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Polish men what is the worst thing a girl can do upon first impression?

f stop  24 | 2493  
24 Jun 2010 /  #331
hmmm you sound like a hen pecking wife pretending to be a man.

what is the matter with you Allison?? You got a man that doesn't think that cooking and cleaning is only a woman's job and you give him grief?

Zimmy has become a parody of himself. No sense spoiling the fun of watching him spin.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
24 Jun 2010 /  #332
Southern, it's not any Chanelle I've ever come across. Then again, I'm not Austin Powers like you are ;) ;)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
24 Jun 2010 /  #333
hmmm you [MareGaea] sound like a hen pecking wife pretending to be a man.

You and I and other posters here get that same impression.

Your in depth posts about feminism has nothing to do with first impressions on dates.

Fair enough. The only caveat would be if a die-hard feminist began spouting her feminism within minutes of meeting some unlucky guy.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
24 Jun 2010 /  #334
and other posters here get that same impression.

speak for yourself at once, please...

And back to the OP's topic...
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Jun 2010 /  #335
The only caveat would be if a die-hard feminist began spouting her feminism within minutes of meeting some unlucky guy.

We have here a turkish guy searching for feminist lady.He is called nomaderol.So as you can see there is variation and feministophiles.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
24 Jun 2010 /  #336
speak for yourself at once, please...

You challenged the assumption by some here that MareGaea is female. Look at post #310 and you'll find that Ironside may have that same impression. Another poster on another forum does as well. Frankly, that doesn't really matter; we just wanted to know.

I'll take a vote. How many of you here feel that MareGaea may be a female?
(Several dozen hands shoot up)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
24 Jun 2010 /  #337
Zimmy, get back to the original topic...
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Jun 2010 /  #338
Zimmy you don't seem to take dutch identity and tradition into account.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
25 Jun 2010 /  #339
Oh no you don't; I'm not going there. If some men wish to be effeminate than it's their decision and none of my business. Just to tie this in with the topic at hand, I'm sure that's something that turns off most women at first impression.

Now go put some Kefalotyri or Feta cheese on your Psomi or Olive bread and drink it down with Ouzo.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
25 Jun 2010 /  #340
hmmm you sound like a hen pecking wife pretending to be a man.

You should be grateful. I defended you girls...:)

@pgtx: when will the marriage be? :)

You and I and other posters here get that same impression

Not many though, given the big amount of PM's that I got in support of what I said to you.


M-G (haec hactenus)
f stop  24 | 2493  
25 Jun 2010 /  #341
If some men wish to be effeminate than it's their decision and none of my business.

Zimmy needs to embrace his feminine side. That's the only way all those feminist plots will stop haunting him.
He are a study in contradictions. A man's man that insists that women kick a$$ just as much as men do. I wonder what his definition of effeminate is..
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
25 Jun 2010 /  #342


M-G (off to bed)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
25 Jun 2010 /  #343
You should be grateful. I defended you girls...:)

Your benevolence to the women here is so generous that you shouldn't have to ask for their gratitude. Real men know that such benefaction goes without saying. lol

given the big amount of PM's that I got in support of what I said to you.

Your self-congratulations which are now legendary, have no finite end.
Oh, as to PM's, so far I've received 697,017 and counting. Thankfully, the elves I've hired to read them for me are working for only half the minimum wage. But allow me now to tell all the other posters to stop flooding my Inbox.


f stop: "A man's man..."

Oh, so you've heard the rumors?
OP Allison  4 | 117  
25 Jun 2010 /  #344
Oh no you don't; I'm not going there. If some men wish to be effeminate than it's their decision and none of my business. Just to tie this in with the topic at hand, I'm sure that's something that turns off most women at first impression.

You're right about that! Nothing more I can't stand than a guy who is afraid to take charge. However I like a man who understands me and isn't too macho to talk about what I like a little bit. A little bit of metrosexual is good, but if a man doesn't lead (start the conversations etc) and act confident that is an automatic elimination for me. I would leave the date early because I can see what he's like. Men who are like that never get better.
A J  4 | 1075  
25 Jun 2010 /  #345
MG, will you marry me?

I hope he says yes.



Zimmy you don't seem to take dutch identity and tradition into account.

You don't know much about Dutch identity and tradition, do you?

Oh no you don't; I'm not going there.

Smart man.

If some men wish to be effeminate than it's their decision and none of my business.

