comments.

this is a stupid debate,

It is when people like you and some others don't contribute to the subject matter but instead
attempt to insult the courier of the message or statement. That's about as nicely as I will put it otherwise you sound like some chest-pounding punk.

PC warriors, like zimmy?

If anything has been obvious; I've been the most anti politically correct person here. You aren't that ignorant now, c'mon.

Good, because there's no reason to ever hit a woman.

I didn't realize that you were a mangina. Well, so much for communicating with you. I can imagine quite a few reasons to physically defend oneself against a woman. I suspect that even you would if some loco female was going at you with a knife for instance.

instead of hitting her (or him) back, you should call the police

I've recently posted a link where a woman assaulted her ex while a cop and a reporter watched yet both were taken into custody. (he was not hitting her back). Evidently, people like you read it and stuff like this just doesn't register. That is one of the great problems in DV cases. Sometimes, men call the police and they are the ones arrested. (I've had 3 linked examples of that in the past)

eminists like Erin Pizzey know this to be true. For saying such views out loud, she had death threats from feminists, her dog was killed and she has to leave GB.

This sort of thing has been pointed out over-and-again but people have very thick skulls and they can see it, read it, watch it and it still doesn't register with them. It's like a mental handicap.

Many women choose not to - or at least are self righteously cocooned with their belief that they can act with violence, with impunity.

Right you are. They are accustomed to their social privileges which they don't want to give up. That's why stating facts, showing links, giving examples, statistics, etc does not penetrate their so-called reasoning. In fact, a new school of thought with the 'marriage strike' men is that men should not even attempt to use logic with women because it's fruitless.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
22 Nov 2010 /  #339
a new school of thought with the 'marriage strike' men is that men should not even attempt to use logic with women because it's fruitless.

hmm... i don't agree with that so called "new school"... from my life experience, i know that his logic and my emotions pair well and no problems what so ever...

so try again, zimmy...
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
23 Nov 2010 /  #340
Tell you what - I won't tell you to see a shrink or whatever and you can keep your suggestions to me where the 'sun don't shine'. I realize that many women have a problem sticking their big noses where they don't belong. Don't be one of them.

so do men, but because its a thread on a public forum, I can say whatever the hell I please

so why dont you go sit and spin.

You have a comprehension problem. See? Two can play your silly 'sh!t test' game and it really is stupid; just wanted to show you how dumb it is.

I was showing you, all the so called debates are nothing more then retorts back and forth
and of course its always your threads zimmy, cause you just cant compose yourself.

everyone is a feminists.. yep, we all are out to get you. what a crock.. come back down
a few notches.. and FYI I do encourage men to also do what is needed to stop abuse
if they need to put someone in jail over it, so be it.. the cops take both to jail if its a
domestic fight now a days, it isnt something hidden, as for poland what they do there
isnt going to change overnight by your one thread.. PGTX is right in saying your
nothing more then a internet warrior..

oh BTW.. glad I struck a cord.. now I actually think your listening.

Quite a stupid reply to a serious debate really.

Talli, you hopped in half way thru a thread.. and you reply to my one little opinion
of zimmy that pretty much everyone agrees with minus a few retards.

he comes in here talking about this, but it stays here, so what good will this
thread do to help ? has he started a group for men that is specific for this ?
NO< had he offered to start one? NO
meanwhile he bashes ALL women, talks about them like they are objects and says
that he doesnt.. meanwhile, the REAL men in here who know how to take care of business
tell him how it is and he doesnt like it, and he still trys to convince them that all these
links will save them from only god knows what?? its not like we carry around machetis
or guns and are on a spree of some kind..

I am not a promoter of hate, I do not like this bashing shyt, if you want to listen to a
moron, go ahead, its not going to save you, trust me, it will make shyt worse, cause
if you treat a woman in public like what his links tell you to do, you wont have women
kicking your arse, you will have a shitload of men doing it..

so whatever, stupid comments or not, he needs to see a doctor soon, he hates
female, why, what happened in his divorce, maybe as a child, who the fek knows
but its ongoing annoying threads about nothing and he does nothing about it.

