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Are Polish men romantic and caring or... "plain"?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Apr 2010 /  #31
I guess the dress sense is just different.

Doing that is contemptible. You only cheat yourself in the end.
espana  17 | 951  
27 Apr 2010 /  #32
Is there such a thing as "Polish men"?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
28 Apr 2010 /  #33
Polish guys are rarely talkative, i dunno if they think that being 'mysterious' like this is attractive or something

I don't know where did you meet this "Polish men" cause I have totally different experiance, maybe because in my work place (apart from the Jamaican cleaner) nobody gets minimum wage and my Polish mates are educated software engeneers with fluent English, only one of them has a Polish wife, one's got Indian and the other two English girlfriends just like me and none of them would even look at any of those Polish redneck girls that you can see on the streets but a few times when we went out we chated up Polish girls imitating Engish accent and they always fell for it lol unfortunatelly their English skills didn't let the fun last long, so maybe you should change that factory for some better work place and you wouldn't built the stereotype of a Polish men on Polish rednecks, but this is still strange as you are Polish yourself so if you have similar experiance back there in Poland it means that you also come from a village or a small town where the neighbour gets jealous when you buy a new TV Set :-)

good night
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
28 Apr 2010 /  #34
Hope to hell u mean goodnight cos you sound like a total ass!
BevK  11 | 248  
28 Apr 2010 /  #35
He was a player and didn't care how he treated girls.

That sounds like a Narcissist and they are all over the world, worse luck!
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
28 Apr 2010 /  #36
Are Polish men romantic and caring or... "plain"?

Yes! ;)

On a more serious note I hope you think of us the way you'd like for us, men to view you - unique individuals each and every one of you (us). Some romantic while others less so, some gentle and caring, while others not sensitive at all.

I'm yet to figure out what "American" women are like or Swedish ladies for that matter? I'd imagine the same applies to "Polish" men. Vive la différence wouldn't you say? ;)
plk123  8 | 4119  
28 Apr 2010 /  #37
oh no.. not at all.. polish men are doormats, haven't you read that other thread? lol
LAGirl  9 | 496  
28 Apr 2010 /  #38
Thats right they talk alot and too much. tjhey are known to have two women and most want two women ones not enogh. thats the animal instinct.and Polish women have to put up with them. I feel sorry for them.
Arien  2 | 710  
28 Apr 2010 /  #39
tjhey are known to have two women and most want two women ones not enogh.

Yeah, but then again most girls I've seen going around town seem to like the ''men'' who have (Or have had.) two women, or three women, or five! (Or twenty!) because all those guys who didn't (Or don't!) can't be nice to be with, right?

Two words: Women. Logic.

Yes, very mad!
frd  7 | 1379  
28 Apr 2010 /  #40
I am plain.
Arien  2 | 710  
28 Apr 2010 /  #41
You could be plain romantic and caring too you know..
In the bag!
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
28 Apr 2010 /  #42
I don't know where did you meet this "Polish men" cause I have totally different experiance, maybe because in my work place (apart from the Jamaican cleaner)

OOOHHHH have i touched a nerve? So all Polish men are nice and educated and all Polish girls are rednecks, interesting stuff coming from a Polish man! I didn't say it was all Polish men who were like that but you just took it all personally like any silly paranoid boy would. Maybe you should change your usual weekend haunts if all you find is Polish slappers. You 'immitate English accent', now that is a phenonenon as Polish guys' accent is so rough they always sound like Borat but i do admire your creativity, it's loud in a club and the drinks do their trick so maybe you're not as good at it as you think you are :). Aww poor Polish guys, having to put on an English accent to pull Polish girls, and sounding like Russians trying to pull the English ones :). You obviously hang out around chavvy bars full of chavvy women, just the type you and your mates like to pick up on nights out perhaps? Oh wait am i wrong, you just sit there in the corner and talk about computers all night whilst sipping on lemonade ;).