A man isn't effeminate if he's self-reliant. I mean, when you're single and on your own, are you going to ask your mom to do your dishes? Are you going to order a Pizza every day? Are you going to get lost in your own mess?

Just to tie this in with the topic at hand, I'm sure that's something that turns off most women at first impression.

Sure, but I think we're talking about total sissies here, and not about guys who can take care of themselves.

You're right about that! Nothing more I can't stand than a guy who is afraid to take charge.

That's perfectly understandable from a girl's perspective, but don't you think the girls could show some initiative aswell sometimes? I mean, I might aswell marry a blow-up doll if she always expects me to come up with everything?

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
25 Jun 2010 /  #346
A man isn't effeminate if he's self-reliant.

The two are not interwoven as one. A man can be effeminate (see MareGaea) and be self-reliant.

Ordering pizza every day (like a lot of college kids do) doesn't have anything to do with being woman-like.

I think we're talking about total sissies here, and not about guys who can take care of themselves.

Again, the two are not necessarily related. Lots of 'sissies" as you call them, know how to take care of themselves. Lots of so-called macho men can be slobs.

I might aswell marry a blow-up doll if she always expects me to come up with everything?

Blond or brunette? ....maybe a redhead? ...but of course you are correct. What kind of relationship can it be if one party has to do everything?
A J  4 | 1075  
25 Jun 2010 /  #347
Ordering pizza every day (like a lot of college kids do) doesn't have anything to do with being woman-like.

Cooking doesn't have anything to do with being woman-like either, and ofcourse the same goes for every other activity. Do you remember the days when dancing was for sissies? Ballet for homo's? Cooking wasn't for men? Cleaning was something your wife did? Well, those days are gone..

Again, the two are not necessarily related. Lots of 'sissies" as you call them, know how to take care of themselves. Lots of so-called macho men can be slobs

I probably meant something else. I meant behaviour. Something like: ''Ouch, I broke a nail, I'm going to make an appointment for a manicure.'' Or: ''I'm not going to do that work, because it's too heavy and my hands will get dirty.'' (Sissies!)


Blond or brunette? ....maybe a redhead? ...but of course you are correct. What kind of relationship can it be if one party has to do everything?

I totally f*cking love blondes, but brunettes also drive me wild, and red hair? Red hair is totally wow in my books. I prefer real women to plastic ones though!

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
25 Jun 2010 /  #348
Cooking doesn't have anything to do with being woman-like either, and ofcourse the same goes for every other activity.

Some activities however, are manly. I won't name the dozens that qualify but let's take Hazmat diver for instance, those guys swim into clouds of toxic waste, or oil rig worker. Not too many "equal rights" feminists are lining up for those jobs, eh?

I totally f*cking love blondes,

Strike One!

brunettes also drive me wild,

Strike Two!

Red hair is totally wow in my books

Strike Three! You're out!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
25 Jun 2010 /  #349
A man can be effeminate (see MareGaea) and be self-reliant

What the hell do you know? I think I'm more self conscious and secure than you are. Self conscious and secure men don't need all that macho BS you're coming up with. But then again, I think you're just creating an image of how you would like to be, not what you truly are. And that was insult #21 you threw in my direction. It's time I start to return the favour.


M-G (thinks Zimmy is a 42-year old living in his mom's cellar)
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
25 Jun 2010 /  #350
I think the two of you secretly love each other.

A J  4 | 1075  
25 Jun 2010 /  #351
Some activities however, are manly.

I'd agree, but only for those activities most women can't because of their physique, although some women probably could! (I've had female colleagues in the army, and I've seen some kick-ass troopers among them.)

I won't name the dozens that qualify but let's take Hazmat diver for instance, those guys swim into clouds of toxic waste, or oil rig worker.

Sure, but it also takes a man to volunteer for those kind of jobs.


Not too many "equal rights" feminists are lining up for those jobs, eh?

That would depend on which Feminists we're talking about, since they're all different individuals. I do partially agree with you though, because ofcourse there are women who seem to want all the pleasure, but none of the pain. (But the same things can be said about some men up in the office!)

Strike Three! You're out!

Too late, I've already made a homerun. (Damn I'm fast!)

OP Allison  4 | 117  
25 Jun 2010 /  #352
That's perfectly understandable from a girl's perspective, but don't you think the girls could show some initiative aswell sometimes? I mean, I might aswell marry a blow-up doll if she always expects me to come up with everything?


