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POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable....

5 Feb 2011 /  #61
I saw yesterday very beautiful polish girls making out with very dirty gypsies... they really have no respect for themselves...
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
5 Feb 2011 /  #62
very dirty gypsies

Would you rather they made out with very clean... who?
noreenb  7 | 548  
5 Feb 2011 /  #63
I saw yesterday very beautiful polish girls making out with very dirty gypsies... they really have no respect for themselves...

Polish girls tend to be sometimes very altruistic. I think they wanted to wash them. It means IMHO that they respect even dirty people. They are just too noble.

PolishNutjob  1 | 74  
6 Feb 2011 /  #64
I saw yesterday very beautiful polish girls making out with very dirty gypsies... they really have no respect for themselves...
Reply Quo

This can be traced back to the rampant Roman Catholicism plaguing Poland. The lack of moral standards and modesty is appalling.

Have you ever been to a Polish wedding reception?
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #65
Have you ever been to a Polish wedding reception?

What happens there?
PolishNutjob  1 | 74  
6 Feb 2011 /  #66
Unspeakable abominations prevail - activities which would embarrass even an experienced, long-suffering gentleman such as yourself, Pan Southern. The wickedness demonstrated by the primarily heathen Polak population has been well documented in yours and others' painstaking research.

I weep for the debased Polki.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #67
I have to attend a polish wedding to test the ground.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
6 Feb 2011 /  #68
They are just too noble.

Its a crap thread!

Women and men mate ... marry ... give children ... and that's about it. It doesn't matter which race ... and race don't decide hygiene and nobility.

I have to attend a polish wedding to test the ground.

And who do you think will invite you?
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #69
Its a crap thread

If you have noticed your beloved races start all those of crap threads and in some cases you have declared it i possible that it was them.

And who do you think will invite you?

My Polki.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
6 Feb 2011 /  #70
your beloved races start

There is no race but one human race ... you and me and the Dr. Congo peasant are of same race. We should all celebrate humanity together :) ... the only difference is personality and realization. You have not realized, thats why you remain away.

My Polki.

There is no such thing. If there is (0.00000000000001% chance) she must be a desparate stupid girl high on drugs. Or just a hooker...
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #71
me and the Dr. Congo peasant are of same race

I don't doubt about that.

she must be a desparate stupid girl

Many Polki are desperate but I show them the right path.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
6 Feb 2011 /  #72
I don't doubt about that.

You are included in it :D ...

Many Polki are desperate but I show them the right path.

yeah yeah sure :D
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #73
Only desperate girls can date third worldlers.I remind them of the dangers and by getting them used and addicted to higher quality balkan level I keep the muslims away.
noreenb  7 | 548  
6 Feb 2011 /  #74
Many Polki are desperate but I show them the right path.

Desperate? With what?
Right path? It's just too general. What does it mean?
Desperate to get a partner? a lover? To get married? To become rich? Or something else?

Lodz The Boat
Women and men mate ... marry ... give children ... and that's about it. It doesn't matter which race ... and race don't decide hygiene and nobility.

It's too easy! Getting married is a problem for many I guess. Finding a proper partner is sometimes difficult.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #75
Desperate? With what?

Desperate with their current economic situation usually.

Desperate to get a partner? a lover? To get married? To become rich? Or something else?

Usually all of them as a package.How to quickly find a good standing husband to be secure.So they taste a variety of boyfriends who they quickly alternate to find the one.
noreenb  7 | 548  
6 Feb 2011 /  #76
Do You really think only money rule the world?
Ok. I am not that naive. Many of my friends look not for a rich husband but for a men who will give them support. Who will tell her when she is worried with her work because she has a problem there, you will be fine, your boss behaved just like a prick. It maybe will never happen again. Be strong.

Women expect somebody who will give a good advice, somebody, who will show her how to earn money if she don't know how to do this, because she failed with it.

I don't think they expect only pure cash.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #77
I don't think they expect only pure cash.

Yes,some expect only pure cash,some want sb who listens to them etc.They told me. They want sb to liczcyc which can take several forms in 50% meaning cash flow during needs.

What I have noticed is that Polki who want cash tend to have a bunch of friends and relatives who are interested in the same activity so you soon get a fame and thus a key to new pleasures discoveries.
noreenb  7 | 548  
6 Feb 2011 /  #78
Yes,some expect only pure cash,some want sb who listens to them etc.

