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"going to dinner with my sis..." - approaching a Polish girl, help needed

OP Officemaster  
8 Nov 2014 /  #31
What immaturity have u seen in me to make such conclusion?

Szenk, jrep u guys are haters. I ask for friendly advice on a girl I liked. all u r capable of saying is to watch me burn or crash whatsoever or blame me for her not fancying me.
Szenk88HTAFC  2 | 47  
8 Nov 2014 /  #32
I think your severe autism is clouding your vision here. I'm not a hater, I'm married, if I was going to envy anyone it would be someone who is single and not attempting to get into a relationship.

So if you are not to blame for her not fancying you then who is? Are the stars not aligned correctly for her to find you irresistible? Have your tarot cards not been read correctly?

Rule of thumb I tend to go by, if I refer to any of my techniques in pulling a lass as "shock therapy", then I concede that she might just not be into me. But then again I also use the phrase "give her wine and she's all mine".
gumishu  15 | 6228  
8 Nov 2014 /  #33
Officemaster don't worry about people discouraging you - if you think you can still have a chance be persistent
Sparks11  - | 333  
8 Nov 2014 /  #34
I don't think anyone is discouraging him, rather encouraging him to man up and talk to her/ask her out again instead of posting 1000 questions on a forum.
johnny reb  49 | 8058  
9 Nov 2014 /  #35
Also wondering how office affairs are perceived in poland?

So your goal here is to have an 'affair' with a fellow worker ? (Red flag)

What immaturity have u seen in me to make such conclusion?

Wanting to have an affair with a woman you don't know and your self pity party to start.

I ask for friendly advice on a girl I liked

And you got advice and you are still whining like there is some magic answer.
Start thinking with your big head instead of your little one.
We have no idea why she rejects you.
Maybe she sees that you just want to have an affair with her.
Maybe you are not quite as good looking as you think you are.
Maybe she sees your lack self confidence
Maybe you don't make enough money to meet her whims
Maybe she is a lesbian
Maybe you have bad breath
How are we suppost to know what she is thinking.

all u r capable of saying is to watch me burn or crash

Crash and burn from what ? You haven't even made it to first base yet.
So why blame us. (Red flag)

blame me for her not fancying me

(More pity) (Another Red flag)
If it is not your fault it must be hers cause it sure ain't mine.
Let's gather some facts here so we can help you.
How old are you ?
Have you ever had a girlfriend before ?
Do you have your own place or do you live with your parents ?
Do you own your own car ?
How tall are you and how tall is she ?
How much do you weigh ?
Are you bald ?
Is she marreid ?
Does she have children ?
Much more information is needed for us to help you get her nickers off.
Have you thought of asking a fellow female worker that you trust to innocently ask this nymph what she thinks of you.
This thread should have been named Dear Abby.
f stop  24 | 2493  
9 Nov 2014 /  #36
So often we think of things to say after the opportunity has passed. You could have said, after she told you she's having dinner with her sister (which most probably was true), "let me know if you'd like to go another time", and she could have said "maybe another time". The chances are, both of you could not come up with a follow up, worried you might sound too forward.

That said, let her sweat. Now she knows you like her, so you have to wait for a sign from her, like long leading look or something.
10 Nov 2014 /  #37
Start ignoring her and flirting with other girls in the office. If she has any attraction for you she will fight for your attention in no time.

In the meantime you should be always dating other girls. Do not put all of your eggs in one basket.
OP Officemaster  
10 Nov 2014 /  #38
Scandi thx. Thats what I meant by shock therapy previously but there are some retarded people in this forum who can not figure it out.

Scandi I only have my doubt whether that would work with a polish girl. Its more or less universal but just wanted to make sure.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Nov 2014 /  #39
Thats what I meant by shock therapy previously but there are some retarded people in this forum who can not figure it out.

your shock therapy may well backfire straight into your face - she may get an impression that you are a womaniser and then you may get crossed out forever in her book

just a warning

Do not put all of your eggs in one basket.

this strategy is not good in a romantic relationship - perhaps only when you are looking for quick sex
OP Officemaster  
10 Nov 2014 /  #40
Gumishu indeed thats what I am afraid of. How would that be perceived by a polish girl in general?

I meant the shock therapy part
gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Nov 2014 /  #41
Gumishu indeed thats what I am afraid of. How would that be perceived by a polish girl in general?

I am not really an expert on women even on Polish ones - but I would presume that a girl with a self respect (and if she works in an office environment in England she must be more than your average Polish girl) would not think very highly of a man who cannot invest his feelings and efforts in one person at a time - as someone mentioned here before you may have to be more persistent - one evening out may not be enough of a signal for her ( I believe you are not just after sex even though you may not have crystalised feelings about the girl)
10 Nov 2014 /  #42
It is not a magic trick. It works with most girls no matter if they are from Poland, Siberia or Manhattan providing that they are attracted to you in the first place. If the lady of your dreams is not than nothing will help your case.

Your problem is that you give too much attention to this particular girl. It can only hurt your chances as women desire men that they cannot easily get (you get more attention once you are married/ in relationship).

With me I only ask out girl once. I do not chase 'maybe' girls. 9 out of 10 they are waste of time.
Good luck
Sparks11  - | 333  
10 Nov 2014 /  #43
Scandi's advice is actually solid. It's all about "mate value" No one wants to date someone who has to beg. People want to date "up" someone who they think might be on a higher level, meaning physical attractiveness, wealth, popularity, etc.
jon357  72 | 23516  
10 Nov 2014 /  #44
It's all about "mate value" No one wants to date someone who has to beg. People want to date "up" someone who they think might be on a higher level

Very true - the 'dating ladder'.

It does make him seem a very needy person though.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Nov 2014 /  #45
People want to date "up" someone who they think might be on a higher level, meaning physical attractiveness, wealth, popularity, etc.

some poeple are after love or a serious relationship actually and not dating
1172ftj  6 | 17  
10 Nov 2014 /  #46
In my honest opinion I see no harm asking her out again.

As mentioned, if you get turned down or she will be busy that is when you could tell her she can let you know when she is free.

If you talk to other girls it will make you look like a womanizer. If you really want her then try and go for her. Trying to make her jealous by talking to other girls is dumb and will back fire.

Just try again but just be friendly and ask how her weekend was or something like that. :)

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