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'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
20 Nov 2010 /  #301
You listen to that Oprah too much.

lol.. no, but I wish I was on her show the day she gave away some cars.. that would
be sweet.. :)

I've been tenderized by women myself.

that sucks..because I hear the same thing, when I am around some of my friends
they are lookin for someone nice, but every time they go out, they give up.

Women treat us like objects too.

some, not all. you just have been unfortunate, maybe its the type of woman
cause if she is high maintence , then you have only set yourself up.

I like the simple life

that can get lonely as you get older.

I am finding out how much I miss my hubby every time he goes to work, when he was
off for a while ( like most of America) we spent more time together, and grew closer
and I think I kinda like him. lol

I think you will soften up again, its a matter of which woman will break your shell
you can pinch and poke, but I think she will pop off that shell and you will be
tenderized again.. :)
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
20 Nov 2010 /  #302
I think you will soften up again, its a matter of which woman will break your shell

Well, you see I don't want to soften up and be some weepy flower or whatever. I want to be a man. I love women. They're a lot of fun when you don't let them too close. They want to control everything; treat you like a little boy. Screw that.. What a drag. Pat, you're alright, probably a sweetheat. I just like the sporting life. Women control too much nowadays.. cramp your style.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
20 Nov 2010 /  #303
Well, you see I don't want to soften up and be some weepy flower or whatever. I want to be a man.

my husband is a man, he crys at every sports game too. lol

and I love that, he gets weepy about other stuff, but, its cute to see him show that
side, its not a bad thing.. we really like the tears,, it makes us want to kiss and smooch
and make you feel better.. yep. crying does the body good. just like milk.. lol

I love women. They're a lot of fun when you don't let them too close.

you know, i can understand this, but my dad did this to my brothers and I still dont have
any neices and nephews, only my sister and me both married and had kids. so apparently
he was wrong.. dont go thru life cheating yourself forever. seriously, there are alot of good
fun girls that are still fun, yeah some things have to change, like if you have kids
you can still have fun, it just has to be later in the evening or with the kids.. ya know.

They want to control everything; treat you like a little boy.

thats the nutureing part we cant help.. I still get yelled at about it, and I try like hell
to not, but he still goes into his little boy mode when he is sick, or needs me for something
so its a 50/50 agreemment, just have to meet in the middle.. :)

I can see your not ready, but its food for thought.. I am sure you have one regular you
think more of then the rest and she prob is very attached to you too..

Pat, you're alright, probably a sweetheat.

Thank you :) I try, I sometimes act like a goofball, or say stupid stuff, but for the most
part I mean well. your alright too, I have stepped back for a while and read alot more
and I see where your coming from.. ;) peace
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
20 Nov 2010 /  #304
I am sure you have one regular you
think more of then the rest and she prob is very attached to you too..

hmmm... maybe. like i said, don't let her too close. ;^ D. a.) She'll get bored if I let her in too easy. b.) some other divorcee will come around and think I'm interesting. Either way.. the sun is coming up tomorrow.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
20 Nov 2010 /  #305
:) I knew it.. lol

well. this is good thing.

you cool.. just dont take yourself where my brothers are at. I love them both, but
after so many years of not being around a steady , my older brother is annoying
and he dont know how to talk to them anymore, he actually lost his touch.
he says some mean things. and my younger brother loves women, he has them
bringing him things at work, but he is shy as ****.. he went for this timid girl who was
hypokondriac.. it was hard for him, he gave up cause he liked her, but every time
he wanted to take her out, she was sick, she would go out, then not go out, like
she was scared, so he just said **** on it.

so yep.. I am only a ciotka to two, but I love emm.

well, anyways, sweet pete.. I have to get my arse to bed. I am thinking bout
working my arse off and going in to work early.. sick or not. money talks and bills *****.

lol , :)
Havok  10 | 902  
20 Nov 2010 /  #306
Evidently you enjoy losing bets.

honestly, I think you’re just too scared to talk to a girl in RL.

As to the sex change, I don't even want to know why you think like that.

sex-change will definitely put to rest all your fears about being wrongly accused of a domestic violence. I think you should go for it.

I could share some info about myself which would cut down on all that smoke blowing

OMG please do, i can't wait to hear what you're really about… let me guess ,you are a soft spoken Polish gangster from Chicago streets?

