Why are Americans so aggressive? Perhaps I should have put, "In my opinion". I've also discussed this with a lot of Poles (I mean Polish people who live in Poland) and they all recognized the tendency not to throw away stuff as a national trait, especially among older people.
Look, you read me wrong, I am just trying to be as precise as possible. Why should I be aggressive against you? But in my world, hearsay does not count. Yes, perhaps you should have used a conditional guard "In my opinion", rather than jumping to the unconditional statement, as it were. Now let me explain, what I had in mind asking you about some statistical data.
Let start with this UK site, mentalhealthy.co.uk/news/775-hoarding---an-often-undiagnosed-mental-illness.html, where they show some USA pertinent estimates:
America is taking this condition very seriously with many past and current studies into hoarding as a disorder. The prevalence of clinically significant hoarding in the general population ranges from 2% to 5% and between 6 million and 15 million people in the U.S. are affected. This is according to recent epidemiological studies. Hoarding appears to affect more men than women although women are more likely to participate in research and to seek treatment.
This is actually a lot.
Another UK site talks about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which can be categorized as:
Checking, Contamination, Hoarding, Rumination/Intrusive Thoughts.
They give here a total estimation for all four cases in UK:
Here in the United Kingdom current estimates suggest that 1.2% of the population will have OCD, which equates to 12 out of every 1000 people, and based on the current estimates for the UK population, these statistics mean that potentially, approximately 741,504 people are living with OCD at any one time.
This is confirmed by another site:
It is an anxiety disorder which affects almost a million people in Britain; 2% of the population.
So there are some scientific statistics available, and perhaps if I spent much more time on the subject I could come with something even more valuable.
I tried to find similar estimates for Poland, but I failed - perhaps because lack of any serious research in this area? But if you want to give it a try yourself, then here are the Polish keywords you may wish to use for searching:
- Chomikowanie (hamstering). This word is the oldest one used to describe hoarding. Unfortunately it is mostly used nowadays for internet related activities - such as file sharing.
- Syllogomania
- Patologiczne zbieractwo (pathological gathering)
The bottom line however is that hoarding is an international trait. Statements like this
So you are still in the pink goggle stage, it is 100% a Polish national trait without question, in fact it is up their on the shelf with victimhood.
are simply ridiculous, as they go against statistics I quoted.