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Polish men what is the worst thing a girl can do upon first impression?

pgtx  29 | 3094  
8 Jun 2010 /  #61
blachary is a state of mind...
frd  7 | 1379  
8 Jun 2010 /  #62
yeah, you can't just become a blachara... you have to be born as one...
nomaderol  5 | 726  
8 Jun 2010 /  #63
praise me for supporting the polish economy

greece economy collapsed cause of your supporting polish economy and these poles still not praising you.. i find this really unfair to southern.
shush  1 | 209  
8 Jun 2010 /  #64
yeah, you can't just become a blachara... you have to be born as one...

I would not agree on that - u are not born blachara, but the environment and many other factors make that u become one in some point. No baby is born stupid after all, it's just their potential is wasted.
frd  7 | 1379  
8 Jun 2010 /  #65
I would not agree on that - u are not born blachara

oh come on, I was just trying to add a little bit of mystical banter after pgtx..
and if you look at it from the right angle - you can be "reborn" as a human anytime, so why not being reborn as "blachara"

Polish men what is the worst thing a girl can do upon first impression?

Definitely saying something bad about computer games... a big no no for me.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
8 Jun 2010 /  #66
Definitely saying something bad about computer games... a big no no for me.

something like: "Video games make goo out of your brain"...? :D
frd  7 | 1379  
8 Jun 2010 /  #67
no actually, World of Goo is a pretty good game, there you go, some positive points
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
9 Jun 2010 /  #68
blachary is a state of mind...

yeah, you can't just become a blachara... you have to be born as one...

What does that mean anyways? Rich, wealthy or flat chested? Confusing word..
southern  73 | 7059  
9 Jun 2010 /  #69
Blachara means a decent girl like the ones I have.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
9 Jun 2010 /  #70
Decent as in nice? I thought that since blacha is a thin layer of steel than blachara must be a thin or a flat chested woman (nothing wrong with that btw). I was way off LOL . Oh well, nothing new...
frd  7 | 1379  
9 Jun 2010 /  #71
What does that mean anyways? Rich, wealthy or flat chested? Confusing word..

A girl that will fall for you if you've got an expensive, fast car, usually a shallow barbie looking, heavily tanned type too ;)
A J  4 | 1075  
9 Jun 2010 /  #72
Good boy, women arent to be trusted.

If this is the truth about all women, then why are they always going on about trust being the all-important factor in their relationships? (I actually know better, don't worry!)


I m not surprised, it's a nice thing but very often guys are nice when they are with a woman and then they are complaining that women expect from them to do some things.

I can't speak for every guy out there, but with me it works both ways. I won't demand anything, but I do expect a few things. I don't like demands. I will do it for her because I want to, so she doesn't have to order me around or anything. If I'm not aware of the fact - for whatever reason - I should be doing something for her I'm obviously not doing, then she should simply ask. Not complain afterwards, or complain three months later, like they usually do. You girls have a mouth on you and you can talk, right?

[quote=Mr Grunwald]Because then he won't be able to tell other people that he is a "Gentleman" :) It's all about reputation ;)

I'm a black sheep. I don't care about reputation.


Taking care of someone = nice, being ur mum =bad.

Yes, very bad, and being someone's dad is also pretty bad.


Normally when a guy wants to pay i let him; i can imagine that makes them feel nice as well (sometimes) that they may think about themselves as gentlemen etc.

Not exactly. I just want my girl to know I value her company, and that I don't want to take her presence for granted. (If she insists on paying for herself, I will find something else to buy for her, don't worry!) I couldn't care less if I'm a gentleman or not, because I don't need those kind of ego-strokes.

But so often a guy pays when he is with a girl and then he complains about that. It;s like split personality - if u dont want to pay then why are u paying and why u dont let a woman to pay her own? i dont understand this.

I don't understand it either. To me that's something a doormat or a yes-man would do. (Just like I said about women, guys also have a mouth on them and they can talk!) If you don't want to do something, then you shouldn't do it, and if you think something is wrong or you disagree with her then you should tell her at the moment. (Or when the situation allows it.) Not three months later. Simple.

Even more effective is to tell him that u had chlamydia lol

Newsflash: We have doctors, medicines and condoms, and we also have guys who don't care about chlamydia.


