Russian girls are like fire and polish girls like ice.Both make you excited.
Polish Girls vs Russian Girls
Russian girls are like fire and polish girls like ice...
A threesome with a Polish girl and a Russian girl would be pretty steamy then.....
Russians are most populars here in turkey.
Only in Antalya region (as of 2008), these were numbers from different nationalities:
Russia 1.267001 26.38
Germany 1.214378 25.29
Netherlands 275,210 5.73
Ukraine 268,350 5.69
Israel 183,830 3.83
Britain 151,966 3.16
Austria 137,121 2.86
Sweden 129,577 2.70
Poland 124,309 2.59
Belgium 123,727 2.58
(i got it from here:
Interesting that Polish people too are in top 10. However, I dont see them as many. Maybe, they are just coming for short visits unlike others who have their own houses, villas, etc. I dont think Polish women can compete Russian women. Of course, this is a nonsense generalization. Polish women are mostly poors while half of Russians are very riches. Multibillionaire russians like Abramovic have big 7 star hotels in this area. One Russian just built the 2nd most expensive hotel in the world, costed 1.5 billion usd!!! Who will stay there other than Russians women!! You can not come even 10 m close to Russian women there.
Only in Antalya region (as of 2008), these were numbers from different nationalities:
Russia 1.267001 26.38
Germany 1.214378 25.29
Netherlands 275,210 5.73
Ukraine 268,350 5.69
Israel 183,830 3.83
Britain 151,966 3.16
Austria 137,121 2.86
Sweden 129,577 2.70
Poland 124,309 2.59
Belgium 123,727 2.58
(i got it from here:
Interesting that Polish people too are in top 10. However, I dont see them as many. Maybe, they are just coming for short visits unlike others who have their own houses, villas, etc. I dont think Polish women can compete Russian women. Of course, this is a nonsense generalization. Polish women are mostly poors while half of Russians are very riches. Multibillionaire russians like Abramovic have big 7 star hotels in this area. One Russian just built the 2nd most expensive hotel in the world, costed 1.5 billion usd!!! Who will stay there other than Russians women!! You can not come even 10 m close to Russian women there.
skysoulmate 13 | 1250
25 Jan 2010 / #514
Polish Girls vs Russian Girls
Hmm, an interesting thread although I think it’s almost impossible to compare.
Women are …women. Some are kind and elegant, others mean and simple-minded; you’ll find some ladies beautiful while others are simply average. Oh, and some of them happen to be from Poland while others are from Russia, or…
If I may I’d like to ask a different “gender specific” question.
As a young kid in Poland I often saw men kissing women’s hands when being introduced.
Is that tradition still alive? Is it pretty common or rare? Do women like it or feel it’s sexist?
Also, was/is there a similar tradition in Russia? ...any other countries? Wonder where and how the tradition started and why there are so few places where it still exists (France is one I think?).
Hmm, an interesting thread although I think it’s almost impossible to compare.
Women are …women. Some are kind and elegant, others mean and simple-minded; you’ll find some ladies beautiful while others are simply average. Oh, and some of them happen to be from Poland while others are from Russia, or…
If I may I’d like to ask a different “gender specific” question.
As a young kid in Poland I often saw men kissing women’s hands when being introduced.
Is that tradition still alive? Is it pretty common or rare? Do women like it or feel it’s sexist?
Also, was/is there a similar tradition in Russia? ...any other countries? Wonder where and how the tradition started and why there are so few places where it still exists (France is one I think?).
Well . i am going to kiss my Russian lady on her hand.....and every other bit too.....
As a young kid in Poland I often saw men kissing women’s hands when being introduced. Is that tradition still alive? Is it pretty common or rare? Do women like it or feel it’s sexist?
It still happens but rather with older men and in the countryside rather than in cities. Younger men don't do it anymore.I don't know if it's sexist, but I don't like it.
skysoulmate 13 | 1250
26 Jan 2010 / #517
I don't know if it's sexist, but I don't like it.
