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All the good Polish men for dating are taken?

16 Jul 2010 /  #61
Along with getting drunk and taking drugs to take their mind away from their everyday life.

Guess what country is best known of drugs and binge drinking?
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
16 Jul 2010 /  #62
why is it all good men are taken and by tht i mean polish men

I'm still single, but I suppose it's a case of "define good", lol
16 Jul 2010 /  #63
Oh I'm also single! How old are you? ;)))
f stop  24 | 2493  
16 Jul 2010 /  #64
Guess what country is best known of drugs and binge drinking?

I would be disappointed if it was not USA!
16 Jul 2010 /  #65
So be disapointed, its not USA.
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
16 Jul 2010 /  #66
lol What I posted is true.

Yeah, yeah, lol.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
16 Jul 2010 /  #67
Guess what country is best known of drugs and binge drinking?

Pray tell? If you are referring to the UK, we may be known as "binge" drinkers, but never alcoholics unlike certain other nations (rather go out and get a bit tipsy at the weekend than have bottle of vodka in my bottom draw at work!)..As for drugs, maybe the US they have the highest use per capita than any other country - alledgely! Maybe you've never heard of khat which most men chew in places like Arabia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, the Congo, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa...take a step outside your back yard and you will see that Britain is quite tame in comparison to certain other nations with regards to drug taking and alcohol consumption...We like a good time..we work hard and play hard..nowt wrong with that!

I would be disappointed if it was not USA!

I feel like a Gene, I just granted your wish!

So be disapointed, its not USA.

Oooohhh...Wrong me thinks!

I'm still single, but I suppose it's a case of "define good", lol

Depends on ones preferences and standards how one can define "good"...
16 Jul 2010 /  #68
Britain is the binge drinking capital of the world. Followed by chavs jumping from every allyway, what a sad nation it has become. What a claim to fame binge drinkers and chavs all in the same decade.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
16 Jul 2010 /  #69
Britain is the binge drinking capital of the world.

P...L...EEEEZZZZ..So its all Brits that are getting drunk at weekend?

Followed by chavs jumping from every allyway

Yeah, they're just waiting for some unsuspecting person to walk past! Damn them chavs..by the way most chavs are sat in parks with a bottle of cider..not allways..you might want to re-think your post :D

What a claim to fame binge drinkers and chavs all in the same decade.

God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and Glorious,
Long to reign over us;
God save the Queen!

O Lord our God arise,
Scatter her enemies
And make them fall;
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix,
Oh, save us all!

Thy choicest gifts in store
On her be pleased to pour;
Long may she reign;
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen!

Not in this land alone,
But be God's mercies known,
From shore to shore!
Lord make the nations see,
That men should brothers be,
And form one family,
The wide world over

From every latent foe,
From the assassins blow,
God save the Queen!
O'er her thine arm extend,
For Britain's sake defend,
Our mother, prince, and friend,
God save the Queen!

In love's endearments fond,
In wedlock's holy bond,
Blest be our Queen.
In her blest progeny,
We future Monarchs see,
Of England bold and free,
God save the Queen!

Lord let wars' tempest cease;
Fold the whole world in peace
Under thy wings.
Make all the nations one;
All hearts beneath the sun;
Till Thou shalt reign alone;
Great King of Kings.

*So proud to be English! - just reaching for a glass of Erdinger, but our Royal family are German after all*
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
16 Jul 2010 /  #70
Britain is the binge drinking capital of the world. Followed by chavs jumping from every allyway, what a sad nation it has become. What a claim to fame binge drinkers and chavs all in the same decade.

Britons may binge drink, but when I get on an early morning bus/train/tram over here, it doesn't stink of alcohol - unlike buses/trains/trams in Poland!

Over here, it's rare to see people lying around in public places, too drunk to move, at any time of day - unlike (yes, you guessed it) in Poland. :p
16 Jul 2010 /  #71
I have written "best known for" not "highest consumption rank"... but still as I've seen some surveys you are in the one of the toppest ranks of drug consumption in Europe (just next to Netherlands). Yep we have such bad sterotype in Poland on Brits - binge drinkers (your hospitals have big problems with injuries, etc. caused by binge drinkers) and drug users (I mean mostly party drugs). Just the same way you have stereotype of Poles being bunch of alcoholics and losers. Funny, isnt it? ;]]]

We like a good time..we work hard and play hard..nowt wrong with that!

