abuse something what was not talked about in Poland until very recently
I could definitely date a single mother if her kids wouldn't mind. (And if she really was the type of person I would fall for.) Why? Because those women have really been through something, and in most cases may have learned a lot of valuable life-lessons from such an experience. (No offense, but I think younger women who haven't give up far too easily these days when their boy makes a stupid mistake.) I also like the idea of cheering someone up, and I'm not too selfish. The idea of a dating-site gives me a plastic feeling though, I think it's too fake and too forced.
I have said many stupid things when I was younger, but I've never cheated, and never harmed a woman. (I may have hurt some feelings with stupid decisions but that wasn't my intention.)
I just wanted to reply to this, and I don't mean to flirt with half the planet here, so I don't want everyone to think I'm looking for a single mother now, because I'm not necessarily looking for anyone at the moment.
I just really wanted you to know that there are many guys who aren't as creepy as you may think. (We often just a bit clumsy or a bit too enthusiastic when we're talking to a woman we're interested in, especially if there's a certain expectation!) Just socialize with people and look a bit further, and forget about those dating-sites. It's much better to get to know men in a different environment where dating isn't the expectation, because that's how you really see someone for who he is in everyday life. (When he isn't trying to sweet talk all the time.)
I mean, on dating-sites people are actively looking for something, and so many guys will pretend to be the more than they can be. It's a mistake many guys make, because believe it or not, some guys can get a little insecure too, and sometimes they want to impress someone a little too bad. (I believe the girls call this ''desperate'' behaviour.) Maybe I'm wrong, but you sound like someone who has had a bad experience? Whatever happened, or didn't happen, I wish you good luck, because not everyone who's interested in a woman (With or without children!) necessarily has to be a creep.
Just saying!
I m even worse - if i go shopping when hungry then i buy lots of unnecessary things so i m trying to do shopping after eating but then i dont buy almost anything coz the food isnt nice then so when i m hungry i dont have anything to eat then i go shopping... vicious circle :S
Maybe you should try to develop a taste for the things you haven't tried yet, maybe that will make shopping more interesting? (Even when you're not hungry!)
Single mothers are easier to abuse than childless single women? I dont get it. Or you mean the women are not the person who they are interested in, they are interested in their babies? :S
Oh well, if that's the case, then she should really forget the whole story I've just posted. (Although I do believe it contains a bit of useful information anyway!)
I have said many stupid things when I was younger, but I've never cheated, and never harmed a woman. (I may have hurt some feelings with stupid decisions but that wasn't my intention.) Just to let you know this is coming from a guy who doesn't consider himself to be a creep.
I wanted to edit that, because it probably suggested something I didn't mean to suggest at all.