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What to Get my Polish Guy for Valentines Day.

sadieann  2 | 205  
8 Jan 2010 /  #31
what do Polish guys like for presents and something to signify promise

Why don't you get yourself some nice lingerie and wear it for him on your weekend?

This definately! Have fun:)
OP LAGirl  9 | 496  
8 Jan 2010 /  #32
And so people have ups and down MG thats life and its normal. we all fall short of grace. he jokes about a threesome but he is faithful to me and and I am to him he is too mature to do stupid things like leave me for another girl.. he doesnt care what I give him. I just wanted suggestions what to get him.and no we dont use rubber or birth control we do things the natural way.
f stop  24 | 2493  
8 Jan 2010 /  #33
a sterling silver USB memory stick. Load it with some pictures of yourself.

sadieann  2 | 205  
8 Jan 2010 /  #34
we do things the natural way

Be careful and finish school! MG, has made a point. You have vented and his behavior has been questionable. All relationships are maintenance. Make sure you know what your willing and not willing to put up with. Eight months is still the honeymoon period. Oh, and guys really don't like big deals made on V-day. Love should be everyday. I like the weekend plan..
clerynka  - | 45  
8 Jan 2010 /  #35
Pray tell what was the "real" meaning? Its always been about sending cards and tolken gifts to a loved one...it just became more commercialised....The meaning is still exactly the same as it always has been.

No the meaning isn't the same. Valentines was never about giving anything except love (as totally silly that probably sounds, :) lol)
It was just to signify feelings, never giving anything material. Now, as you say, it is more commercial, and the present is usually the most important thing, which to me suggests that the meaning isnt the same.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
10 Jan 2010 /  #36
he jokes about a threesome

OMG, thats not funny..He was hinting! :D

No the meaning isn't the same.

Yes it is....its just spiralled

Valentines was never about giving anything except love (as totally silly that probably sounds, :) lol)

Wrong, it was about giving a tolken gift.

never giving anything material.

Wrong again...

and the present is usually the most important thing

Sweetie, women have always like guestures and gifts, since the the begining of time..so..again.... you are wrong...

King Sobieski  2 | 714  
10 Jan 2010 /  #37
I agree with this in a sense. Valentines has totally lost all real meaning, it has been over commercialised and the only value in it is literally monetary value. In most cases, it appears that the gift is just given becasue the person feels that this is normal. And I guess, spekaing from a female perspective, that this is mostly true of women, and not so much men, as you have just proved.

my ex didnt want something coz of the romantic side but that she had to have something to share with her female work colleagues about what they received.
clerynka  - | 45  
11 Jan 2010 /  #38
This proves my point totally. People don't care about the meaning behind it. Just the show, the 'who got the best present', 'who spent the most money'...

Meaning in the traditional sense is lost.
Yes,, ok, maybe gifts were normal, but nothing really major. And the attitude of people now just makes this more obvious.
OP LAGirl  9 | 496  
11 Jan 2010 /  #39
you alla re right and you know love is to be shown all year around its just VDAY will be our first VDAY together wanted it to be special. I dont care if I get presents or not. I dont look at what he can give me but his heart.its all my idea. we are going away for a weekend. see he does alot for me.yeah I know what to put up with and what not to put up with. I stand up for myself and tell him off if he gets ignorant again.he is changing alittle bit..I will think of something thanks for all your suggestions. we are not materialistic people.its just my first VDAY with him so its a big deal.
sleeping_beauty  1 | 25  
31 Jan 2010 /  #40
Btw im Aze a filipina just curretly moved out in Poland with my polish husband ^^

Hi also a newbie here and just want to ask you how to treat a polish guy. I have this guy and I even dont know what he really feels for me. He's kind to me (calls, gifts, he even inviting me for a visit in Poland). I need some advice please. Thanks.
clerynka  - | 45  
2 Feb 2010 /  #41
He's kind to me (calls, gifts, he even inviting me for a visit in Poland

sounds like he likes you! If he didnt I doubt he'd send you gifts and ask you to visit :) just ask him, you'll be wondering forever otherwise...or waiting for him...
Krystal  5 | 94  
2 Feb 2010 /  #42
Get him Valentine underwear and red hot lips candy!

