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POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable....

Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Apr 2011 /  #121
Are you even aware how extensive the Asian umbrella is? That's the first insincerity! The second is the thread title. My assumption is that many are respectable so why the need for proof? I can see in myself that, when younger and a little looser than now, I enjoyed good times. Whilst only sporadically, I can see that I was hardly disrespecting myself or others. When you travel, your standards change a little and that's how it is for many people.

Better? I'd say different! We all have our plusses and minuses.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
26 Apr 2011 /  #122
Polish men have about as much erotic passion as a wet fish... it's no wonder some of the women are a little *ahem* wayward...
Midas  1 | 571  
26 Apr 2011 /  #123
Polish men have about as much erotic passion as a wet fish. - and You, hailing from bloody Sydney in freaking Australia of all places know all about Polish men, since they literally just rampage up and down the beaches in throngs over there?

Plz, these generalizations are getting crazy.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
26 Apr 2011 /  #124
And...? All I'm saying is that it'd be good to see them in thongs too occasionally... ;)

Plz, these generalizations are getting crazy.


What are you going to do... Stop human nature?

Sex is one of those great things you *can* generalize about... ;)

(Btw... they give us passports you know...) ;)
Midas  1 | 571  
26 Apr 2011 /  #125
And...? All I'm saying is that it'd be good to see them in thongs too occasionally... ;)

Madam, I assume You're a blonde...:

thong - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thong_%28clothing%29

thRong - answers.com/topic/throng

Anways, all I said was You're making an unfounded generalization about males from a country located on the other side of the bloody globe. And while I don't doubt Your expertise in the wet fish department, in case of Polish blokes You've probably met one, two tops and are simply in no position to generalize.

Kinda if I ( met about a dozen of Aussie ladies in my life ) said all Australian women are hookers and ****** because that's one of the things that ppl got deported to Australia for in the past.

(Btw... they give us passports you know...) ;) - so You're saying You made it to Poland and Mr Kowalski of Your choice did not make it past the 5 minute line?

Terribly sorry, but still not right to judge a whole nation of ppl like this.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
26 Apr 2011 /  #126
i feel ashamed that i am Polish cause this is how foreigners see us.

Thats how they are , if someone is stupid enough to judge a whole population on two /three girls
acting badly then they surely need to grow the hell up.

But then again, there are alot of ppl who claim to be adults yet act like 10 year olds all over
the globe.

just ignore the idiots and do what you have to do to make sure your life is heading in the right direction
and dont let the negative nancys with their hairy backs get under your skin.

jozek222  1 | 12  
26 Apr 2011 /  #127
maybe because they are sweet and innocent girls so there is lot ppl be in touch with them ,that why polish ppl (guys) looking to them like they not respectable ,in fact guys just see this view only when foreigners be with polish girls ...weird!! !.

i dont know how many polish guy wish be with american or russian or even lebanese girls ( i just saw this) , any way i think that almost ppl likes polish girls and lot guys dream live with them not because they pretty but imo they sweetest girls then others or if they just rude or not respectable then u will see them walking without partner :)

warm greet for my girl :*
southern  73 | 7059  
26 Apr 2011 /  #128
Polish men have about as much erotic passion as a wet fish.

Did you feel the fish in back?
pawian  226 | 27539  
26 Apr 2011 /  #129
Polish men have about as much erotic passion as a wet fish.

Have you already tried it out? I am sorry.

But you shouldn`t give up. Finally you will find your second half.
southern  73 | 7059  
26 Apr 2011 /  #130
I quoted Ashley mind.
OP khanfrompak  2 | 12  
1 Sep 2011 /  #131
you are missing SENSE here.........
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438  
1 Sep 2011 /  #132
POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable....

Polish girls are none of your business - they are what they are, and if you don't like it, you can **** off!

How about proving that all Paki men aren't insecure, controlling woman-beaters, who need arranged marriages because they can't (ahem) "match up" to other guys, and the threat of stoning for the so-called "crime" of adultery (a crime against insecure men, obviously) is the only way you can keep your women from finding something better? :p
Arrbol  - | 19  
2 Sep 2011 /  #133

My God. What a bore reading this tripe. Where does romance come into any of this Just read some of this rubbish. If I was a woman I'd prefer a wet fish any day.

Now I'll wait for stupid answers.
2 Sep 2011 /  #134
Oh yes. How dare Polish women have sex and enjoy it and not save themeselves for marriage, which is basically WHAT MeN HAVE BEEN DOING FOR CENTURIES. Those silly women need to learn their place, otherwise those poor, shocked, outraged men will call them skanks and whatnot, deservedly so!

Yeah, right. /rolls eyes/
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
2 Sep 2011 /  #135
Perhaps Polish women and especially women from western countries can learn something from China?

call them skanks and whatnot

You might be a candidate for all those "slut walks" taking place in the U.S. and Canada and now, even in some other western countries. The Chinese women in the link above have a different kind of walk.

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