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Goal: Meet a nice Polish girl!

Stu  12 | 515  
21 May 2011 /  #31
With this you are saying that everyone who is not involved in these circles you mention, is a trollop. How nice of you. Talking about generalisations ... :S. Only people with a severely limited intelligence level use generalisations, cause otherwise the world is too difficult for them to understand.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 May 2011 /  #32
The second goal? To get away from her ASAP ;)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 May 2011 /  #33
No, all I'm saying that if your interested in biking you'd be better off at a Hell's Angels meet-up than a bird-watchers' society meeting, and a heavy metal fan would probably feel more comfortable at a Nergal concert than at the philharmonic. Do you believe there is a larger percentage of traditonal family value advocates hanging around clubs and pubs than in movements devoted to such values? Maybe you're just quarrelsome. So be it. You've got every right to be if you want.
OP The Minuteman  1 | 3  
21 May 2011 /  #34
To be clear: I wasn't suggest that I am a "middle aged rich American who is searching for a 20-something Polish bombshell" but that the replies to my post have turned me into that.
jonnes  - | 1  
19 Oct 2011 /  #35
i need one girl in lublin , lubelskie any one can help me
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Oct 2011 /  #36
What do you need her for?
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Oct 2011 /  #37
The usual things cooking,bedding etc.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Oct 2011 /  #38
Bed sheets and duvets? ;)
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Oct 2011 /  #39
Maybe he is a bigos lover.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Oct 2011 /  #40
Or just kebab ;)
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Oct 2011 /  #41
Polki like only kielbasa.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Oct 2011 /  #42
Don't be so sure
carrie65  2 | 40  
21 Oct 2011 /  #43
JustysiaS: It's not a flea market

Listen to what this lady says, she's talking a lot of common sense!!
You can't just randomly decide that a particular race of women will make good wives! Sure there are some lovely and very moral Polish girls, but the same goes for any race of women! When some one decides that they are sick of their own race of women, they have to look at themselves too!

Just what are you expecting from a woman!!!
Love just happens irrelevant of race!
I always fancied adrien Brody but I've ended up with a blonde 'Rasputin' look a like, but I wouldn't swap him!
Open your mind and you might get a nice surprise!
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
21 Oct 2011 /  #44
Goal: Meet a nice Polish girl!

First you'll have to come up with a better nick, the minuteman? Seriously?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
21 Oct 2011 /  #45
no offence to OP, but I though that Mail Order Bride days were over for many reasons.


On the serious note. If you find Polish women attractive, find one who is already in the US, there are thousands of them.

Good luck.
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Oct 2011 /  #46
First you'll have to come up with a better nick, the minuteman? Seriously?

Maybe he refers to his member.
AlexTheGreat  - | 12  
21 Oct 2011 /  #47
why does it have to come down to that person being foreign, Polish or whatever else?

It's because Polish girls tend to be easy. It's an east European thing. I grew up in Brooklyn and the Polish/Russian girls would easily put out for us Italian/Jewish guys.

Only because hot women are 20 times more common here than in the USA.

Hahaha great joke.
Ironside  50 | 13034  
21 Oct 2011 /  #48
I grew up in Brooklyn and the Polish/Russian girls would easily put out for us Italian/Jewish guys.

its that were you got your STD from?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
22 Oct 2011 /  #49
I grew up in Brooklyn and the Polish/Russian girls would easily put out for us Italian/Jewish guys.

I don't blame them, there is nothing hotter then the Jewish - Italian guys;)
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
22 Oct 2011 /  #50

How many more of these pathetic posts are we going to get from people?

Seriously what the **** is this? We're not a site that gives you advice on dating and meeting women.

I'm not usually this rude but seriously, dude has got such a high opinion of himself, saying he's above average in looks and well off. Not only that but he has an American accent! He thinks all this gives him an advantage over others. It might, if you want a shallow gold digger who is easily impressed. A girl with class and self respect won't want you, no matter how rich you are, how American you sound and how good looking you think you might be. If she doesn't feel the spark, that chemistry, that thing we call love, you aint getting anywhere. Of course in Warszawa there are a lot of gold diggers so you might find some girls.

