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RazZ  1 | 180  
8 Mar 2007 /  #91
they may come back to you

i doubt that. its been 2 years and still nothing and i'm still in a recovering process.
sapphire  22 | 1241  
8 Mar 2007 /  #92
well time is a great healer... it took me about 8 years to fully recover from a past relationship so I know how you feel.... but Im sure you will eventually meet someone new who is worthy of your love.
RazZ  1 | 180  
8 Mar 2007 /  #93
lets hope so sapphire. and yes time is a great healer.
OP LATINA  3 | 73  
8 Mar 2007 /  #94
I can understand why you so much love your polish boy. The ones I've met here in the US have serious mommy complexes!! They can be SO alluring!!

What do you mean. You can understand or (you CAN'T) understand why I am in love. They can be so alluring if they have mommy complexes???? Well if I understood what you mean I might be able to agree with you because I think my Boy Toy is very concerned about what his Mommy (and family and society) might think. Are you in NYC?

If my partner during the years become weak, wrinkled and sick I do not left him because he will be loosing his attractivity. If somebody think about partner only like about piece of meat to ****

You only say that because you are a woman. I am pretty sure most men don't feel the same way. They might say it but in reality a lot of men will leave their wives after they have kids, get stretch marks, gain weight, get wrinkled, god forbid the women loose their hair, cancer or any other grave illness. Just look at all the divorces and why. They ususally leave their wives for younger, prettier, no kids women. I think men are more shallow. Not all but most. Women on the other hand (not all) would never do this to their husband. If he got fat, bold, got cancer or something like that the women will take care of him through thick and thin. Or if he got fat, wrinkles, bold she really wouldn't care.
krysia  23 | 3058  
8 Mar 2007 /  #95
My "x" husband cheated on me but I didn't know it. He was doing all kind of dirty things behind my back (like steralizing himself to punish me so I don't have any more children) and when I found out he was cheating, I said to myself: "good riddance" He found a woman way below my intelectual standards.

So what I'm trying to say, if a guy cheats on you, let the jerk go. He's not worth you!!!! There is somebody out there who is perfect for you in age, intelligence and looks. It might be hard for you to let him go, but remember, once a cheater, always a cheater. You forgive him, you guys get together and sooner or later he'll do that again.

It's better to end the relationship now. I wouldn't take a guy back who cheated on me. Let him beg to come back all he wants.

You are better than him and believe in yourself!! You are your own best friend!!! There is someone out there looking for you.....
pingwin  2 | 117  
8 Mar 2007 /  #96
Wow if I were left for another girl I'm not sure if I could take it.

What if you were the cause of it only to find out he was married???

It hurt me more to know that I was the cause for his marriage to fall apart, but once I did I worked my hardest to get them back together. I actually pissed him off so much that I did drive him back to her.

Now I feel better! The only thing is now I don't trust any guy! It seems to me like they always have something to hide.
sapphire  22 | 1241  
8 Mar 2007 /  #97
It hurt me more to know that I was the cause for his marriage to fall apart, but once I did I worked my hardest to get them back together.

Interesting comment. why would you want them to get back together?
pingwin  2 | 117  
8 Mar 2007 /  #98
I don't know maybe because I believe till death do us part. I felt guilty and it wasn't even my fault. He wanted to leave her and three kids and I wasn't going to let that happen.

I didn't want to be the woman who took their daddy away.
OP LATINA  3 | 73  
8 Mar 2007 /  #99
The only thing is now I don't trust any guy! It seems to me like they always have something to hide.

Amen to that. I am so sorry you had to go through that but you didn't know he was married! He lied to you. That skunk! But they all play games and oh boy could they LIE!

I feel the same way, that you can't trust them. The games that they play. All I did for Mr. Gorgeous was show him how much I love and care for him and I played no games with him but that was just tooooo much for him to handle even though he is crazy about me. He had to play the games.

I didn't want to be the woman who took their daddy away.

IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT! He lied to you. What a skunk! But there are so many men out there like that. You should have become friends with his wife. That would have killed him. Just be careful next time.
sapphire  22 | 1241  
9 Mar 2007 /  #100
I feel the same way, that you can't trust them. The games that they play. All I did for Mr. Gorgeous was show him how much I love and care for him and I played no games with him but that was just tooooo much for him to handle even though he is crazy about me. He had to play the games.

sorry if this sounds harsh but it doesnt sound like there is much trust in your relationship.. I am wondering why you want to stay with this guy if you are fearing he will leave you again?