From my personal observations the majority of Polish guys in UK are losers, ass*holes, cheaters and drunks. You may say that the majority of Polish women in UK are slappers and of course there is truth in that it doesn't offend me, there are a lot of slappers around, but there are also many, many Polish rednecks and jerks who are men and you simply can not deny that. Oh, and for the record just because some Polish girls prefer foreign men doesn't make them chavs or rednecks. How does it work that if we prefer foreigners we're rednecks, but if you prefer foreing girls you've got excellent taste? There is no need for personal insults. Doesn't it make you that bit sad that Polish girls are only happy for you to chat them up if you pretend you're not Polish? I really don't care whom you prefer to date, i think there is a lot of truth in my previous statement but it had a lot of irony in it too. You obviously can't see it and choose to attack, and some say Polish guys are so chivalrous and good with women. You make it sound like you're better off than your Polish mate who has a Polish wife for gods sake. Sorry to say this, but you're a dick. And your Englis sucks too.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
28 Apr 2010 /  #43
imitating Engish accent

Dear god, you live in Birmingham, please tell you havent picked up a Brummy accent!

accent is so rough they always sound like Borat

That would be preferable to a Brummy one, I can tell you that for nothing!

I cant believe you two arguing...you are both so alike..neither of you are interesting in your countrymen since moving to the UK...so I demand that you kiss and make up!
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
28 Apr 2010 /  #44
OOOHHHH have i touched a nerve?

Judging from the size of your reply he also hit a nerve, innit? :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Apr 2010 /  #45
I wouldn't say so. Justy likes to articulate her opinion clearly and cover a lot of ground :) She has a point, there are many Polish losers in the UK according to what I hear.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
29 Apr 2010 /  #46
Judging from the size of your reply he also hit a nerve, innit? :)

if i said "lies, f*ck you" your retort would be just the same :)

there are many Polish losers in the UK according to what I hear

no point denying it and definitely no point trying to pin the blame on either just men or women
Wulkan  - | 3136  
29 Apr 2010 /  #47
Polish guys' accent is so rough they always sound like Borat but i do admire your creativity

so what's the Polish girl's accent like? Borat's sister the number 4 prostitute of all Kazakhstan? lol. I've always thought that Sacha Baron Cohen was trying to imitate Russian accent in "Borat" but if you a Polish person can't see the difference how can we not accept the fact that Western Europe lump us together with the Eastern Europe...

From my personal observations the majority of Polish guys in UK are losers, ass*holes, cheaters and drunks. You may say that the majority of Polish women in UK are slappers

Well lets say that I don't really blame anybody for being a slapper, there are other negative features that majority of Polish women have in UK.

Oh, and for the record just because some Polish girls prefer foreign men doesn't make them chavs or rednecks. How does it work that if we prefer foreigners we're rednecks, but if you prefer foreing girls you've got excellent taste?

How could I think that there's anything wrong if Polish woman has non Polish boyfriend if I'm with English woman myself? when I say rednecks I literaturally mean people from the village, people who grew up on the farm, having cows, chickens, pigs and god knows what else around. I'm not saying there's something wrong when you're a villager but right after I moved to England I had an unpleasent experience in noticing the cultural difference between them and a city boy like me...

Doesn't it make you that bit sad that Polish girls are only happy for you to chat them up if you pretend you're not Polish?

Well you're wrong, they are nice to me when I'm myself, I have never really had problems in picking Polish women but what's the point in dating them if I don't see them as a potential girl friends... I just take the p1ss sometimes ;-)

You make it sound like you're better off than your Polish mate who has a Polish wife for gods sake.

Oh not at all! She's very descent woman, not exactly in my type but they suit each other :-)

Sorry to say this, but you're a dick

I understand I touched a nerve.

And your Englis sucks too.

I agree with you, I've always been intrested in other languages and English never really fascinated me.

Dear god, you live in Birmingham, please tell you havent picked up a Brummy accent!

Oh no! Brummie accent doesn't sound very nice accept when it come out of my girlfriends mouth ;-) When I was doing English I was trying to speak without the local accent like they do in BBC news and we said we were from London.

there are many Polish losers in the UK according to what I hear

no point denying it and definitely no point trying to pin the blame on either just men or women

I agree
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
29 Apr 2010 /  #48
Plain? Romantic? Caring? Than I have a perfect solution for you. I’m Polish and I have what’s known as MPD, my shrink discovered 20 so far, God only knows how many more still in hiding. Date me and you’ll get the whole bunch for the price of one but usually opposite of what you would expect of your BF in any given situation. Anything to make your life more interesting, you might even fall in love with one in the bunch but who’s to say how often you’ll see him. LOL

On a more serious note I'm yet to figure out what women are like period and what they want of us in general. To split those traits by nationality would make it an impossible task. Looking at it on a bright side, I have my whole lifetime to devote to that research and enjoy every moment.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
29 Apr 2010 /  #49
generally, i find him polite.. not so romantic, nor caring... plain is an overstatement, i guess, cos as for now, there is no easy way to decipher him :)

Why don't you copy & paste what you said right here and show it to him? Sometimes (often ;) we men and you ladies think in very different ways. I wish my ex-wife had used very plain English with me much more often than she did (and vice versa).

