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In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
13 Mar 2011 /  #1
Polish women mostly chose:
British 434
German 327
Italian 166
French 117
Ukrainian 116
Irish 115
Nigerian 110
Indian 76
Turkish 75

Polish men mostly chose:
Ukrainian 445
Belorussian 115
Russian 85
German 32
Lithuanian 32
British 27
Armenian 22
Japanese 20
Latvian 17

smurf  38 | 1940  
13 Mar 2011 /  #2
haha, I love the way Polish girls like Irish guys but Polish fellas have more sense than to marry an Irish woman....can't fĂșckin blame them either. Polish girls FTW
jablko  - | 104  
13 Mar 2011 /  #3
no chinese?
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
13 Mar 2011 /  #4
Irish woman....can't fĂșckin blame them either

Smurf what's wrong with Irish women? ;)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
13 Mar 2011 /  #5
British 434 population 60 million
German 327 population 80 million
Italian 166 population 60 million
French 117 population 65 million
Ukrainian 116 population 45 million
Irish 115 population 4 million
Nigerian 110 population 158 million
Indian 76 population over a Billion
Turkish 75 population 73 million

Statistically Ireland is kicking ass :)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
13 Mar 2011 /  #6
Polish men mostly chose:
Ukrainian 445

They must really be into those Ukranian gals.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
13 Mar 2011 /  #7
Nigerian 110
Indian 76
Turkish 75

And Belgian, 36

OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
13 Mar 2011 /  #8
They must really be into those Ukranian gals.

I used to date one myself lol Well you can't blame them they are pretty.

Statistically Ireland is kicking ass :)

Yea in percentage of population you do have a point.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
13 Mar 2011 /  #9
I used to date one myself lol Well you can't blame them they are pretty.

Are the guys just as hot? Why do Polish women go for the Brits and Germans but not the Ukranians?
jablko  - | 104  
13 Mar 2011 /  #10
because cash
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
13 Mar 2011 /  #11
Why do Polish women go for the Brits and Germans but not the Ukranians?

They do marry some Ukrainians

Ukrainian 116

it's just that western men have this image of being better providers for them and their offspring, and Polish men seek old fashioned family oriented women.
southern  73 | 7059  
13 Mar 2011 /  #12
British 434

Nigerian 110
Indian 76
Turkish 75

We see certain propensity of polish women to race mix while polish males do not exhibit the same feature.
Malopolanin  3 | 132  
13 Mar 2011 /  #13
[quote=PennBoy] Nigerian 110Indian 76Turkish 75

We see certain propensity of polish women to race mix while polish males do not exhibit the same feature.
Paid marriages for EU passports, rest of them are "Molers"(in the name of Simon Mol).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12018  
13 Mar 2011 /  #14
German 327

....it's the helmets, I tell ya! :)
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
15 Mar 2011 /  #15
British 434 population 60 million
German 327 population 80 million
Italian 166 population 60 million
French 117 population 65 million
Ukrainian 116 population 45 million
Irish 115 population 4 million
Nigerian 110 population 158 million
Indian 76 population over a Billion
Turkish 75 population 73 million

Lets not align it with population, but also exposure. How many contacts a Polish woman have with these nationalities. How much they interact, come across each other.

Nationality -vs- Interaction
British, between alot and too much (due to Poles in that region)
Germans, alot
Italian, average (less then lots)
French, alot
Ukrainian, too much
Irish, between alot and too much (due to Poles in that region)
Nigerian, less interaction or contact (keeping British apart)
Indian, least because only 5 or 6 appear once a year in Poland (keeping british apart)
Turkish, average

Surprised that there is no EGYPT in here.

Polish men mostly chose:
Ukrainian 445
Belorussian 115
Russian 85
German 32
Lithuanian 32
British 27
Armenian 22
Japanese 20
Latvian 17

Again, same story. But here I see inconsistency with the Japanese, as I expect Korean, Philipina and Thai/Vietnamese to take the front seat. This information might be true or I don't know, but to me it looks very inconsistent.

