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'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland

David_18  65 | 966  
28 Jul 2010 /  #1
The amount of Polish women abusing their husbands or partners has tripled in the last three years, claims a report by the Poland's Police Headquarters.


Tripled?!?!?!?!?!? We "Men" have to stand our ground against these blood suckers!!!!!!
jablko  - | 104  
28 Jul 2010 /  #2
When it comes to Men vs Women and law gets involved, then its always woman who gets favoured and man gets discriminated. Usually theres no point in seeking help if you're abused man cause you're not gonna get any support!
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
28 Jul 2010 /  #3
Untrue, there are plenty of support groups in the UK for abused men..I dont think that the stats for abused men will ever reach the same levels as abused women though!

*women got sick of being punch bags, now men are crying because the worm has turned, if it wasnt so tragic, I'd laugh*
greenlulu7  - | 12  
28 Jul 2010 /  #4
it can be taboo subject, because most popular here in Poland is violence against women.
Stu  12 | 515  
28 Jul 2010 /  #5
if you're abused man cause you're not gonna get any support!

How true, unfortunately. Moreover, people usually think that the men involved are physically less strong than the woman, which makes them "double victims". But more often these men just don't dare to do anything, cause they fear the consequences (at least a night in jail, problems with seeing their children, etc ...). Some women, unfortunately, really know how to abuse the system.

Quote of the professor: ... adding that men usually abuse women because they want to achieve a certain goal, whereas women more often abuse men when they want to relieve tension or frustration".

I think it is the other way around ... I believe women abuse because they want to achieve a certain goal and men abuse cause they are frustrated.

@Amathyst: abuse is wrong, no matter who the perpetrator or the victim is. I don't agree with you that "we" cry foul just because the tables have turned. "We", if we are the victim, have the same right to complain as "you" have when "you" are the victim.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
28 Jul 2010 /  #6
I think it is the other way around ... I believe women abuse because they want to achieve a certain goal and men abuse cause they are frustrated.

Then you know phuck all.

@Amathyst: abuse is wrong, no matter who the perpetrator or the victim is. I don't agree with you that "we" cry foul just because the tables have turned. "We", if we are the victim, have the same right to complain as "you" have when "you" are the victim.

Most women keep quiet about abuse and suffer for years..its a matter of shame...a few blokes get punched or scratched, they're whining...Given that men are generally better positioned financially, why dont they just leave, women generally only stay because of the children and because they cant aford to, oh and the fact they are scared shytless because of years of mental and physical abuse.

An old friend of mine was abused from the age of 14 by her boyfriend - they had 2 kids, he used to knock 10 bells out of her, lock her in a bedroom while he was sha*gin some wh*re in another room and tell her if she tried to leave him, he'd kill her and the kids..it took her 10 years to leave him and 10 more to build up her confidence. This is by no means an isolated case.

I do agree that abuse is wrong, but men are crying about something that women have been putting up with for years and years and years..
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
28 Jul 2010 /  #7
We "Men" have to stand our ground against these blood suckers!!!!!!

Yep, yep.. everyone's a hero until you get kneed in the nuts. ;-\
Stu  12 | 515  
28 Jul 2010 /  #8
Then you know phuck all.

Aren't we friendly today ... ?

Most women keep quiet about abuse and suffer for years..its a matter of shame

How about "Most victims keep quiet about abuse and suffer for years"? If you had read the article, then you would have noticed that women usually don't abuse men physically but psychologically. And it seems you don't have children or can't put yourself in the shoes of men, cause I for one wouldn't want to leave MY children behind with an abusive wife. But guess what happens if I decide to take them with me when I decide to leave. Then all hell breaks loose and I would be accused of kidnapping the children.
convex  20 | 3928  
28 Jul 2010 /  #9
I do agree that abuse is wrong, but men are crying about something that women have been putting up with for years and years and years..

I have no idea how this could happen, you know, usually being the stronger of the two sexes. I'm one of those equal rights guy, treat women the exact same as men, which includes knocking the sh*t out of them.

Why would anyone, man or woman, put up with an abusive spouse?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
28 Jul 2010 /  #10
If he let's himself get beaten it's his fault, be a man, take the initiative lol.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
28 Jul 2010 /  #11
Yeah, that's no bullsh/t.. I'm not going to any cop because some woman socked me. This just illustrates the pansy times we live in.
jablko  - | 104  
28 Jul 2010 /  #12
men are crying about something that women have been putting up with for years

your point?

Besides just because some woman was abused some time ago, it doesnt give right to any other woman to abuse her man as a part of revenge, cause hes innocent and did nothing.

Most women keep quiet about abuse and suffer for years

Just like men as you can see

a few blokes get punched or scratched, they're whining

What are you, stupid? Abuse can be both physical and mental. To make it worse men have hard time defending himself against those 'punches and scratches' cause if he do, that woman will go to police and tell she got beaten. And they will believe her not him, cause law is sexist.
Stu  12 | 515  
28 Jul 2010 /  #13
If he let's himself get beaten it's his fault, be a man, take the initiative lol.