I will generalize here for a minute but I think women often like to be perceived as being gentle and that spills over to their communication skills as often they'll use innuendos instead. I fly very sophisticated, multi-million dollar machines for a living but ask me to decipher a woman's language and what she's really saying and I fall apart...

I don't mean it in a negative way, it's so great we're different. However, sometimes it really helps to use very plain, down to earth language - I guess I'm telling you what I wish someone had told me while I was married. :)

Wholly crap Justysia - I'm glad I don't live in the UK... ;)
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
29 Apr 2010 /  #50
"BBC" isnt a London accent..Its what we call "Middle England" it's where people dont particularly have any kind of regional accent (which London does).

Oh no! Brummie accent doesn't sound very nice accept when it come out of my girlfriends mouth ;-)

Brummy doesnt sound nice coming from anyones mouth..Sorry

How could I think that there's anything wrong if Polish woman has non Polish boyfriend if I'm with English woman myself? when I say rednecks I literaturally mean people from the village, people who grew up on the farm, having cows, chickens, pigs and god knows what else around. I'm not saying there's something wrong when you're a villager but right after I moved to England I had an unpleasent experience in noticing the cultural difference between them and a city boy like me...

Thats really snobbish..things must be different in Poland because most if not all in the UK who live in villages are not looked down on - by the way cities are not always the best and I can tell you there are some ignorant Polish chavs that come from them too..Rather meet a bumpkin than a scrote!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
29 Apr 2010 /  #51
The problem with Poles in UK is that they, like you quite often come from podunk backwaters and attempt to be more english than the Brits themselves.

There is of course truth to there being an unusually high percentage of losers of both genders, people like you who couldnt build themselves a future in Poland often prefer to wash dishes in UK.

While i often hear that Poland is losing its best the truth is a large part of people who left are our worst.
noreenb  7 | 548  
29 Apr 2010 /  #52
Yeas, they are.
It depends.
Well. Yes. If they like shaving.
SouthMancPolak  - | 102  
29 Apr 2010 /  #53
Thats really snobbish..things must be different in Poland because most if not all in the UK who live in villages are not looked down on - by the way cities are not always the best and I can tell you there are some ignorant Polish chavs that come from them too..Rather meet a bumpkin than a scrote!

It's definitely a Polish thing! Terms like wiocha are much stronger than "country bumpkin" here in the UK; we may laugh at the occasional inbred from the country, but we know that most country people are just normal, and often well-off or even educated.

Whereas in Poland, city people do look down on the country people in a way which regards them as almost sub-human, backward, and like something from a previous century.

Unfortunately, like many stereotypes, there is some truth in this ;) but watch the film "Blokersi" and you'll see that Poland's cities aren't entirely filled with intelligent, educated, hard-working, law-abiding people!
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
29 Apr 2010 /  #54
it all depends on the upbringing, not where somebody is from, nor it depends on nationality, it all depends on how one was raised at home.

It also all depends on who we call losers, people who I consider a loser (although there are no losers really if they are alive and work, since life could be dangerous sometimes), might not be a loser to someone else. I usually think of people as losers who I just don't get along with.

Kazda zmora znajdzie w koncu swego amatora;)

Whereas in Poland, city people do look down on the country people in a way which regards them as almost sub-human, backward, and like something from a previous century.

possible, but I noticed that people from the villages and small towns do much better when immigrating then the snobbish city people, just an observation. So it is a myth. People from smaller places are generally more driven and more ambitious in general.
Havok  10 | 902  
29 Apr 2010 /  #55
Guys will do what's necessary to score. I suppose if you prefer the romantic approach I’m sure the more intelligent ones can be good at it.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
29 Apr 2010 /  #56
Kazda zmora znajdzie w koncu swego amatora;)

hey!!! that's my line!!!!!

JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
30 Apr 2010 /  #57


Polish city boys who think they are better than everyone else who is not from a city. "Jestem z miasta, to widać..." There might be a lot of rednecks coming from small villages but there sure is a mighty high percentage of ar*seholes originating from the cities! I haven't really noticed the British city people looking down on the villagers, but Polish people do it all the time, even abroad. I come from a town, not too big not too small just a town, and my parents bought a house on a farm when i was 13 and i lived there till i moved to UK 5.5 years ago. It's not a proper big farm but yes they have piglets, chickens, ducks, goats and a couple of cows and a pond full of fish and a piece of a forest. Am i ashamed of this? Not at all and you can feel free to call me a redneck all you want but i don't really give a f*ck because the only opinion that matters to me is the opinion of people who matter.