Don't spend too much money for this day!
clerynka  - | 45  
2 Feb 2010 /  #43
Don't spend too much money for this day!

agreed :)
beckski  12 | 1609  
3 Feb 2010 /  #44
A romantic, delicious home-cooked Polish meal, will probably make him burst out in passion (or make him fall asleep, lol!) Stuff him with plenty of carbs. He'll need an adequate supply of energy for dessert!

pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Feb 2010 /  #45
home-cooked Polish meal

ah cmon beckski... don't make a woman spend her valentine's day in a kitchen...
beckski  12 | 1609  
3 Feb 2010 /  #46
You've got a good point there pgtx. Maybe she should prepare a pre-holiday meal, to put her man in a good mood before Valentine's Day arrives.
childwithin  8 | 136  
3 Feb 2010 /  #47
what do Polish guys like for presents and something to signify promise.

get something cheesy and tacky, i tell ya

we do things the natural way

that's hairy
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
3 Feb 2010 /  #48
I am doing that.I want tog et something to say hey we are going to be together. i told him last night more about how I feel. he was happy.hopefully after I graduate college I will ask him to marry me.

Glad to hear you're doing "the lingerie thing" - always appreciated by us, guys. LOL

Sometimes simple things are the most memorable. I hope bringing up something an "ex" wife had done won't spoil your valentine's mood but my former lady took me out on a picnic in the middle of nowhere. She brought some snacks, a bottle of wine, and just the two of us. We had a great time and although it wasn't meant to be - I still remember that valentine's day.

Keep it simple and cute. That's all.
OP LAGirl  9 | 496  
3 Feb 2010 /  #49
we are going to Canada for the day and maybe night. we are going to a resturant really high up over looking Niagra Falls. I think I will get him something like a shirt or something to wear and I am writing him a poem and getting him a card.I cook for him 2 times a week. he is all about healthy foods and practicality.thanks for all your advice guys.

And sleeping beauty good luck with your guy of interest.
dhennie_jo  4 | 31  
6 Feb 2010 /  #50
how to treat a polish guy

hmmmm... let him know all about you and how the way we live there, be sweet and be a good listener coz i found most of polish wants to have someone to listen to them.

I have this guy and I even dont know what he really feels for me.

Me and my husband... before when were still chattig and dont meet yet in personal that time... even he likes me already he still dont want to rush things. like what your guy did... he also did it to me (calls, gifts, introduced me in his family and also want me to come in poland). Im just lucky my aunt invited me in Sweden last year and we finally 1st met the same day I arrived there.

Most of the polish men are loyal and serious in relationship. I think he is serious with you.
sleeping_beauty  1 | 25  
6 Feb 2010 /  #51
Thanks for all the info. Well, he's coming here in Hongkong to visit next week & its gonna be our 1st meeting. Im not saying because of me, just happen he chose here to spend his holidays. Also, where on our way to visit my family in Philippines. Im really nervous, Im really not sure how to get along with him and his friends.
dhennie_jo  4 | 31  
6 Feb 2010 /  #52

its always like that in 1st meeting... u feel nervous, dont know what to do what to say, how to act in front of him, will u hug or kiss him when u see each other hehehe really funny ^^ but good luck for the both of you
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
6 Feb 2010 /  #54
we are going to Canada for the day and maybe night. we are going to a resturant really high up over looking Niagra Falls.

Sounds great ! Add a hotel room and sexy new lingerie and......any man would be happy.
Thats all you need to do.

Valentines day is mostly for girls. Dont be surprised if he doesnt feel the same way about it.

You dont want to embarass him by showering him with gifts.

Whatever you do - do not buy him a bracelet or flowers.
OP LAGirl  9 | 496  
8 Feb 2010 /  #55
yeah well we plan to do that no he isnt big on valentines day but it would be our first, and now quit frankly we been having problems I am not sure weather to put with him and stay with him.
clerynka  - | 45  
9 Feb 2010 /  #56
and now quit frankly we been having problems I am not sure weather to put with him and stay with him.

if you ain't happy, don't be staying!

Go with your instinct.
childwithin  8 | 136  
9 Feb 2010 /  #57
Go with your instinct

what a starnge thing, i can never understand what it means
Prickiewicz  - | 20  
9 Feb 2010 /  #58
The next time he hints at a threesome, tell him you'd like to pick out the third party and mention a guy's name.
clerynka  - | 45  
9 Feb 2010 /  #59
what a starnge thing, i can never understand what it means

what? instinct?
some people don't like what their instinct tells them. I know in relationships this is common, speaking from excpirience. sometimes, your head really does have to rule ;) haha
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
9 Feb 2010 /  #60
I am not sure weather to put with him

Dump him - you've still got 5 days to find a date !

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