Why if I may ask? I lived in the Southeast for long time before moving to Hawai'i so I got a habit of opening up the doors for ladies, pulling out the chair in restaurants, etc. and I think the ladies appreciate that. It's not very common in the Northeast or on the West coast but in Hawai'i you can see it quite often.
I sort of like some of the old traditions, think they show our kinder sides even if it's for a few seconds at a time.
I think you're a lady? So why don't you like the old tradition of someone kissing your hand when being introduced (just curious).
Also, I was a kid so I don't remember but what did/do they say when introduced that way? Obviously not Cześć, right?
FACT: Most Western guys tend to date Polish girls cause they can't get a decent-looking Western girl.
FACT: Polish and Eastern European women tend to be better looking than their Western counterparts, though not always classier.
Only problem is the mentality. It's generally difficult to have a connection with a Polish girl, other than a sexual one, because of the mentality. Girls in Poland tend to have this simple "finish school-get married early-go to church-have kids" aim in life and if you're a guy with unique passions/ambitions they are hard to relate to on a deeper level.
Don't know about Russian girls. I assume they are more 'confident' as a people due to their history and culture, and perhaps more complex. I would like to find out.
FACT: Polish and Eastern European women tend to be better looking than their Western counterparts, though not always classier.
Only problem is the mentality. It's generally difficult to have a connection with a Polish girl, other than a sexual one, because of the mentality. Girls in Poland tend to have this simple "finish school-get married early-go to church-have kids" aim in life and if you're a guy with unique passions/ambitions they are hard to relate to on a deeper level.
Don't know about Russian girls. I assume they are more 'confident' as a people due to their history and culture, and perhaps more complex. I would like to find out.
FACT: Most Western guys tend to date Polish girls cause they can't get a decent-looking Western girl.
I'm curious though, where did you get this fact from?
Only problem is the mentality. It's generally difficult to have a connection with a Polish girl, other than a sexual one, because of the mentality. Girls in Poland tend to have this simple "finish school-get married early-go to church-have kids" aim in life and if you're a guy with unique passions/ambitions they are hard to relate to on a deeper level.
I've met enough Polish girls to know that they're ambitious, cunning, horny and always looking for a guy when they're working abroad. (Even some of the married ones!) Good Catholics my ass..
Girls in Poland tend to have this simple "finish school-get married early-go to church-have kids" aim in life and if you're a guy with unique passions/ambitions they are hard to relate to on a deeper level.
Fact, you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Fact, you might want to rethink the people you hang around with. Correction, you're probably in the right crowd as it is.
skysoulmate 13 | 1250
27 Jan 2010 / #521
Only problem is the mentality. It's generally difficult to have a connection with a Polish girl, other than a sexual one, because of the mentality. Girls in Poland tend to have this simple "finish school-get married early-go to church-have kids" aim in life and if you're a guy with unique passions/ambitions they are hard to relate to on a deeper level.
Wow, really?! Stop attempting to connect with Polish women via dating sites or cheap bars. The Polish women I know, including my mother, but also many that I've met in Sweden, Norway and the US are very intelligent, most well educated, interested in outside world, and simply a blast to be around.
A person's perception of the opposite gender is directly proportional to the person's treatment of that said gender.
I agree with Alx.Basically with polish girls is either marriage or money.And sometimes they have these cold calculating eyes which make you freeze.Russian girls seem to me more city girls while polish and Ukrainian girls seem like provincial girls.
Southern, don't you think it's 2010 already, even in Poland? Oh, and there's nothing cold about Polish girls, or Russian girls, or any other girl for that matter.. They have certain expectations, and when you can't live up to theirs, or when you screw up, you'll just have to hope for another chance with someone else.. Oh, and I would hardly call a young lady from Kraków or Warszawa a provincial girl! That's just funny, isn't it?
Do your maths.How much percentage of Russian girls live in big cities and what is the percentage for polish and Ukrainian girls?I mean in cities with over 500 thousand population.
