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Do Polish men like to sleep with other men?

hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
21 May 2011 /  #31
I've known gay men here who had awful problems with their attitude. My point was that they will take their chances in discreet ways. One guy today said hello in a very gay way and he looks at me differently.

By attitude, do you mean that they are really in denial or do they act like real queens. As for the looking differently bit and the hello bit....maybe he was trying to be really friendly, or perhaps you are very good a picking out people who are attracted to the same sex. However, until such time that you get a direct approach, you can never know for certain.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 May 2011 /  #32
Acting like a queen is frowned upon here so that's out. However, I had a couple of foreigners in mind so they acted as they wanted. Well, mens' instinct isn't as good as that of women here so....;)
KateLouise  - | 50  
21 May 2011 /  #33
If you think an influx of homosexual polish nationals is going to effect/affect(?) the uk you clearly have not visited manchester gay village. you seriously cannot base the fact of someone being gay because they act camp or effeminate. Or wear tight trousers and party lots with others of the same sex. In that case everytime i have a girls night i must be seen as a lesbian, which i am not. My mother is but thats another story ;)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
21 May 2011 /  #34
Though accusing someone of perfectly legal sexual practices is not an insult.

Johnnny , He is feeling insulted by it because when someone generalizes, they are basically
including the whole population of men, to which he finds it insulting because he is married man.

I think a lot of gay polish men have come to ruin the u.k.

I think the only ONE ruining the uk is you, shyt stirring puzzys like you need to admit that you were
born with your finger up your fanny.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
21 May 2011 /  #35
I think the only ONE ruining the uk is you, shyt stirring puzzys like you need to admit that you were
born with your finger up your fanny.

This language is very unlike you Patty :P
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 May 2011 /  #36
Is that fanny in the British or American meaning, Patty? ;)
KateLouise  - | 50  
21 May 2011 /  #37
since the op was discussing blatant homosexuality maybe the british meaning is more suited?
MsJPiggs  - | 2  
31 May 2011 /  #38
I don't think homosexuality has anything to do with the country they're from..
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
31 May 2011 /  #39
I think a lot of gay polish men have come to ruin the u.k. Are you one of those men who is from poland and like to bend over whenever you see another male, or are you a straight polish man ( whose in denial) and how do you feel about these sinners.

Yes, You are the one who cried about me being prejudice?

Yet, This is actual prejudice against Poles.

Are you a complete retard? Do you have anyone who can actually think in the British Isles?

Because all I have met were extremely retarded Brits. It is like your entire island can't think & can only "feel" emotions & make retarded opinions based on what you are told to think & what you emotions feel.

It is in Western Europe where you have all the gays.

Berlin is the gay capitol of Europe.
stinkybugger  - | 56  
31 May 2011 /  #40
Men love to sleep with men the world over...who really cares...(there is nowhere in the world where a gay man or woman does not exist)

It's 2011 get over it!
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
1 Jun 2011 /  #41
Do Polish men like to sleep with other men?

Probably they do.. Army service in Poland is obligatory for everybody, isn't it?
It is obligatory here and we were sleeping altogether in 30-50 person bedrooms.
It was like snoring orchestra.

(you said homophobia? I have homophobia. So what? They have heterophobia. So, equality holds.)
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
1 Jun 2011 /  #42
Probably they do.. Army service in Poland is obligatory for everybody, isn't it?

No, not any more.
milky  13 | 1656  
1 Jun 2011 /  #43
Army service in Poland

according to Americam writer Susan Faludi,the army is a bit Gay.
pawian  219 | 24792  
1 Jun 2011 /  #44
I don`t like to sleep with anybody. The last time I slept with a person was about 15 years ago.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
1 Jun 2011 /  #45
Yes I agree with Pawian.
Sex is a bit overrated.
With sex comes a number of minutes of pleasure.
But, Also comes the negtives. STD's, Babies being born. (Worrying about that) Even if you use protection.