Russian should be higher on the list. Ukrainian is ok ... German have too big a number attached to it.

In all, the top position should definately go to Russia, Ukraine, Lithuanian, Philipine, Vietnam ... and perhaps Japan comes too, but Korea is there aswell :)

Polish women take of foreign men much more than Polish men take on foreign women.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
15 Mar 2011 /  #16
Nigerian 110 population 158 million

I wonder what kind of trick the Nigerians used to get Polish women?
"Dear ....
You'll receive 30 mln dollars..." lol

or is it just the opposite attraction?
15 Mar 2011 /  #17
I reAlly do not know, possibly they mary for a money - fiction marriages they have a money the nigerian can get the uk citizrnship. It is notunderstandable
George8600  10 | 630  
15 Mar 2011 /  #18
Are these numbers in Poland alone, or all over Europe/The Americas, because either way these numbers are really small compared to the masses. I mean 4,000, lol? Also how do they count these statistics? Whether the men or women marrying the Poles have visa's or are immigrants? Because there are many foreigners with Polish citizenship.

You know I'm reading this PDF and I'm not able to find these numbers anywhere, can someone tell me the page, I found 486-487 but I think these are just domestic statistics.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
15 Mar 2011 /  #19
Polish men seek old fashioned family oriented women.

I think Polish men prefer to stay within their comfort zone: slavic women. They are less adventuresome.
Polki, as other women,(I agree with Penn) are attracted to men, whom they perceive as better providers and gene donors. [quote=guesswho]I wonder what kind of trick the Nigerians used to get Polish women?

I think the answer is measured in centimeters NOT in dollars lol
jozek222  1 | 12  
15 Mar 2011 /  #20
polish will not seek turkish women ? ;/
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
15 Mar 2011 /  #21
Yes, Well since so many recent Poles went to England & Ireland this is not surprising. Many these Polish women may have friends or family in Ireland & Met someone but have not gone out yet.

There is already a Model who is Irish, Polish & Slovak Veronika Lavery. She is pretty. Probably more than any Irish girl I know of LOL

The Russian & Ukrainian mix is not bad. Especially Ukrainian. Ukrainians are like Polish people with a different Religion & Slightly different language.
Racially Slavs should mix with Slavs it is the best if we mix out.
But, Other whites is fine.
The Nigerians & Africans need to go out though. Like Simon Mol that dirty Kurwa
Wroclaw Boy  
15 Mar 2011 /  #22
Interesting stats, I'd like to see figures for previous years.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
15 Mar 2011 /  #23
I think the answer is measured in centimeters NOT in dollars lol

urban legend

Statistically Ireland is kicking ass :)

it is the Irish charm;)

Ukrainian 445

uhoooooo;) lol
rybnik  18 | 1444  
15 Mar 2011 /  #24
Racially Slavs should mix with Slavs it is the best if we mix out.
But, Other whites is fine.

not true. A mixing of the genes from various gene pools is most desirable.

urban legend

Neither urban nor legend.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Mar 2011 /  #25
Neither urban nor legend.

Familiar with the penis size of black men, are we?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
15 Mar 2011 /  #26
Neither urban nor legend.

Very true...
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Mar 2011 /  #27
I suspect these figures concern couples which live in Poland.The actual number of polish women having married foreigners abroad must be a lot higher.

I was right.


109 Nigerian men?50 Egyptians?WTF?
rybnik  18 | 1444  
16 Mar 2011 /  #28
Familiar with the penis size of black men, are we?

we are. In my line of work it's unavoidable.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
16 Mar 2011 /  #29
not true. A mixing of the genes from various gene pools is most desirable.

That's what my doctor says as well. He even goes as far as saying that too many white nerds marry each other and therefore we have too many cases of autism.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
16 Mar 2011 /  #30

109 Nigerian men

The Nigerians were a hot item back in the early 80's when I was there in school. One of our Polkis married Rafal, a great guy from Lagos. Poor bastard died in a car accident outside Katowice.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreignerArchived