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POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable....

A J  4 | 1075  
14 Jan 2011 /  #31
We are just not dignifying it with answers...

Which shows you have self-respect *and* class..


I don't need to prove anybody who I am. I know it and the nearest people for me know it as well.

Really that's all you need to know, so nevermind these guys who are projecting their own insecurity on women like yourself.

we respect them and they like it...

Do you really?

POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable....

Then why are you telling them to wake up? Why are you telling them to prove themselves to be respectable when all they need is your respect? What do you think? That your idea of respectable behaviour is the only idea which should be respected? Are they not good enough for you the way they are already? (Think!) I mean, some girls want to get married, and some girls really don't. (Same goes for guys!) My point is that you should learn to respect them all the same.

still_wisher  7 | 97  
14 Jan 2011 /  #32
wake up and prove you are respectable....

why it sounds that Polish girls are only "respectable" when they go for Pakis !? are you for real ?
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
14 Jan 2011 /  #33
some girls want to get married, and some girls really don't. (Same goes for guys!)

Sure, till girls reach certain ages, they are children, but, they all want to marry.
This may not be true for guys as outside life easier for guys. We know houseless guys sleeping under the bridges, etc. They are not working? Sure, they are working, for alcoholic companies, for tobacco companies, etc, as consumers..
Crow  154 | 9556  
14 Jan 2011 /  #34
POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable....

yes. Every Polish girl should give four children to Poland. Minimum
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
14 Jan 2011 /  #35
Lets not put our noses into their preferences of girls first.
Let them chose the number of children they want.
Lets be men first. This is the minimum.
Crow  154 | 9556  
14 Jan 2011 /  #36
Lets be men first. This is the minimum.

with that, i agree

Lets not put our noses into their preferences of girls first.

why not put? Man should take part in creation of preference to his wife

Every Polish man should say to his girl/wife: `i am hard working man and i doing all possible for the good of family. So, i would give you seed for many nice children, for the good of family clan and for the good of Mother Poland. Let`s breed and let`s create big family. Come... spread your legs`
A J  4 | 1075  
14 Jan 2011 /  #37
Sure, till girls reach certain ages, they are children, but, they all want to marry.

You really couldn't be more wrong, but maybe you should try talking to a couple of women who have been divorced or disappointed a few times? And plenty of girls are attending University these days because they actually prefer a career. Some girls actually like their freedom just as much as guys do. It's 2011, you know? (Not 1950.)

NomadatNet  1 | 457  
14 Jan 2011 /  #38
Listen. Girls are cleaning inside houses. As if this has not been enough to show the guys, they are also working outside which must be cleaned by the guys actually.
14 Jan 2011 /  #39
I think that Polish men should just follow the example of Pakistani men: if a woman from the family is not respectable and so brings shame on the family, the family must kill her in order to protect its honour.
A J  4 | 1075  
14 Jan 2011 /  #40
Listen. Girls are cleaning inside houses.

Not over here, they're not!

paulinska  9 | 86  
14 Jan 2011 /  #41
This thread insults my Intelligence!!
A J  4 | 1075  
14 Jan 2011 /  #42
Not only yours..

southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jan 2011 /  #43
Actually this is the level of intelligence of most pakis.Unbelievable degradation for white people.
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
14 Jan 2011 /  #44
Listen. Girls are cleaning inside houses.

Not over here, they're not!

Maybe, you wash machines, cook meals, etc?
They women had cleaned inside house for many many years. You kept generating dirts outside. As if it has not been enough..
Then, they came out and they are also working like men now.
You better don't work. You can't work with this head.
A J  4 | 1075  
14 Jan 2011 /  #45
Actually this is the level of intelligence of most pakis.

I take it you actually believe these fairytales? I mean, don't we all know it's some racist who's pretending to be someone from Pakistan, trying to convince the more gullible people of how evil everyone from Pakistan is? (My bad!)

Unbelievable degradation for white people.

Why do you care about white people so much? You're Greek. Mediterranean. (Not that *I* care!)

14 Jan 2011 /  #46
This is very low level what is going on in here. First of all does love have to be mixed up with race?? Does it matter what colour hair you have?

The topic starter is talking about respect? I don't see any of that back in here. I just sense racism and hate..

Hope the level of this forum will not stay like this
A J  4 | 1075  
14 Jan 2011 /  #47
You better don't work. You can't work with this head.

I prefer to use my head for thinking, really. Working usually is something I do with my hands.


This is very low level what is going on in here. First of all does love have to be mixed up with race?? Does it matter what colour hair you have?

Yes it is extremely low. No, of course it doesn't have much to do with race, but good luck with trying to tell these dumbasses anything about love. (Or respect!)

The topic starter is talking about respect? I don't see any of that back in here. I just sense racism and hate..

