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Don't know whether she loves me or not ?

OP Dammy  1 | 14  
4 Nov 2018 /  #31
Really? Ha-ha that's great idea. I will try it that's for sure.
I think its very difficult to impress polish girl ;))
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
5 Nov 2018 /  #32
As many pride themselves these days especially on their "superior" English knowledge, you might well be right!
And so, if you succeed in getting those words out and she actually understands what you've said, watch her breath being taken away
and she'll be all yours....at least for a while.

Here, I speak from experience:-) Powodzenia, dude!!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
5 Nov 2018 /  #33
A girl who falls for a couple of sentences spoken with bad accent is more hollow that a used 55-gallon oil drum.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
5 Nov 2018 /  #34
A start nonetheless, Rich. Don't be such a snob! Not everyone speaks English as well as you:-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Nov 2018 /  #35
I think its very difficult to impress polish girl ;))

Nawww, a wad of cash and a German car usually does the trick. Forget the flowers.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
5 Nov 2018 /  #36
Change that to: Nawww, a wad of cash, a Mercedes and a house on the Malibu beach usually does the trick. Forget the flowers.
...and it's like I am watching Charlie helping Alan getting laid.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
6 Nov 2018 /  #37
Good point! Money remains the strongest aphrodisiac of them all, forget all this Arpege stuff!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
6 Nov 2018 /  #38
I doubt the OP will be amused. He is talking about love, not prostitution.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
6 Nov 2018 /  #39
Among certain people, the two are the same:-) Besides, European women might be attracted to someone from Mumbai.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Nov 2018 /  #40
He is talking about love, not prostitution.

What's the difference? If anything ho's are cheaper and you don't have to deal with whining. At least a hooker won't take half your assets and your kids...
OP Dammy  1 | 14  
6 Nov 2018 /  #42
Come on guys .... Don't complicate the things by discussing other stuff... By the way let me know have you ever deal with polish woman ;)))... Or you guys are guiding me on the basis of your bad or good experiences.

Lyzko dude I am following your instruction, I am going to send her a voice note in polish ;)) I hope it will prove magical ...

And no doubt , money is always important to woman not only woman actually it matters to every person ... Because Love alone can not efface your hunger .... You must have money to satisfy it.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
6 Nov 2018 /  #43
You're not as naive as I initially thought you are. Why won't you find yourself a nice Desi woman?
cms neuf  1 | 1903  
6 Nov 2018 /  #44
Dammy - Rich is probably not Polish, has probably never been to Poland, I have no idea how much his experience is with women in general but you can see by the amount of time he spends on the site abusing people that he does not have a very active social life.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
6 Nov 2018 /  #45
Social life? Most of the people I got to know are too f***** dead or weak to keep up with me. Or too liberal or too stupid. Same thing.

Now, I am going to my LA Fitness club to pump. See you later.
cms neuf  1 | 1903  
6 Nov 2018 /  #46
Either that or stick another ruble in the machine and take a cup of automatic Nescafe back to your cheap plywood desk - expect you should get a few hours overtime abusing sippressed midterm voters tonight
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
6 Nov 2018 /  #47
Either that or stick another ruble in the machine

Can't you make up your mind?
I already fessed up to being with the FSB and that I live in Moscow, and you give me, after all that honesty on my part, this "probably Polish" bs?

Do I need to post my FSB ID?

You should apologize to Dammy for deviating just to stick it to me. That was not nice.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Nov 2018 /  #48
By the way let me know have you ever deal with polish woman

Yes i dont date outside of my ethnicity, atleast anything longer term. Polish women are high maintenance i can tell you that much. Ukranian women are interrogators. But they tend to be hot so usually its worth it. Then again ive been going more for south American girls as they tend to be less prude and are hedonistic.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
6 Nov 2018 /  #49
south American girls as they tend to be less prude and are hedonistic.

...and so many drop-dead gorgeous. If all illegals were like Selma Hayek, I would help them break in here for free.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
6 Nov 2018 /  #50
Go for it, Dammy!

If she's any kind of honest person, she'll surely appreciate your efforts.-))
Again, best of luck.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
6 Nov 2018 /  #51
ever deal with polish woman

Yes my mum, just behave, and do as you are told, and you will be just fine, deviate in anyway and you will regret it.

I am over 50 now and the same rules apply.
OP Dammy  1 | 14  
9 Nov 2018 /  #52
Hey lyzko ... It worked. We had a telephonic conversation. Aaaah I just love her voice :))
I am in love that's for sure.
But I am still doubtful that may be she is taking me as a friend :(
Oh god ! Its so confusing.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
9 Nov 2018 /  #53
Look at you! Sure hope things work out. Do keep us updated:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
9 Nov 2018 /  #54
Hey lyzko ... It worked.

Oh god ! Its so confusing.

What??? Those two in one post?
It's confusing because you ignored my advice and, like an addict, went for a quick fix that left you with a hangover. This is why people "in love", like addicts, need adult supervision. If not supervision, at least advice.

So, for the last time: Quit chasing her and see what happens. If she does not call, you are done because you didn't make it even to her friends list. Clear enough?
johnny reb  49 | 8058  
9 Nov 2018 /  #55
Quit chasing her and see what happens.

Better yet, ask her if she would be willing to buy you an airplane ticket so you could come meet her in person.
If she REALLY loves you she will say yes.
Shall we take bets on what her answer will be besides a YES.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
9 Nov 2018 /  #56
If she REALLY loves you she will say yes.

In the real man-woman world, cash is supposed to move in the other direction. That request would alert her that the guy is a scammer or a deadbeat. Bad move.
johnny reb  49 | 8058  
9 Nov 2018 /  #57
We're talking TRUE love here Rich.
That would just be a test question.
She could buy an un refundable ticket to only be used to and from.
If she really loved him the scammer part wouldn't matter to her until it was to late.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
9 Nov 2018 /  #58
We're talking TRUE love here Rich.

True love is what you give, not what you ask for.
Your advice would be OK if modified to this: Honey, I would like to see you so much it hurts. Starting today, I will be saving to travel and to be close to you if only for a moment. It may take a while and I will have to stop eating but it will be worth it, my love.

Now, that is the kind of bulls*** she can buy, not "send money".
I think I will start writing those stupid books with the half-naked hunks on the covers for the overweight women waiting in the grocery checkout lines.
Crow  154 | 9556  
9 Nov 2018 /  #59
Bulls are loved. They have new cow every other day. Humans aren`t loved by their females. Not long, at least. We forgot what is love.
OP Dammy  1 | 14  
11 Nov 2018 /  #60
Come on guys .... Don't forget I love her, I am after her... She is not dying without meeting me .... This plan will ruin my love story which is in a mid way...

The more I try to make things good ,the more they get worst ... Now I am feeling like leaving the things as they are and leave everything on destiny.

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