Well I just was brought up on british movie Human Traffic which openly encourage to take drugs...

take a step outside your back yard and you will see that Britain is quite tame in comparison to certain other nations with regards to drug taking and alcohol consumption...

Sorry its not. UK its the E land (or it was, now its "legal high" land i guess). And the most funny is that you all see nothing wrong in that almost officially...

Britons may binge drink, but when I get on an early morning bus/train/tram over here, it doesn't stink of alcohol - unlike buses/trains/trams in Poland!

because you dont allow alcoholics and homeless to get into bus??

Over here, it's rare to see people lying around in public places, too drunk to move, at any time of day - unlike (yes, you guessed it) in Poland. :p

I think it might be that your "margines społeczny" sits in homes because they have good benefits...

Well of course I know that on Poland we have lots of margines społeczny but still its abuse to say that Polish men are alcoholics in general.
moneymad  3 | 29  
16 Jul 2010 /  #72
UK has the highest teen preg rate though.

Poland is without its share of serious issues.

high divorce rates, alcohol issues, corruption and the list goes on.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
16 Jul 2010 /  #73
because you dont allow alcoholics and homeless to get into bus??

No, because going to work drunk isn't really that common over here.

I think it might be that your "margines społeczny" sits in homes because they have good benefits...

Well of course I know that on Poland we have lots of margines społeczny but still its abuse to say that Polish men are alcoholics in general.

True, but everyone knows how much Poles like to drink. No-one is saying that ALL Poles have a drink problem, but you have to admit that Poland has a big problem with alcoholism/heavy drinking. Me? Well, I'm of Polish origin, born and brought up in the UK, yet I probably drink less in a year than the average "real Pole" drinks in a week. That probably makes me a pedał in the eyes of a typical hard-drinking Pole!

Poland is without its share of serious issues.

alcohol issues, corruption and the list goes on.

If you think Poland has no problems with alcohol or corruption, you must have been in a coma for the last 50 years!
16 Jul 2010 /  #74
Over here, it's rare to see people lying around in public places, too drunk to move, at any time of day - unlike (yes, you guessed it) in Poland. :p

Oh that is because the uk has a legal obligation to remove drunks and vagrants,even using the emergency services to do this. In Poland they just leave them.
16 Jul 2010 /  #75
high divorce rates,

I heard that in Poland marriage 1 on 3 ends divorce...

No, because going to work drunk isn't really that common over here.

well if one would go drank to work would be fired in Poland (of course if boss get to know that).
Zapewniam cię, że w Polsce jest wielu normalnych ludzi nie nadużywających alkoholu, a ty mówisz o bezrobotnym marginesie społecznym.

I probably drink less in a year than the average "real Pole" drinks in a week.

in a week? u r sick.

If you think Poland has no problems with alcohol or corruption, you must have been in a coma for the last 50 years!

It has some own problems like every country has its owne inner problems. But I dont like ppl who spreads the exaggerated myths/autostereotypes. I'm sorry u have so low opinion about ur grandfather fellow countrymen.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
16 Jul 2010 /  #76
Oh I'm also single! How old are you? ;)))

Probably too old for you, lol
16 Jul 2010 /  #77
on what basis you say that? things i've written?
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
16 Jul 2010 /  #78
Zapewniam cię, że w Polsce jest wielu normalnych ludzi nie nadużywających alkoholu, a ty mówisz o bezrobotnym marginesie społecznym.

Not just the unemployed or the underclass. I remember sitting near Warszawa Centralna once, and a group of men sat down and continued to knock back the beers. Then they picked up their bags/tools, and off to work they went. It was obvious from their conversation that they were on their way to work.

in a week? u r sick.

Why should I have to drink a lot? Because I'm Polish? Because I'm British? Sorry, but I simply don't enjoy alcohol enough to get drunk all the time.

But I dont like ppl who spreads the exaggerated myths/autostereotypes. I'm sorry u have so low opinion about ur grandfather fellow countrymen.

Like every stereotype, there is some truth in it. I'm proud of my origins, thank you very much!

