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Good looking Polish women with ugly men

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
3 Dec 2010 /  #241

misspelling my fault
3 Dec 2010 /  #242

Btw why did Greeks often like to depict male-male intimate situations on vases? I always wonder how it fits your theory about Balkan power... ;D
southern  73 | 7059  
3 Dec 2010 /  #243
why did Greeks often like to depict male-male intimate situations on vases

Because Greeks considered male-male relationship as of much higher intellectual quality than the ordinary male-female relationship and that male-male love was much more pure and deeper.So Alkiviades for example was the most popular lover for women and lover of men.
3 Dec 2010 /  #244
Because Greeks considered male-male relationship as of much higher intellectual quality than the ordinary male-female relationship and that male-male love was much more pure and deeper.

wow, I see here new macho quality... ;D


or Alkibiades?
southern  73 | 7059  
3 Dec 2010 /  #245
or Alkibiades?

Yes,very famous marshalll and lover.He even seduced the wife of the king of Sparta who called her son Alkiviades among her friends.He also seduced hundreds of Athenian and Persian high society women won all battles but had a horrible death because Athens,Sparta and Persian Empire were betrayed by him in a row and wanted his head.

I see here new macho quality

The Greeks believed in fact that each man needs at least three women.One for the housework,one for sex and one for intellectual conversations.The latter who offered sex and intellectual conversations were called etairas and some of them achieved great deal of power and became protectors and sponsors of poets,painters and other artists.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
3 Dec 2010 /  #246
Yet in real life how many people have this?

Well I'm better endowed that's for sure so I don't give a sh1te about my lack of a six pack or whatever.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
3 Dec 2010 /  #247
The Greeks believed in fact that each man needs at least three women

Smart people ;)
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
3 Dec 2010 /  #248
Yet in real life how many people have this?

I think they proved with even the earliest sculptures that sizes and proportions were extremely exaggerated. Which is why they made such a valuable contribution to art, because they demonstrated the first projections of how man ideolised the male form but in fact reflected quite impossible physiological dimensions.

Smart people ;)

And each man three hearts...?
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
3 Dec 2010 /  #249
Artistic license. Propaganda too... In later times such embellished statues served to project to the world an outsized image of their physical dominance and military might.
southern  73 | 7059  
3 Dec 2010 /  #250
Ancient Greeks believed in harmony.They never built sth too big like Pyramids or anything disproportionate.They had human as measure of everything.Asian folks built huge monuments to express the power of the king and their Gods.

Asian mentality crashed greek one in the battles of Marathon and Salamina where the greek ideal of individuality and liberty defeated the asian despotism and saved Europe.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
3 Dec 2010 /  #251
the greek ideal of individuality and liberty defeated the asian despotism and saved Europe.

We're presently fighting a similar fight over here now. It wasn't looking too good the past couple years but recently pure American ideals are taking the fight to despot Obama and he's been knocked off his throne.

Asian folks built huge monuments to express the power of the king and their Gods.

We do have Mt. Rushmore, but we don't worship it... And Poland now has the giant Jesus...

Propaganda too... In later times such embellished statues served to project to the world an outsized image of their physical dominance

Heck, maybe not just in later times. Maybe in earlier times too... Those big heads in places like Easter Island may have served as an intimidating warning to potential approaching enemies...
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
3 Dec 2010 /  #252
Ancient Greeks believed in harmony..

This is probably the most sensible thing you've said. I'm impressed! ;)
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
3 Dec 2010 /  #253
That was deep and insightful
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
4 Dec 2010 /  #254
I suspect Southern's lady friend made this posting when he forgot to log out. There's no way this came from the same Southern who usually makes all those ultra sexist and shallow remarks. So who are we talking to today??

Here's are some typical Southern posts - you tell me if he even understands what the message above really means?

I will leave you fuckk each other minds and concentrate on slavic legs.What a beauty.When these legs appear who pays any attention to the western nose?

Categories of Polish girls
I would divide them into:
1.Village girls
2.Sponsored girls

What do you think?

There also the girls who don't shave their legs.

There also the girls who don't shave their legs.

Stu  12 | 515  
4 Dec 2010 /  #255
The Greeks believed in fact that each man needs at least three women.

Not to mention a couple of young boys ... :-S

They had human as measure of everything

Even with regard to young boys ... :-S.