Read the article, please. Women usually abuse psychologically, not physically. And, I repeat to you what I said to Amathyst: obviously you don't have children, or you don't think about the consequences for men IF they decide to hit back. The result will be that the man will not be allowed to see his children anymore. For me that is the ultimate injustice .
smurf  38 | 1940  
28 Jul 2010 /  #14
but men are crying about something that women have been putting up with for years and years and years..

...so it's ok for women to have to put up with it, is that what you're saying?

Yeah, that's no bullsh/t.. I'm not going to any cop because some woman socked me. This just illustrates the pansy times we live in.

So what would you do? Hit back?
Go to cops get a court order, get a divorce and bam, you get the kids, and the money and she's outta the house on her ass
Stu  12 | 515  
28 Jul 2010 /  #15
she's outta the house on her ass

Not in Poland she isn't. If two spouses argue and one of the partners claims that he or she can't go anywhere, then the other partner usually lets him or her back in again. At the moment, this situation happens to my wife's family.

Her nephew was married to a woman. They have a daughter. He now has a new girlfriend. The former wife complained she had nowhere to go anymore. Guess what happened: the parents of the nephew had to (or at least felt very much obliged) to take up the ex-wife with her daughter (who obviously is their granddaughter).

Unfortunately, these situations are quite common.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
28 Jul 2010 /  #16
I knew of a woman in the town close to me that after a few drinks was willing to fight anyone , and i several times saw her punch one of her several boyfriends in the face...

She was quite a big woman , quite friendly when she was not drinking , i used to take her and her boyfriend to work in a tartak where i had a job for a short while...

Her boyfriend was quite a muscular guy , but not in the least aggresive , and he got smacked about a bit by her it seems....

One saterday night , after a bit of an argument she stuck a ten inch kitchen knife through his heart , he was dead before he hit the floor...All this happened in front of three of her four children , the youngest a boy of four...

My friend Magda and i had to take the kids to their grandmother , the house looked like a slaughterhouse...

Aga is now serving 14 years in a Polish prison... Antec is dead...!
OP David_18  65 | 966  
28 Jul 2010 /  #17
OW MY GOD......
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
28 Jul 2010 /  #18
obviously you don't have children, or you don't think about the consequences for men IF they decide to hit back. The result will be that the man will not be allowed to see his children anymore. For me that is the ultimate injustice .

Yes that's all great news for the woman, she does what she wants gets away with it and will most definitely continue to do it. The man will suffer physical and mental abuse from it, the bruise will heal, but that punch or scratch put him down mentally, that could scar him for much longer if it continues to happen.
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Jul 2010 /  #19
Then you know phuck all.

Your argumemnt is based on people you know or have known (as usual), change the record Shelley its really getting boring.
Paulina  18 | 4538  
28 Jul 2010 /  #20
One saterday night Antec is dead...!


You had some traumatic experiences in Poland... My God...
wildrover  98 | 4430  
28 Jul 2010 /  #21
You had some traumatic experiences in Poland... My God...

It was traumatic for the whole town...Polczyn zdroj is a small friendly town where usually the Policja cruise around the town bored stiff , because nothing happens.....

My friend Magda who lived above Aga was not in the least bit suprised at what happened.....
Dougpol2  1 | 76  
28 Jul 2010 /  #22
It was traumatic for the whole town...Polczyn zdroj is a small friendly town where usually the Policja cruise around the town bored stiff , because nothing happens.....

I was going to relate some tame story about a Silesian houswife walloping her Siemanowice house husband on the nut with the frying pan after he stole the jar money, but you pre-empted me :)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
28 Jul 2010 /  #23
obviously you don't have children, or you don't think about the consequences for men IF they decide to hit back. The result will be that the man will not be allowed to see his children anymore. For me that is the ultimate injustice .

if the man hits a woman, he is violent. Why is he not allowed to see the children?
jablko  - | 104  
28 Jul 2010 /  #24
if the man hits a woman, he is violent

hit back

You havent noticed 'hit back' part?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
28 Jul 2010 /  #25
The subject of husband battering should be taken seriously since a man can't strike back or else he'll be accused of domestic violence since he is stronger. Women can also be emotionally abusive. These people need therapy.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
28 Jul 2010 /  #26
You havent noticed 'hit back' part?

no, I did not. Sorry:)
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
28 Jul 2010 /  #27
These people need therapy.

but do they know where to get it and will they attend the meeting.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
28 Jul 2010 /  #28
The police need to persuad them to attend therapy. This is where the cops step in and act as mediators, since, most the time, the couple will not press charges.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
28 Jul 2010 /  #29
The police need to persuad them to attend therapy.

I don't think that Police in Poland does is, US is way ahead.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
28 Jul 2010 /  #30
this might be just a myth, but i'm sure i've heard that 'battered' wifes get issued with a little book and every time the police are called.. a signature and date are entered.

someone please tell me if this is bull or not.

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