PGTX got it right, internet warrior. and nothing more.

so do men

I am going to refrase this, cause anger forced me to generalize and thats not what I wanted
to say and so for that I am saying SOME men.

Please share it, are you a lawyer fighting for battered husband rights?

he does nothing but sit on a chair and type.

if he had a group or something, he would provide a link to his website, but he has nothing!
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
23 Nov 2010 /  #341
everyone is a feminists.. yep, we all are out to get you. what a crock.

No need to get emotional about it, but alas, it would seem that emotion is all you have.
Try posting facts and links like I do. It'll make you happier.

glad I struck a cord.

I'll plug it back in for you.

and you reply to my one little opinion
of zimmy that pretty much everyone agrees with minus a few retards.

People who agree with me (there have been dozens in the past 21 months) are "retards"?
Don't claim that you don't hate.

he bashes ALL women,

Oh, I think that people here know who I oppose etc. I've posted quite a few links by women who agree with my findings as well. Naturally, those didn't register with you nor have you commented on those. You seem to have a mental gap which skips over anything that displeases you. Do you have a problem with selective memory?

I am not a promoter of hate,

Not you except when you call people who agree with me "retards" or hateful. Have you memory checked for your own good.

I do not like this bashing shyt,

Yet you do it time after time. It's that memory thing again isn't it?

f you treat a woman in public like what his links tell you to do,

Could you post a few links of mine that suggest this?

he needs to see a doctor soon,

Been recently checked out and it seems I'm 'fit as a fiddle'. May I suggest something too?
Take a test which shows what your comprehension level is.

ongoing annoying threads

You disagree with me; fine. So try to be specific when responding to my links or examples instead of being upset that my opinions, backed by facts displease or upset you. If this is too difficult for you then what are you doing in a "Battered Husbands" forum to begin with?

Maybe you cannot handle some subjects? That's okay, but don't knock people who can.

he does nothing but sit on a chair and type.

How do you do it? Standing up?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
24 Nov 2010 /  #342
is that all you can do is attack by saying I have low comprehension and you hurt my feelings, these are old news zimmy, you keep using the same old lines.. over and over.

let me clue you in on something, its you that doesnt comprehend what I am saying.
you keep asking me to provide links , but there is no links to provide other then show
you what you wrote and what you keep writing over and over.

everything you say is hypocritical, you say you dont dislike women, but you include
all western women in every critical subject you talk about, you dont say some women
you basically say all women, this is my point I was trying to get across. but you failed
again to even catch it, and it was not hidden, but yet again zimmy goes on his rant
and does his little retorts that make you look even more like a moron then you already

you dont even know the points I have made or have been making all along, you keep
thinking you do, but I would be totally amazed to see if you even listened.

your just a fake emotionless old man.

there is nothing your links interest me with.. if you are such a go getter, then go
start a group.. but nope, your not, so again,, pgtx said what?? PC Warrior.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
24 Nov 2010 /  #343
there is nothing your links interest me with.

Only ignorant and fearful people never look at the totality of evidence and experience. Nevertheless, I will wish you and all (yes all) the other posters here a Happy Thanksgiving; even those outside the U.S. who do not celebrate Thanksgiving.

I'll be busy the next couple of days consuming immense quantities of food and drink with my (current) girlfriend who is preparing a meal 'fit for the gods'. I have two dinners to go to so It won't be my fault if I over indulge.

Eat a turkey leg for me.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
24 Nov 2010 /  #344
I will wish you and all (yes all) the other posters here a Happy Thanksgiving;

thank you !
happy thxgiving, zimmy... enjoy the breasts :)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
24 Nov 2010 /  #345

Only ignorant and fearful people never look at the totality of evidence and experience.

Zimmy, get it right, I dont care and I am not fearful.. it doesnt interest me.

