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Indian girl met a Polish guy and got pregnant. He doesn't want to marry me and my visa expires...

27 Nov 2013 /  #1
I am an Indian girl, I came here last year and met a Polish guy, we became a couple and started living together, in the beginning he was so nice to me, but the things changed when I got pregnant, it wasn't plan and it came to us by a surprise, my visa will expire in August 2014 and he is not willing to marry me, I don't know what to do in such situation, I really feel helpless right now and I cant go back to my country because there will be a lot of trouble for me, is there a possibility that I can stay here without marriage?
Paritosh  10 | 62  
27 Nov 2013 /  #2
I think unless you dont apply/extend your visa, it is not possible for you to stay.
Also, you have ten months to clean up the mess, try finding some way
DominicB  - | 2706  
27 Nov 2013 /  #3
is there a possibility that I can stay here without marriage?

Depends on whether you will be able to find employment or not. Are you currently working? If not, so you have any qualifications that can be used to find gainful employment on the job market? Do you speak Polish, and how well? How do you expect to financially support yourself and your child while here in Poland? Have you given serious thought to the questions of abortion and putting the child up for adoption? How do you plan to ensure that the father of the child fulfills his financial responsibilities for the child?

There are a lot of questions here, many very personal and sensitive, and many of which you are not going to be comfortable with discussing with a bunch of strangers. Looking for advice on an anonymous internet forum in a complicated case like this is not a good idea. Find someone who is actually qualified to answer your questions and meet with them face to face in the real world. The person to ask first is your gynecologist. They can refer you to qualified professionals who can answer your questions. Any advice you get here or anywhere in the internet is likely not to be very useful.

Good luck!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Nov 2013 /  #4
Depends on whether you will be able to find employment or not.

No, that part doesn't matter. As the parent of an EU national, she's got the right to stay in the EU.

is there a possibility that I can stay here without marriage?

Absolutely. It is critical that the child obtains Polish citizenship - as a result of that, you can move to a more friendly country for Indians (the UK) and get on with your life there. The English legal system will have no problems enforcing a child support order on him, too.
local_fela  17 | 172  
27 Nov 2013 /  #5
No, that part doesn't matter. As the parent of an EU national, she's got the right to stay in the EU.

bang on! Its true! If the baby is born within EU and then you can get a stay here. Furthermore, you have to fight your case in the court as well so that the 'dad' will be able to share your baby's expenses! But dont tell him anything before the baby is born! just keep it for yourself. He has already shown how coward he is by not taking the responsibility of his soon to be born baby, so he might even attempt something more disgusting.
OP Sunidhi_kapoor  
27 Nov 2013 /  #6
Thank you guys for all the support, I hope something will come up.
irishlodz  1 | 135  
27 Nov 2013 /  #7
As the parent of an EU national, she's got the right to stay in the EU.

I don't think that is cast iron. Ireland have deported a number of Irish Citizens (through birth) along with their mothers, and said the child can return when they are of age. Has cleared the entire Irish legal system.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Nov 2013 /  #8
It is absolutely cast iron these days, although what Ireland did was make it so that you had to be legally resident on the Island of Ireland in order to obtain Irish citizenship. A child born to illegal immigrants on the island wouldn't be legally there, therefore they couldn't obtain Irish citizenship.

EU citizens can't be deported, after all.

In this case, with a Polish father, the child is perfectly entitled to Polish citizenship and thus the mother has a right to stay.
legend  3 | 658  
28 Nov 2013 /  #9
Ah the joys of multiculturalism lol.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
28 Nov 2013 /  #10
As for work, I would try with Infosys in £ódż. It is an Indian company, and they still plan to hire 3000 people. Lots of Indians work there already.
15 Mar 2014 /  #11
I don't get it. Do you want the guy or the visa? I think there is a lesson to be learned here...and you're learning it the hard way.

"Jak sobie pościelisz, tak się wyśpisz". I guess you made your choice months ago.
23 Jul 2014 /  #12
Have you found a man to marry yet?
jump_bunny  5 | 236  
24 Jul 2014 /  #13
Ah the joys of multiculturalism lol.

nothing wrong with these as long as accompanied by the joys of contraception
sha666  - | 5  
11 Jul 2018 /  #14
Dear friend

I am from Pakistan and studying in University of Warsaw but living in Pakistan. i need some advice from you about moving to Warsaw. my WhatsApp number is 00447577373731(its my UK number)

Thanking You inanticipation.

Best Regards

Shahid Zafar Bajwa
PhD Law

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / Indian girl met a Polish guy and got pregnant. He doesn't want to marry me and my visa expires...Archived