Jasiu the Loco Poloco Zimmy known and feared throughout all of the Chicago ghettos!! … Last seen getting beat up by a girl in a local bar.

Why are you posting a youtube movie with bunch of gays parading in Chicago streets?
Btw, I have nothing against gay people, they want to parade in your neighborhood wearing cowboy hats, i don't care. I don't event think it's funny or weird.

Maybe it's because you're all hat and no cattle?

Are you trying to speak Texan to me? Feel free to speak Chicago-Pollock, i get you bro.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
20 Nov 2010 /  #307
my younger brother loves women, he has them
bringing him things at work, but he is shy as ****.

Haha.. that's why they bring him things. Women like that mystery, the boyishness. Women are fun when you do little things for them.. make them feel special. Often times.. they are special to you, you like hearing their laugh, etc. Just don't commit to them, then you lose your mystery. You are regular to them.. and boring. Kiss of death.

sick or not. money talks and bills *****.

I know this tale sweety. It'll get better. Take care.
A J  4 | 1075  
20 Nov 2010 /  #308
I love them both, but after so many years of not being around a steady , my older brother is annoying and he dont know how to talk to them anymore, he actually lost his touch.

I don't think there's a 'how to' talk to women, really. Just like guys, women differ, and a few girls might actually find his 'out of touch' approach interesting.

a.) She'll get bored if I let her in too easy.

Depends on how much you have to tell her, and on how much interests you share with eachother. I can understand a guy's wish to remain single, so I'm not ever going to bash any guy for that, but what Zimmy does? That's just totally f*cking wrong.

b.) some other divorcee will come around and think I'm interesting.

Ever heard of open relationships? Might be something for you, I don't know. Hey, it's 2010, and some girls are very much in touch with their wild side. (Just saying relationships don't have to be boring these days!)

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
21 Nov 2010 /  #309
and a few girls might actually find his 'out of touch' approach interesting.

nope, its complicated, theres other issues he has to get past,, but my friend who
was engaged to him ,still thinks he sexy.. so you know what I say to that, thats my

I don't think there's a 'how to' talk to women

yes, there is, I wont elaborate on what he said, cause it was not nice. and he almost
had himself a date.. but.. all I can say is I yelled at him for his behavior and he knew
he was wrong. he is a good guy, just think he is not going to find the right one, cause
I dont really think he is going to change.
A J  4 | 1075  
21 Nov 2010 /  #310
nope, its complicated, theres other issues he has to get past,, but my friend who was engaged to him ,still thinks he sexy.. so you know what I say to that, thats my brother EWWWWWWWWW>> LOL

Hey, isn't it always? I was talking about girls and guys in general anyway. I mean, what might appeal to one girl might put the other girl off. I really don't believe there's a standard manual on how to talk to women, that's all I'm saying.

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
21 Nov 2010 /  #311
what Zimmy does? That's just totally f*cking wrong.

As opposed to that incredible melt-down you had the other day? If my posts were anything like your name-calling and wishing me to die then I'm sure the women here who you are trying to 'white knight' would be aghast. Of course I'm sure you surprised them anyway. Glad you seemed to have settled down.

Next time try to be specific in your criticisms and not so juvenile. Later this week I'll post some more 'shocking' information for you and for the other manginas to mull over. There will be the usual facts and links and you can then 'feel' them to be "wrong" as you put it.

I really don't believe there's a standard manual on how to talk to women,

Come to Chicago and I'll show you how to be a man (although at this point you probably have it all wrong as to what I mean by that).
pgtx  29 | 3094  
21 Nov 2010 /  #312
I'll show you how to be a man

ah zimmy, you never fail to make me laugh...hehe...
A J  4 | 1075  
21 Nov 2010 /  #313
As opposed to that incredible melt-down you had the other day?

Touchy? Are you hoping for respect when you treat women with no respect whatsoever?

If my posts were anything like your name-calling and wishing me to die then I'm sure the women here who you are trying to 'white knight' would be aghast.

I'm not trying to 'white knight' anyone. Just letting you know you're totally wrong about women, and that the way you're belittling them all the time with every reply you post here really provokes unpleasant reactions. Don't you have any cousins, nieces or female friends yourself or something?