Also if you sleep with someone you don't know it is strange & you can get close & then get hurt.

Then if you have sex with someone you are close with then they get all clingy, & things get closer & can get out of control.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Jun 2011 /  #46
It's okay, Polack - we know you're not getting laid anyway.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Jun 2011 /  #47
I don`t like to sleep with anybody. The last time I slept with a person was about 15 years ago.

filthy monkey :)
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
1 Jun 2011 /  #48
I sleep with girls sometimes. But, Often times I don't even take the oppurtunities to sleep with a woman.
Just because often times it does not even seem worth it.
With my hand there is no commitment, Std's, Babies, Drama, Hurt, Fights ect. My hand is all love without the negatives exept maybe the ocassional callus.

Which is pretty mild compared to crap you have to deal with with women & sex.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
1 Jun 2011 /  #49
I have a compromising picture of me sleeping with the current admin of a Forum I established ;-)
pawian  219 | 24792  
1 Jun 2011 /  #50
filthy monkey :)

I can guess from your vocabulary that you got horny again? :):):)

filthy monkey :)

Remember: the times when you used to chase me all over the apartment on your all-fours, screaming: I am a bull, I am a bull, you filthy monkey! are long gone.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
10 Jun 2011 /  #51
I think a lot of polish men are homophobic because the secretly crave cock.

OMG what disgusting things to say about other people. Do you always make these negative generalizations about other people?

It seems most of your messages are "I think Poles are this and Poles are that" etc. Its always negative.

Maybe you're just an anti-Polish troll?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
10 Jun 2011 /  #52
Maybe you're just an anti-Polish troll?

OP Meowmeow  5 | 57  
10 Jun 2011 /  #53
Uhmmm no, I do understand poland is a mono-cultured place and gradually with a lot of it citizens travelling it will become more open minded. I have negative things to say about every country.

I actually was joking about the "gay" part....if you read it. I was making fun out of the situation. I find Poland a very interesting country that has a lot to offer hence why I visit here. But as I say that the racism and homophobia that seems rife in the country I hope will one day change.

MediaWatch  10 | 942  
11 Jun 2011 /  #54
Uhmmm no, I do understand poland is a mono-cultured place and gradually with a lot of it citizens travelling it will become more open minded.

Hopefully Poland doesn't become "open minded" to the point that led to it being multi-cultural like it was in 1795, which then led to its destruction

. I have negative things to say about every country.

So you admit you have a problem?

I actually was joking about the "gay" part....if you read it. I was making fun out of the situation. I find Poland a very interesting country that has a lot to offer hence why I visit here. But as I say that the racism and homophobia that seems rife in the country I hope will one day change.

There you go again making negative generalizations about Poland saying Poland is "rife with racism and homophobia". You can find this in every country in the world if you're inclined to do so.

Evidently all of Poland's "racism and homophobia" isn't keeping you away from it.

However I do hope Poles have a "racist" attitude towards somebody like you so you won't go there anymore.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
11 Jun 2011 /  #55
Why so many homos on the forum, and why do they pretend they're females?
southern  73 | 7059  
11 Jun 2011 /  #56
Like what? How would you estimate it?

He has the ass meter.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
11 Jun 2011 /  #57
Why so many homos on the forum

Teachers from England?
Wroclaw Boy  
11 Jun 2011 /  #58
or are you a straight polish man ( whose in denial) and how do you feel about these sinners.

What shes basically saying is that "im a big fat ugly English woman and all the Polish men ive been trying to lure back to my place for casual sex are not falling for the plot, so they must be gay, im also going to write on a public forum that Polish men are gay in order to make myself feel better about being an unattractive UK slapper".
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
11 Jun 2011 /  #59
according to Americam writer Susan Faludi,the army is a bit Gay.

Only a bit?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
11 Jun 2011 /  #60
Which is pretty mild compared to crap you have to deal with with women & sex.

If you are dealing with "crap" after sex with women maybe that should be telling you something about your actual preferences.........

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