But considering the opinion which many "real" Poles have towards those of us who weren't actually born in Poland, my opinion probably ought to be much lower!
16 Jul 2010 /  #79
by the way most chavs are sat in parks with a bottle of cider..not allways..you might want to re-think your post :D

What planet are you on. Most chavs are either being brought to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped out, or running riot in the street. Think before you post.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
16 Jul 2010 /  #80
What planet are you on. Most chavs are either being brought to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped out. Think before you post.

People don't have their stomachs pumped out for drinking too much alcohol. Think before you post.
16 Jul 2010 /  #81
Why should I have to drink a lot? Because I'm Polish? Because I'm British? Sorry, but I simply don't enjoy alcohol enough to get drunk all the time.

No u r sick because u think that we Poles in Poland are bunch of alcoholics... smutne, że cię tak urobili w UK, że patrzysz z góry na swoich (podobno) rodaków...

Like every stereotype, there is some truth in it. I'm proud of my origins, thank you very much!

Agree with that statement... just like you brits dont go to work drunk but on coke (its always better... u can work harder and more efficiently)

But considering the opinion which many "real" Poles have towards those of us who weren't actually born in Poland, my opinion probably ought to be much lower!

Wow! I'm soooo sorry that 2 months ago unintentionally I offended you by omitting you in my polish spis! Wow, and u still feel so bitter about it! Yeah, u are definetely polish, never laid back, never forgiving...

People don't have their stomachs pumped out for drinking too much alcohol. Think before you post.

Did you heard about "zatrucie"? You have to go fast to hospital or vomit before all alcohol will be absorbed from your digest system...

Think before you post something. ;P
moneymad  3 | 29  
16 Jul 2010 /  #82
I heard that in Poland marriage 1 on 3 ends divorce...

They, poles, get married around early 20's.

So a high divorce rate is to be expected. Foolish really.

Marriage is nowhere near my expected aims within the next decade, and I'm 24.
16 Jul 2010 /  #83
They, poles, get married around early 20's.

Noo. what ur source??

49% of women go in marriage in the age of 25-30, 37% in the age of 30-35
48% for men aged 25-30, 34% for men aged 30-35

So u are obviousely wrong
jablko  - | 104  
16 Jul 2010 /  #84
They, poles, get married around early 20's.

Where did you get that info from. Im 24 and neither me nor any of my friends are married
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
16 Jul 2010 /  #85
Poles being bunch of alcoholics and losers. Funny, isnt it? ;]]]

I'll deal with this quote first:

No it isn't, anyone who suffers with substance abuse isn't a cause to be laughed at - rather the oposite.

Well I just was brought up on british movie Human Traffic which openly encourage to take drugs...

Human Traffic was tame, I did that 3 times a week :D *back in the day*

Sorry its not. UK

No its not! America is!

because you dont allow alcoholics and homeless to get into bus??

Of course we do, but it would seem there are less in the UK.

You made this personal...I didn't...my mate comes from a small area in Poland and has told me some stories about drunks..I personally have never encountered such behaviour in my own area...

We have people that go into the cities and get too drunk at weekend..In Poland you have people in small rural areas that drink all day ever day and make a nusance of themsevles...Our villages are respectable....put your own house in order before casting stones on mine!
16 Jul 2010 /  #86
Where did you get that info from. Im 24 and neither me nor any of my friends are married

Im also 24. Some are just getting to marry or just married ;)

Some one put bollox based on his own observations and myth has spread...
moneymad  3 | 29  
16 Jul 2010 /  #87
So u are obviousely wrong

Not really.

Most poles I met were engaged in that age bracket. Also according to a few online sources too.

High divorce rate follows.

I'm 24 and the idea of marriage is insane for my age bracket.

Life has barely started.

No chains just yet lol
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
16 Jul 2010 /  #88
It just depends on the couple. A lot of couples from the more traditional parts of Poland are engaged quite young...around 24. Move to the cities and its higher.

But like I said, its up to the couple when they want to marry :)
16 Jul 2010 /  #89
Amathyst have u been ever on your own person in Poland? Btw Amathyst whats ur connection with Poland. U post here a lot but I dont know yet who u r and what do u do here?

In Poland you have people in small rural areas that drink all day ever day and make a nusance of themsevles...Our villages are respectable

do u know what is "wieś popegeerowska"?
16 Jul 2010 /  #90
People don't have their stomachs pumped out for drinking too much alcohol. Think before you post.

Grow up. I am talking about other substances these people take. Smart arse, when you are on the receiving end of these people you would not be so smart.

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