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KWnorow  - | 22  
23 Mar 2010 /  #121
Everyone lies because people hate the truth. Polish men lie more. Now I'm lying. :)
OP LAGirl  9 | 496  
23 Mar 2010 /  #122
Haha funny I belive that.
espana  17 | 951  
23 Mar 2010 /  #123

because they have big noses like pinoquio
Rogalski  5 | 94  
23 Mar 2010 /  #124
Welsh men lie too. Big time.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
24 Mar 2010 /  #125
You can always tell when Polish men are lying. Their lips move.
FredChopin  - | 61  
24 Mar 2010 /  #127

Because it is hard to sleep standing up.
jessy  - | 2  
25 Mar 2010 /  #128
yeah all polish men seem to have a gf back in poland......n come to uk to work in the process find a substitute.......why?
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
25 Mar 2010 /  #129

Some men have needs that just can't wait to be... fulfilled?
22 Dec 2010 /  #130
OMG I am so sorry but I was reading this thread and I need to know why are Polish men so sarcastic and witty and hilarious!?!?!? I think I fell in love with half of you just based on your posts! You literally had me in tears! I wish I had known Polish men existed before this moment in my life because Canadian men sure are not this clever. Ba ha ha ha. So please, someone tell me, "Why Are Polish Men So Saracstic?" (Sorry I just had to ask, I don't really want an answer!)

Thanks for making my day guys!


Shout outs to:
Sokrates, Janosik, pgtx, sledz, JohnP, polishcanuck, plk123, Shawn_H,

You all made my day!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Dec 2010 /  #131
Lie to who and about what? The ones I know likely don't.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
22 Dec 2010 /  #132
I lie because i am Polish...no i am not , well i could be , even tho i live in UK , well no , i actually live in Poland , and i own a Ferrari , well , its almost the same colour , well , it would be if you had Ferraris this colour...

Its the truth....honest...!
frd  7 | 1379  
22 Dec 2010 /  #133
Well, politicians lie because they have to so do lawyers. Priests lie too. I hope it fills some of your gaps.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
22 Dec 2010 /  #134

All man lie if that get them sex
Trevek  25 | 1699  
22 Dec 2010 /  #135
One question why do Polish men lie.

Because they're men.
sovereign_man  - | 19  
22 Dec 2010 /  #136
This has to be one of the dumbest threads I have ever come across. All ethnicities of men lie and ALL ethnicities of women lie so hop down from your high horser and come back to reality lagirl.

And if you are from LA as in los angelos CA then you have no right to be pointing fingers at one particular sex when it comes to lies as you live in the second largest liar state in the country only second to washington DC.
cutie911  - | 7  
23 Dec 2010 /  #137
All men lie not just polish men!
shewolf  5 | 1077  
23 Dec 2010 /  #138
And if you are from LA as in los angelos CA then you have no right to be pointing fingers at one particular sex when it comes to lies as you live in the second largest liar state in the country

That's a lie! hehe.
tygrys  2 | 290  
23 Dec 2010 /  #139
All men lie not just polish men!

Everybody can lie, but Polish men do it more. For example you want to but a car in Poland from some guy. He will never tell you the truth about it, what accident it had, what repair work was done, etc. Polish men lie and hide the truth and don't tell you the whole story. They always have an inner thirst for something more without telling you what it is and many are dishonest.
LukaszJagiello  2 | 26  
3 Jan 2011 /  #141
WHY DO POLISH MEN LIE ... I got it I got it wait yea I got it ... cause we're so good at it ... hey I'm was told to lie ... but then I was the only one that spoke english after we moved to US from Poland ... well you learn to lie ... you go from telling a lie for your parents to telling a lie to your parents and so forth ... I guess it just stayed with me ... personally speaking ... :)
MaxwellTheFrog  - | 1  
3 Jan 2011 /  #142
cause we're so good at it ... hey I'm was told to lie

Sorry, Mate - don't believe you :)
emha  - | 90  
3 Jan 2011 /  #143
LAGirl - I found someone for you :

3 May 2011 /  #145
not all people is bad,polish people is very kind,thissome english,people is bad and good ,your choice who will with you x
Havok  10 | 902  
3 May 2011 /  #146
He will never tell you the truth about it, what accident it had

seriously dude? You're buying a used car from a stranger and you expect them to tell you the truth? Where do you come from?
pawian  226 | 27539  
3 May 2011 /  #147
One question why do Polish men lie. were are the nice ones.

The nice ones are already married, but no worry - they still need lovers.
flissiebell  1 | 13  
4 May 2011 /  #148
Hello all it's a shame that some people lie, I have to say the polish men I have talked to have been up front and truthful, a few have lied but so have other men from other countries too, but let's not forget we all have the ability to lie too

I heard a saying.... Being single doesn't mean your lonely, but being married doesn't mean your happy either. X
A J  4 | 1075  
4 May 2011 /  #149
All men lie not just polish men!

I just caught you telling a lie.

pawian  226 | 27539  
1 Jul 2013 /  #150

Wrong! The title should go:

and then, we should say: Men lie, but women lie better.

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