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Would Polish people mind dating someone from Mexico?

Ansmari  1 | 2  
12 Oct 2014 /  #1
I am from Mexico, I am tall, white skin, dark brown hair. Although I am Mexican most of my genes are Spanish, Hungarian, and probably French. I find Polish women attractive and have a cute accent. But would a Polish girl mind dating someone from Mexico.
PC_Sceptic  - | 69  
12 Oct 2014 /  #2
I don't know if all, but generally I see no problems.
Came across many Polish-Latino (including Mexicans) marriages mixes.

Check this.

Wanda Marianna Panfil-González (born 26 January 1959 in Tomaszów Mazowiecki) is a former long-distance runner from Poland, who won the world title in the women's marathon at the 1991 World Championships in Athletics in Tokyo, Japan. She is married to Mexican long-distance runner Mauricio González.

Don't think about it, just go for it ;-)
OP Ansmari  1 | 2  
13 Oct 2014 /  #3
Thanks! :)
Code  - | 2  
3 Dec 2014 /  #4
Although I am Mexican most of my genes are Spanish, Hungarian, and probably French

Now you see Here in England Hispanics are hard to find, there's not many, well near me anyway & Hispanic is always been my first pick of a partner if i had the chance.

So if you know any Hispanic Girls that would like an English Guy, then why not send them this way lol.

Joking apart I've been to Spain, However the Hispanics there are not as friendly as the Mexican Hispanics.

Good luck Pal.
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
4 Dec 2014 /  #5
I am Latin American also (Brazilian) and my girlfriend is Polish.

I Found interesting because i almost don't feel any major cultural shock (more like a weather shock? haha). Actually both cultures fit very well (maybe because poles also mass-emigrated to Brazil during the last century and helped to shape part of our culture).

The only Latin thing that i realized poles really don't like is unpunctuality... they take that a bit serious.
Also people there in Poland are a bit more conservative (more than Brazil, but probably not more than Mexico since Mexico is also much more conservative than Brazil). But this is not bad, since it is the way they found to preserve their way of life.

I Spent few months in Poland and i travel there on a monthly basis and until now i felt very welcome by absolutely everyone.

Joking apart I've been to Spain, However the Hispanics there are not as friendly as the Mexican Hispanics.

Haha totally not.
OP Ansmari  1 | 2  
24 May 2015 /  #6

The women where I'm from (Jalisco) would love to date someone from England, especially after Beckham became a model lol

If you ever visit there you'll probably find someone, and most of the girls there look amazing!


I've spent some time in America studying, and I quite enjoy cold weather, which is wierd because I seemed to enjoy it more than some Americans haha.

I always thought that a relationship between Polish people and Lat in people wouldn't be mich trouble since most in both sides are Catholic and no one would habe to concert.

Plus, from what I hear Polish people are hardworkers, so that is always a good trait.

My grandfather always liked punctuality and raised us to like it as well so I maybe I'll adjust quickly lol
Veles  - | 197  
24 May 2015 /  #7
I am not a Catholic :p Although many people are, yes.

On topic, you probably already know this, but if you are Mexican and want to date Polish woman you will have no problems with that. As long as you are not Polish - so... eternally.

For example, let's say purely hypothetical - you chat with Polish girl. She doesn't see you, you don't see her. How she imagines you? That way:

Handsome man


Handsome man

And even if you look like Danny Trejo, you will be still handsome and good-looking in her eyes, because you are not Polish. You know... perk "Foreigner" gives bonus +10 to Personality. If you are Latino it gives +20. So even if you are ugly (I don't know if you are) you will be more attractive to her than the best looking Polish guy. Polish_Female_Mathematics
el_easy  2 | 54  
25 May 2015 /  #8
@ Veles You should show real people from the streets, instead of show guys from telenovela (Spanish soap opera)
Veles  - | 197  
25 May 2015 /  #9
"She doesn't see you, you don't see her. How she imagines you? That way:"

Read that as many times, as you will finally get the point. ;)

If it is too hard, tell me. How a random foreigner (who is not neighbouring Poland) imagines "typical Polish women"? When you answer, I'll tell the same what you said to me.
liynnsk  - | 1  
4 Sep 2015 /  #10
Merged: Mexican student in Warsaw

I'm a mexican student and I'll be studying in Warsaw next spring, so I'm curious to know what do you poles think of us mexicans?
InPolska  9 | 1796  
5 Sep 2015 /  #11
Poles (for their huge majority) don't think anything and 99.99% of them have never met anyone from Mexico.
Ella30  - | 11  
2 Feb 2018 /  #12
This will depend on the particular Polish girl, some may be open to dating Mexican men, some may not, depending on their experience or the experience someone close to them have had with a Mexican.

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