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Polish Girls vs Russian Girls

4 Dec 2006 /  #181
Only not many people like the sound of Welsh..(so not really like Polish after all)

Where do get that information from, or is it just your half arsed uneducated opinion?

Within the BBC news team many are Welsh, and many of those are Welsh speakers- if the accent was so disliked I don’t believe that would be the case.

But I’m not going to bother convincing you because you already betray your ignorance.
Huegel  1 | 296  
4 Dec 2006 /  #182
Thes best thing about Welsh is the way they sometimes use English when there is no direct translation or equivalent. So, you might hear:

Ro'n i wedi bod yn edrych of course ... brilliant. It never fails to catch me off guard either, I always think i imagined it or something! :)

edit: ps i really do actually like the sound of welsh...can't pronounce it myself for shite though!
4 Dec 2006 /  #183
that is out of order russains are made to take pain but to polish women the natural beautys of the world your cruel
5 Dec 2006 /  #184
Where is the moderator, this is a off track as a chat can get..

Back to Welsh, it is today the most widely used of the Celtic Languages and is spoken as a first language by thousands of people. Welsh even pre-dates (the franco-germanic creol) English as a language, by more than 1000 years. Welsh is rhythmic language filled with contrast; soft latterals "ll" & harder fricatives "ch" mix seamlessly to form a language custom made for poetry and song.

I can only assume that poor Amathyst means that as very few people have heard Welsh, very few have had the chance to appreciate it. As stupidwelsh intimates, generalising on the dislike of Welsh is a clearly born of ignorance.

Of course, in our modern democracy, Amathyst has a perfect right to dislike Welsh, but that also carries certain risks. Studies have shown however that people who dislike Welsh are statistically more likely to eat rusty metal, dribble whilst they speak and have problems forming any type of social relationship. The choice is yours.

Getting back to the point; if anyone has more information on Russian and Polish girls, notably where to get them, I would be interested to read. :)
6 Dec 2006 /  #185
if anyone has more information on Russian and Polish girls, notably where to get them, I would be interested

How many do you need Mandrillone, and what do you intend to do with the unfortunate Lass if you get one naive enough to honor you with her attention? I know that the offspring of a Polish-Irish Union is often hard working and creative, and I imagine the offspring of a Polish-Welsh union would be a great singer and and even better coal miner, but give the Polish girls a break and seek out a nice Russian girl, please. Like the British, the Russians are Imperialists and very impressed with themselves- much as you appear to be with your so-called Democracy. Look at your money Sir. Unlike in Poland, the Monarch on your money is still in power, and unlike the U.S. & Poland, the UK does not have a functional Constitution.

The Poles were electing their Kings over a Century before the United States was electing their first President. The stripes in the "stars & Strips" are styled after the Flag of the "Confederation of Bar"-a Polish effort to nullify & impeach a poorly chosen Polish Monarch. I point this out because it appears that you think you are instructing the Poles with your Democracy comment, and that you are not respectful enough of women when you write about where to "get them", as if they are a yummy treats to be acquired by the dozen, and as if their Nations Historical shadow is junior to Britain. Women should be cherished and respected, not coveted or taste tested as when a glutton tastes a third of each chocolate in the box. After watching Borat, methinks you'd do best with a nice woman from Kazakstan.

krysia  23 | 3058  
6 Dec 2006 /  #186
Women should be cherished and respected,

6 Dec 2006 /  #187
Well Jan, thanks for that. You address a few very invalid points, but that is the beauty of chat boards… You also seem very sensitive about the word democracy. My reference to "democracy" was not a thinly veiled attack on Poland. I actually quite like Poland & what’s more I am a talentless political commentator, which means we two could start a club…

Indeed, the sign of a functioning democracy are the (sadly not so) occasional blips that see George-W at the head of the world's most powerful nation and that allows Poland to start its own ruling (KaczyƄski) Dynasty. The UK is not perfect but 'Let he who is without sin cast the 1st stone...'

A constitution is simply a set of laws or statutes which set out rules on how a country is managed or governed and the rights of its citizens. The United Kingdom does indeed have such a set of rules, cast in law and there for all to see. Perhaps you might rethink your theory of "my constitution" beats "your monarchy"?

My point was that Amathyst had a right to dislike the Welsh language, even if it means being wrong. Nothing more...

I likes your coalmining reference, all countries suffer from these, and they are no more true than the idea that 90% of Americans cannot name the country with whom they share a land border to the south, or that Poles are potato munching hypochondriacs. Stereotypes are both funny and bad, but mostly funny. Keep em coming..

Finally, if you decide the woman you are with is not a "yummy treat", then you are probably doing it wrong. Revert to instruction manual for a refresher course. Don't forget, eat the head first and then she'll let you eat the legs..