Next time try to be specific in your criticisms and not so juvenile.

Okay, more specific: You posted a fragment of a radio show of one of the most notorious women-haters out there, who claims he doesn't want *anything* from women but sex. He also claims he wouldn't take care of his own baby if a woman told him she was pregnant from him. Somehow, this guy has the nerve to complain about the lack of love, warmth and friendliness he recieves from women? And you're supporting this sad f*ck morally? I guess that's why I'm p¡ssed!

Later this week I'll post some more 'shocking' information for you and for the other manginas to mull over. There will be the usual facts and links and you can then 'feel' them to be "wrong" as you put it.

Knock yourself out.

Come to Chicago and I'll show you how to be a man (although at this point you probably have it all wrong as to what I mean by that).

Do you have children? Any other kind of responsibilities other than your job? No? Well, I've got news for you then, because being a man isn't about your flashy car, your career, your dick or about how many immature teenage girls you've slept with. A man takes care of his family and friends, instead of using them for his own amusement. It's just too bad most guys (And girls!) don't understand this anymore. I don't have to be a man. I already am. Are you? Oh, and something else; A man admits he's wrong sometimes.

Pinching Pete  - | 554  
21 Nov 2010 /  #314
I always find it peculiar the amount of ire Zimmy draws on here. Particularly from other men?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
22 Nov 2010 /  #315

What an ironic comment from you considering your embarrassing meltdown. You erupted and typed without thinking. Let's relive some of your words of wisdom.

*"Everybody knows you're a stupid motherf*cker."
*"...probably too f*cking UGLY"
*"smacked around town by your mother?"

That's a partial list from one post; a couple of others are just as puerile and childlike. Some day in time you will mature ..... grasshopper.

Don't you have any cousins, nieces or female friends yourself or something?

No, all the relatives in my family going back to Mieszko have been males. I still don't know how we did it. Of course only a 'white knight' would ask a question like that and the hip modern male realizes that a 'white knight' is another way of saying 'slave to womens demands'.

Do you have children?

yes, I have three, one of each sex.

Any other kind of responsibilities other than your job?

This is slightly embarrassing but I only work about 10 hours a week so I spend most of my time playing poker, target shooting, fishing, hunting, hitting the jazz venues, ballroom dancing (don't laugh), and traveling. How's it going with you?

being a man isn't about your flashy car, your career, your dick

Well, I'll grant you 2 out of 3 but one of those is very important to me.

immature teenage girls you've slept with.

Not to worry; I only sleep with non feminists. Well, it helps if my 'interests' are attractive, and ok, having some smarts and class is good too. Um, no heavyset women need apply; and no skinnies either; tall women are a plus; so is having some talent like playing a musical instrument or painting or being a top notch professional in her industry...........(I'll be accepting applications but please don't leave lipstick kisses on the letters, I hate it when that happens).

...and something else; A man admits he's wrong sometimes.

I'll accept your apology.

I always find it peculiar the amount of ire Zimmy draws on here. Particularly from other men?

It's FEAR. I'm presenting a world that 'white knights' don't want to believe exists.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
22 Nov 2010 /  #316
It's FEAR. I'm presenting a world that 'white knights' don't want to believe exists.

you definately need to see a doctor... you have a linkage problem.

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
22 Nov 2010 /  #317
you definately need to see a doctor...

Tell you what - I won't tell you to see a shrink or whatever and you can keep your suggestions to me where the 'sun don't shine'. I realize that many women have a problem sticking their big noses where they don't belong. Don't be one of them.

you have a linkage problem.

You have a comprehension problem. See? Two can play your silly 'sh!t test' game and it really is stupid; just wanted to show you how dumb it is. Now, try to say or contribute something of substance instead of silly girly comments. -I realize it's been difficult to refute my positions with logic and facts but at least give it a go. You might be a better person for it.
22 Nov 2010 /  #318
[quote=Patrycja19]you definately need to see a doctor... you have a linkage problem.

Quite a stupid reply to a serious debate really.
Havok  10 | 902  
22 Nov 2010 /  #319
Come to Chicago and I'll show you how to be a man

It's effing Monday, but I'm already in a better mood after reading your responses Zimmy. I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic and this would be your silly attempt at making a gay joke (broke back mountain type of funny) or you actually mean it. What do you do up there in Chicago that makes you so manly?