I will wish you


Eat a turkey leg for me.

nahhh I like the white meat,, but you can eat a polish sausage for me :)
24 Nov 2010 /  #346
Talli, you hopped in half way thru a thread.. and you reply to my one little opinion

I am sorry I apologise Patrycja.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
25 Nov 2010 /  #347
thank you :)

I realize that there are men who get abused, I am all for them getting help
and getting out of the situation.

I think if its something your wanting to do , it isnt impossible to help others in
these situations. that is why I dont know why zimmy isnt applying all this to
making a actual website or starting a group.. he seems to want to help
for a better cause, sitting on here and fighting with everyone sure isnt getting
the message out there for those who really need him.

this is a polish website.
Havok  10 | 902  
25 Nov 2010 /  #348
Only ignorant and fearful people never look at the totality of evidence and experience.

First of all, it really pis$es me off when you take fragments of my post out of the context and then insert some stupid as$ remarks on top of it. Read the whole sentence...

Patricja and Pgtx said it already, you are just an effing compulsive weirdo with no future and on top of it I really doubt you have a girlfriend, cuz who in their right mind would want to deal with a weird as$ like you?

You are a guy that would abuse a woman and then be mad at the police for being arrested when reported. Seriously, people like you should be put out of their misery.

Let me try "to ring a bell" for you and explain, an average a man is biologically predisposed to be twice as strong as an average girl and twice as aggressive, (unless you're a pus$y inbred psycho like yourself).

The reason why I'm mentioning this is because the laws in regards to the "domestic violence" and the "police profiling" are structured around the "bell curve" of the society's behavior. (Google effing bell curve you Chicago wanna be Pollack)

This means that if you're a man then you probably could easily walk away from a "girl attack" unless it's a gun, than you're fVcked either way. ...so be a fvcking man and just walk away.

secondly, you have nothing interesting to say anyway... the reason why I'm even responding here is because I woke in the middle of the night to take a pis$ and I didn't feel like going back to bed... I got bored so i decided to surf the net.

Frankly, I believe that weaklings like you are a menace to our society.

Why don't you get your as$ on the plane to Afghanistan for some 8 years and then reflect back on a girl slapping your punk as$ in the face for being a fvcking d1ck.

You absolutely disgust me ZIMMY.
I would rip you face apart with my bare hands and then sh1t down your throat while you desperately gasp for air.

Happy thanksgiving punk as$ of 1:27 AM
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
25 Nov 2010 /  #349
finally somebody summed Zimmy up and I don't believe he has a girlfriend either.

Waste of space is all he is.
jablko  - | 104  
25 Nov 2010 /  #350
wow Im surprised that so many people keep attacking Zimmy. To make it worse most of these 'attacks' aint even rational arguments but simply insults and taunts. He seems like a masculist doing the same work for men as feminist does for women. Yet he gets bashed constantly by sexist/ignorant women and pu$$ywhipped 'men'. This just proves that sexes are NOT treated fairly and that its deemed wrong for men to fight for their rights, even when they are abused. Cause woman deserves all the help she can get 'because shes a woman', while man IS EXPECTED to be strong and take everything world throws at him with a smile, right? And if he cant take that what is thrown at him without complaining then it means hes 'weak' and that means he doesnt deserve any support cause 'weak' man is of no use. What kind of logic is that?? Some of you people are blatantly sexist, and to make it worse you see nothing wrong in that, or you simply fail to admit it. Just like if sexism against men didnt exist.
Havok  10 | 902  
25 Nov 2010 /  #351
Sorry i was drunk last night but i think you're still a b1tch Zimmy and you too Jablko.

recovering... hopefully I'll be ok before f dinner.

Women are different than men that's all. That metrosexual crap makes me just sick. You guys are bunch of pus$ies.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
26 Nov 2010 /  #352
wow Im surprised that so many people keep attacking Zimmy.

again STFU, you came in halfway thru, did you read my post 363?

I know what I said, so do few others, we are simply tired of the bullshyt
please re-read some of zimmys threads then come back and tell me he isnt bashing
women, he generalizes all the time , I highly doubt he is doing much for society.
A J  4 | 1075  
26 Nov 2010 /  #353
What an ironic comment from you considering your embarrassing meltdown.

