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Too late for a serious relationship? or not - I'm 39 and looking for someone Polish

irishmale  1 | 5  
13 Jul 2014 /  #1
hi people, I recently came out of a long term relationship, heart breaking but these things happen, i now find myself aged 39 and scared that im getting too old to find someone new, i was hoping to find someone my age or younger and having dated polish girls in the past i only have good memories from that, i come from the country side , im open minded , i travel a lot and never had trouble meeting nice girls, however i have now reached a stage where i really want to meet someome who is looking for the same thing as i am, my question is do you guys think most polish girls aged say over 25 would be married or have children now? i know its different in every country .
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
14 Jul 2014 /  #2
i now find myself aged 39 and scared that im getting too old to find someone new

I'm a bit older and not scared a bit :)
14 Jul 2014 /  #3
im getting too old to find someone new

Try putting up your picture here. Maybe you're still actually good-looking? Some oldies like George Clooney still look good.
jon357  72 | 22980  
14 Jul 2014 /  #4
39 isn't old at all (ask Tom Daley) and there is no shortage of divorced and separated ladies in PL.

SoTry putting up your picture here. Maybe you're still actually good-looking? Some oldies like George Clooney still look good.

He's suddenly aged (and badly) and in any case is much older than the OP.
14 Jul 2014 /  #5
no shortage of divorced and separated ladies in PL

That's not a very good indicator/sign for PL women isn't it? I'm sure the OP would like to know more about singles more than the divorced or separated. And it must be really that bad that women are divorced or separated. It reflects poorly on the kind of women in PL.
OP irishmale  1 | 5  
14 Jul 2014 /  #6
thanks for the replies, im not worried about how i look , i suppose the question im asking is , if i set out to look for a single polish girl under 40 is it likely that most of them will be married at that age or have kids etc? nationality is not so important for me but i did have a good experience of a relationship with a polish girl in the past,
15 Jul 2014 /  #7
I will say that most Polish girls are married by the time they are 30. I think they need / want someone to provide for them all the good things in life rather than true love. Just my opinion of course but Poland definitely is a very materialistic society and people get quite jealous easily if they see you have nicer things than them. Interestingly I've also noticed quite a fair number of single moms. Not sure if they never got married - perhaps the father was scared away - or if they were married and then divorced.
Turbulencja  - | 5  
15 Jul 2014 /  #8
I find your opinion quite offensive to Polish women. In spite of earning less money than men in Poland, we work very hard and are ambitious. No woman in my family has ever taken advantage of a man. The single mums you have mentioned don't get a penny from the children's fathers.

Your statement most probably points to the fact that you don't mix with the right people in Poland, I'm sorry to have to say this.
Englishman  2 | 276  
15 Jul 2014 /  #9
I will say that most Polish girls are married by the time they are 30.

As Turbulencja says, your attitudes are rather old-fashioned and sexist. Why assume that women marry for materialistic reasons? Or that single moms are that way because their former partners were 'scared away'? It could equally be that the men behaved badly toward their wives/partners and that they decided to end it, being independent and not needing men for money (the opposite of your assumptions).

IMO Polish women value education and careers and above all, their independence. While not all call themselves feminists, they are more feminist than a lot of nationalities.
jon357  72 | 22980  
15 Jul 2014 /  #11
That's not a very good indicator/sign for PL women isn't it? I'm sure the OP would like to know more about singles more than the divorced or separated.

I think it's a very good sign. After all, unless he's looking for someone very young or for an old spinster all probability suggests that the person he meets will have had previous relationships.

And don't forget the OP is separated himself.

And it must be really that bad that women are divorced or separated. It reflects poorly on the kind of women in PL.

It reflects very well on them, unless you think there's something admirable about hating yourself so much that you stay forever in a dead relationship.
15 Jul 2014 /  #12
my question is do you guys think most polish girls aged say over 25 would be married or have children now?

25 'most' no but quite a few; it's probably more like 30 these days for 'most' in the biggest cities.
OP irishmale  1 | 5  
15 Jul 2014 /  #13
thanks harry, and just for the record i was never married or seperated as someone suggested!! tamarisk thanks for taking the time to reply but i would never share your view sorry ,
sa11y  5 | 331  
15 Jul 2014 /  #14
It reflects poorly on Polish women? And how does it reflect on Polish men? Divorce rate in Poland is still a bit lower than other European countries, so I'm not sure what your problem with Polish women is. Perhaps been dumped by one?
jon357  72 | 22980  
15 Jul 2014 /  #15
just for the record i was never married or seperated as someone suggested!!

A reasonable assumption given:

I recently came out of a long term relationship,

But don't worry. You'll find someone when the right person comes along. The key is that the less you look, the easier you find and also beware of 'rebound' relationships - they're very real but rarely work out.

And 39 isn't old at all.
SingleFemale  2 | 55  
16 Jul 2014 /  #17
And 39 isn't old at all.

Agree 100%. Do stay away from rebound relationships though =D.

39 isn't old. I'm in my 40's and I'm not even worried about my age(and I'm a woman!). When you exude confidence within you, age is no longer a matter of concern or worry. You will find the right person for you eventually, who I'm sure not give a damn about your age.
agatka131  1 | 20  
15 Aug 2014 /  #18
Nooooo, there is still few of us left here around 30 and not married yet :)

I would say that among my friends is splitted 50/50, so there is still a hope for you my friend!
What kind of girl will you be interested in ( I may try a match with one of my friends :) )

They are asking if you're blond?

Dominika81  1 | 2  
8 Sep 2014 /  #19
I think anything is possible. I myself am 33 Polish single no kids, full career everything but the guy. And I find many many men at this age are connected but if I'm free I think to myself so is the right one for me.
OP irishmale  1 | 5  
14 Sep 2014 /  #20
thanks everyone for all the replies

Hi Dominika 81 you have mail
Goldfinger  - | 2  
8 Oct 2014 /  #21
39 years old and old for a relationship? Dont be ridiculous.

I'm 38 and being single has never been such fun, go to Ukraine and you can have a 20yr old girlfriend amd not feel old at all :)
Englishman  2 | 276  
8 Oct 2014 /  #22
go to Ukraine and you can have a 20yr old girlfriend amd not feel old at all :)

Why would you want to do that, and risk being shot by some Russian soldier pretending to be a Ukrainian peasant?
Tonyd  5 | 17  
20 Oct 2014 /  #23
Are Polish women in their mid to late 20's interested in guys in their mid 30's? (especially if the guy does not look his age and is in reasonable shape/good looks)

Or is younger women and older guys frowned upon by Polish society?
20 Oct 2014 /  #24
if you look youngish and in shape just say you are in late 20s. for me it works every time. You are not going to marry her anyway
sobieski  106 | 2111  
20 Oct 2014 /  #25
for me it works every time.

Which says everything about your mentality.
Levi  11 | 433  
6 Jan 2016 /  #26
Why you are looking for someone polish, specifically?

Why not, let's say, Moroccan?

Answering your question: Yes, for polish standards this age is quite late. Most of what you will find will be divorced woman with kids already.
6 Jan 2016 /  #27
well, Levi, If a man is wealthy then most of girls think that he is still young and very attractive

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