Well no you didn't take in to account my whole post. I like the man to take on the conversation most of the time but I want him to like my conversations as well. But there are bad kinds of dominant man. There are ones who act like a dork and are thick headed and dumb (I've come across those). I don't really know how else to describe it though. I am very picky about a guys personality and what he thinks, maybe that is why I am still single.

I think the two of you secretly love each other.


sexual tension
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
25 Jun 2010 /  #353
What the hell do you know?

As evidenced in these forums, obviously a lot more than you (do).

I think I'm more self conscious and secure than you are.

You keep repeating that sort of self-congratulatory theme. Perhaps you'll eventually convince yourself.

And that was insult #21 you threw in my direction. It's time I start to return the favour.

lol, Have you not looked at your posts? Half of your comments are insults. Look, I don't care if you write like a woman, look like a woman, or have an effeminate nature. People are who they are.

M-G (thinks Zimmy is a 42-year old living in his mom's cellar)

Besides being self-congratulatory, you also project poorly. Are you really unaware of how juvenile your self serving masterbatory comments are? Only phonies keep throwing their 'feelings' up against the wall that often hoping that some of them stick.

I won't name the dozens that qualify but let's take Hazmat diver for instance, those guys swim into clouds of toxic waste, or oil rig worker.

Sure, but it also takes a man to volunteer for those kind of jobs.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) demands that there can be no discrimination when applying for jobs. Of course, rarely does a woman apply for work such as this. It seems that "equality" stops when it is real.

there are women who seem to want all the pleasure, but none of the pain.

I've been calling this 'pick-and-choose' equality for years. In the U.S. it got so tiring to hear feminists constantly shriek, "women can do any job a man can....." and yet, they so conveniently ignore the many men who drive long-haul trucks across the U.S. or the men who are bomb technicians, or any variety of work that demands danger, let alone dirty work. This is the essence of my complaint; it's the hypocrisy so many upper middle class and upper class feminists display in their daily rants. They never want to see the whole picture.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
25 Jun 2010 /  #354
get back on topic, maybe?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
25 Jun 2010 /  #355
maybe that is why I am still single

Is it over with that guy you ask about if the two of you would make good looking babies?

And tell me, what's so bad about a guy who can cook and wash his own clothes? I have plenty of gf's I just don't want to live together with them. So we have kind of "on-off" relationships. This brings along that I live alone and since I think it's nonsense to hire a maid to do the work, it brings along that you have to cook, clean and wash your clothes yourself and there is nothing wrong with being self-sufficient.

As for the topic: I already stated that I like intelligent, stylish and classy women. There is nothing that annoys me more during a first date then that I have to explain every other thing that I'm saying. However, I never break off a date unless it really gets awkward because it would be very impolite even though you know you're not gonna see eachother again. I only broke off a date once or twice and that was because we didn't have anything to say to eachother and if we had to say sth to eachother we completely disagreed on it.

As evidenced in these forums, obviously a lot more than you (do).

That would be the first truly funny remark you ever made. I'm sure a lot here would disagree with you. But keep telling yourself that you have an adult approach to women and how successful you are with them.


M-G (haec hactenus)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
25 Jun 2010 /  #356
I have plenty of gf's I just don't want to live together with them.

yes, because you must live with me - your wife-to-be!!!!
and dump them right now!!!!

ah, it's Friday! yay! :D
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
25 Jun 2010 /  #357


M-G (so when is the wedding?)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
25 Jun 2010 /  #358
i'll let you decide it...
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
25 Jun 2010 /  #359
Ok. Have to check my agenda, which I don't have on me right now, but I will let you know.



M-G (who would've thought...)
A J  4 | 1075  
25 Jun 2010 /  #360
Well no you didn't take in to account my whole post.

Maybe I did, but maybe I was looking for a conversation to see what you think since you didn't elaborate.


I like the man to take on the conversation most of the time but I want him to like my conversations as well.

Makes perfect sense.

But there are bad kinds of dominant man. There are ones who act like a dork and are thick headed and dumb (I've come across those). I don't really know how else to describe it though.

You don't really have to, just the word dork explains everything.

I am very picky about a guys personality and what he thinks, maybe that is why I am still single.

Hey, you're still young, so you shouldn't have to worry about being single too much, because you really are a pretty young lady, and you do have a great sense of values, so you're absolutely worth the trouble.


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