Please share it, are you a lawyer fighting for battered husband rights?

you definitely need to see a doctor...

I agree with Pat, you need to see a shrink Zimmy

Quite a stupid reply to a serious debate really.

Zimmy is that you? this is a stupid debate, you guy need to get out of the closet and get with the program . Stop being such a wuss
22 Nov 2010 /  #320
Zimmy is that you? this is a stupid debate, you guy need to get out of the closet and get with the program . Stop being such a wuss

I can asure you even some of the hardened men of Scotland have been beaten by women, but are too ashamed to confess this to people they are close to. The fact is that they are too much of a man to ever retaliate,
pgtx  29 | 3094  
22 Nov 2010 /  #321
are too ashamed to confess this to people

so they become PC warriors, like zimmy?
Teffle  22 | 1318  
22 Nov 2010 /  #322
I accept that this must happen - in certain circumstances - but I can't understand why it's anything but very rare.

Probably not a popular answer, but aside from "you pig" type arguably justified indignant slaps from a partner or something, if e.g. a random woman punched me in the face I would punch her back.
22 Nov 2010 /  #323
so they become PC warriors, like zimmy?

No absolutely not a warrior, I would say the same to any person in the street, or to anyone with whom I was debating. I don't hide and pretend.

Probably not a popular answer, but aside from "you pig" type arguably justified indignant slaps from a partner or something, if e.g. a random woman punched me in the face I would punch her back.

Surely it would be better just to walk away and keep your self-control. you should never hit a woman.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
22 Nov 2010 /  #324
Surely it would be better just to walk away and keep your self-control. you should never hit a woman.

Why though? If a drunken maniac basically assaults me it is he (or she) who should have kept their self control. Why should anyone, male or female, get away with this behaviour?
Havok  10 | 902  
22 Nov 2010 /  #325
The fact is that they are too much of a man to ever retaliate,

Good, because there's no reason to ever hit a woman.

unless it's a gentle slap on the behind, I'm just joking lol


why don't they just get a divorce?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
22 Nov 2010 /  #326
Why though? If a drunken maniac basically assaults me it is he (or she) who should have kept their self control. Why should anyone, male or female, get away with this behaviour?

instead of hitting her (or him) back, you should call the police... but yeah, show how much of a "man" you are...
Havok  10 | 902  
22 Nov 2010 /  #327
Why should anyone, male or female, get away with this behaviour

what she said,

just call the police
22 Nov 2010 /  #328
Why though? If a drunken maniac basically assaults me it is he (or she) who should have kept their self control

If a drunken maniac attacks you maybe you should ask yourself why am I here in this situation with drunken maniacs. Whatever the situation you should walk away from violent situations. There is only one way to deal with drunks and that is to appease.]
IanM  - | 11  
22 Nov 2010 /  #329
Dear me, some very strange views here. Seems that its the least developed of the English speaking world that have ended up in Poland.

Let's go through this slowly:

Some domestic violence is done by men against women.

There is more of this than reported because some women are afraid to go to the police, or stand up for themselves.

Some domestic violence is done by women against men.

There is also more of this than reported, because some men are afraid to go to the police, or stand up for themselves. To add to this, they are ashamed as they are affected by less developed people who say that not standing up for themselves is not 'manly'. That these men may have been abused by their mothers or other females in their youth and therefore find themselves in such abusive situations is beyond them.

Now, feminists like Erin Pizzey know this to be true. For saying such views out loud, she had death threats from feminists, her dog was killed and she has to leave GB.

The situation in Poland is different, as feminism is a lot weaker. While less of the bad sort of feminism would be good for countries like GB, maybe more would be useful here in enabling men to also be empowered.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
22 Nov 2010 /  #330
show how much of a "man" you are...

Nothing to do with it. There are consequences to actions and both men and women need to realise this. Most men do. Many women choose not to - or at least are self righteously cocooned with their belief that they can act with violence, with impunity.

If a drunken maniac attacks you maybe you should ask yourself why am I here in this situation with drunken maniacs

...and then you can answer yourself with "random sh1te happens".

How do you appease someone swinging a bottle at you for example? and unless the police are standing beside you, they won't be much use either.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in PolandArchived