Well, I'm sure it didn't escape your notice that we're a small country? In Holland, we would call 1 to 15.000 people a village, 15.000 to 25.000 people a town, and 25.000 to over 100.000 people a city..
So either I'm a provincial boy myself, or most Polish girls are city girls. Hey, do your maths? It's all relative.
So either I'm a provincial boy myself, or most Polish girls are city girls. Hey, do your maths? It's all relative.
Poland's agricultural population is about 25% while Germany's stands at 3%.Why do you think Poland is so conservative country?Because it is full of provincial people.But anyway,you will not understand the hardcore monger thinking.
Fact, you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.
If you are one of these guys who can't get a decent western girl, then I am sorry to have offended you :). But it is the general opinion of foreigners living in Poland that the girls tend to have very simple aspirations in life (due to cultural and economic factors). Simple girls can be fun to go out with, etc but if you want a proper relationship forget it. OK, there are a few exceptions, especially in warsaw....
the other polically incorrect truth is that having a Polish girl is self-esteem boost for many foreign guys who can't get a girlfriend otherwise...the guys delude themselves and the girls seem unable to see this.
Anyway, to stay on topic, are Russian women the same way? Are they more or less ambitious? more or less relationship material? Anyone with experience in this area?
I was wondering what is the difference between Russian and Polish women? I know they all are beautiful, but in more details - why should I choose to date a Polish girl rather than Russian girl?
I think Russian girls look up to their mothers more (my Russian friend did anyway), and Polish girls look up more into the western ways.
I'm curious though, where did you get this fact from?
OK, was just a bit of provocation ;) But my points still stand.
Simple girls can be fun to go out with, etc but if you want a proper relationship forget it. OK, there are a few exceptions, especially in warsaw....
Certainly, the exceptions wouldn't even notice you, so all you have left is going out with simple girls. But hey, comme on dit, lepszy rydz niż nic :)
Russian girls are much smoother in my opinion and not so afraid to speak theit minds out.
They are also more compatible if you have orthodox culture.(for example more likely to say thank you).But Russians have always been winners so they show some kind of arrogancy sometimes,non existent in Belarus,Ukrainians or Poles who have been defeated to the point to becoming obedient.
They are also more compatible if you have orthodox culture.(for example more likely to say thank you).But Russians have always been winners so they show some kind of arrogancy sometimes,non existent in Belarus,Ukrainians or Poles who have been defeated to the point to becoming obedient.
russian looks like ******, Polish are nice and gorgeous
russian looks like ******, Polish are nice and gorgeous
28 Jan 2010 / #533
there are ugly and beautiful girls in both in any other country.
russian looks like ******, Polish are nice and gorgeous
russian looks like ******, Polish are nice and gorgeous
could you post your picture here just to make sure? :)
By the way, why do Russians look like six asterixes? I checked that's not true... :}
By the way, why do Russians look like six asterixes? I checked that's not true... :}
Can you post a ****** picture Sasha to support your case?
I love this Polish/Russian rivalry. Most entertaining. We all know that all women are Venutian anyway.... it's in that book;)
But Russians have always been winners so they show some kind of arrogancy sometimes,
That would be the ideal combination - Eastern looks with Western/US-style sassy long as they're friendly towards foreigners ;)
Can you post a ****** picture Sasha to support your case?
You bet, Szar!
Here we go
And here's a Russian gal...
Nothing in common.
Oh.... wait... Alicija probably has a point.

Dobranoc, guys. Sasha goes to bed... :)
Dobranoc, guys. Sasha goes to bed... :)
Lol. nice post.
Spokojnoj noèi
Oh, and I would hardly call a young lady from Kraków or Warszawa a provincial girl!
It's actually quite rare to meet a 'young lady' from Kraków or Warsaw, even in Krakow and Warsaw. Warsaw, being the capital, attracts people from all over the country for work opportunities. In Krakow, many girls come from provincial areas of Poland to study.
You don't have to be born in Krakow/Warsaw to ba a Krakow/Warsaw lady you know.