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Polish men calling polish girl for dating englishman

polmed  1 | 216  
19 Dec 2011 /  #31
It is all very simple and doesn`t require much effort to find the answer to the agonizing problem the OP has been confronted with.

It all comes down to the problem of being an immigrant. Women generally are in a better position, because this is not their responsibility to become a family provider, so immigrant woman can be as good as the local woman because the emphasis is put on her look rather than the money. Men tend to choose women, who are beautiful rather than rich which is quite opposite to women who rather tend to search for a family provider. So , the problem of immigrant men vs. local men comes from few factors that they usually hold worse jobs, earn less money and in prevail cases are not wealthy.

So it is rare that a woman chooses for her husband or partner an immigrant, especially from a poorer country which is a case of Poland vs. Great Britain.
Midas  1 | 571  
19 Dec 2011 /  #32
It is all very simple and doesn`t require much effort to find the answer to the agonizing problem the OP has been confronted with.

It all comes down to the problem of being an immigrant.

Typical "polish female" thinking. Materialistic in the extreme.

Wonderful how you expect guys from your own country who got off a Ryanair two weeks ago ( I take it you're Polish ) to "provide" on the same level as guys born, raised and educated in the UK who usually inherited money to boot.
polmed  1 | 216  
19 Dec 2011 /  #33
Typical "polish female" thinking.

No , this is rather typical men`s approach .
southern  73 | 7059  
20 Dec 2011 /  #34
Typical slavic female thinking.Men unfortunately think with their penises rather too much.Especially in view of Polki every logical thought process gets paralyzed.So we are likely to succumb to the passions of the moment while opposite stand cold blooded calculators(at least we have an excuse).
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Dec 2011 /  #35
It's none of their business. She made a choice, for better or for worse, and others have to live with it.
southern  73 | 7059  
20 Dec 2011 /  #36
it is rare that a woman chooses for her husband or partner an immigrant, especially from a poorer country which is a case of Poland vs. Great Britain.

So unfortunate polish men see their status decrease into this of immigrant in the eyes of Polki as long as they set foot in UK.
quentin  - | 5  
20 Dec 2011 /  #37
Midas: Typical "polish female" thinking.

Every time I see this it makes my heart sink. 'Typical this, Typical that.' There is no such thing as 'Typical Polish Female Thinking'. The Population of Poland is over 38 million people, I'm sure not all their women think in the same way. I found this Polish Dating Post OP, maybe you should read it.
southern  73 | 7059  
20 Dec 2011 /  #38
Women generally are in a better position, because this is not their responsibility to become a family provider

Wait for Zimmy attack.
Natasa  1 | 572  
20 Dec 2011 /  #39
Many women i know tend to play with double standards now. Consciously. They want to keep some of the traditional aspects of their old roles, particularly selective passivity when it comes to certain responsibilities, but embracing the freedoms out there .

I probably agree with Zimmy on this, and that simply has to mean that if I am a woman I must be a masochist ;)

I am a woman
I agree with Zimmy's concept of Woman

I am a masochist?

OK the small premise is based on induction, so it is possible it is a false one. The big premise faces also some ontological issues, but let's not split hairs.

Syllogism is OK in other aspects. But false.
sa11y  5 | 331  
20 Dec 2011 /  #40
do all polishmen have problem with polish girl having english boyfriend

Ian - most of them DON'T have a problem, only the stupid nationalistic one do. And being in your 40's why the hell would you care? Just get on with your lives. I'm married to Englishman and never ever had any issues.

What you might consider though is that your girlfriend is a bit unsure about this relationship and is using the "Polish men story" as an excuse to slow it down without hurting you. So if she things it's a good idea that you go to Poland, then go and do not fear. If she doesn't want you to go, just accept it and don't push.
Wroclaw Boy  
20 Dec 2011 /  #41
Seeing as they all work in a factory they probably talk a lot and take the micky out of each other, im sure theres a lot of banter about Poles hooking up with Brits and how they generally dissaprove. So this lady doesnt really want her fellow Polish work mates discovering she in fact has an English boyfriend.
Midas  1 | 571  
20 Dec 2011 /  #42
No , this is rather typical men`s approach .

Typical slavic female thinking.

polmed - I don't think you quite understood the message I was trying to convey.

I was commenting on this:

It is all very simple and doesn`t require much effort to find the answer to the agonizing problem the OP has been confronted with.

So it is rare that a woman chooses for her husband or partner an immigrant, especially from a poorer country which is a case of Poland vs. Great Britain.

This sums up perfectly the "thinking" of many, many women from Eastern Europe --> they're extremely practical and consider it completely natural to go for the guys "who can provide" ( or, to be blunt, guys with money ). This is all sooooo obvious for you : immigrant = less money, local = more money, simple choice.