And I was being a little coy in my last posting, I might have an idea on where to lay my hands on a few yummy treats (Polish and Russian), and you, Sir, sound like you could do with one. Please let me know if you want further information.

Yours, in chat forum only,

6 Dec 2006 /  #188
The comment that a Polish/ Welsh union would produce a child with enhanced singing and coal mining skills made laugh, until I realised that it suggested that the Pole would bring nothing to contribute, or are both Poles and Welsh known for their singing and coal mining abilities?

Actually a lot of Welsh [and other Britons] are anti- monarchy, which is why whenever the Queen turns up [in Wales] about 20% of the crowd are screaming [in Welsh] and throwing eggs in her general direction.

Sorry that I keep going off topic, but really there’s no topic at all, comparing Russian and Polish women like you are comparing to brands of Cola is misogynistic or at the very least treats women as a commodity.
6 Dec 2006 /  #189
Sorry that I keep going off topic, but really there’s no topic at all, comparing Russian and Polish women like you are comparing to brands of Cola is misogynistic or at the very least treats women as a commodity.

It's good to have you here Welsh.
krysia  23 | 3058  
6 Dec 2006 /  #190
Yeah, you're not so stupid after all.
6 Dec 2006 /  #191
I still can't spell 2 properly though, so I think I still qualify as quite stupid
6 Dec 2006 /  #192
Yeah, you're not so stupid after all.

So you thought he was then? LOL. How 'Welshist' is that! :) :)
6 Dec 2006 /  #193
It’s OK, everyone is Welshist, even some of the Welsh.

after the maggot there is the Welsh- we’re used to it after 1600 years
krysia  23 | 3058  
6 Dec 2006 /  #194
You're taking it like a man.
Wer'e only picking on you.
Syrena_04  2 | 88  
6 Dec 2006 /  #195
at the very least treats women as a commodity

hear hear

Don't forget, eat the head first and then she'll let you eat the legs..

Well, I'm not Russian nor Polish but I am a woman, and you can eat my shorts. And I thought _I_ sounded presumptuous when I wrote.
7 Dec 2006 /  #196
I might have an idea on where to lay my hands on a few yummy treats (Polish and Russian), and you, Sir, sound like you could do with one. Please let me know if you want further information

How is it that you came about looking at women as if they were trees in an orchard, and that you have a God given right to pluck fruit from the branches at your leisure? Is this Conquest Concept something that is left over from that "Conquer the World & make it in our image" thing that the British had going on for a few centuries?

Please don't presume that the women that I am interested in are the same women that would allow you to lay your hands upon them. There is a warm hearted woman out there for everyone-even the likes of you! Once again, while in RUSSIA, seek out a school that teaches "special education" students. Perhaps within that student population you'll find a compassionate young woman suited to being your lifelong companion?

You were right to correct my nationality stereotypes-I failed to make clear that I was poking fun at that very tendency, and selected examples meant to avoid insulting people. I see coal mines workers as admirable, hard working people, and did not think anyone would take offense.

Oddly, the woman in my life for these many years has fallen in love with the waiter in Krakow that brought a pair of ducks to our table just over a year ago. If i only listened to her & tried the italian restaurant instead. One thing is certain-when my heart heals in about a decade I think I am going to do my best to become acquainted with the women of Wales. If the other men there are anything like you, the odds of finding a warm hearted woman looking for compatable partner could be remarkable.
krysia  23 | 3058  
7 Dec 2006 /  #197
Oh Jasui, she fell in love with the waiter who brought ducks to the table. What a story. And I'm not laughing, I'm sorry to hear that, but sometimes life takes unexpected turns, and if it was meant to be, you will have her back.
7 Dec 2006 /  #198
Quoting: mandrillone, Post #210
Don't forget, eat the head first and then she'll let you eat the legs..

Well, I'm not Russian nor Polish but I am a woman, and you can eat my shorts. And I thought _I_ sounded presumptuous when I wrote.

Oh you do... & Don't pretend you don't know what I mean you little minx.

And one last thing, rather than giving your shorts away, sell them on ebay! Some people pay a fortune for that sort of thing.


Despite our recent discussions, I fully sympathise. Women can be so cruel; in fact they are like little Dobberman puppy dogs, if you don't show them a firm hand when they are young they'll probably turn around and bite you when they get a little older. Sorry you got bitten old bean....

Your duck story more than makes up for your rather lame continued attacks on British imperialism. (and it's not all negative; just the other day a Congolese colleague bemoaned the fact that they were colonised by the disorganinsed Belgians and not the English!)