Totally agree, quite a few guys i know told me that here in Britain women hate it when you hold doors for them or offer to take their coat, they instantly snap and screech "I can do it myself!!!"

My answer would be: Fine, have it your way.

Those women are crazy; but i prefer to avoid the whole paying-etc things coz of the reasons i said above.

I like crazy. Well, I gave you one reason to let it slide? Besides, I will accept a drink or something else from a woman whenever I'm broke, (Although I usually refuse to date anyone when I'm broke, haha!) so it's not like I'm too proud or anything.

I saw a little scene in town recently and this Polish girl on a day out shopping with her (very smelly) Middle Eastern looking bf trotting on behind him in her little heels asking him to wait and he just barked something at her and carried on chatting on the phone to his mate. Lovely!

I guess the girl in question didn't have too much self-respect? If you do this in some regions in Holland, she will either kick your ass on the spot, or slap you in the face with her handbag, stab you with a fork as soon as you'll get home, refuse to have sex with you for three months, cheat on you as soon and with as many guys as she can, trade you for someone else as soon as she has the opportunity to do so, or she will simply dump you on the same spot you're standing.

That was just rude. You can be on partners'-like level with your boyfriend and still he can treat you with respect, the same about girl. It doesnt mean that you would be some kind of slave.

Well, walking ahead or infront of your girl is a no-no. If you wish to treat her with respect then you'll walk right beside her. (Besides, you can't see what she's doing behind your back since women aren't to be trusted, isn't that right, shush?)


Like I say we all have a role in life .... :)

Let me guess, I'm the court's Jester?


Yes but if a woman offers to pay her own then if he doesnt really want to pay for two then why not let her :S and then blame women that they are gold diggers and that all they want from men is money :S

I think it's not necessarily the money they're after, but I think that if men say these kind of things they mean that most girls are after status more likely. I think most girls want to be able to tell their girlfriends they've pulled a guy who manages. I think most girls want to be proud of their guy, and take pride in dating such men for themselves. You know what I mean? (I think older girls would probably value personality a bit more though, depends on their experiences I guess.)


blachary is a state of mind...

You'll have to excuse my Dutch there, I guess I'm just going to pretend to know what it means..


Definitely saying something bad about computer games... a big no no for me.

Yeah, they always complain about guys wasting time on computer games, but ofcourse most of those girls can be found on facebook all damn day! Ha! Now I want to hear them say something *really* clever?


Yes, long post. I guess women are my favourite subject, sorry!
frd  7 | 1379  
9 Jun 2010 /  #73
You'll have to excuse my Dutch there, I guess I'm just going to pretend to know what it means..

I've translated Blachary one post above.. I guess it is a bad first impression being a blachara ; o

Yes, long post. I guess women are my favourite subject, sorry!

Now imagine how much shorter your post would have been without:

hmm is it some kind of a hidden binary message?

Yeah, they always complain about guys wasting time on computer games, but ofcourse most of those girls can be found on facebook all damn day!

Exactly, what about watching sex in the city or other shows, hypocrites ;) Beside what better and more romantic is there then a cooperative playthrough of some shooting game with your gf? Exactly.
A J  4 | 1075  
9 Jun 2010 /  #74
I've translated Blachary one post above.. I guess it is a bad first impression being a blachara ; o

Seen, we posted at the exact same time! Hey, there's nothing wrong with a girl who likes fast cars! (I mean, boys like to drive those too, right?)

Now imagine how much shorter your post would have been without:

Don't tell me how to behave, because you know I'll only make it look even worse next time!


hmm is it some kind of a hidden binary message?

Yes, it describes the route to the planet I came from. (Which is either Melmak or Disney World, you decide!)


Exactly, what about watching sex in the city or other shows, hypocrites ;) Beside what better and more romantic is there then a cooperative playthrough of some shooting game with your gf? Exactly.

Right on! (I do know a few girls who actually like violent games though!) I wonder what the girls have to say about this..

southern  73 | 7059  
9 Jun 2010 /  #75
I always use the pick up line "jestes blachara?"
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
9 Jun 2010 /  #76
A girl that will fall for you if you've got an expensive, fast car, usually a shallow barbie looking, heavily tanned type too ;)

Really? So basically a gold-digger? Wow, why would they be named after fairly inexpensive, thin sheets of metal? I thought it had to do with being flat chested, blacha - thin metal... LOL Oh well, blachara it is...
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
9 Jun 2010 /  #77
My answer would be: Fine, have it your way.

and my asnwer is always thank you, why the attitude, they're just being polite??