If all you foreign girls are still merely attracted to Polish guys, please read their comments above to see just how charming they are. That's how they get after the initial infatuation :). Maybe there are a few sweet villagers left but once they move abroad they think they are on top of the game and turn into arrogant pr*cks. Very sad.

The problem with Poles in UK is that they, like you quite often come from podunk backwaters and attempt to be more english than the Brits themselves.

i don't attempt to it just comes so naturally to me to be a civilised nice person, not an arrogant rude Eastern-European like you :). i have a very arrogant side but i leave that for special occasions and unruly work colleagues :)

There is of course truth to there being an unusually high percentage of losers of both genders, people like you who couldnt build themselves a future in Poland often prefer to wash dishes in UK.

oh i am so hurt, and you'll be even more hurt to find i don't wash the dishes for a living despite of the fact i quite enjoy washing up and housework. at the moment i really don't see a future for myself in Poland, too many smug tossers like you in there keep me at bay too.

While i often hear that Poland is losing its best the truth is a large part of people who left are our worst

yet still they earn more than you, washing the dishes or sweeping the streets of UK for example ;). in Poland to get a cleaning or hotel job you have to be university educated and fluent in foreign languages, uni graduates struggle for work too. i really don't see the point.

Whereas in Poland, city people do look down on the country people in a way which regards them as almost sub-human, backward, and like something from a previous century.

i remember when i visited my late snobbish aunt from a big city once and she was explaining me the mysteries of a mop ha ha. she was serious, too.

Oh no! Brummie accent doesn't sound very nice accept when it come out of my girlfriends mouth ;-)

Brummy doesnt sound nice coming from anyones mouth..Sorry

i used to date a Brummy guy for a long while he was really cool actually and his accent didn't bother me at all. what else you like in your gf's mouth Wulkan, your volcano erruption? ha ha sorry couldn't help myself, must be the redneck in me.

Wholly crap Justysia - I'm glad I don't live in the UK... ;)

why not? ;)
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
30 Apr 2010 /  #58
why not? ;)

I'd be scared I'd run into you because you'd quickly prove to me what a worthless slime I really am... LOL

Seriously, I think you've been severly burned and now put all of us in the same basket. I don't recognize myself at all in your description of Polish men. Yes, I know I'm biased here ;)

PS. I've been doing the dishes since I was a kid and occationally I cook too... :)

PS. Why did you move from Poland? Unrelated to this thread, just curious...
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
30 Apr 2010 /  #59
I'm a villager living in a big, polluted city. And I miss my village family house at the river with proper yard and even a well :) And though some of my neighbours are indeed

backward, and like something from a previous century

, the pros of living in the village outweigh the cons.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
30 Apr 2010 /  #60
think you've been severly burned and now put all of us in the same basket

i was talking about Polish men in UK, and i did say it was NOT all of them. i'm yet to meet a Polish guy in UK who has no issues and who's just a normal chap with no agenda, making a living and not sounding like a smug know-it-all twit. this Polish guy who is married to one of my work colleagues was doing my head in today, being such an expert in fields ranging from English language to cotraception. i hardly know the guy, he was just coming up with all those random statements out of the blue as if he was trying to show off but damn it was one fail after another. and it was all me me me. why can't they just be themselves without this smug and arrogance, i'm sure on the inside guys like him are really nice men, there is no need for this!! i have never been in a serious relationship with a Polish guy, this front they put on and how they always make fools out of themselves really put me off. and i think i'm hooked on British accents, Wulkan and his mates can try theirs for me anytime, i'm sure it'd be a good laugh ;).

Why did you move from Poland?

i did not see a future for myself out there, plus i was falling out with my parents way too much. moving was the best thing i ever did, i've never been happier and as a family we get on so much better now that we're miles apart and only see each other few times a year ha ha...

I'm a villager living in a big, polluted city. And I miss my village family house at the river with proper yard and even a well :) And though some of my neighbours are indeed
backward, and like something from a previous century, the pros of living in the village outweigh the cons.

yes definitely, there's a well in my folks yard too, and the dogs and cats i miss them too, funny how they still recognise me when i come to visit :). i don't like the noise, crowds and traffic of a big city, Salisbury isn't that big and i live in the quiet bit with a few parks just a short walk from my flat. still, not the same as the country!

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