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Good looking Polish women with ugly men

KrissyM1983  1 | 2  
1 Dec 2010 /  #1
I have travelled to Poland many times, and have been to many parts of the country. One thing that has always struck me as rather odd there is the abundance of beautifully attractive Polish young women in relationships with, let's be honest, quite horrifying men. Men with shaved heads, scars on their faces, no necks, and with about as much conversational skills as a potato.

I don't mean to be rude. I really don't. I just want to know why this is the case.

Thank you for your time.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Dec 2010 /  #2
Good looking women with ugly men

There's quite a few of them in every country, but hey beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what's ugly to you could be beautiful or at least interesting enough to date for others.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
1 Dec 2010 /  #3
One thing that has always struck me as rather odd there is the abundance of beautifully attractive Polish young women in relationships with, let's be honest, quite horrifying men.

opposites attract... :)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
1 Dec 2010 /  #4
This is a Polish phenomenon for sure. While the women are dolling themselves up, the men are shouting 'we want to be, Smiths crisps, we want to be.....'
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
1 Dec 2010 /  #5
One thing that has always struck me as rather odd there is the abundance of beautifully attractive Polish young women in relationships with, let's be honest, quite horrifying men. Men with shaved heads, scars on their faces, no necks.

Seanus  15 | 19668  
1 Dec 2010 /  #6
I wouldn't be so sure about that ;)
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Dec 2010 /  #7
This is a Polish phenomenon for sure. While the women are dolling themselves up, the men are shouting 'we want to be, Smiths crisps, we want to be.....'

hmm interesting, a man can look like a slob and still get hot girls, if that could pass in America Bally Total Fitness would go bankrupt
Seanus  15 | 19668  
1 Dec 2010 /  #8
Some girls just prefer those meathead types. They feel more secure and they trust in their partners to always be able to put good food on the table. Oh, and buy those expensive cosmetics.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Dec 2010 /  #9
Yes,this happens in Poland.They get the worst looking men.But in CR it is the same.Gorgeous models with underwhelming men.And in Ukraine the same again.So I guess it is a slavic thing.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
1 Dec 2010 /  #10
Underwhelming, is that a Bushism? It should be a word, really.

There are plenty decent-looking guys around, it's just a matter of proportion and subjectivity. The women have to take what's on offer or be forced to live a harder life carved out on their own.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
1 Dec 2010 /  #11
a man can look like a slob and still get hot girls,

a lot of men run a mile from hot girls. confidence will get the girl.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
1 Dec 2010 /  #12
Well said, that seems to be how it works here.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Dec 2010 /  #13
And in Greece I have noticed guys bald and with big noses next to statosteque models.So sh1t happens everywhere.But here you notice the opposite too.Very good looking guys with women like pantofles as we call here the ugly women.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
1 Dec 2010 /  #14
Jesus what's so bad about bald?

It's baldism, pure and simple!
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Dec 2010 /  #15
How can a baldie stand up next to a long haired revolutionist?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Dec 2010 /  #16

Coalition of the Willing
Teffle  22 | 1318  
1 Dec 2010 /  #17
How can a baldie stand up next to a long haired revolutionist?

Bruce Willis? Patrick Stewart? Vin Diesel? Jason Staham?

No shortage of female admirers for these guys.

Oh yeah, forgot to add: teffle : )
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
1 Dec 2010 /  #18
what's so bad about bald?

it means i need an extra warm, woolly hat in winter.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Dec 2010 /  #19
a lot of men run a mile from hot girls. confidence will get the girl.

not confidence alone, he has to be at least moderately acceptable in physical appearance also
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
1 Dec 2010 /  #20
i suppose there is a height/weight ratio that women look for too.
CRACOVIA1906  - | 25  
1 Dec 2010 /  #21
nowadays, the meterosexual type is popular ...:/
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
1 Dec 2010 /  #22
This phenomenon seems to be the world over but it does seem more prevalent in Poland. I personally knew a beautiful Polish girl who was with a hideous Polish guy. Maybe it's just because their are more good looking women than there are good looking men? Let's face it, this is true everywhere. On top of this, many guys are just jerks. Frankly, I don't know why women put up with most men. Lol...
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
1 Dec 2010 /  #23
nowadays, the meterosexual type is popular amongst women.

metrosexual simply put, means well groomed. don't we all want someone who takes care of themselves.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Dec 2010 /  #24
meterosexual type

meterosexual : A person (typically male) who takes pride in his appearance, dresses impeccably, goes for facials, expensive hair cuts and things of that nature. They are often assumed to be gay. That's whats in demand? Not a "juice head" ?

CRACOVIA1906  - | 25  
1 Dec 2010 /  #25
metrosexual simply put, means well groomed. don't we all want someone who takes care of themselves.

Of course let's all put lipstick on our lips and gel on our hair! After that shave our legs And look like a bunch of gays !
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
1 Dec 2010 /  #26
Any man that gets a manicure needs to just go all the way and start humping men.
1 Dec 2010 /  #27
Men with shaved heads, scars on their faces, no necks, and with about as much conversational skills as a potato.

Those girls are also potatos. We call them blachary or tipsiary ;)
CRACOVIA1906  - | 25  
1 Dec 2010 /  #28
let's be honest, quite horrifying men. Men with shaved heads, scars on their faces, no necks, and with about as much conversational skills as a potato.

You must be pretty brave to talk to all of them. Otherwise how would you know what they're conversational skills are like...
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
1 Dec 2010 /  #29
Any man that gets a manicure needs to just go all the way and start humping men.

or maybe take his pick of the women.
Marek11111  9 | 808  
1 Dec 2010 /  #30
Good looking women with ugly men

It is the size of a wallet that counts

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