Of course. Like plenty other egoistic and materialistic people form all over the world. Money make life easier. It just depends on what is the most important for you. I'd like to be with a guy, who would show me how to be smart and just a bit alike other people in the awful world where I see mostly rat race and desire for money and success. Not a rich guy. But a guy who knows how to make money and who would like to teach me this.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #79
There are basically two types of polish women according to my theory.The one type goes for marriage and the other for money.Of course marriage can mean big money and this does not mean that the ones desiring money will refuse marriage.The proportions between the two categories are 50%-50%.When I say money I mean that quite q few are available for a contribution of 50-100 euro if you are a good looking guy or an amount enough to pay the rent let's say about 200 euro.The rewards are huge compared to what you get by local women.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
6 Feb 2011 /  #80
There are basically two types of polish women

Yeah... the married ones, and the ones that won't sleep with you!
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
6 Feb 2011 /  #81

You are discussing matrimony and its challenges with Professor Southern? ... Congratulations! :D

But a guy who knows how to make money and who would like to teach me this.

Be with a man who is simple, interested in you ... humble ... EDUCATED ... hard working ... who would treasure you. Have the belief that you are worth treasuring ... and the man who treasures you, respects you ... and WISHES TO BE RESPECTED AND LOVED ... go for him. Regardless whether he is a German, Pole, a Jew, a Gypsy, a Persian, India, Egyptian, American or a Greek (note: I do no recommend southern by this).

Have a treasured life ... and be responsible. Is it really so tough? ... or are we the ones who usually make it look so complicated? ... Think about it, maybe you will find an answer yourself :).
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #82
Also smartness plays a very important role with Polkii because Poles have a high IQ.So a smart obcokrajowiec is in upper hand position.When I say smart I mean axademic intelligence not street or social intelligence.It is enough to be academically smart.
noreenb  7 | 548  
6 Feb 2011 /  #83
There are basically two types of polish women according to my theory.The one type goes for marriage and the other for money.

What is the purpose of having theory about types of women?
I will catagorise men into
1). smart
2). silly
I did it, so, the question is: what for?
My answer is: because I wanted to show you that it has not a big sense.

£odz the Boat
Is it really so tough? ... or are we the ones who usually make it look so complicated? ... Think about it, maybe you will find an answer yourself :).

Yes it is. Men often don't understand women and women don't often understand men although we speak the same language. This is both fascinating and frustrating.

£odz the Boat
You are discussing matrimony and its challenges with Professor Southern? ...
Congratulations! :D

Do you want to discuss it with me? Oh, +thank you.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #84
What is the purpose of having theory about types of women?

It is practical.

Men often don't understand women

I am sure about that.I guess part of it comes from the ridiculous excuses women find to justify their actions.If any man had told the same he would be beaten or slapped at no time unless he were a gay.
noreenb  7 | 548  
6 Feb 2011 /  #85
It is practical.

I don't agree with you. Theory fails in real life. Maybe you have a brilliant a smart theories about women. Life will show you every women is different and thinking is far far away from experiencing life.

You are very smart. In theory. No one knows if you are as wise in real life.
I learned one thing and I am a bit older than you. Theories help to be in a safe world... of illusions.
Everybody is different. That's the reason I like people.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #86
every women is different and thinking is far far away from experiencing life.

Yes,Polki never cease to amaze me.I never managed to describe Polki accurately there is always something missing which I cannot describe.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
6 Feb 2011 /  #87
If any man had told the same he would be beaten or slapped at no time unless he were a gay.

Why you think that the regular consequences that follows your existence will follow the existence of other men aswell?

Yes it is.

No it isnt.

Men often don't understand women and women don't often understand men

I think the first step should be to understand yourself ... only then try and understand someone else.

You know my marriage had faced "social, cultural, distance, language, racial, religious" barriers. She is a Korean and I am a Pole! But we gave each other a chance. Talked "openly" without "hiding and playing tricks or testing each other".

Just being who we are ... and eventually trying to adjust! Having patience, and not saying "I cannot wait" ... for anything to make possible, even between two Poles, you need patience.

The matter of keeping things for the right time arises. You need to realize that you need to be in love, but have intimacy after you marry. This makes alot of difference.

At the end of the day ... you must not scare the other person with your silence and doubts. If you think the other person is not right, discuss it with him. If you think he is too party but you also want him to be the perfectly honest man in your life ... you are the one who don't understand yourself, not him!
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #88
Basically an advantage with foreign women is that they never fully understand what you say.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
6 Feb 2011 /  #89
Yes it is. Men often don't understand women and women don't often understand men although we speak the same language. This is both fascinating and frustrating.

If some women came in men's bodies, there'd be no need for them at all!
noreenb  7 | 548  
6 Feb 2011 /  #90
I never managed to describe Polki accurately there is always something missing which I cannot describe.

Do you really want to describe them? You will always be missing something. Just because people often change. Not only Polki.

Lodz the Boat.
Good that you've found The Person with whom you are happy. Not everybody are so lucky.

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