Bloody paedophiles!

Even the idea behind it is abhorrant: "Athenian pederasty entailed a formal bond between an adult man and an adolescent boy outside his immediate family, consisting of loving and often sexual relations. As an erotic and educational custom it was initially employed by the upper class as a means of teaching the young and conveying to them important cultural values, such as bravery and restraint."

Very human indeed.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
4 Dec 2010 /  #256
Even with regard to young boys ... :-S.

Bloody paedophiles!

.. seems like limey knows his way in those woods too :- \
southern  73 | 7059  
4 Dec 2010 /  #257
This is probably the most sensible thing you've said. I'm impressed! ;)

I didn't know you are interested in ancient Greek culture.I feel both Greek and Balkan blood streaming in me so sometimes I am the one and sometimes the other.For sure there is sth from our ancient forefathers.
Stu  12 | 515  
4 Dec 2010 /  #258
I wonder when you are which ... :-S
southern  73 | 7059  
4 Dec 2010 /  #259
I don't know.They are both deep.Unfortunately my ancestors come from regions of Greece where people were slaves( to the Spartans and Macedonians) so no pureness here.Anyway I can understand much of ancient Greek language many words have still remained the same.The language of Evangelia is completely comprehensible.

Sometimes when these historians write is like describing modern Greeks some character traits have remained the same.We just moved more towards gypsiness and barbarosity it is the heavy influence of the Turk.
4 Dec 2010 /  #260
I don't know.They are both deep

multiple personality?

We just moved more towards gypsiness and barbarosity it is the heavy influence of the Turk.

who would thought that a Greek can say this...
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 Dec 2010 /  #261
Men with shaved heads, scars on their faces, no necks, and with about as much conversational skills as a potato.

Says who ? An English guy with his butt wider than his chest and rotten teeth, who think that showing his naked ass on Saturday evning is cool ? Maybe Polish men are not the most handsome in the world but English are the last one, who should comment on It.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
4 Dec 2010 /  #262
and rotten teeth,

I still don,t understand where this teeth thing came from....We English have lots of faults...but i don,t think bad teeth is one of them...?
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
4 Dec 2010 /  #263
who think that showing his naked ass on Saturday evning is cool ?

Yeah man, that is grounds to get your ass kicked in most countries. I like to get drunk too but stripping off my pants with other dudes?? No sir.
jonni  16 | 2475  
4 Dec 2010 /  #264
Says who ? An English guy with his butt wider than his chest and rotten teeth, who think that showing his naked ass on Saturday evning is cool ?

You've been hanging around the wrong bars.

Maybe Polish men are not the most handsome in the world

Some are.

but English are the last one, who should comment on It.

There are more Poles in the UK than in Krakow, so perhaps we are the first who should comment.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
4 Dec 2010 /  #265
An English guy with his butt wider than his chest and rotten teeth,

Surely this must be a Turkish person....?
southern  73 | 7059  
4 Dec 2010 /  #266
I still don,t understand where this teeth thing came from

Lots of English lose their front teethes during drunk fights.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
4 Dec 2010 /  #267
I still don,t understand where this teeth thing came from

The States and possibly specifically California.

Nothing wrong with English or British teeth relatively speaking but to make it in "the entertainment business" many US wannabes will think nothing of fixing anything and everything that needs to be fixed - boobs, noses, teeth - whatever. The English (and most other people) don't bother and tend to stand out like a sore thumb in Hollywood.

Somewhat of a culture of braces in the states too.

Then Austin Powers didn't help either.
convex  20 | 3928  
4 Dec 2010 /  #268
stand out like a sore thumb in Hollywood.

Sure, Brits stand out like a sore thumb over there...and win Oscars left and right...
Teffle  22 | 1318  
4 Dec 2010 /  #269
Surely there is a moral there?

Don't fix up your teeth, exaggerate the accent and pomposity (thus ensuring a role as an international uber-terrorist, or at least some sort of creepy callous, but suave individual) and you're laughing, Oscar wise?
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
4 Dec 2010 /  #270
Most likely they "win" Oscars because Lib Hollywood wants to show the world how much they embrace fellow Lib foreigners.

Oscars are no longer "won" per se, nor are they earned; Oscars anymore are bestowed for social reasons.
Libs ruin everything with their politics.

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