What can I say? I'm a real sweetheart.

You erupted and typed without thinking. Let's relive some of your words of wisdom.

You seem to type without thinking a lot yourself, so let's relive some.. actually, let's not.

That's a partial list from one post; a couple of others are just as puerile and childlike. Some day in time you will mature ..... grasshopper.



No, all the relatives in my family going back to Mieszko have been males. I still don't know how we did it. Of course only a 'white knight' would ask a question like that and the hip modern male realizes that a 'white knight' is another way of saying 'slave to womens demands'.

Seriously, if someone is single because he doesn't listen to women very well, then that would be *me*, sorry to burst your bubble. However, unlike you, I'm not promoting woman-haters who say they wouldn't take care of their own baby. I'm not treating a woman like she's inferior, just because I don't like what she has to say.

yes, I have three, one of each sex.

Do you take care of them yourself? (Unlike the woman-hater you promoted.)

and traveling. How's it going with you?

So you would call *that* responsibilities? Oh, and I'm not going to laugh at ballroom dancing, because I think we both know where to find classy women, although I do think it's a shame you're not exactly honest with them when it comes to your low opinion of women that you so vigorously display here.

Well, I'll grant you 2 out of 3 but one of those is very important to me.

And you were talking about how *I* was blinded by my hormones? You're contradicting yourself now, aren't you? (Of course it's nice to have one!)

So you have all these demands, but you don't really value any of those assets and attributes, since you don't seem to be interested in a relationship. I mean, I know I wouldn't give a flying f*ck about her musical talents if she was just another fling to me. So perhaps you're not *that* smart or classy yourself?

I'll accept your apology.

I still think you need penis enlargement.

I always find it peculiar the amount of ire Zimmy draws on here. Particularly from other men?
It's FEAR. I'm presenting a world that 'white knights' don't want to believe exists.

I'm a realist, and you *really* don't have to tell me anything about women. I'm not a white knight, but I don't feel the need to degrade women either. For what? Because they use their attributes and talents to get somewhere? Because they feel like they have to secure their position? What? You think men don't?? It just shows what a little boy you really are if you do that.

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
26 Nov 2010 /  #354
it really pis$es me off when you take fragments of my post out of the context and then insert some stupid as$ remarks on top of it

But your dumb comments are here in their totality for all to see.

you are just an effing compulsive weirdo with no future

Well, I am probably a bit unique. As to my future, I am living it.

You are a guy that would abuse a woman and then be mad at the police for being arrested when reported.

I've never hit a woman in my life. You seem to be a naive young man.

Let me try "to ring a bell" for you

Can you do it in the key of 'C'? Were you the bell ringer in your high school band (I presume you didn't advance to higher education).

I'm sure posters who oppose me are happy to have a literate ally like you. Only Shakespeare expressed himself better than you.

you have nothing interesting to say anyway...

Is that why you respond so vehemently? (not to mention immaturely)

Why don't you get your as$ on the plane to Afghanistan for some 8 years

I was there for 3 days and that was too long. Besides, they don't have a Starbucks.

a girl slapping your punk as$ in the face

Please, don't bring your fetishes into these threads.

I would rip you face apart with my bare hands and then sh1t down your throat while you desperately gasp for air.

In order to do that you must be hyperflexible (double jointed), therefore you must have practiced that move on yourself first. Many times no doubt.

finally somebody summed Zimmy up

Ah, you must be proud to associate with a drunken kindred spirit like Havok. Makes you 'feel' better too, doesn't it?

wow Im surprised that so many people keep attacking Zimmy.

Heh,heh,heh, don't be. Lots of people fear 'real equality'.

