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Polish men what is the worst thing a girl can do upon first impression?

Seanus  15 | 19668  
13 Jun 2010 /  #151
Sokrates, what are you being like that for? You are Polish so point me to the revelant regulation which says that women have to cook for their men ;) ;)

Oh, and please try and answer the thread. You are a Polish man.
shush  1 | 209  
13 Jun 2010 /  #152
Maybe he likes slow death by poisoning...
pgtx  29 | 3094  
13 Jun 2010 /  #153
Why don't you ever have dinner ready when I get home?!!

i think you should cook him every day a meal which will give him a constant diarrhea.... and while ironing his clothes you should leave embarrassing marks in some places... be creative... :)
suzanna  - | 10  
13 Jun 2010 /  #154
Unfortunately for you Sokrates, I am sex on legs, and I'm also a well educated and talented young lady. It is such a shame you feel you need to castrate a woman who is asking legitimate questions about Polish culture, just to make yourself feel like you have a dick. My bf is also a chef, he's just not as good as me or as driven as me...I would like to give you the permission to shut up.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Jun 2010 /  #155
Sokrates, what are you being like that for?

Now seriously i think women should cook for men, ofc life is a b*tch which means i get to cook 3 days out of the week but if i dont get my dinner and my self propelled sex object would start fixing the sink i'd feel f*cking out of place in my universe.

Oh, and please try and answer the thread. You are a Polish man.

Everything she'd do to offend an English man, i'm an old school sexist but thats got zip to do with my passport.

You are Polish so point me to the revelant regulation which says that women have to cook for their men ;) ;)

No regulations, just wishfull thinking :(

i think you should cook him every day a meal which will give him a constant diarrhea.... and while ironing his clothes you should leave embarrassing marks in some places... be creative... :)

Why stop there? Why not bite him while giving him a blowjob, Jesus i'm starting to feel for Zimmy...

and I'm also a well educated and talented young lady.

See? Now you're talking back at me! F*cking XXI century...

about Polish culture

Quick and clear, if he's a slob or a sexist it has zip to do with Polish culture and you need to do the talking with him not with us.

My bf is also a chef, he's just not as good as me or as driven as me...

So tell him that you think he's not as good as you, as far as i'm concerned you're just a whiny b*tch with a massive stick up your feminine part but that might just be me, whatever the case talk to your man, ever told him you think he's a fat failed inferior?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
13 Jun 2010 /  #156
Well, that's just sad! British men tended to be like that in the 1980's but women made great inroads into creating the new-age man. Poland lagging behind yet again ;) ;)

Where is the rational aspect in sexism as I don't see it?? Who said women have to do anything for men? Any regulations? ;)

Cooking is a nice skill, why not do it together? Cooking is often about timing and sometimes a second pair of hands really makes the process go smoother. I don't see how you can't see this.

Men brag about control. A bit during a BJ would soon put that straight.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
13 Jun 2010 /  #157
Pffft. My father is an excellent cook, far better than my mom. My mom's idea of cooking is putting everything in a sauce pan, put the burner on high and never stir until it's done.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Jun 2010 /  #158
Well, that's just sad! British men tended to be like that in the 1980's but women made great inroads into creating the new-age man. Poland lagging behind yet again ;) ;)

Yeah woolly sweater middle age fags, well done Britain.

re is the rational aspect in sexism as I don't see it??

Nowhere i just enjoy p*ssing off my lady and her girlfriends also bringing up i guess.

why not do it together?

Because i hate it and she loves it, also i'm lazy and she's a woman!

Men brag about control

Bragging is good.

A bit during a BJ would soon put that straight.

There's an awesome article where a husband spilled some hot oil on his wives neck and she almost bit off his sword :)))
Seanus  15 | 19668  
13 Jun 2010 /  #159
No, young men leaving the nest and learning to fend for themselves. When they get domesticated, they can help out their women. From what I have heard, many Poles are behind the times when it comes to caring for their lady. These pathetic ego battles don't help either.

Well, don't be surprised if she flips you the bird and teaches you a lesson ;)

Why do you hate it? What's to hate?

Why is boasting good? It can make you look like a prat! Is that the point of life, to brag?

Nothing like true love then ;) ;)
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
13 Jun 2010 /  #160
They don't like it when women want all their money

Tell us, Ms. Never-been-in-a-relationship-or-even-on-a-date, just what do you really know about male/ female relations, other than what you've seen on TV and in movies?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
13 Jun 2010 /  #161
All I know is what I seen in Run Fat Boy Run

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Jun 2010 /  #162
No, young men leaving the nest and learning to fend for themselves.