All of the above based on the ridiculous assumption that a guy who got off the boat yesterday can and should be compared money-wise to a guy whose family lived in the target country for generations and amassed wealth during that period. And of course this assumption comes rather naturally to Polish ( and other Eastern European ) women, no pause for thinking here as well.

Compare and contrast to Chinese women, Indian women, English women, Pakistani women, Jewish women and a number of others as well -for some odd reason they can actually stay with guys from their own cultural circle as they work their way to the top. Polish ( and other Eastern European ) women very often offer little to no support to their men during emigration.

Little wonder then that Eastern European women in many countries are often seen as materialistic slags who will **** at the drop of a hat once they see the money
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
20 Dec 2011 /  #43
but all the others are Anglophones.

apart from the OP.......if he is a native speaker Im a 12 foot Dutchman with a blue arse.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
20 Dec 2011 /  #44
tell your lady to grow some balls

that is deeply weird.
Carry on, enjoy yourselves ffs.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
20 Dec 2011 /  #45
tell your lady to grow some balls

If his lady grew some balls she'd be a real gentleman.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438  
20 Dec 2011 /  #46
apart from the OP.......if he is a native speaker Im a 12 foot Dutchman with a blue arse.

You just need to look at the title - he's clearly translated "wyzwają" as "calling", but hasn't changed the sentence appropriately ;)
Midas  1 | 571  
20 Dec 2011 /  #47
Yes, obviously, because the main issue here is whether or not he's a native speaker...
20 Dec 2011 /  #48
You just need to look at the title - he's clearly translated "wyzwają" as "calling", but hasn't changed the sentence appropriately ;)

And how would you translate it,because I would translate wyzywać as to call names?Am I wrong or what?
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438  
20 Dec 2011 /  #49
You are correct, but the OP wasn't - he didn't apply the translation correctly.

The title should be something like "Polish men who call a Polish girl names for dating an Englishman".

He claims to be English, but he appears to have translated the title like a foreigner would.
Vincent  8 | 800  
20 Dec 2011 /  #50
He claims to be English, but he appears to have translated the title like a foreigner would.

He just omitted the word "names" after Polish girl.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438  
20 Dec 2011 /  #51
"Calling Polish girl names" is just the sort of mistake a Pole would make if their command of English is not fluent. Like "I want cup of tea please". It's a dead giveaway. There are several errors in the first post as well:

i would pop to her work in my Jeep and then she asked to come in the car but has now asked me not to attended at all.

Do you think the above was really written by an English native?

Not getting at you, just emphasising my point ;)
Vincent  8 | 800  
20 Dec 2011 /  #52
Do you think the above was really written by an English native?

Do you believe every English native writes perfect English? Not saying your theory is wrong, you may well be correct.
polmed  1 | 216  
20 Dec 2011 /  #53
I don't think you quite understood the message I was trying to convey.

You understood me perfectly and I did understand you also.

I was referring to typical male approach you present that you focused on female deplorable behavior instead of criticizing both sexes’ behaviors.

Polish (and other Eastern European) women very often offer little to no support to their men during emigration.

You generalize so much. Some are like that, but predominant majority acts like most reasonable people would do. You described a characteristic of certain women who make up 5 % of Polish female population. I guess that other nationalities you mentioned act like that within given numbers.

With few exceptions women are still not considered family providers, because of salary differences, which still exist in favor of men. That`s why, women still , instead of making money, tend to take care of children, house etc. rather than men. What I stated earlier is true and reflects the reality.

Yes, southern if a man emigrates to another country with the intention of permanent residence he becomes an immigrant and the status of immigrant is well known to everybody

Little wonder then that Eastern European women in many countries are often seen as materialistic slags who will **** at the drop of a hat once they see the money

Now ,to maintain parity , can you please name " an old or middle aged Western European man" who leaves his wife and children once he sees long legged beauty willing to become his sex or lifetime partner ? A p**ck or is there a specific name in English language ? Will you start complaining about something else than Eastern European females?
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438  
20 Dec 2011 /  #54
Do you believe every English native writes perfect English? Not saying your theory is wrong, you may well be correct.

Of course not, but English natives tend to make different mistakes to foreigners: e.g., "you should of known their not going to pay up" shows the kind of mistakes an English person would make, but missing out indefinite articles is the kind of mistake a Pole would make. ;)

Anyway, this is going off-topic now, so I shall warn myself (minus the red text, lol) :D

can you please name " an old or middle aged Western European man" who leaves his wife and children once he sees long legged beauty willing to become his sex or lifetime partner ?

I hope you're not thinking of someone who posts here :D
blackadder  1 | 114  
20 Dec 2011 /  #55
@Southern my name IAN which is scottish for JOHN as my father is a Scott and Mother english...

Do you have to show birth certificate on here to prove were you come from ???