Sorry i was drunk last night

Really? How surprising, but not to worry, Aphrodisiac supports your drunken posts fully and seemingly without embarrassment.

please re-read some of zimmys threads.... he generalizes all the time ,

Lol; I've been specific in my examples, domestic violence links, and feminist quotes of which there have been many. You've really got to work on your comprehension and memory skills.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
26 Nov 2010 /  #355
Really? How surprising, but not to worry, Aphrodisiac supports your drunken posts fully and seemingly without embarrassment.

the only person who should be embarrassed is you;)
A J  4 | 1075  
26 Nov 2010 /  #356
But your dumb comments are here in their totality for all to see.

And so are yours.

Havok  10 | 902  
26 Nov 2010 /  #357
I'm sure posters who oppose me are happy to have a literate ally like you. Only Shakespeare expressed himself better than you.

Wow what an ego... no one is opposing you dumdum, everyone just thinks you're an idiot.

Well, I am probably a bit unique. As to my future, I am living it.

You're living in the future? Sh1t, sorry to have to break this to you, you're not unique kid just nutz.

I've never hit a woman in my life. You seem to be a naive young man.

I'm naive because I think that a person, a man, should walk away from violence rather than strike back?

bell ringer in your high school band

I presume you didn't advance to higher education

I played basketball, football and I was on a swim team not sure what bell ringer is.
You presume wrong. I graduated form University of Pennsylvania.

Is that why you respond so vehemently? (not to mention immaturely)

With all due respect I was drunk so who gives a sh1t you pus$y head dork. It's a forum not a Master's thesis.

Please, don't bring your fetishes into these threads.

You know, you're twisted, I wouldn't think of that.
A J  4 | 1075  
26 Nov 2010 /  #358
You're living in the future? Sh1t, sorry to have to break this to you, you're not unique kid just nutz.

I'm sure you've noticed I didn't actually write any of that.

Havok  10 | 902  
26 Nov 2010 /  #359
sorry about that. :) I need to do some proofreading next time.

Really? How surprising, but not to worry, Aphrodisiac supports your drunken posts fully and seemingly without embarrassment.

yes, I was drunk, but I stand by my words. I'm not embarrassed by what I said and if I had a chance to tell you that to your face I would do it.

I would not rip your face open and **** down your through. That was wrong thing to say.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
26 Nov 2010 /  #360
the only person who should be embarrassed is you;)

But YOU are the one who agreed with an admitted drunks post. In fact you quoted him saying;
"I would rip you face apart with my bare hands and then sh1t down your throat while you desperately gasp for air." and you agreed with it. If that's not embarrassing to agree with then you are incapable of such probity.

I still think you need penis enlargement.

Is that a hint that you want me to e-mail you pictures?

I'm naive because I think that a person, a man, should walk away from violence rather than strike back?

No, you're naive because of your crude posts and inability to articulate an argument. Oh, and because you write when you're drunk - but then it seems that Aphrodisiac and perhaps some others like that dubious 'quality' in you.

I graduated form University of Pennsylvania.

Is my old friend Camile Paglia still teaching there?

I was drunk so who gives a sh1t you pus$y head dork.

Shakespeare again? ...perhaps in one of his sonnets?

you're twisted, I wouldn't think of that.

Yet you are the one who wrote it. I merely surmised.

Lest some people think that all Texans are like this 'good old boy' they are not and in fact Texas is one of the states I would live in if I didn't have it so good here. In the arts, Texas gave us the great Buddy Holly and nobody could sing better than Roy Orbison.

I'm not going to laugh at ballroom dancing, because I think we both know where to find classy women, although I do think it's a shame you're not exactly honest with them

I've honest with women to a fault. That should be evident. Of course in my extended circle of friends and acquaintances people already know how forthright I am.

you *really* don't have to tell me anything about women.

Maybe this woman can:

"Ladies the reason why we can't seem to find a man to have a relationship with is because we make them miserable, we have made ourselves undesirable. You can sit here and deny it all you want but it's the truth. You have created your pain by accepting feminism as your mantra. Now you have live with it. As well as I do."

But I recommend reading the whole thing; from yet another woman's point of view, one of many, that I've linked.....with specificity.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in PolandArchived