by the way i eat cow
You eat cow?You commit such a sin?I can see the indian devil waiting for you.
First you try to fool Poles that Indians are richer than them while the averge indian icnome is 30 times less than the polish one.
Then you try to prove that India is more productive while indian GDP per capita is 16 times lower than polish.
Now you try to prove that it is permitted to eat cows and reveal that in these places it is not permitted to eat pigs.I guess there are muslims there.So I predict where you can eat cow you have to abstain from pork and when you eat pork there is no cow meat.And where Europeans and Christians live,it is allowed to eat both.It does not need rocket scientific mind.
I wrote that Poles are 14 cm taller than Indians on average.You can add that there are many tall Indians.
I also wrote that indian IQ is 20 points lower than the polish one.You can object that there are many smart Indians.
Bingo!You never thought you had to face the touch Slavs and the mighty Balkans.