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Female Reply Quote . Mar 8, 07 [11:54] . Post #103

I don't know maybe because I believe till death do us part. I felt guilty and it wasn't even my fault. He wanted to leave her and three kids and I wasn't going to let that happen.

OK thats fair enough..wont stop him leaving her for someone else though will it?
RazZ  1 | 180  
10 Mar 2007 /  #101
hey all we hear is a guy doing this a guy doing that and he is a jerk, a bastard and i dont know what else. i dont think girls a pure angel too. not all guys are bastards you know.
pingwin  2 | 117  
10 Mar 2007 /  #102
Hey RazZ, I never said they are but because of my experience I have a harder time trusting them. You yourself stated that you are still in your healing process and I guess I'm in mine.
RazZ  1 | 180  
10 Mar 2007 /  #103
we all here about guys being more guilty then the female. when a female cheats a guy then you all say that say she was suffering with him or he wasnt treating her well, that why she cheated him. it seems like guys are doing this more then the ladies.
pingwin  2 | 117  
11 Mar 2007 /  #104
it seems like guys are doing this more then the ladies.

Just from my experience they are, but that doesn't mean all of them.
RazZ  1 | 180  
11 Mar 2007 /  #105
females arent innocent too you know.
pingwin  2 | 117  
11 Mar 2007 /  #106
RazZ I never said they were. I know many who cheat on their boyfriends or husbands and I don't agree with it. Hey, I had a hard time dealing with my ex who was married.

I agree with U, but form my point of view I only see guys. Hey, maybe I'm just a magnet for married guys and need to be demagnetized.
RazZ  1 | 180  
11 Mar 2007 /  #107
I agree with U, but form my point of view I only see guys. Hey, maybe I'm just a magnet for married guys and need to be demagnetized.

Guys gets tangled in different situations due to females. its never the guys fault, and knowing that females still blame them. The Emotional blackmail is best possible weapon that a female has for the guys.
pingwin  2 | 117  
11 Mar 2007 /  #108
Okay, I have to disagree with you on this. I did not tagled my ex. He is the one that persued me and I accept it because I thought I finally met a nice guy, only to find out his married. Now, please tell how is it not his fault.
RazZ  1 | 180  
11 Mar 2007 /  #109
i didnt say that you did tangled you ex, but that how females do it.
pingwin  2 | 117  
11 Mar 2007 /  #110
but that how females do it.

Well, sorry I'm not one of those females. I don't go hunting guys like some sport.
RazZ  1 | 180  
11 Mar 2007 /  #111
:) :) well you are different sweetie. kind sweet,
LoneStranger  3 | 382  
25 Mar 2007 /  #112

BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
25 Mar 2007 /  #113
do bears take dumps in the wood?
OP LATINA  3 | 73  
25 Mar 2007 /  #114

on what?
Ogourki  2 | 20  
8 Nov 2007 /  #115
I think older women are the best especially if they are polish!lol now not too old like for a 25 ish man , up to 40 is good, all depends on what she looks like they say that a women of 35ish up to 45 ish , has the same sexual peak as a men in his mid twenties meaning perfect match , its just our general society thats not use to see that. Who ever said you have to be with someone your own age doesnt always spark that way...
vm500  2 | 39  
8 Nov 2007 /  #116
women are like wine , older the better :)
Bubbles  1 | 120  
8 Nov 2007 /  #118

yeah but the uncorking can be half the fun. LOL
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
8 Nov 2007 /  #119

At my age, if I dated an older woman it could work out quite cheap. Especially if she has her bus pass.
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
9 Nov 2007 /  #120
(Although I'm not Polish) I once "dated" a 29 old girl. She was very nice, but she had a child and wanted me instantly to have a family with her. I didn't wanted to make a quick decision on this, so she got upset and went away (and found a guy from 30 who wanted to have a family with her).

I think this might be a problem between ages 20 <-> 30. I think after 30 it is not such a big problem any more since both people are mostly able to have a serious relation with children and stuff.

Personally I think "older" women can be quite attractive. But still I believe the gap must not be too big. Else the balance might be lost. :-)

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