If you don't want to do something, then you shouldn't do it, and if you think something is wrong or you disagree with her then you should tell her at the moment. (Or when the situation allows it.) Not three months later.

or on the day you're breaking up with her ha ha... i just hate it when somebody has a problem with something and refuses to talk about it even if you ask them, and then they randomly snap one day for no reason cos they've been bottling it up. in a relationship communication is key and yes it's good to think before you say stuff but don't leave it for weeks and months, it's very frustrating. men who agree to anything their missus tells them and then moan about it in the pub to their mates or on the internet are really really sad.

Yeah, they always complain about guys wasting time on computer games, but ofcourse most of those girls can be found on facebook all damn day! Ha! Now I want to hear them say something *really* clever?

what are we supposed to do when you're playing video games? housework?? lol i do like my facebook but if there's something better on the agenda i won't touch my laptop for days. even my bf's ps3 is getting a little dusty now ha ha ha....

I think most girls want to be proud of their guy

why would you wanna date somebody you're not impressed with and proud of? doesn't matter what it is about him but there has to be something, be it success, personality, family values, bedroom skills, anything ;D. if you're not proud to strutt down the street with them then what is the point?
OP Allison  4 | 117  
10 Jun 2010 /  #78
I don't like a man who is too nice or formal, it gets on my nerves its kind of creepy because I don't feel comfortable around him. I feel like I can't express what I think if its bad or negative. But when we go out on a date date, I definitely expect him to pay for everything unless it is serious and we've known each other for a long time. There is a happy medium between super freak nice and treating you like a doormat. I just look for someone I can be comfortable around and really relate to. If a guy is too nice or formal, I can't relate because I'm always afraid to make a joke or tell him how I really feel about something. That is what makes me eliminate a guy.

The most grievous offense is a pigmentation violation.

ah, I see. I can agree with that one. But I am more talking about when you are already on a date with a person. So, if a person had a pigmentation violation, you probably wouldn't ask them on a date in the first place.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
10 Jun 2010 /  #79
But when we go out on a date date, I definitely expect him to pay for everything unless it is serious and we've known each other for a long time

I always do, and I always open up doors for the ladies, pull out chairs at the table, etc. My mom taught me that and I enjoy that part of being a man. However, I think it's sad when a lady "expects" for me to pay, or if she makes her stand clear on what her "expectations" are. I love chivalry but hate being taken advantage of just because I was born with the wrong part between my legs.

So enjoy being a woman and let us enjoy treating you as the "kinder and gentler" gender we want to believe that you (women) are but please don't ever make your "expectations" known or the whole allure of being a man treating a lady like a true gentleman evaporates at the speed of light. In fact, it's probably more like warpspeed 5!
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
10 Jun 2010 /  #80
But when we go out on a date date, I definitely expect him to pay for everything unless it is serious and we've known each other for a long time.

Id buy you a Mickey Ds.

Happy meal. No toy.

And Id open up my wallet full of 100 euro bills(which I would make sure you see) whilst I gave you your bus fair home. In fifty cent coins.

Why should the man pay for everything? Arent you all "liberated ladies"? Id have no problem paying 90% of all bills. Five star hotels, no problem. Fancy wine bars, no problem. Fancy days out, no problem. But these are treats. I expect the woman to open her purse occassionally. Buy a round of drinks. Pay the ten euro cab fare. Offer to pick up the hotel tab- I wouldnt accept.

But at least make the phucing effort.
OP Allison  4 | 117  
10 Jun 2010 /  #81
I always do, and I always open up doors for ladies, pull out a chair, etc. My mom taught me that and I enjoy that part of being a man. However, I think it's sad when a lady "expects" for me to pay it, or if she makes her stand clear on what her "expectations" are. I love chivalry but hate being taken advantage of just because I was born with the wrong part between my legs.