Sorry? Last i've seen they've been submissive fags, if there was ever a ***** factory UK deserves the name.

From what I have heard, many Poles are behind the times when it comes to caring for their lady.

What you mean treating her like a lady she is? Earning and providing for her and opening doors/letting her sit etc?

Fact is the Western Europe got into this feminist sh*tfest with a high horse of it being a future, men are castrated, women have more balls then G.I.Jane and the world is upside down.

Well, don't be surprised if she flips you the bird and teaches you a lesson ;)

You'd be amazed Sean but a lot of women in Poland actually enjoy being a housewife + benefits.

Of course i help, i cook when she's tired/busy/locked in a cellar for questioning my authority but at least Poland doesnt have the "who's wearing the pants" thing f*cked up like the West does.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
13 Jun 2010 /  #163
You entered their houses and observed domestic life in millions of households across the UK? The last I heard, henpecked/puss*-whipped rankings didn't feature in the last census ;)

I just mean doing things together. Basic things like washing, cleaning and shopping. Opening a door for a woman? I think I've seen that once in almost 6 years here.

I didn't say otherwise. They just don't like it when it's forced upon them and there is an expectation. My wife likes it, I think.

Who's wearing the pants? You ought to come to Silesia, Sok, the women here are far tougher and have a rep for being so.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
13 Jun 2010 /  #164
Zimmy whats the deal with you and women?

It's getting difficult trying to keep them off (of) me. The smart ones know and understand that I speak the truth. They like my honesty.

I'm a chef and I work 9am til 11pm or midnight.

So you're at work by 9am and you don't stop for 14-15 hours? That's hard to believe.

he claims to be more hard working.

What does he do?

30 year olds in England tend not to have such a misogynistic view

Any disagreement with you is automatically "misogynistic"? My, how quickly the modern woman tosses those words around; almost reflexively.

I'm still betting Zimmerman got his sausage bitten off by a feminist and is murdering any girl that comes to close to his basement window since.

How much would you care to bet? When you're in Chicago you can pay me at my 15th floor condo overlooking the beach.

i'm waiting till they find sixty graves in his backyard and a room with "MUST PUNISH FEMALES!!!!!!" painted wall to wall.

This is not the first time that you've gone to these depths. Do you get these sorts of macabre ideas from watching women's tv network? Lots of those shows portray the 'nice' next door neighbor as some sort of serial killer. Too bad your mind functions so simply.

They always claim to be more hard working even if they would spend all days doing nothing

Ever try working in a coal mine? or as a roofer, deep sea fisherman, refuse material collector, oil rig worker, long haul trucker, electrical powerline installer? timber worker/

hazmet diver? bomb technician? auto mechanic? etc, etc,?

It's men who do these jobs, often dangerous but without whom the fundamental infrastructures of our society would not exist. But then, women seem oblivious to those sorts of facts.
OP Allison  4 | 117  
14 Jun 2010 /  #165
i think you should cook him every day a meal which will give him a constant diarrhea.... and while ironing his clothes you should leave embarrassing marks in some places... be creative... :)

LMFAO! Thats a good idea! I might try that someday if I need to get revenge.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
14 Jun 2010 /  #166

men who agree to anything their missus tells them and then moan about it in the pub to their mates or on the internet are really really sad.

Men don't do that.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
14 Jun 2010 /  #167
if I need to get revenge.

Thank you for continually exposing how too many women think, or should I say 'feel', since thinking involves logic.

Men don't do that.

Here we agree. Only a mangina slinks off and moans behind his woman's back. A real man should be frank and up front with the woman in his life. I cannot emphasis that strongly enough especially to young men who haven't controlled their hormones yet.

In my situation, I am probably a little too up front with women but at least they know what they're getting without all the bullcrap games that so many men and women play. It's called honesty, but some people fear it. In my extended circle of acquaintances, I am aware that some women hate me, some are puzzled by me, some accept my directness ("oh that's just Zimmy") and a surprising number show romantic interest. These are the women who are secure enough to accept a real man and not what passes for one.
OP Allison  4 | 117  
14 Jun 2010 /  #168
and a surprising number show romantic interest

I have a hard time believing that this is true if you are single.
f stop  24 | 2493  
15 Jun 2010 /  #169
and a surprising number show romantic interest. These are the women who are secure enough to accept a real man and not what passes for one.