But anyway, I think we will have to disagree on the woman thing: you keep talking in the singular as if there is "only one" woman for each of us.. [I shall not mention a "democratic" right to disagree lest I set off another barrage of political theory ramblings] I shall say [however] that I feel these monogamistic tendancies are a relic of our immature western culture. In more worldly and experienced cultures it is quite common to take more than one wife with all of the particularities that brings, i.e. the eldest wife runs the house & the youngest get the 'good lovin'. Who is to say that our occidental way is the right one?

I am not convinced that our enlightened approach always works.... for example, had you taken out a polygamous insurance then the '2 Duck incident' wouldn't have hit you quite so hard..

Once again, yours in chat,
7 Dec 2006 /  #199
Mandrillone Logic: Women are Like dogs, if not beaten they could hurt you. As an insurance against being bitten by a dog, keep two dogs?

Or beat two women so the dog doesn’t chase the cat?

ETA: if you are in love you need only one women, and if you aren’t in love then you probably won’t mind so much if she runs off with the waiter: Logic of Stupid Welsh.
Donkeys Penis  
7 Dec 2006 /  #200
My name is Billy Mango - Yesturday i ate a whole pot of KY jelly. My girlfriend then attatched my testicles to an electrobe and fried them because she had no lubracative aid left for our favourite Sunday night ballyho 'decorating the back passage magnolia'. I am from Wales. All the mines are closed. The Russian language is arse backwards, much like its culture and work ethic, and i like polish girls because five british pounds means a whole lot more to them than any brittish beeatch.

Mandrillone is a hobo, but with wise words. Surely if you buy a family packet of M&M's, you would be extremely disheartened if there were only one colour inside? Variety is the spice of life.
7 Dec 2006 /  #201
Mandrillone is a hobo, but with wise words. Surely if you buy a family packet of M&M's, you would be extremely disheartened if there were only one colour inside? Variety is the spice of life.

At last someone with a bit of sense..... and

...The Russian language is arse backwards, much like its culture and work ethic...

and we can say we knew him before he was poisoned

Mandrillone Logic: Women are Like dogs, if not beaten they could hurt you. As an insurance against being bitten by a dog, keep two dogs?

Stupidwelsh that's sooo sexist (which I hate), you give us Welsh boys a bad name!
7 Dec 2006 /  #202
Those too ignorant to argue intelligently can only curse and mock- it is too often a failure of all of us.
8 Dec 2006 /  #203
i am russian and live in usa. in terms of quality both russian and polish girls lose to swedish women. swedish are more independent and they dont force their men to glorify them. only east europeans have this attitude of "our women are the best". swedish girls like to play sports, while east europeans like to go to a ski slope with a male friend and then test "how much of a gentleman he is" instead of enjoying the activity that they supposedly came for. the problem with swedish girls is that they wouldnt date someone just because he has a nice car or pays them a bucket of empty compliments.
Kaz Rex  
8 Dec 2006 /  #204
you give us Welsh boys a bad name!

Give Welsh boys a bad name? Isn't that like trying to make George Bush sound stupid.?
Comparing Russian women with Polish women is not like comparing Colas at all. Russians are great if you want a good time with no long term committments (Even if you marry them:) ).

Polish women can actually be very loyal, but if you get yourself in a situation where marriage might come up, be sure to get to know her whole family, because although they won't all end up in your bedroom, you can expect to spend lots of time with her family over the decades[/b],[b].

Also, a Polish woman, AFTER marriage, can be very demanding. The more timid they are beforehand is an indication of how demanding they will be afterwards.
8 Dec 2006 /  #205
Well, I'd like to thank you all for you entertaining comments. I shall be in Gdansk this weekend if you see me, do please say hello; I shall be the

1) uneducated,
2) welsh,
3) imperialistic
4) letch,
5) hangin around the duck restaurant
6) looking for the family bag
7) of monochromatic yummy treats
8) plotting how to pick 2 of em,
9) & go straight to the legs without much attention to the head!

Good weekend to you all..

8 Dec 2006 /  #206
I too will be in Grolsch, mostly breathing in and demisting my goggles lest i'm taken advantage of by Olga the local shot putting champion, who's armpit bushes are bigger than my triceps. Mandrillone, can u pick me up a yummy treat in the duty free's? I'll get my mum to clear a space in the garage!
10 Dec 2006 /  #207
Getting back to the previous topic, polish girl are actually better, ive had sex with both.
Ian Beale  
10 Dec 2006 /  #208
Hello. I'm Ian Beale and I have a fake beard. I know very little about Poland or Russia and so can't really judge the women from each of these countries nad don't think it's fair to either. Donkey's Member. What's wrong with a whole bag of M and M's that are the same colour if that's what you like? Isn't the excitement of opening the bag that makes you buy M and M's in the first place?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
10 Dec 2006 /  #209
Are you going to marry Jane.
10 Dec 2006 /  #210
Are you going to marry Jane.

who is Jane?

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