I understand your thinking, but I definitely wasn't implying that I want him to pay for it because I want to take advantage of him, I just don't think I should have to do that on a date. I wouldn't ever say that, but I would be annoyed if he asked me to pay for it. I wouldn't show I was annoyed, but I might dump him. It would send the wrong message for the man to not offer to pay. But then again, in some situations it may be right like if her family were coming along or something I don't think the guy should have to pay for all of that. Or if a couple knows each other well enough, its acceptable.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
10 Jun 2010 /  #82
The more you put in - the more you get out of things.

Pay your way, ya leech.

Or at least offer.
OP Allison  4 | 117  
10 Jun 2010 /  #83
The same thing goes for men. If you make a woman pay for dinner, she won't do anything else for you. I would be a little pissed off if on the first couple dates he didn't offer to pay. Men should have to want to pay for a date because they could be getting a gf out of it, it shouldn't be the other way around. That does not make me a leech, it makes you stingy.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
10 Jun 2010 /  #84
I do understand your thinking too but in my view it's very sexist and I think it's sad there's still so much sexism around us. If it was me you'd never get a chance to dump me because I always pay lol but also because I'd never ask you out again if I felt like your purse. (too old for u anyways ;) but trying to making a point).

Relationships are about mutual admiration but also respect. If you really feel annoyed when a guy doesn't pay than you don't really respect him. When I spend time with a lady and she smiles at me, makes me feel special to her I take it as gift, not an expectation simply because I paid for the meal. If she's kind to me because I paid then I don't need her in my life because she doesn't respect me.

Likewise you should treat each moment a guy makes you feel special as a gift. There are no assumptions in relationships and love. If you start out with mutual respect though you just multiplied your chances of finding happiness.

At least that's my testosterone induced take on it. :)
OP Allison  4 | 117  
10 Jun 2010 /  #85
At least that's my testosterone induced take on it. :)

yea you're a little biased lol but aren't we all?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
10 Jun 2010 /  #87
I definitely wasn't implying that I want him to pay for it because I want to take advantage of him, I just don't think I should have to do that on a date.

What if men felt the same way? ..but then, logic escapes you. Unless you find some mangina you'll end up living with your cats and cursing the world.

Men should have to want to pay for a date because they could be getting a gf out of it,

Women should pay (their share) because they could be getting a bf out of it.

t shouldn't be the other way around. That does not make me a leech, it makes you stingy.

It does make you a leech, and a sexist. It also makes you the stingy one. Of course, women like you go with their 'feelings' so discussing logic with you is out of the question.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
10 Jun 2010 /  #88
omg... guys and their obsession with money...
i went for a coffee yesterday with a friend... he was waiting for me already and he got himself a cup of coffee... he asked me what i would like to drink and i said 'don't worry, i'll get it' and i got my coffee... with my own money... what is wrong with that?

sometime it's confusing, if you pay - the guy doesn't feel macho enough; he pays - he thinks you're a gold digger...

men, you have to make up your mind :)
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Jun 2010 /  #89
No guy wants to pay.But then no girl has a motivation to open her legs while pen1s easily responds to orders.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
10 Jun 2010 /  #90
omg... guys and their obsession with money...

I think you misunderstood, we are not obsessed with our money. I know I'm not. Money is nice but it cannot buy you happiness. Cliché but true. I make good money but I doubt I'm any "happier" than the guy next to me who makes a fraction of what I make, in fact I bet you the opposite is true.

What I am obsessed with, or at the very least what I truly do care about is to be a good person toward others and would like the same in return. As I said I truly enjoy chivalry but don't like when people make assumptions, men or women. When a woman expects a free dinner simply because she's a woman than she's just as sexist as the guy she accused of being a sexist pig for expecting sex just because he took her out and paid the bill.

Courtship is about attraction but also balance, curiousity and respect for each other. I'll never expect anything from a woman I go out with and instead will hope for some kind of chemistry between us. Likewise I'd like to be myself without feeling pressured into someone else's "expectations".

I love old fashioned courtships where a man makes a woman feel like a princess. At the same token I wouldn't want to feel like her money-purse just because she expects that from a man.

So to answer you - yes, I've "made up my mind" long time ago; it's hard to explain it but yes generosity is sooo much better when it comes from the heart rather than from the sense of obligation.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / Polish men what is the worst thing a girl can do upon first impression?Archived