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Is Indian/Polish relationship possible?

southern  73 | 7059  
20 Jul 2009 /  #301
This sh1t must be happening in the UK.I have not seen in Poland or Germany.
20 Jul 2009 /  #302

nasty... but somehow hilarious lol
20 Jul 2009 /  #303
This sh1t must be happening in the UK.I have not seen in Poland or Germany

I live in the UK, I can't see any sign of it here! I have one report from a translator relative about one Polish woman who got pregnant by some Arab who f***ed off back to his country (what a surprise, eh) and her family don't want her back (not so surprising) but that's it! lol!

Personally I think all this is happening on an internet server based in Tuvalu and that's it. lol

nasty... but somehow hilarious lol

I prefer "cruel, but fair". lol
southern  73 | 7059  
20 Jul 2009 /  #304
I read polish sites wheremen complain that it is happening and polish women talk about relationships with murzyni.It must be happening,some members of the forum admit it.
20 Jul 2009 /  #305
Oh, I'm sure it is... it's just that the extent in reality doesn't seem to correspond with the number of these relationships mentioned here! lol
southern  73 | 7059  
20 Jul 2009 /  #306
I have to check out.Usually the truth is nastier than expected.Last year there were 16000 births in UK by polish women.However we don't know how many children were white.There were also about 10000 abortions.(again very suspicious).
20 Jul 2009 /  #307
Actually this is a very good point ;)
southern  73 | 7059  
20 Jul 2009 /  #308
They say that number of mixed(mullatos) has reached 1.2 million in UK tending to make them the largest ethnic group.Where do these mixed come from?We also have the data that half of polish women who come married in the UK divorce in the first two yeras.Why?Who do they marry then?There are several data which show that sth is going on.

Of course if I come I will immediately draw the proper conclusions and I am afraid the reality is close to the massacre happening in Texas where 40% of Latin men marry white women.(very obvious if you come there).
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
20 Jul 2009 /  #309
Where do these mixed come from?

Mainly black / white, I wont say relationships because most of these girls are pushing a pram and generally have a kid of each colour also tagging behind, there are a few asian mixes, but Id say not that many to think about.
21 Jul 2009 /  #310
Well the number of them on this website is few even though percentage wise they are the one mostly asked. I would assume they are a higher percentage, because there is so much of a stigma that comes with it.

For the same reason an alcoholics anonymous meeting would be filled with alcoholics. :\

Jihozapad, are you a native Brit? I would assume you're a native Czech? If so, I find it a bit ironic the contempt you speak about those who are a little more....ethnic. You have no idea how many times I've heard Brits say they hate central and eastern european people coming to Britain.

It's all stupid to me, but I find it ironic.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
21 Jul 2009 /  #311
Is Indian/Polish relationship possible?

Indian and Polish food have nothing in common but a chicken...
esem  - | 5  
26 Jul 2009 /  #312
ok but sorry she is a bit moody. is this a problem with all girls or all polish girls
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
26 Jul 2009 /  #313
You have no idea how many times I've heard Brits say they hate central and eastern european people coming to Britain.

I have no idea either, since its not the Eastern Europeans that they complain about, Im English by the way.

ok but sorry she is a bit moody. is this a problem with all girls or all polish girls

Maybe a problem with you? Was she happy when she met you? Is she happy when she is with her friends and family? Is she just miserable and bad tempered when she is with you?
esem  - | 5  
26 Jul 2009 /  #314
to be honest she wasnt happy before. her mom and brother says she is much happier now. she has got a migraine problem which sends her into mood swings.ok it might be silly but she is angry with her brother for something but its me who has to bear the brunt of it if you understand what i mean. after some time she says sorry.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
26 Jul 2009 /  #315
Then you have your answer. It has nothing to do with her nationality or her being female, she has problems with migrains and she has some family problems.
esem  - | 5  
26 Jul 2009 /  #316
ya agree but its mking me well stressed. i love her and am sure she also does but its getting me a lot down. dont know what to do what to say and to whom
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
26 Jul 2009 /  #317
Well, some relationships are easy and some are not, if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen as the old saying goes...Im not sure what you expect to get from a forum...you are probably best confiding in a close friend who knows the situation, they are the best people to offer advice. Or speaking to your girlfriend about it directly, as Ive said talking on a forum solves absolutely nothing.
esem  - | 5  
26 Jul 2009 /  #318
have to face the heat i guess!! thanks anyway
mahvr  - | 2  
30 Jul 2009 /  #319
pgtx :
Can you please explain a bit ? I just happen to go through the thread and found curious about sudden "CHICKEN" was bit out of context?
deepfern  - | 6  
2 Aug 2009 /  #320
An Indian/polish relationship is possible -- between Indian Catholics (or other Christians) and Poles. Why? Because culturally both will share similar ethos -- poles and indians are family-oriented and indian catholic guys are taught to respect women and treat them well.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
2 Aug 2009 /  #321
her family don't want her back (not so surprising)

Actually quite surprising. Doesn't sound Polish, sounds more like Middle East, Africa or something like that.
illusionz25  - | 1  
24 Aug 2009 /  #322
hello, i would like to add im a indian/muslim and i have a polish wife of 3years and beautifull baby girl of 7months called Leila, i think polish people are wonderful, and the country is beautifull, she comes from a village in Torun, i come from a city in England, 2 very different lives and cultures but we make OUR relationship work because we truly love each other... anyways im newly registered on this site,

thanks ..
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
24 Aug 2009 /  #323
a indian/muslim and i have a polish wife of 3years

She is 3 yrs? :P

Oh ok... kidding..

Its good to know...treat her well. And thats the most easy way to have a good life...treat your family members well... so easy, yet so much messed up by so many people.

About religion... its good when it unites and not neccessary when it divides.
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Aug 2009 /  #324
the most easy way to have a good life...

is to hug trees and do yoga.
mvefa  5 | 591  
25 Aug 2009 /  #326
is to hug trees and do yoga.

Better than spreading hatred racism around, right?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
25 Aug 2009 /  #327
is to hug trees and do yoga.

but all you hug is trees, as for yoga, I would rather not imagine you in any position. Well, maybe a downward dog;)P
mvefa  5 | 591  
25 Aug 2009 /  #328
as for yoga, I would rather not imagine you in any position. Well, maybe a downward dog;)P

You mean doggy style with his boyfriend behind :P hahaha
mahvr  - | 2  
1 Sep 2009 /  #329
- Is Indian/Polish relationship possible?

Some feedback please : , if the girl committed to this relationship and falls in love with the guy. and then she finds out the guy is talking/meeting ( things which are not in a good sense ) to other polish ladies. Which the girl finds out and shouts, if the guy says , "u;r no longer my girl friend". If she comes from a orthodox background, trusting this guy with opposition from family. finally to see that, she does not have the guy and family.

Do you not feel, if he has some heart, will he go ahead start dating another women ? Or will he convince her or as she might need some support, be her good friend at least ?
matchless100  - | 2  
21 Mar 2010 /  #330
yeah it works quite well vice-versa
my fren is in love wid a beautiful polish girl

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