Don't mind him,he is known to be intolerant.
You're in your forties,why should you care what parents or colleagues think of your relationship?
polmed  1 | 216  
20 Dec 2011 /  #56
I hope you're not thinking of someone who posts here :D

No , nobody specific in my mind , just a name you call such men if only such name exists . But maybe all derogatory names of females have no equivalent in male gender .
Midas  1 | 571  
20 Dec 2011 /  #57
polmed - I guess we have a case of "uderz w stol a nozyce sie odezwa" as they say in Poland :). Ok then:

I was referring to typical male approach you present that you focused on female deplorable behavior instead of criticizing both sexes’ behaviors.

And what exactly is "deplorable" on part of the gents in this particular case? Are Polish guys to be criticized because 30% of the time their women promptly dump them for English blokes after a couple months of "emigration" and living in low-rent accommodation in a bad part of Sheffield?

No sane person would do that an no sane person will expect Jan Kowalski from Bialystok to out-earn Tommy Smith, born and bred in Britain, shortly after coming to Blightey.

Or maybe we should diss English guys for embracing the fact that a visible amount of the Polish female population in the UK is simply throwing themselves at their feet? What's their fault in this?

Seriously, I don't see the "evil male" angle you're trying to work here.

You generalize so much. Some are like that, but predominant majority acts like most reasonable people would do. You described a characteristic of certain women who make up 5 % of Polish female population. I guess that other nationalities you mentioned act like that within given numbers.

Try 30% sister. Women from Eastern Europe have a reputation for a reason. I've personally seen quite a few smart, well educated Polish guys get dumped by their Polish girlfriends after coming to the UK solely on the basis of money. And it wasn't even about potential earnings, it was about Tommy Smith owning/renting a bigger apartment. It was a simple choice for them really, current bf is on 45k a year and has to buy/rent a flat, buy a new car and in general is just up and coming, prospective bf owns a flat, has inherited some savings, is on 55k a year. That was all it took for these "educated" Polish women to jump ship. Women from Eastern Europe usually want here and now and will not wait for anything.

With few exceptions women are still not considered family providers, because of salary differences, which still exist in favor of men. That`s why, women still , instead of making money, tend to take care of children, house etc. rather than men. What I stated earlier is true and reflects the reality.

I take it you jest, madam.

You have "med" in your nickname, which probably means you're in the medical field. That puts you within the top 10% earners on this forum, so you're really in no position to complain about "salary differences".

Chances are that if you're a U.S.-based doctor you probably cleared 250.000$ before tax this year.

However, the fact that you include money in the equation is VERY telling.

Yes, southern if a man emigrates to another country with the intention of permanent residence he becomes an immigrant and the status of immigrant is well known to everybody

And - something you madam have yet failed to grasp - the "status of an immigrant" doesn't include being considered less of a man by women of one's own background in most cultural circles.

Indian people for example are well known for sticking to their own, even if it means living in a small flat directly over a family-owned curry restaurant business for 5 years.

I could go on and on, but the point is Polish blokes are really getting the short end of the stick in terms of how their women treat them once abroad and that's hardly one of the mysteries of the Orient.

Now ,to maintain parity , can you please name " an old or middle aged Western European man" who leaves his wife and children once he sees long legged beauty willing to become his sex or lifetime partner ?

I could name a number of them, with addresses and all. And their "new" women were/are, in some cases, great eye candy.

But so what?

Will you start complaining about something else than Eastern European females?

Please be so kind and quit ordering me what to do. You're not in a position to do that.

I'm a, shall we say, seasoned Jewish gentleman of quite a few years and not some teenager from Poland that's going to bend over if and when Polish mommy tells him to.

Oh, and Ian - don't even read half the gibberish from this thread about whether or not you're English and all that. Screw the haters and do what's best for you and your lady.

southern  73 | 7059  
20 Dec 2011 /  #58
if a man emigrates to another country with the intention of permanent residence he becomes an immigrant and the status of immigrant is well known to everybody

You are rather cruel to Polaci.

5 % of Polish female population.

Try 30% sister.

This means that through mixing polish population is going to become obsolete?What about the 30% of polish men who become lone wolves?Here in Greece I notice the same patterns among slavic females.
Midas  1 | 571  
20 Dec 2011 /  #59
You are rather cruel to Polaci.

She's just a typical Polish female and rating men the way she does comes naturally to her, that's all.

What about the 30% of polish men who become lone wolves?

Well, they can die off for all I care if they're stupid enough to be with women who are willing to dump them the moment a foreigner comes along.
polmed  1 | 216  
22 Dec 2011 /  #60
She's just a typical Polish female and rating men the way she does comes naturally to her, that's all.

What do you know about me , nothing .

Why do some of you bring personal stuff ? I don`t do that only if I am provoked .

What I wrote earlier is not my personal point of view .

I was referring to some female or male behaviour which is demonstrated abroad . Both very bad .

I am not approving any of such conducts.

But you don`t see anything wrong about men bullying a woman dating a foreigner .

I see it as just a typical behaviour of some very unconfident men . I am talking about the thread`s topic here , not you .

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