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What to Get my Polish Guy for Valentines Day.

Prickiewicz  - | 20  
9 Feb 2010 /  #61
I just heard a radio report than men spend twice as much money on Valentine's Day than women do. I believe that if a woman outspends her beau then it tells him that she is really serious about him.
OP LAGirl  9 | 496  
10 Feb 2010 /  #62
well we are going overnight to niagra falls and. I will be wearing my red satin gown to bed that night I also got him something today that says #1 lover as to be funny.

Ill will tell you how it went.

he mentions a threesome all the time and then I say why cant I have another guy (like I would) I dont sleep around. He doesnt want me to sleep with anybody else.

Polish men I try and understand them.
clerynka  - | 45  
10 Feb 2010 /  #63
he mentions a threesome all the time and then I say why cant I have another guy (like I would) I dont sleep around. He doesnt want me to sleep with anybody else.

you really dont sound comfortable or satisfied with this whole relationship.
Seriously consider how you really feel, and make a decision.
OP LAGirl  9 | 496  
22 Feb 2010 /  #64
We had a good valentines day we went to the places but the whole time he keep saying how I should excercise losse wieght lecture after lecture talking about havingmeand another girl.we gambled took pics we where at a bar till 2 in the morning then after that not he keeped on going in and out of the room to smoke plue he had five more beers we didnt go to sleep till 5 in the morning it was wierd wasnt the best. I gothim two cards and Piwo.

last night we had a big fight he is prettymuch a mental idiot who treats me I am leaving him. in the meantime I found out I might have cancer knowing this we fought because he started it and he wants me to move so I am and **** him because I now will be alone eat what I want be with friends and focus on me.
clerynka  - | 45  
22 Feb 2010 /  #65
eat what I want be with friends and focus on me.

Sounds like you are feeling pretty liberated now. Good for you LAGirl, that relationship sounded no good for any regular person. Good luck!
OP LAGirl  9 | 496  
23 Feb 2010 /  #66
Thanks girl. going through alot of stress now.
Ogien  5 | 237  
24 Feb 2010 /  #67
I'm sorry about what happened with your relationship LAGirl. I hope your health will be fine. :-)
OP LAGirl  9 | 496  
24 Feb 2010 /  #68
Thanks guys but I am fine right now just sick because not had good sleep in the last three days and stressed.
Arien  2 | 710  
24 Feb 2010 /  #69
I'm sorry about your relationship. Welcome back to the singles club I guess! Hey, we're not as sad as some people might think we are, we really aren't.

Just look at the bright side, you can do whatever the hell you want now, you don't have to prove anything to anyone anymore, or even ask anyone anything, and you can behave like a child anytime you want! You'll be over him in no time! Forget stress, just close your eyes, play your favourites songs and turn them up loud! It helps..

OP LAGirl  9 | 496  
27 Feb 2010 /  #70
Good one Arien.
Arien  2 | 710  
27 Feb 2010 /  #71
Hey, you know you're welcome! I just hope you know you're not the only one, and it's not exactly the end of the world is it? Have you been to a doctor to talk about your concerns? You shouldn't worry about diseases you might not have..


OP LAGirl  9 | 496  
1 Mar 2010 /  #72
No just got tested by blood for aids and I am healthy that way but might have cancer Ill find out again wensday.and no it isnt but when you are in love or where in love it would seem like the end of the world.
Arien  2 | 710  
1 Mar 2010 /  #73
No just got tested by blood for aids and I am healthy that way but might have cancer Ill find out again wensday.

For what it's worth, I hope you don't.

and no it isnt but when you are in love or where in love it would seem like the end of the world.

Just remember the good things, and be grateful for those moments, forget the bad stuff and dare to dream about tomorrow. I know, it sounds dramatic and slightly poetic but I really mean it. (I mean having something to live for makes all the difference!) You should do all the things you like for a change, and spend some quality time with your girlfriends. Maybe you'll even bump into someone who will make you happier than you were, you never know.

OP LAGirl  9 | 496  
10 Mar 2010 /  #74
No I dont have aids or stds. I am fine I am going to Poland in July just booked my ticket. excited to go.
Arien  2 | 710  
10 Mar 2010 /  #75
No I dont have aids or stds.

Me neither.


I am fine I am going to Poland in July just booked my ticket. excited to go.

I might go to Kraków for two or three weeks myself, I've already seen a few really nice appartments close to the center. I'm happy to hear you don't have anything to worry about, so have fun!

skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
10 Mar 2010 /  #76
"...but might have cancer Ill find out again wensday..."

Cancer? I thought you were pretty young? Of course one never knows nowadays, let's pray (hope if you prefer) that's not the case... Have fun in Poland and give us the scoop about the new boyfriend you'll undoubtedly meet there... ;)
OP LAGirl  9 | 496  
10 Mar 2010 /  #77
Hi guys sweet. honey cancer doesnt driscriminate age these days.
I am going in July till the end of August.who knows who I will meet in Poland.

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