You did some research. What is wrong with you? This isn't a product where you find out where you have the best chance and making at profiting on a situation, look at your qualities and the way to market them, then bam, go for it! Why tell us this crap anyway? We don't care are your desperate attemps to find a girlfriend. Just go search and get on with it. As someone said, there are many Polish girls in the USA so why not just stay and look among the American Polonia and you might find a nice girl. Unless of course the problem is that they are not as easily impressed with an American accent and money over there, because it's normal.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
22 Oct 2011 /  #51
I’m sure it was unintended but his mick is just wrong on so many levels, besides the obvious sexual connotation to it (speedy), Minuteman in US is a citizens' vigilance operation monitoring immigration. You know; the John Wayne type who arms himself to the teeth and volunteers his time on the border to keep the foreign elements out of his society yet here he is looking to bring some in.

It's because Polish girls tend to be easy. It's an east European thing

Fantasy of many Yanks lurking around forums hoping to get some, any luck yet? In NY everyone is a sex expert, so is Dr.Ruth supposedly. Do tell, when was the last time either you or her got laid? Using your own hand don’t really count. Talk is cheap you know. You need therapy, perhaps you two can get together and finally have that experience.

Both you and Speedy there should take a minute (no pun intended) to think. Boasting is a sign of desperation and your desperation is great indeed, willing to cross the ocean and all, just to get some. LOL
4 Mar 2012 /  #52
hi am from saudi arabia am planining to to com to polind this sumer and i need some one withe me in my jerny how speak english as aguieder froom poland thanks
Nanna  1 | 14  
9 Mar 2012 /  #53
Why not try to meet a Polish girl that already lives in the USA. At lest she will understand the American way of life better than the one who has never been here. And, she will have both, the European and Western mentality. Check the forums, maybe she is lurking somewhere around here ;)
13 Jul 2013 /  #54

I am read your message and I am polish girl. I am 24years, nice, sleam 50kg, height 170cm, blue eyes. Actually I am singiel beacouse I am stoping with my partner at litle time ego. I can seand to you my photos with my body and face.

We can taking at Skype real my nick ostar0
Write to my e-mail wojewodzkamagda0@gmail

I am waiting for your contact

4 eigner  2 | 816  
13 Jul 2013 /  #55
I smell nonsense ;-)
Apok  1 | 3  
13 Jul 2013 /  #56
You know, actually im a portuguese guy, brown, fit and i think im not that bad looking heheh. But im going to live for a while in Poland alone, and its not easy. You think i might have a chance of meeting some nice girls there?I ask this, because, altough ive traveled a lot, ive never been in Poland before. I dont know what to expect. And im not from one of the "rich" countries heheh
Ryz  - | 43  
14 Jul 2013 /  #57
You think i might have a chance of meeting some nice girls there?

Word of advice, assuming you're really a teacher keep your head low, try and act professionally and justify whatever money's being spent on you by doing the best job you can. There's nothing wrong with having a bit of fun but if you think anyone is going to look twice at you as soon as you land in Poland then you're up for a big disappointment.

If you think I'm being harsh, I'm not. The earlier you forget all that pseudo-playboy nonsense and macho preconceptions the sooner you'll start enjoying yourself.
Nile  1 | 154  
14 Jul 2013 /  #58
"Bang Poland: How To Make Love With Polish Girls In Poland"by Roosh PF poster.
jon357  72 | 23518  
14 Jul 2013 /  #59
That sounds like very sound advice. Being genuine is always best.
Apok  1 | 3  
15 Jul 2013 /  #60
Im always very professional and i love what i do. And actually im quite a shy guy with girls and not like many other "machos" you can see, when they go abroad. I hate it. I was asking about meeting girls in general and how are they. I dont really care if she is polish, russian, portuguese, american, whatsoever has long has she is nice. I've never been in Poland, so it will be a new experience to me.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / Goal: Meet a nice Polish girl!Archived