Yeah, funny, isn't it? Me neither. I sense a whole lot of that too! (And I suspect I'm not the only one who does!)

Hope the level of this forum will not stay like this

I guess it all depends on who will stay and who will go.

OP khanfrompak  2 | 12  
14 Jan 2011 /  #48
the discussion was created to ask polish girls about respectable reputation i never know from where these sh.t...ppl came here to make this THREAD racist and so insulting.............i will block all who are found...STUPID LIKE A.J AND SOUTHREN.. ETC
wildrover  98 | 4430  
14 Jan 2011 /  #49
And 90% of the forum members will block you...
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
14 Jan 2011 /  #50
aye,what a bairnchud....attacking someone like AJ who was defending pakistanis...
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
14 Jan 2011 /  #51
the discussion was created to ask polish girls about respectable reputation i never know from where these sh.t...ppl came here to make this THREAD racist and so insulting.............i will block all who are found...STUPID LIKE A.J AND SOUTHREN.. ETC

it is your thead. if you are unhappy with some of the posters and their comments then it is up to you to guide them. however, insulting posters, whoever they are, is not going to help your cause. how can u read your own thread, if u put folks on ignore.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
14 Jan 2011 /  #52
Every Polish girl should give four children to Poland.

Nah, make it three children; one of each sex :)

Let`s breed and let`s create big family. Come... spread your legs`

"Me Tarzan, you Jane"

Some girls actually like their freedom just as much as guys do

Actually, women in western cultures have more freedom than men. Many times corporations have a preference for hiring women (affirmative action). Women have even more freedom in cultural venues as they have almost unlimited choices in fashion, can have drinks purchased for them, etc. As to law, I've previously given MANY examples of judicial favoritism in previous forums.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
14 Jan 2011 /  #53
racist and so insulting

southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jan 2011 /  #54
I take it you actually believe these fairytales? I mean, don't we all know it's some racist who's pretending to be someone from Pakistan,

The opposite.He is really from Pakistan.The problem is that he is so idiotic that his case is extremely badly represented and causes embarassment to those who support the same things.
Midas  1 | 571  
14 Jan 2011 /  #55
"he discussion was created to ask polish girls about respectable reputation i never know from where these sh.t...ppl came here to make this THREAD racist and so insulting.............i will block all who are found...STUPID LIKE A.J AND SOUTHREN.. ETC"

Seriously boy, have a nice big cup of shut the f... up.

I'm with Ian and Steven. The author is highly racist and should be banned.

Unless it's ok for me to write "paki shits" while referring to pakistanis here.
Lenka  5 | 3544  
14 Jan 2011 /  #56
polish girls wake up and reply to all what ppl saying on blogs about u .. they think polish girls are for rent or sale or they are commodity.. try to make the world understand that u are respectable more than them

And we won't change their mind.And why should we?They'll understand it when they'll be slapped in the face for the first time.And I have to admit that there're girls that have "foreigners fetish" and will go with every guy that have weird accent.

some on you have to read these post and reply them with facts that u are not like they think...

And you think they'll believe us?They'll think that's just talking.Every clever guy'll know, that this slanders are not true.
BBman  - | 343  
14 Jan 2011 /  #57
make this THREAD racist and so insulting

Leave this forum. We have enough pakis posting bullshit on here. Try pakistanforums.com, honourkillings.com, etc...
15 Jan 2011 /  #58
we love the foreigners because they give us brown babies so we are different from our friends. We dont care if they are married we just want their babies. We sleep with them on the first meeting after the club and get pregnant. We dont want you Polish men you just drink alcohol and are useless.
A J  4 | 1075  
15 Jan 2011 /  #59
The opposite. He is really from Pakistan.

Did you know that people from Pakistan are perfectly capable of writing English without spelling mistakes and grammatical errors? If it's not too complicated for you, then could you please explain to me why foreigners on Polishforums almost *always* are examples of bad grammar and behavior? (Unless someone is trying to stereotype them on purpose?) Maybe you should also try to keep in mind that most Pakistani guys are actually looking for a Pakistani or Indian girlfriend, due to culture..

Actually, women in western cultures have more freedom than men. Many times corporations have a preference for hiring women (affirmative action). Women have even more freedom in cultural venues as they have almost unlimited choices in fashion, can have drinks purchased for them, etc. As to law, I've previously given MANY examples of judicial favoritism in previous forums.

Nothing wrong with that. (For as long as the men are willing to buy them drinks!) I believe in equality just as much as you do, but maybe I word it differently.

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
5 Feb 2011 /  #60
I don't think the Pakistan guy is proving himself any respectable here.

Polish girls who will behave well, and will think of good for themselves ... will certainly be respectable beyond the need for proof.

I don't really know how this thread fulfills any purpose. I don't know why it is open ...

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