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For PF's Many Lovelorn Seekers of Amour

17 Jun 2012 /  #1
Ask yourself this: "what if there were no internet?" What would you do? Would you wander through life, a lonely empty-hearted ronin of love, forever seeking a companion like Narcissus sought his own reflection? I don't know you, and I am sure I'll never fully do so, but yet I believe enough in you to think you're worthy of more than panhandling for affection on the slow lane of the internet. Why a Polish girl? Because of what you've read on "dating sites"? Is this a healthy source of information for a man untouched by love's grace? What do you want from us, here? Tips, hints, insider information on how to pick the lock on a Polish damsel's heart? I am not being harsh to ridicule, or devalue your feelings. I WANT you to find love. I WANT you to make a woman happy. But. I don't want you to be lazy. I don't want you to take the path of least resistance. Love is as close an artifact of magic as biology provides. It produces something from nothing. An easy way in, is just a precursor to an easy way out. Nothing easy is worth doing, friend. Find your heart, show it off, then earn hers in return. And I'm sure you'll live a longer, more content life for doing it the old fashioned way.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
17 Jun 2012 /  #2
Jasondmk,Well said.
17 Jun 2012 /  #3
And these "words of wisdom" are coming from someone who has a Polish wife but spends most if his days posting on here.
eberhart  13 | 120  
17 Jun 2012 /  #4
It is always easy to give OTHER people advice. And unsolicited advice is usually annoying.
OP jasondmzk  
17 Jun 2012 /  #5
I have a Polish wife, yes. Synchronicity will do you many favors in life, if you'll relax enough to allow it. As for this being unsolicited advice, I beg to differ. There have been countless requests for assistance from and for PF members and guests for just this exact thing.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
17 Jun 2012 /  #6
What would you do?

Probably start frequenting singles bars again.
OP jasondmzk  
18 Jun 2012 /  #7
For chicks, the whole world is a relationship buffet. Fat or skinny, smart or dumb, you're walking man-bait. I'm talking to poor guy out there, face washed in the glow of his monitor screen, scouring the dating sites, the foreign forums, "wookin for nub". They think there's some magic trick, some combination of url addresses and charismatic kung fu that is going to land them that slightly subservient, happy just to have anyone kinda gal, out there. And I just want them to know, as a guy whom has been scorched by love and set a few fires himself, that it really doesn't take much more than a clean shirt and a soupcon of confidence. Those two things are enough for 90% of this world's fairer sex, though that's just my estimate.

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