I don't believe it either, but just in case:
those are the ones that are out to 'get you'! Don't let your guard down! They are setting you up to exact revenge for your mysogynistic ways!
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
15 Jun 2010 /  #170
and a surprising number show romantic interest

I have a hard time believing that this is true if you are single.

That's because you are coming from a marriage perspective, I don't. Just to remind you, I will never get married again because there is nothing in it for me at my stage in life. I've done that, been there, have grown kids, etc. ....and yes, I prefer the diversity in my various female friendships.

those are the ones that are out to 'get you'! Don't let your guard down! They are setting you up to exact revenge for your mysogynistic ways!

See above explanation. ....also, I've expressed in these forums my aversion to taking any bullcrap from women who even attempt to test me and/or play their silly games which I know better than they do, etc.

C'mon now, you ladies know better by now than to believe that any woman could ever take advantage of me in any way, shape or form. Of course, to some women, that's the thrill of the chase.
f stop  24 | 2493  
15 Jun 2010 /  #171
C'mon now, you ladies know better by now than to believe that any woman could ever take advantage of me in any way, shape or form.

I just wanted to make sure you stay paranoid enough so no unsuspecting victims have to put up with your crap.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
15 Jun 2010 /  #172
you stay paranoid

It's not being "paranoid"; the way I live is called 'freedom'; and it seems quite a few women want to share it with me. Of course, even when I tell them upfront that I'm good for companionship but not marriage, some women have it in their minds that they can 'change' me.

no unsuspecting victims have to put up with your crap.

Lol. Seems that my "crap" is nectar of the gods to the women in my social strata, a sort of elixir.
f stop  24 | 2493  
15 Jun 2010 /  #173
Seems that my "crap" is nectar of the gods to the women in my social strata, a sort of elixir.

you don't have to try so hard, it is already clear that you are dellusional.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jun 2010 /  #174
...and a hearty handshake with a pat-on-the-back.

Why not go the whole hog and pat her on the head you patronising fool!

Maybe he likes slow death by poisoning...

We could send that scouser round and he could have a slow death by bleeding to death with one knacker!

I just wanted to make sure you stay paranoid enough so no unsuspecting victims have to put up with your crap.

His victims are ficticious - he's actually scared of women ;0)

Back on topic how to turn a Polish guy off, well I think pgtx covered them quite well..But she forgot to add, dont start humming the wedding march on your first date, this is a dead give-away there is a distinct possibility that you're a stalker.

i'm an old school sexist

Liar, you better hope Mrs Sokrates (to be) isnt reading this thread ;0)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
17 Jun 2010 /  #176
he's actually scared of women

Hmmm, that last one is number 19 in the "womens' shaming language catalog" and it seems that name-calling and death wishes are the less than 'mature' woman's ways of communicating. After all, attempting to refute a factual premise is too, um, difficult for the modern woman. I've tried not to treat you like children but..........
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
17 Jun 2010 /  #177
Sorry? Last i've seen they've been submissive fags, if there was ever a ***** factory UK deserves the name

Tell me Sokrates, you're not secretly applying a little whip here and there to show you're the man in the house?

Now tell me, what is so dreadful about cooking? It doesn't make you less a man if you cook a nice meal for her. In fact loads of ladies I cooked for were delighted and gave me great rewards afterwards, yes, also the Polish ones :) And what you're gonna do when the lady cannot cook? Go to the chipper every freaking night? Not quite an option, eh?

But in fairness, this is the 21st century and this kinda attitude you can see only in lower class families and even there not that often. Seanus is right, it's time to cop on for Polish men.


M-G (haec hactenus)
f stop  24 | 2493  
17 Jun 2010 /  #178
"womens' shaming language catalog" and it seems that name-calling

Your routine is getting stale: you do everything you can to provoke women, and then, when they get rightfully indignant, you revert to the same stupid "look, they're angry" act. Most of us are tired of it. You must be trolling for newbees.
OP Allison  4 | 117  
17 Jun 2010 /  #179
Fact is the Western Europe got into this feminist sh*tfest with a high horse of it being a future, men are castrated, women have more balls then G.I.Jane and the world is upside down.

ROFL! You speak the truth!
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
17 Jun 2010 /  #180

that will make you become uninterested in her culturally speaking?

NOT Act herself.

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